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Please print legibly or type Host School/Org. District Host Coordinator Site Administrator/Principal Address Email Day or cell phone Evening or cell phone Other Teachers/Hosts and Schools/Organizations Involved (if any): _________ Please list the desired artist(s) or ensemble you may list up to four (found in our printed directory or www.arts.iup.edu/artspath/ - additional artists available through other AIE partners) Directory Artist Directory Artist Directory Artist Directory Artist Preferred Residency Dates ________________________________________________________________ Please list your estimated cost of the residency for artist fees plus admin. costs only: ___________________ Funding PCA/ArtsPath will match from 30% up to 50% of the artist and artist-related residency fees provided the residency meets the minimum requirements of 10 days at $200 per day artist fee. Preference will be given to requests of twenty days or more.* Additional costs that directly support the residency may be matched up to 50% as approved by ArtsPath. There is a 10% administrative cost on artist fees only. Please use the guidelines on the back of this request to estimate the cost of the artist fees. Artist Residency Request Signatures By your signature below, you attest to your intent to support this request, including financial commitment once the final residency request is received and approved by ArtsPath. Both signatures are required before this request can be accepted. Host Coordinator/Teacher Date Site Administrator/Principal Date *All fees agreed upon over the minimum are subject to final approval by ArtsPath. PCA/ArtsPath Guidelines for Arts-in-Education Residencies Eligible Expenses Only expenses directly related to artist residency programming are eligible for AIE Programming funds and match, including but not limited to artist fees and travel expenses, documentation, evaluation and professional development. Artists who receive PCA AIE funding must be listed in the Directory of Pennsylvania Artists in Education. Individual artists must be paid at a minimum rate of $200 per day for a residency. One day equals a minimum of three hours of on-site activities. Artists are free to negotiate a higher fee. Artists may negotiate fees and services beyond the PCA-funded activities. An administration fee of 10% must be added to the overall cost of the artist fees for the residency. Travel funding will be allowed as part of an AIE Program funding only when the artist lives more than 50 miles from a residency. Travel expenses are limited to: lodging and meals, not to exceed $80 per day; and mileage at the current federal rate, or in lieu of mileage, the cost of public transportation, whichever is less. Funding for visiting artists is eligible as set forth for above. Visiting artists do not have to be listed in the Directory of Pennsylvania Artists in Education. Residency Length and Schedule ArtsPath encourages residency schedules that allow sufficient time for planning, evaluation and assessment design, and substantial engagement in and through the arts for students, teachers, and other as applicable. Match ratios by ArtsPath are up to 30% for residencies of 10-14 days, 40% for 15-19 days, and up to 50% for 20 or more days. Residencies greater than 20 days may be funded over 50% with consultation and permission from the PCA. There is a 10% administrative cost only on artist fees. Please use the following EXAMPLES* as a guide in determining your estimated artist fees. Residency LengthArtsPathHost OrganizationTotal Artist/ Admin. FeesPercentageDollarsPercentageDollars10% Admin. Fee10 DaysUp to 30%$60070%$1,400$200$2,20015 DaysUp to 40%$1,20060%$1,800$300$3,30020 DaysUp to 50%$2,00050%$2,000$400$4,400 *EXAMPLES are based on the ArtsPath minimum of $200 per day artist fee. * PCA/ArtsPath will not fund residencies less than 10 days. Residencies of 10 days or less may be done but without PCA funding. Company Residency There is a ten-day minimum for companies and ensembles, per location and core group. The entire company/ensemble must be present for at least one day. The plan must identify at least one artist who will be present for the entire residency period.     Please return to: Jeff Wacker, Ģtv Performing Arts Center, Room 202, 403 South 11th Street, Indiana, PA 15705-1008 Voice: (724) 357-4565 Fax: (724) 357-7899 Email: jwacker@iup.edu  "/=AEFGHI\| ʼ{m{d{d_RD9hA56OJQJh{hA56OJQJhhACJOJQJ hA6h>6OJQJhhA6CJOJQJhA6OJQJhv[!hACJhdB*CJphh>B*CJphhAB*CJph!hFUFhAB*CJ(OJQJphhAB*CJ(OJQJph!hhe XB*CJOJQJph-jhFUFhe XB*CJ(UmHnHphujhe XUmHnHu/GHI H I  : %dhgdA : %dhgdA$a$$a$gdA$a$gdA $ ^a$gdA  ^gdA  1 C G H I ~ @ `  D E ȽȲȲȩzoaoVaVHhq!hA6CJOJQJhB6CJOJQJh-hA6CJOJQJhA6CJOJQJhAOJQJhACJOJQJh3hACJOJQJh-hA56CJOJQJhLrhACJh>5CJOJQJh{5CJOJQJhA5CJOJQJhhACJh{hA56OJQJhA56OJQJhG56OJQJ  7 E F j gpgh ! ,!^gdAgdAgdA !dhgdA : %dhgdA !: %dhgdAE F gpdAIdgh"$﹫ŹڒzcVLhACJOJQJhShACJOJQJ,jhShACJOJQJUmHnHuhhA5OJQJhhA6OJQJhbhA5OJQJh =hACJOJQJhBhA6>*OJQJh}AhA6OJQJhA6OJQJhvEhA6OJQJhA5OJQJh5}hA6OJQJhAOJQJh5}hACJ#$%2_`asZ[34z{= 7$8$H$gdA $7$8$H$a$gdA $ !a$gdA !gdA ,!$2_`s93=0 ǺLJrdVdhP hA5CJOJQJhP hA56OJQJhP hACJOJQJhAOJQJh}AhAOJQJhWhA56OJQJ^JhAOJQJ^JhP hA6OJQJ^JhP hAOJQJ^JhP hA5OJQJ^JhA5OJQJ^J"h}AhA56CJOJQJ^JhA5CJOJQJ^J=$$Ifa$gdAl  !gdA 7$8$H$gdAgdA _IIIIIII$$Ifa$gdAl kd$$Ifl4\R "'~ = t0644 la&$Ifl kd$$Ifl4֞R  "' t0644 la!&*16=$Ifl =>F($Ifl kdf$$Ifl֞R  "' t0644 laFPW[bgn$Ifl now($Ifl kd $$Ifl֞R  "' t0644 law$Ifl (##gdAkd$$Ifl֞R  "' t0644 la36klmxyz|}ŴŇxtf[fhA5CJOJQJhHuhA5CJOJQJhAhA6CJOJQJhjhUhP hA5OJQJ^JhAOJQJ^JhP hAOJQJ^J hP hACJOJQJ^JaJhP hACJOJQJhA6OJQJhP hA6OJQJhP hA5CJOJQJhP hAOJQJklmwxy{|~ABCD$a$gdA  !%gdA 7$8$H$gdAgdA !gdAABCDhP hACJOJQJhhAhHuhA5CJOJQJhHuhA5CJH*OJQJ<P:pA/ =!8"8#`$% DpF KVx$d̙T KJFIFddDucky<Adobed       +}   !1q2t6AQ"T7a#uVBRb3Sr45ႃUcs$dH1r4!qR3AaSQ"2#$bc ?C 0) JZ}V(i"]Skڟ]S{DЗcr)ywus1pqOJWGIr߫^E'ބ1M˻w˙{ +|RVU ?HCZ*,T>%X܁ot]c\Ca\SGQE7׵>)Qf/ S{b Uj?B/E9VJ57O }7 bwX3Wz>Q4.)TۮK豹<|¸%+iZУt9Noկj|RuMB_EA;=>)^O~$^s~{Skohz,n@7..f!0) JZ}V(i"]Skڟ]S{DЗcr)ywus1pqOJWGIr߫^E'ބ1M˻w˙{ +|RVU ?HCZ*,T>%X܁ot]c\CnV>mGU&hk$`F~vvU6ENO&U!%k5AmIxU_e,т*"_F_d_[U9GЕ &Ԫ={3j[8lk{=%nf&5n!Nc˸~sE_Gaf)m{alqOJWGIr߫^E'ބ1M˻wV`{ʗEY1!M;)N~Ub;;V(3#Ib+&eRDC,Ea]sTS6̾--VMMn8"JRJ"&fidӊ].[ٲjCmřIKI$=W^/FTv7AgjmoˣTJnBdtq#I-l3U`bEt>rM)!X?ղxڍ*Jbba\SGQE7׵>)Qf/ S{gR/t_,?|ź-?Wq3ڍ*,Kģ"?1Zz<"-a)K[nmhQ) -2uC :Cwf< a\SGQE7׵>)Qf/ S{*U tOI$FyD̝=L:k*޿C8JtCm][SMϚ#ŖD8QԜH$cyIVxDEiӶj|:YIM-XXQg?DZiG..~:K!ѳm0) JZ}V(i"]Skڟ]S{DЗcr)ywusDJQ%$jQ33"/J{?Š5dN1IVM/_hxUL͔wmi$6$ """-"!6"ytʽZ,%qēgMPb3RdKXGμ\hIaԲ1 Uj?B/E9VJ57O }7 bwX~QcU.ԔٍhVA1+T٥pW8kZWG(lF0oGsX s{ӉeJy)Sϸ:ᚖ33QLDY('g$A ?~uBOPُ6Wz>Q4.)TۮK豹<|tn'|ź-7X\]I>4--O G,~:K!ѳm0) JZ}V(i"]Skڟ]S{DЗcr)ywugO "9u[Ϛn!+UKX}h[1Z#Y(׋ >uC :Cwf< a\SGQE7׵>)Qf/ S{gOyѺ,@Es;P#+4caqtC$Vްз˄ctG<39Q|u,Fx A¸%+iZУt9Noկj|RuMB_EA;촧S4Ixg ({lW>xkhu4L39]"Ya|%B&-\ j龙ĩJ=iɥ,mC%'!J5))d)/h+cQ|u,Fx A¸%+iZУt9Noկj|RuMB_EA;Z r[D:K{Iz8uauP֎ٷL6ށPm*"}Im+“IœHds|3*틛Yb[{,5j[pUѠ,tJ#5 G(Я0ȏЏqhř=-x5VS{_2˳-d*p̌ bI1DMa\SGQE7׵>)Qf/ S{b[ҾQ(Տ33"@ Uj?B/E9VJ5]Ѥ6=W]^Ǧ6Y[,"^WQDOr+ΗDt~P:7wyP{CP ߚ4AKAhw C3~hw/ߔ5Dt~P:7wyP{CP ߚ4AKAhw C3~hw/ߔ5Dt~P:7B¸%+iZУt9Noկj|Rp]t2ČbGzvOBvF`),4qfxcES,^Yxn}wړJ#GUԟFt_R4|NP;Ia'J#GUԟFt_R4|NP;Ia'J#GUԟFt_R4|NP;Ia'J#GUԟFt_R4|NP;Ia'J#GUԟFt_R4|NP;Ia'J#GUԟFt_R4|UU A݆G&z1DvתM-';Th5Nyh?1݆Gu>cF6U>? 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