Twentieth Annual Marti Summer School:
"High Risk Children, Families, And Behavioral Health"
Academic Credit Course Requirements
Date: July 14- 18, 2008
Professor: Robert J. Ackerman, PhD
Course Number: Graduate - Sociology 732 - Masters Level
Sociology 832 - Doctoral Level
Course Title Special Topics: Addiction and the Family
3 credit hours
Course Requirements
- Register for academic credits preferably before conference or at registration table on Monday morning, July 14.
- Attendance at all presentations is mandatory, no exceptions.
- Please sign the attendance sheet at all workshops.
- Completion of a course reaction paper.
As part of your course requirements you are expected to submit a reaction paper on either children or adults from high-risk families. This paper can be a reaction to a topic discussed at the summer school or a related theme that concentrates on a particular age group. For example, you might want to write a paper on working with adolescent high-risk youth from the presentation on working with groups. You may choose your topic from any of the presentations. Your paper should be an in-depth addition to a topic presented. It should include relevant theories and research on your topic as well as your reactions. Papers are to be typed, approximately eight to ten pages long, double-spaced if possible and are due no later than Monday, August 4. Please list all bibliographical information that you use. You may use any relevant books for your topic. Some books are available for sale at the summer school. If you have any questions or problems please call me at 724-357-4405.
I will be available throughout the summer school to discuss your project.
The university will have a course transcript available online at the end of August.
Mail your papers to me at the following address:
Robert J. Ackerman
1098 Oakland Avenue
Indiana, PA 15705