ࡱ>  Fbjbj 4P=8%  GWggg{{{8Ot{("   jllllll$ۇ}ggg  g g jjFx :7{*{TV0{g0":V  : Ģtv Department of English Summer 2011 ENGL 202: Researching Writing: Raising Awareness of Diversity and Social Justice Issues within and beyond our Lives Mondays ~~ Thursdays 3:15pm to 5:05pm Leonard Hall 219 & The Writing Center Lab Dr. Gloria Park E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:Gloria.park@iup.edu" Gloria.park@iup.edu Office: Sutton 346 Office Hours: By Appointment Only Course Overview: In this course, students will engage in a variety of activities designed to hone their research literacy skills using readings related to the issues of diversity and social justice. Researching and writing about these topics becomes crucial as we increasingly interact with individuals from diverse racial, ethnic, language, and class backgrounds. The course will equip you with the tools needed to question how ever-changing issues of race, ethnicity, class, gender, and language shape our experiences in the contexts of conducting research, collecting data, analyzing data results, and writing up the final research project. With diversity and social justice issues as major themes across the readings in this research writing course, students will participate in class discussion and practical research writing/library workshop activities designed to critique ones own as well as others research writing skills. Throughout the semester, students not only will gain a sense of cooperation and community as we work together in exploring the writing and research process, but also will come to understand the importance of promoting issues of diversity and social justice in our lives as agents of change. Course Goals & Objectives: Content Examine issues of social justice and diversity issues as they relate to your major field of study and/or everyday social situations Understand, analyze, and question the claims, assumptions, and motives of other writers Understand that writers (authors) disagree or have different perspectives and explain why they disagree or how perspectives differ Work in small groups to develop responses to course readings and self-selected readings, and to develop oral presentations/discussion facilitations Research Skills Develop and refine research questions related to your topic Locate and evaluate materials (i.e., reliable and credible sources; virtual and textual) that pertain to the topic you are researching Identify and reference (give credit to) those who have preceded you in the conversation youve undertaken (MLA and APA citation and documentation practices) Develop brief summaries, analyses, critiques, and reviews (both written and oral) of what you read so that you can use the reading with confidence in the essays you write Organize extended writing projects (i.e., a culminating social justice research project) so that the following are clearly written: Introduction, Background Literature, Method of Inquiry, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion Work in peer-editorial groups to identify, for one another, ways to improve and sharpen your written response to research Required Materials Textbook: Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W., Castaneda, C., Hackman, H., Peters, M., Zuniga, X. (2010) (2nd Edition). Readings for diversity and social justice. New York: Routledge. (ISBN #: 978-0-415-99140-7) Materials: * A 3-ring binder to keep all the handouts (all the handouts will be in accordance with the different sections of the research paper, so they should be kept in order) * Composition notebook for daily in-class reflective writing Course Requirements and Evaluation Attendance and Class Participation (15 points X per day): You are required to come to every class and have your readings and assignments completed before you walked into the classroom. Each day is worth 15 points for both attendance and completed homework assignment. This course builds upon group work and research projects, and the in-class work that we do, which cannot be made up; to do the work you must attend class. Here is the policy: After 2-4 absences you lose up to 5% of the total points for the course After 4-6 absences you lose 10% of the total points After more than 7 absences you risk failure. Journal Entries ~ Class/Home Reflective Writing (10 points per Entry) The contents of your reflections are free writes related to the readings, in-class discussions, in-class activities, group presentations, and specific assignments completed in and beyond the classroom. You will be given 10-15 minutes in class to do written reflections. Diversity Autobiography-20 points In a 3-4 page narrative form, please respond to the following: What is your understanding of diversity and social justice? How important is this topic in your life, and what does it mean to promote diversity in our lives? How do different issues of diversity (i.e., race, gender, class, sexual orientation, language, etc.) a part of your lived experience? What questions/issues (connect the questions to your area of major, if possible, or to any social situations that interest you) would you be interested in investigating/exploring in this area? (Think about something that you are passionate about as it relates to diversity and social justice issues). Group Presentation and Discussion Facilitation50 points It is an opportunity for you to facilitate a discussion/presentation on a cluster of short articles (i.e., context-personal voice-next steps and action) in our text (see the groups below). You will coordinate this presentation as a group (7 students per group, and then within each group, you can have sub-groups of 2-3 students). I am hoping that you will form groups according to your areas of interests, which will help you explore different final project topic options. In order to promote equity, I would like each person to write up a short critique/summary of his/her own part of the presentation. Lead the class in comprehending the readings you have selected and design activities to facilitate discussions, questions, and analyses. outline of the major points of the readings in a 1-2 page handout (i.e., goals and points you want to cover during your presentation) activities (i.e., any hands-on or visual activities that provide your classmates with reflecting, learning, applying) to facilitate the discussion and enhance understanding of the concepts (issues of equity and diversity) as they relate to the experiences of self and others delivery of information to the class (how did you get your classmates attention?) no more than 50-60 minutes including class discussions, questions and comments; Each person (including Dr. Park) will provide feedback on your presentation (I will have a per-feedback sheet ready for you.) Social Justice Inquiry Project (points under each section) Most of the semester will be devoted to researching, drafting and critiquing an inquiry project around the issues of diversity and social justice. This will be about 7-10 pages, double-spaced, with 7-10 primary/secondary sources. The following are the intermediary steps for the final project: A Draft of the Introduction In this segment of the project, you will introduce your topic and write the rationale for having selected this topic. You will revise this Introduction upon the completion of your Method of Inquiry section (10 points) A Literature Review-In this segment of the project, please review 6-7 sources (mostly articles or book chapters) that would add to better understanding your topic. - (30 points) A method of inquiry section (30 points) (1). Research Questions-What is it that you want to investigate? For example, I want to understand how freshman women (or upperclass) understand higher education. What is the meaning of higher education for you as a woman? How can higher education assist women in their future endeavors? (2). What data will you be using to investigate your question? (i.e., interviews, observations, surveys) Remember you are only writing 7-10 pages, so please minimize your data collection. For example, a 15-minute interview would be sufficient ) Your data would be the interview (i.e., 15-minute) you conducted with a freshman class woman from Egypt, for example. OR you could interview a veteran woman faculty (lets say from Europe, Africa or Asia) to understand her perception of trend/experience in how women have performed in higher education sector, etc? Revisit the Introduction (20 points) Results/Discussion Section- (50 points) What themes (findings) emerged from the data you have collected? What are the major themes from the interview? Conclusion( 20 points)-Due Date-TBA What are your next steps in this social justice inquiry Project? How can you and your classmates becomes agents of change? Using the same line of thinking (i.e., women, higher education, international students, etc), what can the campus/departments do to increase the admission and retention rate of woman students in large universities? So, in this section, you might make some suggestions to the institutions like Ģtv. In essence, this section is advocacy work for women in higher education, which could also lead to equal pay/salary between men and women professors in higher education. Reflections(20 points) Due Date-TBA This is an opportunity for you to reflect on the social justice research process using free-writing approach. In your reflective paper, please address the following: Content: How has this course helped you better understand the social justice issues? Has the contents of the course changed your perspectives on any of the issues discussed? What have you gained from conducting your original research study? Research Skills: (c ) In your opinion, do you think your writing has improved as a result of this class? (d) What areas of research skills (i.e., finding data base sources, writing introduction, research question, finding participants, etc.) have you gained the most from this course? (e) What would you have liked to do more of in this course to improve your research skills? Presentation of your Project and Final Project Due Date: Follow the final exam schedule: Points-100 including the presentation. Policies Grades: 100-90 ~~ A 89-80 ~~ B 79-70 ~~ C 69-60 ~~ D 59 and below F Standard Conventions: You are responsible for handing in essays that conform to the standards of grammar & usage and conventions of documentation. Essays with excessive errors or with incorrect use of the formats for research writing (use of quotation or citation) will be returned, without a grade, for proofreading and editing. If you need help with proofreading your paper, etc, please visit the writing center. Due Dates: All work should be submitted on the due dates. Late essays are marked down half a letter grade unless you talk with me about your need for an extension. I will accept no papers more than a week late, and, at the end of the semester, I will not accept late papers without penalty, except from students who have discussed their situation with me. Personal Electronics: Turn them off and put them away while class is in session. If not, you will be marked absent. Plagiarism: See your Student Handbook and the University Catalogue for university policy on plagiarism ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/acapolicy/index.shtm" www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/acapolicy/index.shtm). It is not acceptable and can lead to expulsion from the university. In Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum, Laurence Behrens writes: Plagiarism is generally defined as the attempt to pass off the work of another as ones own. Whether born out of calculation or desperation, plagiarism is the least tolerated offense in the academic world. The fact that most plagiarism is unintentionalarising from ignorance of conventions rather than deceitfulnessmakes no difference to many professors. (Behrens 198) Week 1 ~~ July 5, 6, 7 (Tues, Wed, Thurs) Introduction to Diversity, Social Justice & ISMs Readings Due This Week: Have read the Introduction pages of the ISM sections Racism (pp. 59-65) Classism (pp. 141-147) Religious Oppression (pp. 227-233) Sexism (pp. 315-320) Heterosexism (pp. 371-375) Transgender Oppression (pp. 423-428) Ableism (pp. 457-463) Ageism & Adultism (pp. 533-539) Class Activities for this Week: Ice-Breaker Activity on the core of diversity and social justice Dr. Parks Lecture on Conceptual Framework of diversity & social justice (pp. 1-4) Academic-Professional-Diversity Connection Diagram for Individuals Post-lecture group work & discussion In-Class Reflective Writing (in your journal) Break into ISM groups Writing Skills and Strategies Mini-Workshop JULY 7th, Thursday, Meet at the Library (Room Stabley 101) Assignments Due: Readings are due daily (set your own reading schedule) Diversity Autobiography (due on Thursday, 7/7) ISM Group Presentation Groupings (Let Dr. Park know which groups have been formed) (Due 7/7) Week 2 ~~ July 13, 14 (Wed, Thurs) Introduction to Conducting Qualitative Research Generating your Social Justice Research Project Readings Due This Week: Individual WORK ~ Select One ISM section~ Select ONE reading from the subsections of CONTEXT/VOICES/NEXT STEPS. For instance, lets say Dr. Park selects HETEROSEXISM section, I need to select one essay from CONTEXT, one essay from VOICES, and one essay from NEXT STEPS Let the rest of the class know what essays you have selected (Due 7/13) Class Activities: Continue working on formulating the Academic-Professional-Diversity Connection Diagram to begin Generating Social Justice Research Topic Examine SAMPLE introductions (student samples) Draft your Introduction Assignments Due: Refer to #2 above under readings due this week Introduction DRAFT (7/14) 5 library sources (use the annotation sample) (7/13) Week 3 ~~ July 18, 19, 20, 21 (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs) Introduction to Organizing and Writing the Literature Review Introduction to Method of Inquiry Readings Due This Week: Selected readings from RACISM, CLASSISM and RELIGIOUS OPPRESSION RACISM CLASSISM RELIGIOUS OPPRESSION Class Activities: Examine student SAMPLES of Literature Review and Method of Inquiry In-Class, Peer-Review of Introduction Racism Group Presentation (7/20) Classism Group Presentation (7/21) Religious Oppression Group Presentation (7/21) Assignments Due: Literature Review DRAFT Method of Inquiry DRAFT Week 4 ~~ July 25, 26, 27, 28 (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs) Readings Due This Week: Selected readings from SEXISM, HETEROSEXISM , TRANSGENDER OPPRESSION SEXISM HETEROSEXISM TRANSGENDER OPPRESSION Class Activities: In-Class~ Collect Data from Course Students Design survey or interview questions Examine student SAMPLES of Results and Discussion In-Class, Peer-Review of Literature Review, Method of Inquiry In-Class, Data analysis samples Sexism Group Presentation (7/27) Heterosexism Group Presentation (7/28) Transgender Oppression Group Presentation (7/28) Assignments Due: Survey/Interview Question Design samples (7/25 due) Results and Discussion Draft (7/27) Week 5 ~~ August 1, 2, 3, 4 (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs) Readings Due This Week: Select readings from ABLEISM & AGEISM/ADULTISM Ableism Ageism/Adultism Class Activities: In-Class data write-up, results and discussion Ableism group presentation (8/2) Ageism/Adultism Group Presentation (8/2) Assignments Due: Your social justice research project due (8/4)  Dr. Park will be at the Penn State Rhetoric and Composition Conference from July 10th to July 12th. Due to two lost days, we will add 20 minutes to each session beginning on July 18th to August 3rd. The last of the course is on August 4th, Thursday.  Starting this week, we add 20 minutes to each session.     PAGE  PAGE 7 :;@EF\f{  ' - Ȼzrzg_TLAhJh=OJQJh=OJQJhJh}7OJQJhC6OJQJho;hSOJQJh NOJQJhSOJQJhShS6OJQJhC )6OJQJhSh=6OJQJhSh:!6OJQJhShC66OJQJhC66CJ OJQJaJ hJh:!6CJ OJQJaJ hS5CJ OJQJaJ hC65CJ OJQJaJ hJ5CJ OJQJaJ #:Ff n 0 1 wx!y & FgdO8Y & FgdP^gdPgd=gd}7$a$gd}7$a$gdJ- . A T V W X k l m n o  & - < H s  / 1 붮yqiyaiaiaiYihPOJQJhrOJQJhLaOJQJh:A8OJQJhKOJQJhJhOJQJhJOJQJ"h h W5>*CJOJQJaJhSOJQJh6OJQJhJh=OJQJh2nh=0JOJQJ#jh2nh=OJQJUhh=OJQJh=OJQJjh=OJQJU 1 h i j ~  : C K R T v  $*-Tauvwx5{sh*VOJQJh*V5OJQJhP5OJQJh W5>*CJOJQJaJ"h hO8Y5>*CJOJQJaJ"h h W5>*CJOJQJaJh:!OJQJh? 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" # $ % & o1= LENGL 202: Researching and Writing about Diversity and Social Justice Issues Title0<DP      _PID_HLINKSEktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledA HU:http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/acapolicy/index.shtm H.mailto:Gloria.park@iup.edu P MDownloadAsset.aspx?id=113488e@P_r*N@+\\&lt;p&gt;Indiana University of Pennsylvania Department of English Summer 2011 ENGL 202: Researching Writing: Raising Awareness of Diversity and Social Justice Issues within and beyond our Lives Mondays ~~ Thursdays 3:15pm to 5:05pm Leonard Hall 219 &amp;amp; The Writing Center Lab Dr. Gloria Park E-mail: Gloria.pa&lt;/p&gt;Root Entry F`0Data F1TableN-WordDocument 4  !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567SummaryInformation( $DocumentSummaryInformation8MsoDataStore O:7:710FFZVEWOGVH==2 O:7:7fice Word@ @h`97@:7@:7& *4EN202-Summer2011-syllabusbvdries Mr. Bruce V. 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