Natalie SchaeferMajors: Journalism and Anthropology (concentration on Native American Studies)

Minor: Political Science

Hometown: Gibsonia, Pennsylvania

Most enhancing experiences: The ability to mix and match classes to make up my Anthropology concentration. The enhancement fund's financial help which enabled me to attend Humboldt State University in Northern California for a semester doing an independent study on the Hoopa Reservation.

About my majors: My majors will hopefully allow me to some day stand up for the rights of indigenous people in our country which often forgets its promises. I love both of my majors and I learn valuable new tools and case studies everyday.

HC impact: The HC has been an important part of my college career at Ä¢¹½tv. Here is where people with similar interests and a passion for the future live and learn together. I have met some of my greatest friends within Whitmyre Hall's walls. The coolest thing about being here are the animated perspectives and conversations that come alive during discussions with your classmates who have many different backgrounds and majors. Whitmyre students all possess a unique, perspective; class discussions with so many interesting people can really light you on fire.

Anthropology Majors

List of Majors