ࡱ> )8* ^bjbj 4&^22uuuuu$fMOOOOOO OuOuuduuMM֭ɸo9z04!Q4!4!uD2OOm4!2 ;: Thomas J. Slater 135 Glenfield Dr. Penn Hills, PA 15235 412-793-8371 Current Position Office Address Professor of English Department of English (from Fall, 1990) at Indiana University of PA Indiana University of PA Indiana, PA 15705 724/357-4879 Principal Areas of Teaching and Research American Literature and Film War in Literature and Film Silent Film Screenwriter June Mathis Film History and Theory Important Women in Silent Film Composition Awards University Senate Research Committee Award of $1,500 for travel to the Rudolph Valentino Conference in Turin, Italy to present June Mathiss Valentino Scripts: Redefining Masculinity After World War I. Spring, 2009. Senate Fellowship Grant of $1,500 for research on June Mathis in Los Angeles, Fall, 2006. Sabbatical for research on June Mathis, Fall, 2006. Senate Fellowship Award for FY 1998-99. University Senate Research Committee Award of $1,500 for research on influential women in American silent film 1997-98. Additional Responsibilities Founder and Director, Ģtv Center for Film Studies. Brought several guest artists and scholars to campus, 2003-present, including producer Marie Cantin, writer/director Michael Miner, experimental filmmakers Nick Zedd and John Allen Gibbel, NPR reviewer Pat Conners, Vanderbilt film scholar Sam Girgus, Polish documentary director Maria Zmarz-Koczanowicz, filmmaker Eric Beetner, novelist/director Philippe Claudel, and the Pittsburgh Filmmakers Film Series. Book American Silent Film: Discovering Marginalized Voices. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois UP, 2002 (co-editor with Gregg Bachman; co-author of Introduction; contributor of June Mathis: A Woman Who Spoke Through Silents). Essays June Mathiss Valentino Scripts: Images of Masculine Becoming After the Great War. Cinema Studies 50.1 (Fall 2010): 99-120. Contributor, Biographical essay, professional still photos, and analysis of primary documents on silent film producer/actress Corinne Griffith and biographical essay on writer/director Marian Fairfax. Women Film Pioneers Sourcebook. Urbana: University of Illinois Pr. "The Vision and the Struggle: June Mathis's Work on 'Ben-Hur,' 1922-24." Post Script, 28.1 (Fall, 2008): 63-78. "June Mathis's The Legion of Death (1918): Melodrama and the Realities of Women in WWI." Womens Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal October, 2008:833-44. Transcending Boundaries: Lois Weber and the Discourse Over Womens Roles in the Teens and Twenties. Quarterly Review of Film and Video 18 (2001): 257-71. June Mathiss Classified (1925): One Womans Response to Modernism. Journal of Film and Video 50.2 (Summer 1998) 3-14. Olivier, Godard, and the Violence of Creation: Considering the Relationship of Theater and Film in a (Post-) Apocalyptic Age. Interdisciplinary Humanities 14.1 (Winter and Spring 1997): 33-62. June Mathis: A Woman Who Spoke Through Silents. Griffithiana: A Journal of Film History 53 (March 1995): 132-69. Presentations The Lost Carousel: The Feminist Anti-Modernism of June Mathiss A Trip to Paradise (1921). Popular Culture Association Conference. San Antonio, TX. April 20-23, 2011. "Crediting June: Redefining Masculinity After the Great War in June Mathis's Scripts for Rudolph Valentino." Conference on RodolfoValentino and his Context. University of Turin, Italy. Feb. 24-26, 2009. "June Mathis's The Legion of Death (1918): Melodrama and the Realities of Women in WWI." Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference. Philadelphia. March 6, 2008. Recent Achievements Co-organizer with Michele Norwood, associate dean of Fine Arts, and Andrew Swenson, director of Pittsburgh Filmmakers, of Pittsburgh Filmmakers at Ģtv Film Series, 2009-10. Co-organizer with Marie Thomas-Olson, Dept. of French, of campus visit of author/filmmaker Philippe Claudel, October 22-November 3, 2008. 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