ࡱ> 5D6} !bjbj55 ..__    ' C:}}}}XXX8::::::/!:XXXXX:}}OX6}}8X8}P N$e0!!!hXdXXX::.XXXXXXX!XXXXXXXXX : ENGL 765/865.001: Lit as Genre: WWI in Lit and Film Tom Slater Fall 2008 Required Texts: Philippe Claudel, By a Slow River. e. e. cummings, The Enormous Room. Paul Fussell, The Great War and Modern Memory. Robert Kolker, Film, Form, and Culture. Patrick J. Quinn and Steven Trout, The Literature of the Great War Reconsidered: Beyond Modern Memory. Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front. Edwin Walters, The Penguin Book of First World War Poetry. Edith Wharton, A Son at the Front. [World War I] detaches itself from its normal location in chronology and its accepted set of causes and effects to become Great in another senseall-encompassing, all-pervading, both internal and external at once, the essential condition of consciousness in the twentieth century. (Paul Fussell, 321) Course Goals: One reason we are cultural scholars is because we understand that literature, film, and history pervade our consciousness and explain our existence in ways that we can never completely understand. Thus, we look to the creative works, good and bad, to try to know as much as possible about ourselves and our situation. At the base of this experience, as Paul Fussell suggests, is World War I, also known as The Great War. We are hoping in this class, therefore, to learn about how the literary and cinematic responses to that war have communicated the nature of that event, how it has affected our consciousness, and why we still need to keep searching. We will approach these goals by placing the works we study within the cultural and historical contexts in which they were created and learning more about how film communicates. Assignments & Grades: 1) Philippe Claudel wiki-site discussion, 10%. Part of the inspiration for this course came from the visit of writer/director Philippe Claudel to Ģtv this semester. As part of that visit, I would like us all to participate in the wiki-site discussions involving students from several classes. I will have undergrad classes in film and lit this semester, and I am especially interested in your sharing your responses to the films and lit we will be studying with them and answering any questions you can for them. I will pose some questions there to start the discussions. I would like to especially encourage you to find undergraduate partners, either from my students or others who participate, for your research. Not only will this give you someone to share ideas with, but it could also provide some valuable experience for teaching. 2) Two short essays, 20% each. These should be a minimum of six pages, double spaced, and will be written entirely from the works studied in class and class discussions. There will be no need for additional research. One will be due in the middle of the semester and one at the end of the final exams period. 3) Major research paper, 50%. This should be a minimum of ten double-spaced pages and use at least four secondary sources. Our course will be including a number of themes such as war and peace, nature in war, the brutality of war, modernism, class differences, war and gender, the impact of war on families and the homefront, and incorporate such genres as film, fiction, non-fiction, memoirs, and poetry. It will also not include a great number of films, filmmakers, authors, poets, playwrights, and topics that you may wish to explore. A great discussion for how WWI has influenced authors and works that you may not have considered is in chapter four of John Limons Writing After War entitled Temporal Form and Wartime: Modernism After World War I. Ill put two copies of this on reserve at the library for you to look at whenever you wish. Also consider pp. 200-15 of the War in Womens Words chapter. Please have a rough draft (outline, partial, however much you can get) to me before leaving for Thanksgiving. Final draft is due on the last day of class, Dec. 8. Wiki Participation Instructions: 1. Go to  HYPERLINK "http://iupclaudel.wikispaces.com/" http://iupclaudel.wikispaces.com/, In the upper right corner, click on JOIN to create a wikispaces account (unless you are already a member of wikispaces). PLEASE use a username like firstname-LASTNAME (to allow the manager to find you on a class roster or on the Ģtv directory smart aliases wont work!). 2. When you have successfully joined the wikispaces community, you will automatically come back to the homepage ( HYPERLINK "http://iupclaudel.wikispaces.com/" http://iupclaudel.wikispaces.com/). You then need then to click in the left margin on the first option "JOIN THIS SPACE. 3. On the next page, in the "COMMENT (OPTIONAL)" line, please indicate the name of our course (for instance, ENGL 208) and the course instructor (Tom Slater). Where, When, and How to Contact Me: Office, SUT 345; Hrs. MW 12:00-3:00 or by appointment. Ph. X7-4879. Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:tslater@iup.edu" tslater@iup.edu Assignment Schedule 8-25 Intro to Course. Film: The Little American (Cecil B. DeMille, 1918); Shoulder Arms (Charlie Chaplin, 1918). 9-8 Reading: Kolker, 1-50; Fussell, 3-35; Q & T, 24-34. 9-15 Film: The Big Parade (King Vidor, 1925). 9-22: Reading: Kolker, 171-86, 211-22, 232-42. Q & T, 67-112. Poetry: womens. 9-29 Reading: Fussell: 75-113; Q & T, 219-38. Poetry: Sassoon. 10-6 Film: A Farewell to Arms (Frank Borzage, 1932). Reading: Kolker, 51-80, 196-202. 10-13: Reading: Fussell, 114-54; Q & T, 159-86; cummings, The Enormous Room. Assign short essay #1. 10-20 Film: Les Ames Grises (Yves Angelo, 2005). Indiana Theater, 7 pm. 10-27 Reading: Claudel, By a Slow River. Please try to also attend Philippe Claudels lecture and discussion on the link between literature and the visual arts that morning from 9:05-11:05. Discussion starts at 10:10, so you can arrive or leave at any time. Location TBA. Short essay #1 due. 11-3 Reading: Q & T, 143-55; Wharton, A Son at the Front. 11-10 Film: Sergeant York (Howard Hawks, 1941). (On reserve, please watch the first half on your own in the library. We will watch the second half in class.) Reading: Kolker, 81-130. 11-17 Reading: Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front; Fussell, 155-269; Poetry, Graves & Blunden. 12-1 Film: Paths of Glory (Stanley Kubrick, 1957). Reading: Kolker, 133-39, 149-51, 167-69. 12-8 Reading: Fussell, 270-335; Q & T, 189-218. Poetry: Owen. Major research paper due. Assign final exam essay. Final Exam period: Friday, 12-12, 5:05 pm. Final exam essay due. 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