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IMPORTANT: If you have not already secured your match funding through an initial request form and are using this planning form as your request and application, you must have secured funding at your requested percentage of all the artist-related fees prior to submitting this form (daily fee and applicable travel if more than 50 miles one way between artist's residence and host site). PCA/ArtsPath will cover up to 50% of the remaining artist-related fees and nearly all administrative fees. There is a 10% administrative cost applied to the artist fees. Additional costs such as supplies and other activities that directly support the residency may also be matched on a percentage basis as approved by ArtsPath on a case-by-case basis. Please type or print. Do not exceed space allotted. Minimum of 10 pt. type. Host School/Org: District: Host Coordinator: Site Administrator/Principal: Site Address: Host email: Administrator email: Day Phone: Evening phone: Directory Artist: Art Discipline: Artist Phone: 724-887-4167 Artist email: Artist Address: ___________________________ Billing Address: ___________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Per-day fee agreed upon for the artist: _______ (minimum of $200/day required)* Other Teachers/Hosts and Schools/Organizations Involved (if any): __________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ *All fees agreed upon over the minimum are subject to final approval by ArtsPath. Liability The artist and host site assume all liability if they elect to begin the residency prior to the completion of a fully executed agreement between the artist and ArtsPath, through the Research Institute Required Signatures By your signature below, you attest to your complete agreement and support of this application, including financial commitment should the residency be approved. All three signatures are required before the application can be accepted. Host Coordinator/Teacher Date Site Administrator/Principal Date Directory Artist Date A host teacher/coordinator MUST be present at all times when the artist is working with students! The residency budget is created in consultation with ArtsPath, utilizing a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet 1 RESIDENCY GOAL(S) Example: To integrate multicultural themes into the curriculum through students creation of and responses to traditional African vessels, exploring the significance of decorative and functional art and their place in culture throughout time. 2 RESIDENCY OBJECTIVES / OUTCOMES Note: This is HOW you will achieve your goal(s). As appropriate, please use any of the following in formulating your objectives and outcomes. Specific references to the standards/skills being addressed should be made in each area utilized. Well-structured and planned residency projects should have multiple objectives and outcomes. A. Curriculum Connections 1.) PA Core Standards 2.) National Core Arts Standards 3.) Webbs Depth Of Knowledge Levels 4.) Other areas important to your organization or school district B. 21st Century Skills (http://www.p21.org/our-work/p21-framework) C. Other 3 CORE GROUPS Note: Not to exceed approx. thirty students per core group with no more than three core groups. Example: Two sections of eighth grade English students with 25 in each group and one section of seventh grade History students with 29. 4 PLANNING TO DATE Note: Please provide dates you have met for planning. Example: We discussed our ideas initially with the ArtsPath staff and met subsequently with the artist on two occasions (Feb. 1 and March 1). We also had several phone calls. 5 DATES OF RESIDENCY Note: Please give us either the firm dates discussed, or the basic time frame this residency will be actualized. The residency must begin between September 1, 2016, and August 31, 2017. 6 SPACE/SET-UP/TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Note: The host school is responsible for providing a suitable studio/working environment for the artist as well as any necessary supplies to actualize any projects described in this application. Example: The district offers an art room, three potters' wheels, a kiln, sufficient clay and glazes, and a wide variety of tools. 7 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Please include a sequence of events and/or activities. You may list a day-by-day schedule or a more general outline such as describing the beginning, middle, and end of the residency. Note: There must be a minimum of ten days in residence (exclusive of days dedicated to planning and evaluation). However, the days do not have to be sequential but should be completed within a reasonably limited time frame, generally within one month. Example: (DAY 1-2) The artist is introduced to the core group and the facility. The artist will discuss his artwork and provide an ethnic orientation. Parents of core group members will be invited to participate. Etc. 8 OTHER STUDENT GROUPS Example: Other students taught by the eighth grade English teacher will have contact with the artist. Teachers, life-skills, and gifted students will also be invited to interact with the artist in assembly environments. 9 OTHER TEACHER INVOLVEMENT Example: The artist will provide a hands-on workshop, enabling all teachers involved to create their own vessels. The artist will also be meeting, as available, with groups of teachers throughout the school. 10 COMMUNITY/PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT Example: Parents and guardians of core group students will be invited to work collaboratively with the artist and the students for at least one session. 11 PRESENTATIONS/PERFORMANCES/EXHIBITIONS Example: A gallery-style opening will be held on the last day of the residency for all students, teachers, and parents, and will remain on exhibit for one month. 12 MEDIA AND ADVOCACY COVERAGE Note: All materials must acknowledge the Pennsylvania Council of the Arts and ArtsPath. Example: The ArtsPath office will be consulted to discuss press opportunities as well as advocacy with civic leaders and other elected officials. 13 RESIDENCY ARTIST PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY Note: An important component of this program is for others at the host site to witness the creative process of a professional artist with the artist expected to be in residence equivalent to ten or more full work days. Example: When not in a class or presentation, the resident artist will work on pottery she is currently creating for an upcoming exhibit. 14 EVALUATION/FOLLOW-UP Note: Artist, teacher/coordinators, and students will be given evaluation instruments to complete as part of the residency. We encourage artists and coordinators to seek other meaningful ways for evaluation as well as concrete ideas teachers/coordinators may use in the future. Example: The students will keep journals to record their experiences. The Museums evaluation tools will be utilized and the teachers involved will meet with the artist following the residency to discuss future possibilities within lesson plans. 15 LIVELY ARTS EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH TIE-IN Whenever possible, participating teachers and artists are asked to make some level of connection between the residency and one of the events being offered by the Lively Arts at Ģtv. Go to  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/livelyarts" http://www.iup.edu/livelyarts to view the wide variety of offerings that can significantly enrich your residency by being integrated into the residency design. 16 OTHER INFORMATION Is there another information you would like to share with ArtsPath about this project? Something especially unique? Special outreach? Non-traditional partnerships? Special needs populations served?      ArtsPath Residency Application, 2016-17 Page  PAGE 3 Please return completed form to: Ģtv Lively Arts | ArtsPath Ģtv Performing Arts Center, Rm. 202 Indiana, PA 15705-1008 For assistance, contact Jeff Wacker at (724) 357-2787, or at jwacker@iup.edu 3Ffz{|}& ҿұrgWrNChf5CJOJQJhhfCJ h8hf56CJOJQJhf5CJOJQJhK+hf5CJOJQJhhm;CJ OJQJ hm;6h<6OJQJhm;6OJQJhzhm;CJOJQJhahm;6CJ OJQJ$hahm;6B*CJ OJQJphh<6B*CJ OJQJphhbuK6B*CJ OJQJphjhm;UmHnHu3|}  G $$Ifa$l gd}m$a$$a$gdfgdf$a$ ^ & `   " / > B G H I Y d e f h x z Ϳͷ͓ͯͯumem]emeUh E4OJQJhQ<OJQJh iOJQJhB4OJQJhB4CJOJQJhfCJOJQJh iCJOJQJh ihfCJaJ!h8hfB*OJQJ_Hphh_ OJQJhG fOJQJhWshf6>*OJQJhfOJQJhf5OJQJ h}mh}mhf5CJOJQJh'hf56CJOJQJ!G H I h DS~m~~~~~a ,!dh !: %dhgdf : %dhgdf : %dhgdfdh]kd$$IfTl,""04 laT $%2@BRST`|}1cdp89MO9ĵhf5>*OJQJhf5OJQJh hh h5OJQJh hh hOJQJh h5OJQJh ihfCJOJQJaJhf6OJQJh^h^OJQJh^OJQJhKnOJQJhB4OJQJh iOJQJhfOJQJ1Scd9:;?_`do6$ `'$d%d&d'd-D M NOPQa$gd?_ ! ,!  ^ `gd h !dh9:;_`8nopqwxy±±vmbYQBh?_hV4B* OJQJphhV4OJQJhV46OJQJhV45>*OJQJhot5OJQJhV45OJQJh?_OJQJh4OJQJ h>h16B*OJQJph h>h46B*OJQJph h>hV45B*OJQJph h>h15B*OJQJphh_ 5OJQJhfOJQJh hhfCJOJQJaJh hhf5OJQJopqxyz{|}mr^gdw^gdwgd}|gdV4y}Aiº²ªž{paRFhB4B* OJQJphh?_hB4B* OJQJphh?_hfB* OJQJphh4hwOJQJhw5OJQJhhw5H*OJQJhChw6OJQJhhw5OJQJh4OJQJhOJQJhR|AOJQJh}|OJQJh}|5>*OJQJhf5OJQJhV45OJQJhot5OJQJh?_h4B* OJQJphrz{HIQRƽ}ƽ}սu}ƽh<OJQJh?_hfB* OJQJphh`mhf6OJQJhf6OJQJhf5>*OJQJhfOJQJhf5OJQJh?_5OJQJh?_hB4B* OJQJphh?_h4B* OJQJphh?_hwB* OJQJphhwB* OJQJph.I=>?@AB=>BC    a!e!g!!!!!!m"n"p"r"s"u""""x##ƻدƻ؜ƻƜƻƻ؜ƻƳh?_hfB* OJQJphhfh?_hfOJQJhf5>*OJQJhf5OJQJh?_5OJQJh?_h4B* OJQJphh?_htB* OJQJphhf6OJQJ8BW  gdf a!b!c!d!e!!!n"o"p"q"r"s""x#$$$$$$$5%+&##$$$$ $$#$%$4%5%=%>%+&.&/&0&2&[&''C'D'E'b'c''''úÛ~j~\~Mh?_h+B* OJQJphh)hf0J6OJQJ&jxh)hf6OJQJU jh)hf6OJQJUh)hf6OJQJh)hf5OJQJhfOJQJhf5>*OJQJhf5OJQJh?_5OJQJh?_h4B* OJQJphh?_hfB* OJQJphhf6OJQJhf56>*OJQJ+&,&-&.&/&0&[&''''''((((((((((((((()  !%gdf''''(((((((((((((())))))Ʒ{i\iH'h'M0J6CJOJQJmHnHu*h10J6CJOJQJ"jh10J6CJOJQJUh<6CJOJQJh16CJOJQJh2Mjh2MUhfOJQJ"jhG OJQJUmHnHuh?_hfB* OJQJphhf6OJQJhf5OJQJh?_5OJQJh?_h+B* OJQJphh?_h?_B* OJQJph)))))?)))*****˿˥ٝhfOJQJh^^h1OJQJh^^h1CJOJQJaJh^^h15OJQJh^^h156OJQJh2Mh1h16CJOJQJ%jh10J6CJOJQJU* ))))?)b)y))))****$a$gd+  !%gdf <P:p i/ =!8"8#8$8% DpF KVx$d̙T KJFIFddDucky<Adobed       +}   !1q2t6AQ"T7a#uVBRb3Sr45ႃUcs$dH1r4!qR3AaSQ"2#$bc ?C 0) JZ}V(i"]Skڟ]S{DЗcr)ywus1pqOJWGIr߫^E'ބ1M˻w˙{ +|RVU ?HCZ*,T>%X܁ot]c\Ca\SGQE7׵>)Qf/ S{b Uj?B/E9VJ57O }7 bwX3Wz>Q4.)TۮK豹<|¸%+iZУt9Noկj|RuMB_EA;=>)^O~$^s~{Skohz,n@7..f!0) JZ}V(i"]Skڟ]S{DЗcr)ywus1pqOJWGIr߫^E'ބ1M˻w˙{ +|RVU ?HCZ*,T>%X܁ot]c\CnV>mGU&hk$`F~vvU6ENO&U!%k5AmIxU_e,т*"_F_d_[U9GЕ &Ԫ={3j[8lk{=%nf&5n!Nc˸~sE_Gaf)m{alqOJWGIr߫^E'ބ1M˻wV`{ʗEY1!M;)N~Ub;;V(3#Ib+&eRDC,Ea]sTS6̾--VMMn8"JRJ"&fidӊ].[ٲjCmřIKI$=W^/FTv7AgjmoˣTJnBdtq#I-l3U`bEt>rM)!X?ղxڍ*Jbba\SGQE7׵>)Qf/ S{gR/t_,?|ź-?Wq3ڍ*,Kģ"?1Zz<"-a)K[nmhQ) -2uC :Cwf< a\SGQE7׵>)Qf/ S{*U tOI$FyD̝=L:k*޿C8JtCm][SMϚ#ŖD8QԜH$cyIVxDEiӶj|:YIM-XXQg?DZiG..~:K!ѳm0) JZ}V(i"]Skڟ]S{DЗcr)ywusDJQ%$jQ33"/J{?Š5dN1IVM/_hxUL͔wmi$6$ """-"!6"ytʽZ,%qēgMPb3RdKXGμ\hIaԲ1 Uj?B/E9VJ57O }7 bwX~QcU.ԔٍhVA1+T٥pW8kZWG(lF0oGsX s{ӉeJy)Sϸ:ᚖ33QLDY('g$A ?~uBOPُ6Wz>Q4.)TۮK豹<|tn'|ź-7X\]I>4--O G,~:K!ѳm0) JZ}V(i"]Skڟ]S{DЗcr)ywugO "9u[Ϛn!+UKX}h[1Z#Y(׋ >uC :Cwf< a\SGQE7׵>)Qf/ S{gOyѺ,@Es;P#+4caqtC$Vްз˄ctG<39Q|u,Fx A¸%+iZУt9Noկj|RuMB_EA;촧S4Ixg ({lW>xkhu4L39]"Ya|%B&-\ j龙ĩJ=iɥ,mC%'!J5))d)/h+cQ|u,Fx A¸%+iZУt9Noկj|RuMB_EA;Z r[D:K{Iz8uauP֎ٷL6ށPm*"}Im+“IœHds|3*틛Yb[{,5j[pUѠ,tJ#5 G(Я0ȏЏqhř=-x5VS{_2˳-d*p̌ bI1DMa\SGQE7׵>)Qf/ S{b[ҾQ(Տ33"@ Uj?B/E9VJ5]Ѥ6=W]^Ǧ6Y[,"^WQDOr+ΗDt~P:7wyP{CP ߚ4AKAhw C3~hw/ߔ5Dt~P:7wyP{CP ߚ4AKAhw C3~hw/ߔ5Dt~P:7B¸%+iZУt9Noկj|Rp]t2ČbGzvOBvF`),4qfxcES,^Yxn}wړJ#GUԟFt_R4|NP;Ia'J#GUԟFt_R4|NP;Ia'J#GUԟFt_R4|NP;Ia'J#GUԟFt_R4|NP;Ia'J#GUԟFt_R4|NP;Ia'J#GUԟFt_R4|UU A݆G&z1DvתM-';Th5Nyh?1݆Gu>cF6U>? 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