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History [195 198 are all considered the same class, only one will count for credits] ____HIST 196 Explorations in U.S. History (3) ____HIST 197 Explorations in European History (3) ____HIST 198 Explorations in Global History (3) Literature ____ENGL 121 or FNLG 121: Humanities Literature (3 Philosophy or Religious Studies ____PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy (3) ____PHIL 101 Critical Thinking (3) ____PHIL 122 Contemporary Moral Issues (3) ____PHIL 221 Symbolic Logic (3) ____PHIL 223 Philosophy of Art (3) ____RLST 100 Introduction to Religion (3) ____RLST 110 World Religions (3) ____RLST 250 Understanding the Bible (3) ____RLST 290 Christianity (3)  Fine Arts (3) Credit Hours, Choose One course from the list. ____ARHI 101 Introduction to Art (3) ____DANC 102 Introduction to Dance (3) ____FIAR 101 Introduction to the Arts (3) ____MUHI 101 Introduction to Music (3) ____THTR 101 Introduction to Theatre (3) Natural Science (7 or 8) Credit Hours, Choose an Option. Option I - Two Semester Laboratory Sequence (8) Credit Hours ____Lab_______________________________________ (4) Credit Hours ____Lab_______________________________________ (4) Credit Hours Lab Courses must be taken in sequence Option II - One Laboratory and one Non Laboratory course ____Lab______________________________________ (4) Credit Hours ____Non-Lab__________________________________ (3) Credit Hours Refer to your Undergraduate Catalog for a detailed description of the Natural Science Requirements Health and Wellness [all classes ending in 143 are considered the same class, only one will count for credits] (3) Credit Hours ____ Any course numbered 143 regardless of the prefix (143 course regardless of the prefix will count for credits only once) ____ MLSC 101 & MLSC 102 or MLSC 203 & MLSC 204 or basic training certificate to transfer credit evaluation (Sutton Hall) Non-Western Cultures (3) Credit Hours. Choose one course from the approved list. This requirement may be fulfilled by another Liberal studies course. ____ __________________________________________ (3) Credit Hours Writing Across the Curriculum (6) Credit Hours 2 'W' Courses, At least one must be a Criminology course. ____ CRIM_400 /W/_____________________________ (3) Credit Hours Writing Intensive ____ __________________________________________(3) Credit Hours Writing Intensive Social Sciences (9) Credit Hours You must complete CRIM 101 and choose two other courses from list. No course prefix may be used more than once. ____ANTH 110 Contemporary Anthropology (3)* ____ANTH 211 Cultural Anthropology (3)* ____ANTH 213 World Archaeology (3) ____CRIM 101 Crime and Justice Systems (3) Required of all CRIM majors ____ECON 101 Basic Economics (3) ____ECON 121 Principles of Economics I (3) ____GEOG 101 Introduction to Geography: Human Environment Interaction (3) ____GEOG 102 Geography of U.S. and Canada (3) ____GEOG 103 Cities of the World: Issues in Planning and Development (3)* ____GEOG 104 Geography of Non-Western World (3)* ____JNRL 105 Journalism and the Mass Media (3) ____PLSC 101 World Politics (3)* ____PLSC 111 American Politics (3) ____PSYC 101 General Psychology (3) ____RGPL 103 Cities of the World: Issues in Planning and Development (3)* ____SOC 151 Principles of Sociology (3) ____SOC 231 Contemporary Social Problems (3) * Also fulfills Non-Western Requirement Liberal Studies Electives (6) credits -- Choose two courses from the approved list in your undergraduate catalog. No Criminology courses may be used. No course prefix may be used more than once with the exception of an intermediate-level foreign language prefix, which may be used twice. CANNOT USE MATH 217 SINCE IT IS A MATH REQUIREMENT! ____ __________________________________________ ____ __________________________________________ Criminology Requirements (33) Credit Hours Required ____CRIM 102 Survey of Criminology (3) Note: Prerequisite for 306 and all 400 level courses: CRIM 101, CRIM 102, and completed 60 credits. ____CRIM 306 Research Methods (3) ____CRIM 400 Theoretical Criminology (3) ____CRIM 401 Contemporary Issues (3) ____CRIM 403 Dilemmas in Criminology/Criminal Justice (3) Controlled Electives GROUP A: The Criminal Justice System - Choose 2 (Sophomore year Must have CRIM 101 or CRIM 102) ____CRIM 205 Law Enforcement and the Community (3) ____CRIM 215 Survey of Courts and the CJS (3) ____CRIM 225 Survey of Corrections ____CRIM 235 Survey of Juvenile Justice & Juvenile Law (3) ____CRIM 255 Law, Social Control and Society (3) Controlled Electives GROUP B: Critical Issues in Criminology - Choose 2 (Sophomore/Junior Year) ____CRIM 344 Terrorism (3) ____CRIM 354 White Collar Crime (3) ____CRIM 374 Environmental Crime and Justice (3) ____CRIM 384 Violence and Victimology (3) ____CRIM 394 Crime and Delinquency Prevention (3) Controlled Electives GROUP C: Diversity Issues in Criminology - Choose 2 (Senior Year) ____CRIM 410 Race, Ethnicity, social Structure and Crime (3) ____CRIM 450 Women and Crime (3) ____CRIM 470 Comparative Study of Justice (3) Other Requirements Minor or 2nd Major All Criminology Majors must complete a minor, a concentration, or a 2nd major in order to graduate. (Minors range from 15 to 22 Credit Hours) ____________________________ Criminology Pre-Law (if applicablefulfills minor or concentration requirement) Seven additional courses beyond the Criminology major are required. At least one course from each of the six areas listed is to be taken. One area will require two courses. Business BLAW 235 ACCT 201 ACCT 202 Economics ECON 121 ECON 122 ECON 332 English ENGL 212 ENGL 220 ENGL 265 ENGL310 ENGL 321 History HIST 320 HIST 321 HIST 346 Philosophy PHIL 101 PHIL 110 PHIL 122 PHIL 450 Political Science PLSC 358 PLSC359 PLSC361 A Minimum of 120 Credit Hours must be completed to earn a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminology at Ģtv Note: Courses that are used to fulfill more than one requirement are only counted once towards the 120 credit hours needed.     Department of Criminology - Bachelor of Arts Checklist College of Health and Human Services _________________________________________________________________________ Social Science courses with an asterisk meet Non-Western Culture requirement. PHIL 101 and PHIL 122 meet Philosophy and Pre-Law requirement. ECON 121 meets Social Science and Pre-Law requirement. ECON 122 meets Liberal Studies Elective requirement and Pre-Law requirement. GEOG 103 and RGPL 103 are the same course. Do not take twice! Minor Recommendations: Select a minor that will make you more competitive for the career you desire: Anthropology Applied Statistics Asian Studies Biology Business Administration Chemistry Child Development Communications Media Computer Science Dance or Theater Economics English Foreign Language Geography Geology History Information Assurance Journalism Mathematics Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Religious Studies ROTC Safety Science Sociology Women Studies  EMBED MS_ClipArt_Gallery  ')*+:;Vcrst  $ v ɯ{j{]hc5;CJOJQJ hvhc6B*OJQJphhvhcB*OJQJph hvhc5B*OJQJphhvCJOJQJhcCJOJQJhcOJQJhv6OJQJhc6OJQJhc56OJQJ6hc56OJQJeh fH q r hchc5CJOJQJVv  y? & FYb&#$$d'%d'&d''d'+Dы-D /M N'O'P'Q'gd"<Yb&#$$d'%d'&d''d'+Dы-D /M N'O'P'Q'gd"gdcgdc  ( 4 = C G J M N ܼ頄gMB8hcCJOJQJhc56OJQJ3h?!5OJQJeh fH q r 9h?!h?!5OJQJeh fH q r 6h?!56OJQJeh fH q r 6hc56OJQJeh fH q r hc5CJOJQJh"CJOJQJhc>*CJOJQJhc5>*CJOJQJhcCJOJQJhc5;CJOJQJ ' (  C s C>>>>gdc? & FYb&#$$d'%d'&d''d'+Dы-D /M N'O'P'Q'gd"<Yb&#$$d'%d'&d''d'+Dы-D /M N'O'P'Q'gd"? & FYb&#$$d'%d'&d''d'+Dы-D /M N'O'P'Q'gd"  s t   / R | R T U a ]^prȽȽuk^hphpCJOJQJhxJCJOJQJhpCJOJQJ"jhzXOJQJUmHnHu(jhA}56OJQJUmHnHuh"CJOJQJh`qJh`qJCJOJQJhc56OJQJ6hc56OJQJeh fH q r hcOJQJhcCJOJQJhvCJOJQJ"s t  / R } 5 S T 4]^X  !gdcgdcrswxWX%&  #ҵҵ|mamRahZ`hCJOJQJaJh"CJOJQJaJhZ`hcCJOJQJaJ9h?!h?!5OJQJeh fH q r 6hc56OJQJeh fH q r hzXCJOJQJh&&hcOJQJhzXOJQJhcCJOJQJhc5OJQJhchcOJQJhcOJQJhvOJQJX~7ne   h^hgdcgdc ^`gdc/n(:Fejnovz  1KstҽȠwnfZOhchcOJQJhihRK5OJQJhRKOJQJhc5OJQJhc>*CJOJQJhchc5>*CJOJQJhchc>*CJOJQJhc5>*OJQJhc>*OJQJhc6OJQJhc56OJQJhcCJOJQJ6hc56OJQJeh fH q r hcOJQJh"CJOJQJ"HKfS¯¯ݗ݌wm_Lw¯$h?!hl5B*CJOJQJphh?!hp5CJOJQJhpCJOJQJhxJCJOJQJh Mn5CJOJQJhc5CJOJQJhchc5CJOJQJh MnCJOJQJ$h?!hc5B*CJOJQJphh?!hc5CJOJQJh?!hcCJOJQJhcCJOJQJ0jh Mnh MnCJOJQJUmHnHtHu%S Cg56/$d%d&d'd-DM +NOPQgdc`gdgdxJgdcg56QbY슂f\NChp5CJOJQJhphc5CJOJQJhEXCJOJQJ6hc56OJQJeh fH q r hcOJQJh?!hc5OJQJ$h?!hl5B*CJOJQJphh?!hp5CJOJQJhpCJOJQJhxJCJOJQJ$h?!hc5B*CJOJQJphh?!hc5CJOJQJhcCJOJQJhpCJOJQJ  '()-PXiƻsYOE;E;EOEhpCJOJQJhlCJOJQJh,CJOJQJ3hl5OJQJeh fH q r 3h\)5OJQJeh fH q r 3hc5OJQJeh fH q r hc5OJQJhc5CJOJQJhl5CJOJQJhp5CJOJQJhc hcCJ hcCJhcOJQJhcCJOJQJhphc5OJQJ)PQ(bd|/$d!%d$&d!'d$-D M N!O$P!Q$gdcgdc/$d%d&d'd-DM +NOPQgdc(,bcdz| $37ؾxpeeXh,hpvCJOJQJh,5CJOJQJhpOJQJ3hp5OJQJeh fH q r hchc5CJOJQJhHK5CJOJQJhc5CJOJQJhcOJQJ3hc5OJQJeh fH q r hcCJOJQJhpCJOJQJhlCJOJQJh,CJOJQJ?b1NrKYwgdlgdpgdc7MNR?@YyncnII3hF5OJQJeh fH q r h,5CJOJQJhF5CJOJQJhp5CJOJQJhpOJQJ3hl5OJQJeh fH q r 3hp5OJQJeh fH q r hpCJOJQJhFCJOJQJhcCJOJQJh,hcCJOJQJhpv5CJOJQJhpvCJOJQJ  WYwx  !!!!!9!:!B!ӽܭ~r~cr~cr~r~r~hphpCJOJQJaJhpCJOJQJaJhphcCJOJQJaJhFhc5hchFCJOJQJhcCJOJQJhcOJQJh\)OJQJhFOJQJhFhF5H*OJQJhF5OJQJhc5OJQJ3hc5OJQJeh fH q r # !C!_!!!!!!!!d""gdp6  $d%d &d'd-D M NO PQgdpgdc/$d%d &d'd-D M NO PQgdcB!D!I!L!R!U!^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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