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International Teaching Sichuan University Immersion Program. Chengdu, China. June 27-July 2, 2014. Taught Creative Writing: Postcard Fiction (enrollment: 103). Administrative Experience Deans Associate, College of Humanities and Social Sciences. July 2011-June 2014. Responsible for graduation checkouts and Junior Year Reviews, guiding curriculum through the college committee, advising undecided students, working with alumni relations and development, writing the college newsletter and annual report. Director, Womens Studies. June 2008-June 2012. Responsible for chairing curriculum committee, developing programming, directing the minor program, supervising graduate and undergraduate workers. Interim Director, Womens Studies. Jan. 2005-Aug. 2006. Responsible for chairing curriculum committee, conducting a national search for a permanent director, directing the minor program and developing a major. Served on Womens Leadership Conference Steering Committee (Fall 05) and Six OClock Series Planning Committee. Writing Center Director, UAM. 1999-2000. Responsible for overseeing budget, tutor hiring and training, and maintenance and development of UAMs writing center/computer lab Assistant Coordinator of Composition, UNL. 1997-98. Duties included writing center teaching, Writing Across the Curriculum outreach, course syllabus review, text selection, student portfolio evaluation, coordinating teaching circles and composition colloquium. Courses Taught Ģtv: ENGL 101: College Writing, 121: Humanities Literature (including online sections), 122: Introduction to English Studies, 202: Research Writing, 212: American Literature to 1900, 214: The Novel, 221: Creative Writing (regular and honors sections), 310: Public Speaking, 326: Writing of Fiction (regular and honors sections), 327: Writing of Creative Nonfiction; 335: The Essay, 342: Short Fiction (including online section); 350: Gender and Sexual Orientation Literature, Theory, and Film; 420: Writers Studio, 480: English Honors Seminar, 481: Write Your Novel, LBST 499 Senior Synthesis; WMST 200: Introduction to Womens and Gender Studies (including online section) UAM: Fundamentals of English, Composition I, Composition II, World Literature, African-American Literature (undergraduate/graduate), Childrens Literature (graduate course), Seminar: The Body in Literature (undergraduate/graduate), Honors Colloquium: Narratives of the American West, Independent Study: Postmodern Narrative, Senior Project in Writing (advisor) UNL: Composition I, Composition II, Writing of Fiction ASU: Composition (including one honors section), Research Writing, Creative Nonfiction, assisted in American Literature Survey Single-Author Book (Peer-Reviewed) The Widows Guide to Edible Mushrooms: Stories. Winston-Salem, NC: Press 53. Publication date February 2017. Fiction Publications (Invited) Eden Way. Chapbook. Pittsburgh, PA: Hot Zebra Press, 2012. Selected Fiction Publications (Peer-Reviewed) Wings and Other Things. Forthcoming in Appalachian Nature. Ed. Jessica Cory. Morgantown, WV: WVU Press. Expected publication date 2018. Alone in These Widening Circles, Everything Wants Our Blood, and Skipped Stones. Flyway: A Journal of Writing and Environment. Nov. 2016. And the Roots Smoldered for Days and The Language We Have Left. The Burnside Review 12:1 (2016). Controlled Burn. Souwester. Spring 2016. Impossible Blue. ROAR: A Journal of the Literary Arts by Women. February 2016. St. Theresa of Pierce County, Nebraska and Ossifying. Pretty Owl Poetry. Issue 7, Fall 2015. Ossifying nominated for a Pushcart Prize, St. Theresa nominated for a Best of the Net prize. Scorcher. People Holding. July 31, 2015. The Widows Guide to Edible Mushrooms. Marathon Literary Review. June 2015. She Waits Between Slug and Egg. SmokeLong Quarterly. June 2015. Smoke, Iowa. Elsewhere Lit: A Journal of Literature and Art 3 (2015). High on the Divide. damselfly press 25 (2013). Open Range. Rufous City Review 8 (2012). Gray Dogs. SmokeLong Quarterly 34 (2011). To Catch a Cutthroat and Larkspur. Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine 2:2 (2009). The Man with the Shovel and On Holiday. You Have Time for This (Ooligan Press, 2007) and Best American Flash Fiction of the 21st Century (Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2007). Walk with the Animals. Snake Nation Review 21(2006). The Stroke of Midnight. Seattle Review 26:2 (2004). The House, Settling. River City (Summer 2003). Scrap Moon. Fugue (Summer 2003). The Genius of Apples. Natural Bridge 9 (2003). To Taste. Crab Orchard Review 8:2 (Spring/Summer 2003). Bait. descant 42 (Spring 2003). The Nannies Gather to Study the Stars. Sudden Stories: A Mammoth Anthology of Miniscule Fiction. DuBois, Pennsylvania: Mammoth Books, 2003. This Is History. Green Mountains Review 14:2 (2002). Cited as Special Mention in Pushcart Prize XXVIII: Best of the Small Presses. Ed. Bill Henderson. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2004. Cast Again. South Dakota Review 39:4 (Winter 2001). All the Birds Vanish. Passages North 22:1 (Winter/Spring 2001). Harms Way. Prairie Schooner 74:4 (Winter 2001). Romance. Nebo, Fall 2000. Big Sky Blue. Phoebe 28:2 (Fall 1999). Reprinted in Times of Sorrow, Times of Grace: Writing by Women of the Plains. Omaha, Nebraska: Backwaters Press, 2002. Thirsty. Ascent 22:2 (Winter 1998). Cling. Quarterly West (46). Spring/Summer 1998. "Caramelli Crosses Himself." Lines in the Sand. May/June 1996. Selected Creative Nonfiction Publications (Peer-Reviewed) States of Emergency. Forthcoming in Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction 19:2 (August 2017). The Forest for the Trees. Forthcoming in The Narcissists Playbook Anthology. Eds. S.K. Miner and J.Kathleen Marcus. Danaus Press, an imprint of Nutshell Media. March 2017. A Glittering of Hummingbirds, a Charm. Blue Lyra Review 5.3 (November 2016). Reprinted in The Narcissists Playbook Anthology. Eds. S.K. Miner and J.Kathleen Marcus. Dressing Up for My Dressing Down. Forthcoming in Black & Grey. Hidden in Plain Sight: A Companion Reference to Threats, Real and Imagined, as Configured in Late 20th Century Christian America. Ploughshares. Guest edited by James Woods and Claire Messud. Summer 2016. Pluma Piluma and the Utopian Turtletop. Reprint. Redux: A Literary Journal. June 2016. The Boys Ask Why I Wont Them Get a Dog. Superstition Review 14 (2014). Arsenic, Cadmium, Copper and Zinc. Terrain.org: A Journal of the Built + Natural Environments. Finalist in 2014 Environmental Literature Essay Contest. (November 2014). Boxcar Willie Doesnt Live Here Anymore. Stone Highway Review 4.1 (October 2014). Death of a Thousand Cuts. Lime Hawk Review, Issue 3. (October 2014). Lime Hawk Literary Arts Collective. Anthologized in Parts Unbound: Narratives of Mental Illness. Eds. Ginny Levy and Matt Bohn. Lime Hawk Arts Collective, 2015. Win a Trip to Heaven (Details Inside). Fourth Genre 8.1 (Spring 2006). Because It Fails Us. Connecticut Review 25:2 (Fall 2003). Cited in the Best American Essays 2004 (Houghton Mifflin, 2004). Pluma Piluma and the Utopian Turtletop. CALYX: A Journal of Art and Literature by Women (21:2), Summer 2003. Leaving Eden. Sycamore Review 15 (Winter/Spring 2003). Writing the Bully. The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning. Volume 8 (Winter 2002-03). Undertow. Under the Sun 7:1 (Summer 2002). Selected Poetry Publications (Peer-Reviewed) Late and After. Double Room 8 (Summer 2009). Reprinted in isReads Pittsburgh, The Outdoor Journal (August 2009). Exonerative. Double Room 8 (Summer 2009). Craving. The Ghazal Page: A Journal Devoted to the Ghazal in English. (2008). www.ghazalpage.net/2008/sugar_challenge/raw_sugar.html> Because Star Trek Is Love in Another Language. Crab Orchard Review 7:2 (Spring/Summer 2002). In the Museum of American Clowns. Eclipse 13 (Summer 2002). Even the Prairie. The Heartlands Today: Midwest Sirens and Muses, Volume 8 (Fall 1998). Peer-Reviewed Articles/Reviews and Invited Blog Posts Guest blog. Thanks and Ponies: The Art of Acknowledgment. Superstition Review. Aug. 20, 2016. Book review of Bryn Chancellors When Are You Coming Home?: Stories. Permafrost. Summer 2016. Guest blog. Words with Friends: A Guide to the DIY Writing Retreat. Superstition Review. July 6, 2015. Guest blog. My Favorite Essay to Teach. Assay: A Journal of Nonfiction Studies. May 4, 2015. Guest blog. AWP 2015 Panel Review of Mining the Gap: Trauma and Reimagined Pasts Assay: A Journal on Nonfiction Studies. April 9, 2015. Guest blog. In Memoriam: When Sound and Sense Collide. Queens Ferry Press. March 29, 2015. Comfort Among Strangers: The On-Campus Teaching Demonstration. Associated Writing Programs Job List, September 2001. Evolving Pedagogies: Four Voices on Teacher Change and the Writing Center. The Writing Lab Newsletter 22:10 (June 1998). Co-authored with Dale Jacobs, Heidi Jacobs, and Jennifer Dane. Review of Brady Udalls Letting Loose the Hounds: Stories, Prairie Schooner 73:3 (Fall 1999). Awards and Honors (Competitive) Fort Lyon Writer-in-Residence Fellowship. Las Almas, CO. Oct. 3-28, 2016. Taught writing workshops in a residential community for persons who are homeless and recovering from addictions. Finalist, Orlando Prize in Creative Nonfiction for A Glittering of Hummingbirds, a Charm. A Room of Her Own Foundation. April 2016. Semi-finalist (long list), 2015 Santa Fe Writers Project Awards for nonfiction manuscript States of Emergency. Fellow, Arts Residency in Nonfiction. Artsmith. Orcas Island, WA. Jan. 10-24, 2016. Sabbatical. Ģtv. Awarded for Fall 2015. Awarded Artists Residency. Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. July 2014. Declined. Fellow, Hedgebrook Writers Residency. Whidbey Island, WA. July 23-Aug. 3, 2012. Outstanding Advisor Award, Ģtv English Department Honors Ceremony. April 30, 2011. Full Fellowship for Artists Residency. Vermont Studio Center. Johnson, VT. January 2011. Outstanding Professor Award, Ģtv English Department Honors Ceremony. April 26, 2009. Finalist, Keyhole Press 2008 Fiction Chapbook Contest for manuscript Children, Gamblers, Drunks, and Saints. Finalist, Black Lawrence Press 2008 Fiction Chapbook Contest for manuscript Children, Gamblers, Drunks, and Saints. Sabbatical. Ģtv. Awarded for Spring 2008. Finalist, Flume Press 2006 Fiction Chapbook Contest for manuscript Children, Gamblers, Drunks, and Saints. Cast Again selected for Writing Aloud 2005-06. InterAct Theatre. Philadelphia, PA. Award-winning theater series in which professional actors collaborate with writers to bring short fiction to the stage. Juried. Performed April 10, 2006. Distinguished Faculty Award at Ģtv (Creative Arts Category). 2005. University Senate award, competitive. Heinz Foundation Fellowship, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. Sweetbriar, VA. June 2-22, 2004. The Sandra Brown Short Fiction Award for Bait in descant 42. ($250) Ragdale Foundation Artist Residency. Lake Forest, IL. May 29-June 25, 2003. Writing Fellow, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. ($1200). Sweetbriar, VA. Dec. 27-Jan. 12, 2003. Faculty Research Grant ($800). UAM. Awarded Dec. 1999 for fiction project. Faculty Development Grant. ($500). UAM. Spring 1999, Spring 2000 for travel. Pushcart Prize Nomination for Big Sky Blue in Phoebe. Dec. 1999. Pushcart Prize Nomination for Thirsty in Ascent. Dec.1998. Wilbur Gaffney Travel Grant. UNL. Spring 1998. Bread Loaf Writers Conference Scholarship. Middlebury, VT. Summer 1997. Manuscript workshop with Julia Alvarez. Aspen Writers Conference Tuition Scholarship. Aspen, CO. Summer 1997. Manuscript workshop with Ron Carlson. The Mari Sandoz Prairie Schooner Award in Fiction. UNL, 1996 ($150). Chancellor's Fellowship. Stipend at $3000/yr. UNL. 1995-96, 1996-97. Department Nomination, Outstanding Graduate Student of the Graduate College, ASU, 1995. Glendon Swarthout Award in Fiction Writing. Arizona State University. 1993 ($300), 1994 ($700), 1995 ($700). Writers Conferences (Competitive Application) Workshop member, Bread Loaf Orion Environmental Writers Conference. Middlebury, VT. June 1-7, 2015. Manuscript workshop with Ginger Strand. Conference Presentations Where Empathy Lies: On (Not) Telling Students to Make It Beautiful. Roundtable presentation accepted for NonfictioNOW 2017 International Conference. Reykjavik, Iceland. June 1-4, 2017. It Takes a Village: Sending a Student Abroad. Panelist. Rising to the Challenge: Making Inclusion Matter. 2016 State System Summit. Indiana, PA. Nov. 2-4, 2016. Big Skies, Little Stories: Place in Flash Fiction. Panel organizer and presenter. Montana Book Festival. Missoula, MT. Sept. 21-25, 2016. Bees Buzzing Between Window Panes: Developing Student Attention Through Metaphor. Sixth Annual Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education (ACMHE) Conference. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Oct. 10-12, 2014. Needing to Be Scene: Building Empathy Through Feminist Flash Fiction. National Womens Studies Association Annual Conference. Oakland, CA. Nov. 10-12, 2012. Panelist, Years in the Making: Four Factors in Re-Designing Curriculum. College English Association Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. Mar. 26-28, 2009. Panel Organizer and Presenter, Before It Is Only a Memory: Nostalgia and the Re-Imagination of History in Marianne Wiggins The Shadowcatcher." The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900. Feb.19-21, 2009. Louisville, KY. Presenter, Rocking the Cradle: Disruptive Mother Figures in Film and Literature. Twenty-Ninth Annual Colloquium on Literature and Film. West Virginia University. Sep. 30-Oct. 2, 2004. Presenter, Creative Writing and Creation Myths. Pedagogy Forum. Association of Writers and Writing Programs Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. March 25-27, 2004. Panel Organizer and Presenter, Territories of Transformation: Professional Identities Within and Beyond English Studies. Conference on College Composition and Communication. New York, NY. March 23, 2003. Panel Organizer and Presenter, Same Old Story: Creativity in the 21st Century. Associated Writing Programs Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. February 26-March 1, 2003. Presenter, Intro to Everything: Teaching the Multi-Genre Workshop. Associated Writing Programs Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA. March 5-8, 2002. Presenter, At Play in the Field of Genre Studies: How Creative is Too Creative? Pennsylvania College English Association Conference. Punxsutawney, PA. March 24, 2001. Composing and Complicating Community Through Truth-telling. Feminist Workshop Presentation at Conference on College Composition and Communication in Denver. March 14, 2001. Creative Portfolios. Pedagogy Forum. Prairie Schooner 75th Anniversary Celebration and Conference, Lincoln, NE. October 11-13, 2001. Minding the Classroom: Theory and the Creative Writing Classroom. Chair and Panelist. Conference on College Composition and Communication in Minneapolis. April 2000. The Art of Creative Writing. Panelist. Arkansas Festival of Poetry. March 31, 2000. That Little Girl in English: A Feminist Goes South. Womens Caucus, South Central Modern Language Association in Memphis, TN. October 30, 1999. But We Love Writers: Writers Negotiating Identity in Academic Communities. Moderator and Panelist, Associated Writing Programs Annual Conference in Albany, NY. April 14-17, 1999. Johnny With the Red Hat: Exercises in Point of View. Pedagogy Forum, Associated Writing Programs Annual Conference in Portland, OR. March 26-28, 1998. "Creative Writing Pedagogy in the Composition Classroom." UNL English Graduate Students Conference. March 12, 1997. "Evolving Pedagogies: Teacher Change and the Writing Center." Midwest Writing Centers Conference in Minneapolis, MN. October 4-5, 1996. Selected Public Readings (By Invitation) Fort Lyon/ Hard Times Reading. Lighthouse Writers Workshop. Denver, CO. Oct. 28, 2016. Artsmith Salon Series. Darvills Bookstore, Orcas Island, WA. Jan. 14, 2016. Mean Girls: A Reading. Read original, commissioned work at a literary event in conjunction with the Mean Girls art exhibit/community awareness events around female bullying at Space Gallery, Pittsburgh PA. March 30, 2013. Curator: Sherrie Flick. Chatham University Independent Literary Publishing Reading. April 12, 2012. Featured writer. Panscience program. Host, Ian Todd. 90.1 WĢtv, Indiana, PA. Aired Sept. 16, 2011. Script Writer and Narrator. The Red Shoes Project dance production by the Mahoning Valley Dance Company. Ģtv. April 28 & 29, 2011. Featured writer. Prosody program. Host, Ellen Wadey. 91.3 WYEP, Pittsburgh. Aired Sept. 15, 2009. Creative Nonfiction, The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900. Feb. 21, 2009. Louisville, KY. Lost: A Reading Examining a Post-9/11 World, in association with the Lost exhibition at the Fe Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA. Oct. 14, 2005. Taboo: Literary Suicide, a reading of six writers, in association with the Self-Inflicted exhibition at the Fe Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA. Dec. 4, 2004. Poetry Reading at the Upper Crust. Indiana, PA. May 20, 2004. Uncommon Words Reading Series. Indiana, PA. Mar. 16, 2004. Mammoth Books Sudden Stories Reading. The Ear Inn. New York, NY. Oct. 11, 2003. Gist Street Anniversary Reading, Participant. Pittsburgh, PA. Jan. 20, 2002. Gist Street Reading Series, Featured Reader. Pittsburgh, PA. May 11, 2001. Celebrating the Muse, Faculty Reading at Ģtv for Women in the Arts. March 20, 2001. Ģtv Writers Series. Featured Reader. October 13, 2000. Arkansas Festival of Poets, reader and panelist, March 31, 2000. Grant-funded festival to promote the arts in Arkansas. Mocha Madness at UAM. Poetry, Apr. 1999. No Name Reading Series at UNL, 1996, 1997, 1998. Share Our Strength Anti-Hunger Benefit, Lincoln, NE. Poetry, Oct. 1997. Bread Loaf Writers Conference. Avocado. Fiction, Aug. 1997. Dissertation Committee Membership Literature & Criticism Ph.D. (English Department) Comprehensive Exam Reader, Theory List for Maria Kranidis. Reader for Claire Engelhardt. Defended March 25, 2015. Reader for Andrea Martino Harms. Defended June 2014. Reader for Jennifer Woolston. Chicks with Bics: Examining Contemporary Chick Lit and Embedded Feminist Cultural Commentary. Defended April 2013. Comprehensive Exam Reader, Broad List: American and British Womens Literature. April 2009. Reader for W. Scott Hanna. In Search of the Self, in Search of the Land: Toward a Contemporary American Poetics of Place. Defended April 2012. Comprehensive Exam Reader, Broad List: American Regionalism. August 2009. Composition & TESOL Ph.D. (English Department) Reader for Mitchell James. Aristotle, the Sublime, and Quantum Rhetoric. Defended February 2015. Reader for Christine Bailey. The Role of Aesthetic Artifacts in Creative Writing: Casting Student Identity Narratives as Cultural Data. Defended March 2014. Reader for Brent House. The Muses on the Mountain: Mentoring Relationships Among Creative Writers. Defended August 2012. MA-TESOL (English Department) Reader for Zack Fish. Defended March 2016. Clinical Psychology Psy.D. (Psychology Department) Reader for Hart MacCardell [Doctor of Psychology]. Childrens Stories: A Narrative Resource. Defended June 2012. Thesis Committee Membership Thesis committee member for Jennifer Woolstons M.A. Thesis, Feline Fatale: Applying the Male Gaze to Images of Catwoman in Comic Books and Contemporary Cinema. Spring 2006. University and Departmental Service Department Tenure Committee. Elected. Fall 2016-Spring 2019. University-Wide Promotion Committee. Elected. Fall 2015-Spring 2018. Department Executive Leadership Council. Appointed. Fall 2016-present. Coordinator, Writing Track. Spring 2014-2016. Middle States Accreditation Sub-committee. Fall 2013-2015. Search Committee Member, Counseling Center, Ģtv. Spring 2012. Academic Integrity Board Member. Spring 2012, Spring 2016. University Judicial Board Member. Spring 2012-present. College Technology Committee. Spring 2012. College-wide Assessment Committee. Spring 2012. Mindfulness Living-Learning Community Steering Committee. Fall 2011-present. Haven Project Advisory Board. Appointed Fall 2011. Faculty Advisor, Delta Phi Epsilon sorority. Fall 2011-2015. Elected to University-Wide Promotion Committee. Spring 2011. (Declined) Ad-hoc Committee on Service. English Department. Spring 2011. Chair, Level III Grade Appeals Committee. University-wide. Fall 2010. Chair, Liberal Studies Subcommittee: Literature Requirement. Spring 2009. Member, University Diversity Resource Council. Fall 2008-2010. Department Promotion Committee. Fall 2008-2011. Department Tenure Committee. Fall 2008-2011. Member, Presidents Commission on the Status of Women. June 2008-2014. Evaluation committee member, Sociology Department, Fall 2007. Evaluation team member for Womens Studies Director. Chair, Liberal Studies Creative Arts Subcommittee: Literature, Fall 2007. Faculty Advisor, Womens Studies Club, 2006-present. Elected Member, University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. 2004- 06, 2006-08, 2008-10. Met weekly with subcommittee and larger committee to review curricular proposals and procedures. Elected secretary in 2008. Department Evaluations Committee. 2004-06. 2009-2011. Faculty Mentor, Alternate Spring Break at Ģtv. March 6-13, 2004. Participated, with eleven students, in service learning program building trails in Cumberland Gap State Park in Tennessee. Co-Curator, Uncommon Words Reading Series. Spring 04- present. Department Representative to the University Senate. Spring 04-06. Co-Adviser, New Growth Arts Review student literary magazine. 2003-present. Chair, Ad Hoc Committee for Writing Track Proposal. 2003-2004. Recruitment and Selection Committee, English, Ģtv. Spring 2003-06. Reviewed job applications, interviewed candidates for faculty positions. Womens Studies Curriculum Committee, Ģtv. 2002-04. Revised Introduction to Womens Studies course criteria and faculty applications to teach it, approved courses for the minor. Program for Majors/BA Curriculum Committee, English Department, Ģtv. 2002-present. Liberal Studies Committee, English Department, Ģtv. 2002-03. Worked to revise criteria for liberal studies courses in English. Chair, Department Committee on Recruitment and Orientation, Ģtv. 2002-04. Worked with admissions to recruit students to the major, coordinated English Major for a Day for high school students. Faculty Liaison in English, Residence Life, Ģtv. 2001-04. Coordinated programming with the English floor R.A., helped with move- in and other areas of student life. Member, Womens Studies Programs Committee, Ģtv. 2001-02. Helped organize annual programs and lectures in womens studies. Teacher, Continuing Education Program, Ģtv. Spring 2001. Taught a six-week course, Telling Our Stories: Autobiography. Department Promotions Committee, Ģtv. 2000-01. Verified and evaluated candidates for promotion in the English Dept. Safe Zone Member, Ģtv. Fall 2000-present. Attended a six-hour training workshop in helping students with GLBT issues. Search Committee, UAM. Spring 2000. Ranked, evaluated, and interviewed candidates for composition instructor. Faculty Advisor of student organization Women Enriching and Reclaiming Education (WE ARE), founded January 1999. Writing Program Committee, UAM, 1998-99. Developed a writing concentration within the English degree. Buffalo Scholarship in English Awards Committee, UAM, 1998-2000. Student Publications Committee, UAM, 1998-2000. Community and Campus Workshops and Presentations Workshop leader, Telling Our Stories. Wise Women Health Collective. Homer City, Pennsylvania. May 14, 2011. Promote Yourself. Facilitated university promotion workshop. Ģtv. Sept. 19, 2010. Writing workshop leader, Flash Fiction. Celebrating Literacies. Ģtv. October 29, 2008. Selected for the Commonwealth Speakers Program, 2006-2008, a state-wide initiative sponsored by the Pennsylvania Humanities Council. Guest Speaker, Women and Creativity. WMST 200: Introduction to Womens Studies. Dr. Terri Smith. April 22, 2003. Writing workshop leader, English Extravaganza. Ģtv. October 24, 2002. Writing workshop leader, Flash Fiction. Ligonier Writers. Ligonier, PA. October 19, 2002. Guest Speaker, Indiana Writers Group, Indiana, PA. August 15, 2001 and January 6, 2005. Faculty, Short Fiction, Ligonier Valley Writers Conference. Fort Ligonier, PA. July 13-15, 2001. Presenter, Flash Fiction in the Classroom, Ģtv English Departments Eat and Talk, May 2001. Workshop leader, And the Queen Died of Grief: Writing Little Stories with Big Impact. Ģtv English Conference. Indiana, PA. March 29, 2001. Fiction Writing Workshop. Ģtv English Club. November 16, 2000. Training Workshops Title IX Train the Trainer. Ģtv. 2013, 2015. University Student Conduct Board Training. Ģtv. Feb. 24, 2012. Website Maintainer Training. Ģtv. Jan. 23, 2012. Trac-Dat Assessment Training. Ģtv. October, 2011. FERPA and Graduation Clearance Training. Ģtv. July 8, 2011. Relevant Community Service Radio Host. Muse in the Morning. 90.1 WĢtv FM. Summer 2011. Hosted show featuring women musical artists. Crisis Volunteer. Alice Paul House. Indiana, PA. Dec. 2010-June 2014. Completed 80 hour training for the crisis hotline at the countys domestic violence shelter and sexual assault crisis center. Volunteered 12 hours/month. Other Professional Experience Assistant Editor, The Best Short Fictions 2017. Series Editor Sherrie Flick. Braddock Avenue Books, 2017. Associate Fiction Editor, Zoetic Press/NonBinary Review. Spring 2016-present. Mentor, National Writer-to-Writer Mentorship Program. Association of Writers and Writing Programs. Fall 2014 (Pilot Program), Fall 2015. Juror for Vermont Studio Center Writers Residencies. 2013-present. Peer Reviewer for Studies in the Humanities. 2004-2009. Juror for the Oberpflzer Knstlerhaus Artist Exchange Program. Jan. 2004. Selected the Fellow from applicants for this award. Editorial Assistant, Prairie Schooner. Spring 1996-Fall 1998. Read and advised on fiction and nonfiction essay manuscripts. Associate Fiction Editor, Haydens Ferry Review. 1992-93. Other Professional Development Introduction to Creativity Coaching. Course completed with Dr. Eric Maisel. Fall 2013, 14 week online training course. Directors Pre-Conference Workshop. National Womens Studies Association. November 9, 2011. Atlanta, GA. Wye Faculty Seminar, Citizenship in the American and Global Polity. July 16-22, 2011. The Aspen Institute. Queenstown, MD. Selected by Ģtv to participate in a week-long seminar with other national faculty members to consider ideals of citizenship and their application in college curricula. Directors Pre-Conference Workshop. National Womens Studies Association. November 11-13, 2010. Denver, CO. Pennsylvania Governors Conference for Women. Ģtv Representative. October 14, 2010. Pittsburgh, PA. Current Professional Memberships Association for Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) National Womens Studies Association (NWSA) Association for the Contemplative Mind in Higher Education (ACMHE) Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) Page PAGE 1 of NUMPAGES 12  FHC N X   G P k de.Oͼõͤ͵{pdpdpdph`h5CJPJo(h`h5CJPJh`h55o(h`h5PJh`h5PJo(h`h55h5hB%Wh5CJh`h5o( h`h5 h55CJh`h55CJh`h5CJhB%Wh5CJH*hB%Wh5CJ hB%Wh5 h5>*h`h55CJ' 0Or B C X - ]  gd5^gd5`gd5 0^`0gd5gd5$a$gd5 j k => F@gd5 F@^gd5`gd5gd5`gd5^gd5^gd5gd5 ^`gd5OQfvdO}~_=jJX 7Xg%1_uƼƼh`h5CJOJQJaJ h`h56CJOJQJaJ h`h56CJOJQJ h5CJh`h5CJh`h56CJh`h55CJh`h56CJPJh`h55CJPJh`h5CJPJh`h5CJPJo(1cdOP~){>iB 0^`0gd5`gd5gd5 @0^`0gd5 @gd5 F@^gd5`Bs2+b#E > Z !R!!!gd5` 0^`0 ^gd5 0^`0gd5`gd5  FT`by+2mn)Y  * . / I M Z [ g i j q ! !! !)!7!o!!!!!ƺƬƢƺƺh`h55CJh`h56CJPJo(h`h5CJPJo(h`h5CJPJh`h56CJOJQJo(h`h5CJh`h56CJh`h56CJH*@!!!0""##$$9%%8& 'i''V(()0)1)^))*`gd5 `0^`0gd5 @0^`0gd5 0^`0gd5gd5!!!"["u"~""""##;#U#^#`####-$/$I$L$X$$$%-%^%l%%%&$&'&(&T&d&&&I'U'''''(@(g(v((())))1):)A)M)^)_)q)|)))***캮h`h55CJPJh`h55CJPJo(h`h56CJ^JaJ h`h56CJH*h`h56CJh`h5CJh`h55CJD*K*******++B+t+~++++,B,d,f,p,,,-8---0.r...//////////11'4M444O5u55555j7q77088869=9e:u:;;b<|<<<?Ah`h5CJaJ h5CJ h`h5h`h5CJPJo(h`h55CJh`h5CJh`h56CJF****.+r++++!,,,G--0.r..k////gd5 `0^`0gd5 `gd5 `^``gd5 ^`gd5gd5/500-11172223333O44 5w5f66677}7708{88 9`gd5gd5^gd50d^`0gd5 9H9w999/:U:::7;;;;a<b<|<9==h>N??@|A6BB F^F`gd5gd5 0^`0gd5`gd5`gd5AA{A|ACCDDE}FFFF GG!G"GeGfGqGrGsGGGGGGGGGGGGHHGHHHZH[HcHgHHHHIIJJJJwKKL»ְ°°֖»h`h56h`h56CJPJo(h`h5CJPJo(h`h5CJPJ h`h5h`h55CJh`h5CJH*h`h5CJh`h5CJh`h5CJaJh`h56CJaJ4BCODDDEECFFrGG[HIIJJJJJ*KwKmLgd5gd5 `gd5 0^`0`gd5gd5^gd5^gd5 0^`0gd5mLLMMN}NOOOPjPPQXQQQR1RbRR 0^`0``^gd5gd5`gd5 0^`0gd5 ^`gd5 ^`gd5gd5LL8MMMMM}NNNNOO%P3PQQQQRRRR0R1RRRRSS@SBSCS ThTUUV.VeVVVGW]W^WWWWX:XPXmXYYBYaaǻǻѤh`h56CJPJh`h5>*CJPJh`h55CJPJh`h5CJPJh`h5CJPJo(h`h55CJh`h5CJh`h56CJh`h56 h`h5h`h56OJQJ7RRRRSCSSSSTUUUHVV^W`WWWWWPXQXmX F@^gd5 F@gd5 0^`0gd5 `gd5`gd5mXYYBYYY Z:ZvZZZ&[Q[[[\?\\\ ]V]]]]<^^gd5`gd5gd5gd5 F@^gd5<^|^^^4__`O``aQaaa!bebbbbccc6ddd3eee 0^`0gd5^gd5`gd5gd5efWfffg:ggggfhhh=i>ioii1jjkkk 0^`0gd5^ 0^`0`^gd5`gd5gd5ahNh>inin)n9oTopppppppppr[rtrrrrsss'sssssvvvvvwwwͿʹ|ߴrrʹͿʹfh`h5CJPJo(h`h56CJ h`h50JCJOJQJ^Jh`h56CJPJh`h56CJ^JaJh`h5CJ^JaJh`h5CJPJh`h55CJPJo(h`h55CJPJ h5CJh`h55CJh`h56CJPJo(h`h5CJ'k(lllHmmmnn)nWnnnn8o9oTooo pppppp^gd5gd5 ^`gd5`gd5^gd5p/q}qqrIrrrs@s~ssss'tStt:uuPvvvvgd5```gd5^gd5 0^`0gd5v w5wxwwwwwwww ]^ $!& #$a$d^gd5 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwh`h5CJh5mHnHujh5Uh5":p5/ =!"#$%_HmH nH sH tH H`H YLNormal1$7$8$H$_HaJmH sH tH BB YL Heading 2$@&5CJPJ\@@@ YL Heading 3$@&^CJDA`D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List PC@P YLBody Text Indent0^`0CJNg@N HTML TypewriterCJOJ PJQJ ^J aJ<& < Footnote ReferenceJ!J Body Text Indent CharCJaJPK![Content_Types].xmlj0 u$Nwc$ans@8JbVKS(.Y$8MVgLYS]"(U֎_o[gv; f>KH|;\XV!]օ Oȥsh]Hg3߶PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛K Y, e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!\theme/theme/theme1.xmlYOoE#F{o'NDuر i-q;N3' G$$DAč*iEP~wq4;{o?g^;N:$BR64Mvsi-@R4Œ mUb V*XX! cyg$w.Q "@oWL8*Bycjđ0蠦r,[LC9VbX*x_yuoBL͐u_. 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