Sample production facilities include for thin films and nanoparticles:
- Four-gun high-vacuum sputtering system
- E-beam deposition
- Class 1000 clean room
- Optical lithography capabilities
- A range of furnaces for target production and annealing
- Ellipsometer
- A variety of scales, centrifuges, and sample production microscopes
- Optical microscope equipped with CCD camera for nanomaterials characterization
Physical properties characterization of samples is an essential starting point to understanding the materials produced:
- Lakshore 2T vibrating sample magnetometer
- Two Netsch differential scanning calorimeters (77K to 1,500K)
- Home-built DC SQUID magnetometer
- X-ray diffraction
- A Fourier transform infrared spectrometer
- Deep-level transient spectrometer
- ISI Model ABT-55 electron microscope
- Nanosurf scanning tunneling microscope
- Facilities for Hall-Van der Pauw, resistivity, I-V, and C-V measurements
- Department has recently applied for an NSF grant to obtain a physical properties measurement system
Research support is also provided by an electronics shop, a science machine shop, and the university library.
Computer Facilities
- Student computer laboratory with 15 Internet-connected PCs
- Weyandt Hall is Wi-Fi capable.
- Four SUN workstations (accessible from the computer lab)
- X-terminals
Machine Shop
- Bridgeport series II milling machine with variable speed and a 48-by-9-inch table
- South Bend milling machine 42-by-9-inch table
- Clausing 12-inch swing variable speed lathe with taper attachment. Distance between centers is 36 inches.
- Grizzly 12-inch swing lathe. Distance between centers is 30 inches.
- Powermatic horsepower variable speed drill press model 1150
- Sprunger horsepower drill press with a variable tilting head
- Pexto sheet metal sheer Model 137 with a 36-inch capacity
- Rockwell Delta metal band saw with a 14-inch throat capacity
- Pexto 36-inch sheet metal bending brake, 16 gauge maximum capacity
- Roper Whitney No. 455 combination shear notcher and bender. Up to -inch angle iron capacity.
- Atlas Mandrel Press No. 1 with an 11-inch throat capacity
- Roper Whitney No. 58 foot press sheet metal punch with a five-ton capacity
- Pexto roll bending machine with a capacity of 16 to 18 gauge steel and a length of 36 inches. This machine can also roll solid steel wire in the following diameters: 1/4 inch, 9/32 inch, 5/16 inch, and 3/8 inch.
- Di-Acro 90 degree notcher with a 16-gauge capacity and a maximum notch of 6 inches by 6 inches at 90 degrees.
- Baldor pedestal grinder and buffer
- Airco's oxygen and acetylene welding and cutting outfit
- AC-DC 250 amp arc welder