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ACKERMAN, PH.D.ADDRESS:40 Aaron LaneOFFICE: ICE: MARTIIndiana, PA 157011098 Oakland Ave, IUP Indiana, PA 15705TELEPHONE:(724) 349-5032 (724) 357-4405Email: Ackerman@IUP.EDU (724) 357-3944 - FaxBIRTH PLACE:Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaEDUCATIONSchools AttendedAreaDegree&lt;/p&gt;T&lt;p&gt;VITAROBERT J. ACKERMAN, PH.D.ADDRESS:40 Aaron LaneOFFICE: MARTIIndiana, PA 157011098 Oakland Ave, IUP Indiana, PA 15705TELEPHONE:(724) 349-5032 (724) 357-4405Email: Ackerman@IUP.EDU (724) 357-3944 - FaxBIRTH PLACE:Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaEDUCATIONSchools AttendedAreaDegree&lt;/p&gt;SummaryInformation(Bagaaqy23kudbhchAaq5u2chNd8 ]$ _F]$DocumentSummaryInformation8t CONTENTSEktTaxCategoryD՜.+, MARTIIndiana, PA 157011098 Oakland Ave, IUP Indiana, PA 15705TELEPHONE:(724) 349-5032 (724) 357-4405Email: Ackerman@IUP.EDU (724) 357-3944 - FaxBIRTH PLACE:Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaEDUCATIONSchools AttendedAreaDegree&lt;/p&gt;i DownloadAsset.aspx?id=51677p> VITA Titled@HT ` h t   Root Entry FPL1TableMhQCompObjyWordDocument7nw  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJvNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstux՜.+,D՜.+,d   p> VITA Title        $L,4@   EktContentIDEktContentLanguage EktFolderId EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionEktShowEventsEktContentID64EktFolderId64 EktInPermekttaxonomyenabled  Oe@h$@`X]$$$$$$$\$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$  O\Summary &lt;p&gt;VITAROBERT J. ACKERMAN, PH.D.ADDRESS:40 Aaron LaneOFFICE: MARTIIndiana, PA 157011098 Oakland Ave, IUP Indiana, PA 15705TELEPHONE:(724) 349-5032 (724) 357-4405Email: Ackerman@IUP.EDU (724) 357-3944 - FaxBIRTH PLACE:Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaEDUCATIONSchools AttendedAreaDegree&lt;/p&gt;T&lt;p&gt;VITAROBERT J. ACKERMAN, PH.D.ADDRESS:40 Aaron LaneOFFICE: eOFFICE: MARTIIndiana, PA 157011098 Oakland Ave, IUP Indiana, PA 15705TELEPHONE:(724) 349-5032  \Fbjbj 7nhh6>%22uuuuu8,tHM.aa"^^^LLLLLLLvNQPLuB^^BBLuuMKKKBuuLKBLKKK@nP/$C4KLM0HMKhQJHhQKhQuK ^&0 K81,:^^^LLgKd^^^HMBBBBhQ^^^^^^^^^2 ;: VITA ROBERT J. ACKERMAN, PH.D. ADDRESS: 40 Aaron Lane OFFICE: MARTI Indiana, PA 15701 1098 Oakland Ave, Ģtv Indiana, PA 15705 TELEPHONE: (724) 349-5032 (724) 357-4405 Email: Ackerman@Ģtv.EDU (724) 357-3944 - Fax BIRTH PLACE: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania EDUCATION Schools Attended Area Degree Western Michigan University Sociology Ph.D. 1980 Western Michigan University Specialty Program Specialty Alcohol & Drug Certificate Abuse 1977 University of Northern Colorado Sociology M.A. 1975 Louisiana State University Political Science B.A. 1971 AREAS OF INTEREST Teaching: Sociological Practice, Family & Human Development, Human Services, Substance Abuse, Child Abuse, Sociology of Education Research: Human Services Evaluation, Life-Span Resiliency Development, Children of Dysfunctional Families AWARDS Father Joseph Martin 2008 Award, Ashley, Havre de Grace, MD., 2008 Special Recognition Award, U.S. Journal Alcohol & Drug Dependence, 2006 Hall of Distinction Award, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 2005. The Ewart A. Swinyard, Ph.D. Award, University of Utah, School on Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependencies, 2003. Honored Alumni Award, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado, 2002. Awards(continued) Alumni Achievement Award, Delta Tau Delta International Fraternity, Los Angeles, California, 2002 University Professor Award, Ģtv, 1999. Alumni Achievement Award, College of Arts and Sciences, Western Michigan University, 1998. Ackerman/Black Award, endowed award to be given annually by The National Association for Children of Alcoholics, 1998. Annual Distinguished Service Award, West Virginia Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors, 1997. The Clyde & Marie Gooderham Award, University of Utah, 1995. Annual Thank You Award, Gateway Rehabilitation Center, Pittsburgh, PA, 1994. Appreciation Award, National Association for Children of Alcoholics, 1993. Distinguished Alumni Award, Western Michigan University, 1990. Whos Who in Addiction Treatment and Recovery, Wilson, Brown & Co., 1989. Distinguished Faculty Award for Research, Ģtv, 1988. PUBLICATIONS Books Perfect Daughters: Adult Daughters of Alcoholics. Revised edition. Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL, 2002. A Wifes Little Red Book: Common Sense, Wit and Wisdom for a Better Marriage. Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1998. Before Its Too Late: Help for Women in Controlling or Abusive Relationships. Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1995. A Husbands Little Black Book: Common Sense, Wit and Wisdom for a Better Marriage. Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1994. Silent Sons: A Book for and About Men. Simon & Schuster, New York, NY, 1993. Books(continued) Too Old To Cry: Abused Teens in Todays America. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1990. Recovery Resource Guide. Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1990. Perfect Daughters: Adult Daughters of Alcoholics. Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1989. Abused No More: Recovery for Women from Abusive or Co-Dependent Relationships. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1989. Children of Alcoholics, 2nd Edition. Simon & Schuster, New York, NY, 1987. Let Go and Grow: Recovery for Adult Children of Alcoholics. Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1987. Same House, Different Home: Why Adult Children of Alcoholics are Not All the Same. Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1987. Children of Alcoholics: Bibliography & Resource Guide, 3rd Edition. Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1987. Children of Alcoholics. Learning Publications, Holmes Beach, FL., 1978 Anthologies Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul Daily Inspirations. Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL 2006 Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul. Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL. 2005 Growing in the Shadow. Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1986. (Editor and contributing author). Chapters in Books The Alcoholic Family in Children of Alcoholics: Selected Readings. National Association for Children of Alcoholics, 2000. Co-Dependency and Professionals in Professionals and Their Addictions. Charter Medical Corporation, Macon, GA, 1989. Assessing the Impact of Alcoholism on the Family in Changing Legacies. Health Communications, Pompano Beach, FL, 1985. Chapters in Books(continued) Alcoholism and the Family in New Perspectives on Alcoholism. University of Akron Medical School, 1983. Socio-Cultural Considerations of Addiction in Basic Curriculum for Substance Abuse Counselors, Office of Substance Abuse Services, Department of Health, Michigan, pp. 1-67, 1979. Books(consulting editor) Relapse Prevention Workbook. Dennis Daley, Learning Publications, Inc., Holmes Beach, FL, 1986. Ceremonial Chemistry. Thomas Szasz, Learning Publications, Inc., Holmes Beach, FL, 1985. Guide to Recovery. Herbert L. Gravitz & Julie Bowden, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY, 1987. Handbook for Volunteers in Substance Abuse Agencies. Dennis W. Shouse et al., Learning Publications, Inc., Holmes Beach, FL, 1983. Confrontation in Psychotherapy with the Alcoholic. Gary G. Forrest, Learning Publications, Inc., Holmes Beach, FL, 1983. Alcoholism: Prevention Curriculum. Physicians Assistants Program, Western Michigan University, Michigan, 1980. Articles/Papers Chemical Dependency and the Family: Expanding the Focus Counselor. December, 2007. Self-Identified Alcohol Abusers in a Low Security Federal Prison: Characteristics and Treatment Implications International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 45(2), 2001, 214-227. A Sigh of Belief: Helping Parents to Raise Their Confidence Monograph, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2000, 2-16. Developing Healthy Families Monograph, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2000, 16-25. Working with High Risk Adolescents Monograph, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2000, 26-33. Articles/Papers(continued) "Barriers to Change: Counseling Clients with Stereotype Gender Patterns". Professional Counselor, Volume 14, October 1999. Dysfunctional Families: Myth, Fact or Somewhere in Between?. The Counselor, November/December 1995. Appreciating Gender Differences in Recovery. Conference Papers - NAADAC 95, July 1995. Dysfunctional Families Doesnt Mean Dysfunctional Men. The Counselor, September/October 1994. Validation of an ACOA Index International Journal of the Addictions, 28(3) 257-269, 1993. Differentiating Adult Children of Alcoholics: The Effects of Background and Treatment on ACOA Symptoms American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, August 1989 Published in International Journal of the Addictions, 26(11), 1159-1172, 1991. Research Findings on the National Adult Children of Alcoholics Research Study American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, August 1987. Let Go & Grow: A New Motto for Adult Children of Alcoholics in Alcoholism and Addiction Magazine, May/June 1987. A New Perspective on Adult Children of Alcoholics Employee Assistance Digest, Jan./Feb. 1987. The Familys Response to Addiction in Focus on Family, The U.S. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Sept./Oct. 1986. Book review of Children of Alcoholism. J. Seixas & G. Youcha, Crown Publishing, New, NY, in Journal on Alcohol Studies, Rutgers University, January 1986. Alcoholic Parents: Reducing the Impact in Focus on Family, The U.S. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Volume 7, No. 1, Jan./Feb. 1984. The Denial of Other Victims in the Domino Quarterly Journal, New York, NY, Spring/Summer 1983. R. Ackerman and E. Erickson. Models of Self: Celebrity Relevance for Personal Achievement at the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, March 1982. Articles/Papers(continued) R. Ackerman and John A. Vonk. A Parents Death, Divorce, or Long Term Institutionalization and Running Away From Home at the Western Social Science Association, San Diego, CA, April 1981. E. Erickson, R. Ackerman, and John A. Vonk. Theories About Running Away From Home: Emerging Interests in the Family at the above meetings. R. Ackerman, E. Erickson and J. Vonk. Breaking Up the Two Parent Family and Youth Running Away From Home at the Ninth Annual Family Research Conference, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, October 1980. R. Ackerman, E. Erickson and J. Vonk. Research Report: Estimates of Running Away From Home in America at the Western Social Science Association, Albuquerque, NM, April 1980. R. Ackerman, R. OSullivan and C. Wiedman. Adult Role Preference for Self and Academic Skills Development Among Adolescent Students, in The Effects of Schooling and Culture on Disaffiliation and Career Development, The Center for Educational Studies, Grand Rapids, MI, June 1977. C. Wiedman, R. Ackerman and R. OSullivan. Importance of Grades to Parents, Peers, Teachers, and the Individual Student in the above publication. TV/Films/Video/Web-Cast Panelists for Addiction in the Home: Healing Lives, Families, and Communities Web-Cast Video, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Department of Health & Human Services, Rockville, MD., 2005. Consultant to the movie, Keeping Secrets. ABC Television, aired September 1991. Oprah Winfrey Show, Chicago, IL, November 1989. Today Show, New York, NY, January 1988. Trust in Yourself Commentator and writer, Coronet Films, Simon & Schuster, Chicago, IL, January 1988. It Wont Happen To Me Script Advisor, Coronet Films, Simon & Schuster, Chicago, IL, January 1989. Children of Alcoholics Series Human Services Institute, Bradenton, FL, 1988. CNN, Atlanta, GA, November 1987. Articles/Papers(continued) Consultant to the movie Shattered Spirits. ABC Television, January 1986. Adult Children of Alcoholics: Choices in Growth produced by Alcoholism Counselors Continuing Education Services, Indianapolis, IN, 1985. Children of Alcoholics produced by Learning Publication, Inc., Holmes Beach, FL, 1983. Audio-Tapes/CDs When Someone You Love has a Drinking Problem Ceridian, 2005 Strong at the Broken Places: The Art of Healing, Logan Publishing, 2000. Working with Resistant Adolescents, Logan Publishing, 2000. Reclaiming Joy In Your Life. Logan Publishing, 1994/2007. Gender Issues & Personal Growth. Logan Publishing, 1994/2007. Silent Men, Logan Publishing, 1993/2007. Isolation, Inadequacy, Intimacy--The Three Is in Recovery. Logan Publishing, 1991/2007. Perfect Daughters. Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1990. Let Go & Grow. Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1989. Co-dependently Yours: Adult Daughters of Alcoholics. Alcoholism Counselors Continuing Education Services, Indianapolis, IN, 1990/2007. Children of Alcoholics & Human Development. Alcoholism Counselors Continuing Education Services, Indianapolis, IN, 1983/1986. Adult Children of Alcoholics. Alcoholism Counselors Continuing Education Services, Indianapolis, IN, 1985. Abused Children of Alcoholics. Alcoholism Counselors Continuing Education Services, Indianapolis, IN, 1984. Adult Children of Alcoholics & Intimacy. Alcoholism Counselors Continuing Education Services, Indianapolis, IN, 1985. Behaviors of Adult Children of Alcoholics. Alcoholism Counselors Continuing Education Services, Indianapolis, IN, 1987. POSITIONS IN ORGANIZATIONS American Red Cross, Board of Directors, Indiana, PA 2006-2007 Professor, Sociology Department, Ģtv, 1982 to present Director, The Mid-Atlantic Addiction Training Institute, Ģtv, Indiana, PA, 1988 to present. Board of Directors, Foundation for Ģtv, 1996 to 2002. Consultant, The Suzanne Somers Institute, Palm Springs, CA, 1989 to 1999. Advisory Board, Whos Who in Addiction Treatment and Recovery, Wilson, Brown & Co., 1989 to 1993. Board of Directors, Alice Paul House, Indiana, PA, 2000 to present. Editorial Board, Changes Magazine, U.S. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Pompano Beach, FL, 1986-1995. Advisory Board, National Association for Children of Alcoholics, Rockville, MD, 1988 to present. Professional Advisory Board, The Chemical People Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1983-1990 Member, American Sociological Association, 1976 to present. Contributing Author on Family Research & Intervention, Focus on Family, U.S. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Pompano Beach, FL, 1987-88. Consulting Editor, Alcohol & Drug Studies Division, Learning Publications, Inc., Holmes Beach, FL, 1980-86. Vice President, National Association for Children of Alcoholics, South Laguna, CA, 1985. Board of Directors, Parents Anonymous, Indiana County, PA, 1982-85. National Advisory Board, Physicians Assistants Program in Substance Abuse, 1977-82. Advisory Board, New Directions, Kalamazoo Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council, Kalamazoo, MI, 1979-82. Governors Council, Alcohol and Drug Abuse, State Department of Health, Denver, CO, 1975-76. MILITARY SERVICE United States Army, 1971-1976, Honorable Discharge, Rank, Captain ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Faculty Sociology Department, Ģtv Assistant Professor: 1982-1985 Associate Professor: 1985-1988 Professor: 1989 to present College of Health & Human Services, Western Michigan University Adjunct Clinical Professor: Fall 1983 to present Sociology Department, Western Michigan University Adjunct Professor: Fall 1980 to August 1982 Instructor: Fall 1979 Graduate Teaching Assistant: 1976-1979 Sociology Department, Hillsdale College Assistant Professor: Winter 1980-1982 Sociology Department, Kalamazoo College Visiting Professor: 1980 Counseling & Personnel Department, Western Michigan University Part-time Faculty: 1978-1980 Sociology Department, University of Colorado Part-time Faculty: 1975-1976 Courses Taught Undergraduate: Principals of Sociology The Family Sociology of Education Child Abuse Clinical Sociology Health & Illness Social Change Social Problems Sociology of Organizations Deviance Social Theory Alcohol & Drugs Stratification Juvenile Delinquency Graduate: Sociology of Human Services Contemporary Family Problems The Family & Addiction Addiction Counseling School Organization Social Conflict Etiologies of Substance Abuse Sociology of Learning Social Change GRANTS Building Resiliency in High Risk Elementary Students. Director of Education and Curriculum, School Personnel Training Grant, Prevention Connection, in conjunction with Bowling Green State University, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, Award $550,000, 1993-1995. Innovative Alcohol Abuse Education--Training Program for Educators. Director of Curriculum with Prevention Connection, in conjunction with Bowling Green State University, U.S. Department of Education, Award $644,000, 1992-1993. International Training Grant on Alcohol and Drug Abuse. U.S. Journal on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Award $25,000, Presented training in Australia and New Zealand, Fall 1990. Comprehensive Community Based Prevention Project for High Risk Youth. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Demonstration Grants, Department of Health and Human Services, 1988 (Award requested $483,000 approved, but not funded). Community Development of Programs for Children of Alcoholics. Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services, State Department of Health, Vermont, Award $12,500, Summer 1984.     PAGE  PAGE 1  9PA n E N C D   U V h #Sj(Mwx+\RKƾh}h}5>* h}6>*h^Athjq6>*h}hjq5h}h}5h}h@hcx h$(h$(h$(h]`h7hahjq5hwlhW hjq5\hjq= !"S~  @ A K n  ' ( Z i j P 1$7$8$H$^P` $1$7$8$H$a$1$7$8$H$ D E C D   T U V h gd$( 1$7$8$H$gd]``1$7$8$H$^``gd]``1$7$8$H$^``1$7$8$H$mnST-.mn #1$7$8$H$'(vwx*+QRJK  gd}1$7$8$H$  OIJ\v" * !(CCvCeϼϪϦݜݜh^Athjq5 h}6>*h7h^Athjq5>*h h}h}5>*h^Ath}5 h}5 h 6>* h7h}h}h^Ath}6>* h}5>* h}5>* h^At5>*h^Athjq6>*hjq6IJ\STWX(BC1$7$8$H$gd} 1$7$8$H$gd}BCij- H .!/!!!!!I"J" 1$7$8$H$gd1$7$8$H$ ij- H !!.!/! 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