Select the presentation title to see more about each presentation. (Presentation descriptions will be added as they are received. Please check back for more information.)

* Workshops suggested for therapists.
Workshops suggested for educators.
Workshops suggested for both educators and therapists.

Monday, July 10, 2017
Time Scheduled Item Presented by
8:15-9:45a.m. Summer School Registration and Residence Hall Check-in
9:45-10:00a.m. Summer School Opening Ceremonies
10:00-10:45a.m. Regional Strategies to Address the Opioid Epidemic Dennis C. Daley, PhD
10:45-11:30a.m. Medication-Assisted-Treatment for Opioid Addiction: The New Gold Standard? Antoine B. Douaihy, MD
11:30a.m.-1:10p.m. Lunch Break and Wellness Sessions
1:15-2:45p.m. Recovery is a Journey, Not a Destination: Hope for Individuals, Families, and Communities Affected by Addiction Robin Horston Spencer, MBA, MHS, MSPL, OWDS, RCAT
Adrienne Smith, BSBA, CRS
Lucy Garrighan, CEO and Founder, Jade Wellness Center
2:45-3:00p.m. Afternoon Break
3:00-4:30p.m. Walking the Talk: Being Our Best Self to Help Our Patients Do the Same Michael D. Parkinson, MD, MPH, FACPM
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Time Scheduled Item Presented by
8:15-9:45a.m. Suicide, Mental Illness, and Substance Use: Current Issues Ralph May, PsyD
9:45-10:00a.m. Morning Break
10:00-11:30a.m. QPR Gatekeeper Training: Question, Persuade, Refer Michelle Seaman
Belinda Lambie, Ma
Craig Faish, BSN
11:30a.m.-1:10p.m. Lunch Break and Wellness Sessions

Concurrent Afternoon Workshops
1:15-2:45p.m. What Do Suicide, Addiction, Unemployment, and Crime Often Have in Common?: A History of Head Trauma Could Be The Cause Karen Kinzle Zegel, MA
1:15-2:45p.m. Warm Hand-Offs: Engaging Introductions to Treatment Mike Krafick, CRS Supervisor
Nicole Salvo, BS, CDCORP
1:15-2:45p.m. The Impact of Suicide Craig Faish, BSN-The Open Door
Jerry Overman, Jr-Indiana County Coroner, Suicide Task Force (STC) Co-Chair
Michelle Seaman
Belinda Lambie-Guidance Counselor, Purchase Line Jr-Sr High School
Ralph May, PsyD-Chief Clinical Officer, Community Guidance Center, STC Co-Chair
Kristen Morrow-Ä¢¹½tv Student, Nutrition/Dietetics and Psychology majors
Robert T. Truscello-ARIN Intermediate Unit 28
1:15-2:45p.m. What Are They Telling Us, and What Are We Telling Them? How Local Media Can Frame Addiction Issues, and What Can Be Done About It Erick J. Lauber, PhD
2:45-3:00p.m. Afternoon Break

Concurrent Afternoon Workshops
3:00-4:30p.m. What Do Suicide, Addiction, Unemployment, and Crime Often Have in Common?: A History of Head Trauma Could Be The Cause Karen Kinzle Zegel, MA
3:00-4:30p.m. Warm Hand-Offs: Engaging Introductions to Treatment Mike Krafick, CRS Supervisor
Nicole Salvo, BS, CDCORP
3:00-4:30p.m. The Impact of Suicide Craig Faish, BSN-The Open Door
Jerry Overman, Jr-Indiana County Coroner, Suicide Task Force (STC) Co-Chair
Michelle Seaman
Belinda Lambie-Guidance Counselor, Purchase Line Jr-Sr High School
Ralph May, PsyD-Chief Clinical Officer, Community Guidance Center, STC Co-Chair
Kristen Morrow-Ä¢¹½tv Student, Nutrition/Dietetics and Psychology majors
Robert T. Truscello-ARIN Intermediate Unit 28
3:00-4:30p.m. What Are They Telling Us, and What Are We Telling Them? How Local Media Can Frame Addiction Issues, and What Can Be Done About It Erick J. Lauber, PhD
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Time Scheduled Item Presented by
8:15-9:45a.m. Peer Support and Family Recovery Richard Jones, MA, MBA
9:45-10:00a.m. Morning Break
10:00-11:30a.m. Understanding Chronic Pain, Opioids, and Addiction Ajay D. Wasan, MD, MSc
11:30a.m.-1:10p.m. Lunch Break and Wellness Sessions

Concurrent Afternoon Workshops
1:15-2:45p.m. # Reaching the Disengaged 90% Richard Jones, MA, MBA
1:15-2:45p.m. Can Recovery Be Fun? "My New Leaf," a Gamified Addiction Recovery App Targeting Millennials Using Best Practices, Feedback Loops, and Rewards Ryan Brannon
1:15-2:45p.m. # Keeping Secrets: Ethics Checklists for Protecting Confidentiality Rights, Part I Mary Alice Fisher, PhD
2:45-3:00p.m. Afternoon Break

Concurrent Afternoon Workshops
3:00-4:30p.m. # Reaching the Disengaged 90% Richard Jones, MA, MBA
3:00-4:30p.m. Can Recovery Be Fun? "My New Leaf," a Gamified Addiction Recovery App Targeting Millennials Using Best Practices, Feedback Loops, and Rewards Ryan Brannon
3:00-4:30p.m. # Keeping Secrets: Ethics Checklists for Protecting Confidentiality Rights, Part II Mary Alice Fisher, PhD
4:30-4:45p.m. Afternoon Break
4:45-5:45p.m. Gary Owen: A Personal Story of Family Addiction Gary Owen
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Time Scheduled Item Presented by
8:15-9:45a.m. Relationship Detox: Helping Chemically Dependent Clients Develop Healthy Relationships in Recovery Mark Sanders, LCSW, CADC
9:45-10:00a.m. Morning Break
10:00-11:30a.m. The Emotional and Behavioral Impact on Children/Adolescents Living in Dysfunctional Families Robert J. Ackerman, PhD
11:30a.m.-1:10p.m. Lunch Break and Wellness Sessions

Concurrent Afternoon Workshops
1:15-2:45p.m. # Gender-Responsive Services: A Focus on the Treatment Needs of Chemically Dependent Men and Women Mark Sanders, LCSW, CADC
1:15-2:45p.m. Opioid Addiction and the Family: Using a Strength-Based Model for Treatment and Recovery Robert J. Ackerman, PhD
1:15-2:45p.m. Substance Use Prevention and Intervention in College Health Settings Ann Sesti, MA, NCC, LPC
1:15-2:45p.m. Non-Pharmaceutical Treatment of Addiction Disorders and Substance Abuse: A New Era Joseph A. Schwartz, DC
2:45-3:00p.m. Afternoon Break

Concurrent Afternoon Workshops
3:00-4:30p.m. # When the Titanic Meets the Iceberg: Addressing the Trauma Underneath Substance Use Disorders, Criminality, and Self-Harming Behavior Mark Sanders, LCSW, CADC
3:00-4:30p.m. Opioid Addiction and the Family: Using a Strength-Based Model for Treatment and Recovery Robert J. Ackerman, PhD
3:00-4:30p.m. Non-Pharmaceutical Treatment of Addiction Disorders and Substance Abuse: A New Era Joseph A. Schwartz, DC
Friday, July 14, 2017
Time Scheduled Item Presented by
8:15-9:45a.m. Loss and Grief: Complicated by Addiction Karen Vadino, MSW, LPCC, OCPC II
9:45-10:00a.m. Morning Break
10:00-11:30a.m. All Stressed Up and No One to Choke Karen Vadino, MSW, LPCC, OCPC II
11:30-11:45a.m. Closing Ceremony and Awarding of Certificates