Select the presentation title to see more about each presentation. (Presentation descriptions will be added as they are received. Please check back for more information.)
* Workshops suggested for therapists.
Workshops suggested for educators.
Workshops suggested for both educators and therapists.
Time | Scheduled Item | Presented by |
8:15-9:45a.m. | Summer School Registration and Residence Hall Check-in | |
9:45-10:00a.m. | Summer School Opening Ceremonies | |
10:00-10:45a.m. | Regional Strategies to Address the Opioid Epidemic | Dennis C. Daley, PhD |
10:45-11:30a.m. | Medication-Assisted-Treatment for Opioid Addiction: The New Gold Standard? | Antoine B. Douaihy, MD |
11:30a.m.-1:10p.m. | Lunch Break and Wellness Sessions | |
1:15-2:45p.m. | Recovery is a Journey, Not a Destination: Hope for Individuals, Families, and Communities Affected by Addiction | Robin Horston Spencer, MBA, MHS, MSPL, OWDS, RCAT Adrienne Smith, BSBA, CRS Lucy Garrighan, CEO and Founder, Jade Wellness Center |
2:45-3:00p.m. | Afternoon Break | |
3:00-4:30p.m. | Walking the Talk: Being Our Best Self to Help Our Patients Do the Same | Michael D. Parkinson, MD, MPH, FACPM |
Time | Scheduled Item | Presented by |
8:15-9:45a.m. | Suicide, Mental Illness, and Substance Use: Current Issues | Ralph May, PsyD |
9:45-10:00a.m. | Morning Break | |
10:00-11:30a.m. | QPR Gatekeeper Training: Question, Persuade, Refer | Michelle Seaman Belinda Lambie, Ma Craig Faish, BSN |
11:30a.m.-1:10p.m. | Lunch Break and Wellness Sessions | |
Concurrent Afternoon Workshops |
1:15-2:45p.m. | What Do Suicide, Addiction, Unemployment, and Crime Often Have in Common?: A History of Head Trauma Could Be The Cause | Karen Kinzle Zegel, MA |
1:15-2:45p.m. | Warm Hand-Offs: Engaging Introductions to Treatment | Mike Krafick, CRS Supervisor Nicole Salvo, BS, CDCORP |
1:15-2:45p.m. | The Impact of Suicide | Craig Faish, BSN-The Open Door Jerry Overman, Jr-Indiana County Coroner, Suicide Task Force (STC) Co-Chair Michelle Seaman Belinda Lambie-Guidance Counselor, Purchase Line Jr-Sr High School Ralph May, PsyD-Chief Clinical Officer, Community Guidance Center, STC Co-Chair Kristen Morrow-Ä¢¹½tv Student, Nutrition/Dietetics and Psychology majors Robert T. Truscello-ARIN Intermediate Unit 28 |
1:15-2:45p.m. | What Are They Telling Us, and What Are We Telling Them? How Local Media Can Frame Addiction Issues, and What Can Be Done About It | Erick J. Lauber, PhD |
2:45-3:00p.m. | Afternoon Break | |
Concurrent Afternoon Workshops |
3:00-4:30p.m. | What Do Suicide, Addiction, Unemployment, and Crime Often Have in Common?: A History of Head Trauma Could Be The Cause | Karen Kinzle Zegel, MA |
3:00-4:30p.m. | Warm Hand-Offs: Engaging Introductions to Treatment | Mike Krafick, CRS Supervisor Nicole Salvo, BS, CDCORP |
3:00-4:30p.m. | The Impact of Suicide | Craig Faish, BSN-The Open Door Jerry Overman, Jr-Indiana County Coroner, Suicide Task Force (STC) Co-Chair Michelle Seaman Belinda Lambie-Guidance Counselor, Purchase Line Jr-Sr High School Ralph May, PsyD-Chief Clinical Officer, Community Guidance Center, STC Co-Chair Kristen Morrow-Ä¢¹½tv Student, Nutrition/Dietetics and Psychology majors Robert T. Truscello-ARIN Intermediate Unit 28 |
3:00-4:30p.m. | What Are They Telling Us, and What Are We Telling Them? How Local Media Can Frame Addiction Issues, and What Can Be Done About It | Erick J. Lauber, PhD |
Time | Scheduled Item | Presented by |
8:15-9:45a.m. | Peer Support and Family Recovery | Richard Jones, MA, MBA |
9:45-10:00a.m. | Morning Break | |
10:00-11:30a.m. | Understanding Chronic Pain, Opioids, and Addiction | Ajay D. Wasan, MD, MSc |
11:30a.m.-1:10p.m. | Lunch Break and Wellness Sessions | |
Concurrent Afternoon Workshops |
1:15-2:45p.m. | # Reaching the Disengaged 90% | Richard Jones, MA, MBA |
1:15-2:45p.m. | Can Recovery Be Fun? "My New Leaf," a Gamified Addiction Recovery App Targeting Millennials Using Best Practices, Feedback Loops, and Rewards | Ryan Brannon |
1:15-2:45p.m. | # Keeping Secrets: Ethics Checklists for Protecting Confidentiality Rights, Part I | Mary Alice Fisher, PhD |
2:45-3:00p.m. | Afternoon Break | |
Concurrent Afternoon Workshops |
3:00-4:30p.m. | # Reaching the Disengaged 90% | Richard Jones, MA, MBA |
3:00-4:30p.m. | Can Recovery Be Fun? "My New Leaf," a Gamified Addiction Recovery App Targeting Millennials Using Best Practices, Feedback Loops, and Rewards | Ryan Brannon |
3:00-4:30p.m. | # Keeping Secrets: Ethics Checklists for Protecting Confidentiality Rights, Part II | Mary Alice Fisher, PhD |
4:30-4:45p.m. | Afternoon Break | |
4:45-5:45p.m. | Gary Owen: A Personal Story of Family Addiction | Gary Owen |
Time | Scheduled Item | Presented by |
8:15-9:45a.m. | Loss and Grief: Complicated by Addiction | Karen Vadino, MSW, LPCC, OCPC II |
9:45-10:00a.m. | Morning Break | |
10:00-11:30a.m. | All Stressed Up and No One to Choke | Karen Vadino, MSW, LPCC, OCPC II |
11:30-11:45a.m. | Closing Ceremony and Awarding of Certificates |