Upcoming Alumni Events:
2021 Department Homecoming Gathering
We hope that you are able to attend this year's on Saturday, October 2. The weekend is filled with events, with the annual parade at 10:00 a.m., Crimson Huddle from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and the Ä¢¹½tv vs. Gannon football game at 2:00 p.m.
The offers a fabulous time before the football game to catch up with fellow alumni and with faculty both current and retired, and take a stroll down memory lane. The Huddle also offers, at a minimal cost, a full buffet of your tailgate favorites, an assortment of drinks (nonalcoholic, beer, and wine), great entertainment, and a chance to win Ä¢¹½tv prizes! During the Huddle, the Madia Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, and Engineering will be located at the College of Natural Science and Mathematics' tables. Yes, we will be bringing the department photo album!
Anyone traveling to Indiana on Friday is encouraged and welcome to join members of the faculty, fellow alumni, and our junior and senior students for happy hours at Levity Brewing Co. in Indiana from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. The address is 1380 Wayne Ave, Indiana, PA 15701. Every year our alumni and students enjoy the chance to network and learn more about how the department has grown.
Weyandt Hall has been around for almost 50 years, and everyday we are watching the new science building, the John J. and Char Kopchick Hall, being erected next to the Oak Grove. If you haven't been to Ä¢¹½tv recently, a lot has changed on campus. While some of our classes may be a bit larger than when you were here, we still pride ourselves on being able to work with our students one-on-one in the lab, teaching them the skills and theories they need to successfully enter the workforce or continue on with a graduate program in their chosen field.
The entire department hopes that you can make it back to Ä¢¹½tv this year! Homecoming is an exciting time to reconnect, network, and reminisce. Be sure to RSVP to the . The registration page will also include some additional web links for the 2021 Alumni and Friends Crimson Huddle as well as the Football Ticket Office. Be sure to check out the Chemistry Alumni web page and share your news!
Support the Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics Department
The generous support of our donors provides our students and faculty with the resources to take part in a variety of activities that would otherwise be impossible. Scholarships, special lectures, and support for student and faculty research projects enhance the academic mission of the department and strongly impact the Ä¢¹½tv student experience. This support is a vital component that can have lasting effects on our ability to successfully meet our mission goals. Financial and non-financial support are both actively sought. We welcome internship collaborations and donations of gently used instrumentation. Please take some time and consider making an investment in the department. Donations can be made through the Support the Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics Department website. To ensure your gift is directed to the correct need, please indicate the correct code for directing your funds.
Building Student Internship Opportunities
Do you have internship openings, or are you looking to start an internship program at your company?
A strategic initiative of the department is to collaborate and network with alumni to increase the number and type of regional and national internships. Chemical industry and graduate programs value these types of experiences. We want to make sure that our students standout from the pack; highlighting their capabilities through applied experiences! Our goal is to have an additional 10 dedicated internship positions in the summer of 2022 for our high-achieving students during the summer of their junior-senior year. If you are interested in learning more about building a relationship between your company and Ä¢¹½tv, please contact Justin Fair at 724-357-4477 or jfair@iup.edu.
Changing Faces
Wendy Elcesser and John Ford have retired from the Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics Department. Muhammad Numan has retired from the Physics Department. We wish them well in the future.