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Students are connected with working professionals via MentorNet \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (to exchange questions and receive career advice.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (2.\tBy providing scholarships, the grant enables enhancement of \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (the performance, skills, and attitudes of members of underrepresented \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (groups thus improving their access to and retention in research and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (teaching careers. The grant supports students with scholarships in \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (their pursuit of science and mathematics majors \(26 supported students \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (during Fall 2011 with 6 additional scholarship offers for the Spring \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (2012\). Additionally one of these students graduated in December \(one \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Bachelor's degree\).\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (The cohort during Fall 2011 semester has 10 female students out of the \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (total 26. The 6 additional scholarship offers issued for Spring 2012 \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (and three are female students. There are two Asian American students \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (in the cohort and one Latino American applicant without financial \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (need. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (As part of the scholarship program, supported students successfully \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (complete additional mathematics course requirements which further \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (their ability to pursue advanced studies, perform research, and to \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (apply and incorporate more quantitative methods in their careers \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (and/or teaching.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (The grant also supports colloquia and workshops for the Ģtv community \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (furthering participants' understanding and ability to utilize \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (mathematics and science.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Students in the scholarship cohort improve their communication skills \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (by giving research presentations and receiving peer feedback at \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (monthly meetings.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (3.\tThe grant provides exposure to science and technology for non-\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (scientist members of the public. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Scholarship recipients are asked to participate in an annual spring \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (university-wide Scholar's Forum where they present their mathematical \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (and scientific projects to the entire Ģtv community.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Students completing student teaching and internships expose the \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (general public to mathematics and science.\r) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -31 Td (Contributions to Resources for Research and Education: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (The grant provides additional software \(Lingo, WinEdt, Arena, Matlab\) \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (for Ģtv's computer laboratories expanding the ability to use state of \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (the art packages in both education and research.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (It also provides funding for the departmental membership of Society of \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Industrial and Applied Mathematics \(SIAM\) and SIAM Journal on Applied \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Mathematics.) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -16 Td (Contributions Beyond Science and Engineering: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td ( ) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 250 -28 Td (Conference Proceedings) Tj 0 -45 Td (Special Requirements) Tj -250 -30 Td (Special reporting requirements: ) Tj ET 268.0 121.0 105.0 1.0 re f 268.0 76.0 89.0 1.0 re f endstream endobj 34 0 obj <> stream BT /Serif 10 Tf 0.0 0.0 0.0 rg 495 766 Td (Annual Report: 0966206) Tj /SansSerif 10 Tf 37 -742 Td (Page 12 of 14) Tj /Serif 10 Tf -514 723 Td (Mathematics, Inc., gave three presentations on October 12, 2012. Dr. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Irene Fonseca, President of Society for Industrial and Applied \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Mathematics, has agreed to visit Ģtv on April 20, 2012. These two \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (speakers give presentations on their cutting edge research in \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (different areas of applied mathematics and share their industrial work \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (experience with students. Invited speakers' presentations are \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (advertised and open to the entire Ģtv community. There were at least \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (240 and 35 persons attending Dr. Browning's general and advanced \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (presentations. The scholarship cohort students and at 30 additional \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (undergraduates and faculty members also actively participated in Dr. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Browning's career session. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tS-COAM co-sponsored Dr. Famoye's visit. There were over 100 \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (students attending either the research presentation or the career \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (discussion.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tS-COAM also partially sponsored the Ģtv's annual spring Sigma-\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Xi lecture.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tThree recent alumni of M.S. in Applied Mathematics and one new \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (mathematics faculty member gave a career panel in Fall 2011 with at \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (least 80 participants. We also plan to offer an informational \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (workshop on application to graduate schools in Spring 2012.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tIn April 2011, the Math Department and S-COAM program \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (coordinated a scholarship banquet. A total of 65 persons including \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (faculty member, scholarship recipients, and recipients' family members \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (joined the banquet to celebrate students' achievements. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 250 -36 Td (Journal Publications) Tj -45 -45 Td (Books or Other One-time Publications) Tj /Serif 10 Tf -205 -29 Td (Frederick Adkins and Yu-Ju Kuo, "Mentoring and Networking Mathematics and Science Majors in \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Applying Mathematics", \(2012\). Conference Presentation, Abstract Accepted, 2012 Joing Mathematics Meetings) Tj 0 -12 Td (Bibliography: Adkins, Frederick, and Kuo, Yu-Ju. NSF S-COAM Annual Reports. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Rep. Print.) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 250 -45 Td (Web/Internet Site) Tj -250 -30 Td (URL\(s\):) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (http://www.iup.edu/page.aspx?id=94513) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -13 Td (Description:) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (This site provides information for prospective applicants and current scholarship recipients. It also announces public events supported by the) Tj 0 -12 Td (grant. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (This page is linked from the Mathematics Department \(www.iup.edu/math\) by clicking on the S-COAM information section link.) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 240 -30 Td (Other Specific Products) Tj 10 -30 Td (Contributions) Tj -250 -15 Td (Contributions within Discipline: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td ( ) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -13 Td (Contributions to Other Disciplines: ) Tj ET 268.0 419.0 87.0 1.0 re f 223.0 374.0 163.0 1.0 re f 268.0 264.0 76.0 1.0 re f 258.0 127.0 103.0 1.0 re f 268.0 97.0 59.0 1.0 re f endstream endobj 35 0 obj <> stream BT /Serif 10 Tf 0.0 0.0 0.0 rg 495 766 Td (Annual Report: 0966206) Tj /SansSerif 10 Tf 37 -742 Td (Page 11 of 14) Tj /Serif 10 Tf -514 723 Td (program is an amazing thing, and I hope it is able to continue to help \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (students like me for a long time!'\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -25 Td (Training and Development:) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (?\tEach recipient is required to take additional mathematics \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (courses and participate in at least one workshop/colloquium per month. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tIn monthly meetings, the cohort activities include: \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (orientation name games, mock interviews, resume critiques, and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (practice and critique of oral presentations, 3 minute self-\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (introduction.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tTwo Matlab workshops \(Matlab I, Matlab II\) and one workshop on \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (preparation for graduate school were offered in Spring 2011. We also \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (took several students to visit Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center in \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (April, 2011. Two mathematical software workshops \(Mathematica I, \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Mathematica II\) and a Scientific Visualization workshop were offered \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (in Fall 2011. We plan to offer Matlab, WinEdt/LaTex, Graduate School \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Application workshops in Spring 2012. All workshops are announced to \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (the entire Ģtv community through email and the daily campus bulletin. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tDr. William Browning, a SIAM visiting lecturer from Applied \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Mathematics, Inc., gave three presentations on October 12, 2011. Dr. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Irene Fonseca, President of Society for Industrial and Applied \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Mathematics, has agreed to visit Ģtv on April 20, 2012. These two \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (speakers present their cutting edge research in different areas of \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (applied mathematics and share their industrial work experience with \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (students. The events are advertised to the entire Ģtv community. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tS-COAM also co-sponsored Dr. Famoye's visit in November 2011. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Dr. Famoye gave one research presentation and a discussion session \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (about his career as statistics professor and consultant.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tS-COAM also partially sponsored the Ģtv's annual spring Sigma-\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Xi lecture.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tSix recipients practiced giving short oral presentations based \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (on their research/class projects in Spring 2011 monthly meetings in \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (preparation for their participation in local/regional conferences. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Three students gave presentations for their REU and internship \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (experiences in the August, 2011 meeting. Four students are scheduled \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (to practice their presentations in Spring 2012.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tStudents will explore workforce and career options through \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (career or advanced study related workshops.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -45 Td (Outreach Activities:) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (The following activities are advertised and open to the entire Ģtv \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (community. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tA series of two Matlab workshops were offered in Spring 2011. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (There were a total of 23 and 16 participants, respectively. Among \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (those, there were 5 and 3 faculty members. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tA series of two Mathematica workshops and a Scientific \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Visualization Workshop were offered in Fall 2011. We plan to offer \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Matlab and WinEdt/LaTeX workshops in Spring 2012. There were a total \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (of 20, 18, and 36 persons attending Mathematica I, Mathematica II, and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Scientific Visualization workshops, respectively. Among those \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (participants, there were 5, 4, and 11 students who were not S-COAM \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (recipients. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tDr. William Browning, a SIAM visiting lecturer from Applied \r) Tj ET endstream endobj 36 0 obj <> stream BT /Serif 10 Tf 0.0 0.0 0.0 rg 495 766 Td (Annual Report: 0966206) Tj /SansSerif 10 Tf 37 -742 Td (Page 10 of 14) Tj /Serif 10 Tf -514 723 Td (Browning's career session. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (o\tThe results of the survey show that 90% of respondents \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (indicated that participation in the scholarship cohort increased their \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (ability to network with faculty.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (o\tThe results of the survey show that 100% of respondents \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (indicated that participation in the scholarship cohort increased their \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (ability to network with other students. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (o\tThe results of the survey show that 90% of respondents \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (indicated that participation in the scholarship cohort increased their \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (feeling of connection with other mathematics and science students.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Ongoing broader impact: Workshops created for the scholarship cohort \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (were open to the university community. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tFor Matlab workshops: there were 8 faculty members.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tFor Mathmatica workshops: there were 9 students who were not \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (in the S-COAM program.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tFor Scientific visualization workshop: there were 18 non S-\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (COAM students and two faculty participants.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tThere were at least 80 students attending the Career Panel.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tThere were at least 240 and 35 persons attending Dr. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Browning's general and advanced talks. The scholarship cohort students \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (and 30 additional students also actively participated in Dr. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Browning's career session. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Students in the program were asked to provide feedback on how the \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (program impacted or changed their educational goals. Below are \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (comments indicating the program's ongoing impact.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ('This scholarship has impacted my career goals by making me take my \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (upcoming graduation more seriously. ?\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Listening to presenters discuss their personal careers, interviews, or \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (which classes to take really encouraged me to take advantage of the \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (time that I have left here to prepare myself.'\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ('I have attended some colloquia or workshops in the past, but not as \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (many as I did this semester. ? In fact after I knew which talks I \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (wanted to attend for my requirements, I realized how interesting they \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (were and went to more than necessary.'\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ('One of my biggest fears with entering the workforce and applying for \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (jobs is that I don't have anyone I am close to me that has undergone \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (the same situation. I am the first person in my family to go to \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (college ? it is hard when no one understands to give me pointers. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Because of this, having my mentor has been wonderful.'\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ('? not only did the money greatly help, all of the requirements \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (associated with this scholarship helped enhance my education as well.'\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ('this scholarship has made it possible for me to connect with my peers \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (who have the same interests as I do, and it has given me skills that I \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (think will be very valuable when I graduate and start a career.'\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ('Not only did being a participant in this scholarship raise my self \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (confidence to apply to the REU, but now that I have attended the REU \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (and MathFest, I can see myself doing more with my life.'\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ('Many people put a lot of hard work into ? this. I think that this \r) Tj ET endstream endobj 37 0 obj <> stream BT /Serif 10 Tf 0.0 0.0 0.0 rg 495 766 Td (Annual Report: 0966206) Tj /SansSerif 10 Tf 43 -742 Td (Page 9 of 14) Tj /Serif 10 Tf -520 723 Td (Among 13 new scholarship recipients in Fall 2011 and Spring 12, eight \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (students majoring in science declared an additional major or minor in \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (mathematics. The results from Fall 2011 survey show that 92% of 25 \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (respondents indicated that monthly meetings improve their commitment \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (to continue in their current academic programs. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Strengthen academic environment for entire department:\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Outcome for Undergraduates\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tAll undergraduate recipients met the GPA requirement \(>3.0\) \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (and mathematics courses requirements for Spring 2011, Fall 2011, and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Spring 2012 renewal.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tTwo, two, and one undergraduate students in the cohort \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (graduated in Dec. 2010, May 2011, and Dec. 2011, respectively. Two are \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (currently pursuing graduate degrees in Economics and Environmental \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Science. The other three are currently employed by Eric Ryan \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Corporation, Seeds of Faith Christian Academy, and Cerner Company\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Outcome for Graduate Students in the M.S. in Applied Mathematics \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (program\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tAll graduate recipients in Spring 2011 met the GPA requirement \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\(>3.2\) for Fall 2011 renewal. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tAll graduate recipients, except 2, in Fall 2011 met the GPA \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (requirement for Spring 2012 renewal.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tOne graduated in Dec. 2010 and two in May 2011. One is \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (currently in a Ph.D. program and one is employed by IBM.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Program Activities\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (o\tAmong 17 students in Spring 2011, 15 students attended four or \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (more workshops/colloquia/seminars. Six students attended at least one \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (conference and five students gave at least one presentation outside of \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (class. This active participation represents a change from students' \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (self-reported prior attendance \(with 13 of 17 students reporting they \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (were unlikely or very unlikely to attend these events if not in the \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (program\).\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (o\tAmong 26 students in Fall 2011, 24 students attended four or \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (more workshops/colloquia/seminars and 10 students attended more than \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (five. Four students attended at least one conference and six students \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (gave at least one presentation outside of class. This active \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (participation represents a change from students' self-reported prior \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (attendance \(with 19 of 26 students reporting they were unlikely or \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (very unlikely to attend these events if not in the program\). \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (o\tThere were a total of 23 and 16 persons attending Matlab I and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Matlab II workshops in Spring 2011, respectively. Among those, there \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (were 5 and 3 faculty members. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (o\tThere were a total of 20 and 18 persons attending Mathematica \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (I and Mathematica II workshops in Fall 2011, respectively. Among \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (those, there were 5 and 4 students who were not in the S-COAM program.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (o\tThere are a total of 37 participants in Scientific \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Visualization workshop in Fall 2011. Among those, there were 18 non S-\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (COAM students and two faculty participants. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (o\tThere were at least 80 students attending the Career Panel in \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Fall 2011.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (o\tThere were at least 240 and 35 persons attending Dr. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Browning's general and advanced talks. The scholarship cohort students \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (and 30 additional students also actively participated in Dr. \r) Tj ET endstream endobj 38 0 obj <> stream BT /Serif 10 Tf 0.0 0.0 0.0 rg 495 766 Td (Annual Report: 0966206) Tj /SansSerif 10 Tf 43 -742 Td (Page 8 of 14) Tj /Serif 10 Tf -520 723 Td (graduate student and one undergraduate attended the meeting. One \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (undergraduate student presented in Undergraduate Scholar Forum at Ģtv. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tSummer 2011: One graduate student attended 2011 Joint \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Statistical Meetings in Miami Beach, FL. One undergraduate student \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (participated a Research Experience for Undergraduate at Grand Valley \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (State University in Summer 2011 and attended the annual summer meeting \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (of MAA in Lexington, KY. Two graduate students completed their \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (internships. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tFall 2011: Four students attended at least one conference and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (six students gave at least one presentation. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tSpring 2012: One undergraduate student gave an oral \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (presentation and a poster presentation at the JMM in Boston. Three \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (graduate students will complete their internships. We anticipate \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (students will attend additional conferences. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (*\tFive graduate students and 4 undergraduate students received \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (financial support to attend regional, state-wide, or national \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (conferences in between January 2011 and January 2012. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Ongoing broader impact\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tStudents will improve their communication and networking \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (skills through participation in the monthly activities with mentors \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (and peers.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tIn monthly meetings, the cohort activities include: \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (orientation name games, mock interviews, resume critiques, 3-minute \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (self-introduction, and practice and critique of oral presentations. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (The cohort also shares two office spaces, Stright Hall 205 and 219.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tA scholarship banquet was held on April 29, 2011. A total of \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (30 scholarship recipients from Mathematics Department and S-COAM and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (their invited guests came together to celebrate their accomplishments. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (A total of 65 participants, including scholarship recipients, their \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (invited guests, and faculty members attended the event.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tMentorNet is an e-mentoring program matching students with \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (professionals in science and engineering for one-on-one guided \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (relationships. Every student selects his/her own mentor through \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (MentorNet based on his/her own career/demographic preferences. With \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (the additional support from the College Technology fund, all students \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (in the college can use this service. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tStudents will explore workforce and career options.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tBrian E. Johnson, a Vice President at Swiss Reinsurance \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (America Corporation, spoke to interested students about the actuarial \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (profession in Spring 2011.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tInvited speakers, Dr. Browning and Dr. Famoye, had either \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (career related presentation or open forum to answer questions from \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (students regarding their career. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tThree alumni from the M.S. in Applied Mathematics program and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (one new mathematics faculty shared their experience with students in \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Fall 2011. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tWe offered informational workshops on preparation for graduate \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (school in Spring 2011. We also plan to another informational workshop \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (on applications to graduate schools in Spring 2012.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tFaculty offered discussion on career opportunities for Upward-\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Bound students.\r) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -50 Td (Findings: \(See PDF version submitted by PI at the end of the report\)) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (Increase numbers of students with majors or minors in Mathematics:\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj ET endstream endobj 39 0 obj <> stream BT /Serif 10 Tf 0.0 0.0 0.0 rg 495 766 Td (Annual Report: 0966206) Tj /SansSerif 10 Tf 43 -742 Td (Page 7 of 14) Tj /Serif 10 Tf -520 723 Td (solicit qualified students and co-organize events. Various minority \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (associations at Ģtv were contacted to advertise the S-COAM program; \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (and brochures and flyers were delivered to their offices for display. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tIn Spring 2012, we plan to contact advisors or presidents of \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (minority student clubs and schedule a short meeting with these \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (organizations. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Strengthen academic environment for entire department\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (*\tCo-PIs determine math course requirements for each student \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (after carefully reviewing each individual's academic schedule and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (mathematical background. Each recipient is required to take \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (additional mathematics courses and participate in at least one \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (workshop/colloquium per month. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (*\tIn monthly meetings, the cohort activities include: \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (orientation name games, mock interviews, resume critiques, practice \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (and critique of oral presentations, 3-minute self-introduction. Co-PIs \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (also gave short presentations on decision makings and how to use \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (WinEdt and LaTeX. During the Spring 2011 monthly meetings, six \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (students practiced to give short oral presentations based on their \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (research/class projects. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (*\tThe cohort also shares two office spaces, Stright Hall 205 and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (219.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (*\tEvery student selects his/her own mentor through MentorNet \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (based on his/her own career/demographic preferences.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (*\tWorkshops: All workshops are announced to the entire Ģtv \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (community through email and through the daily campus bulletin. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\tSpring 2011: Matlab I, Matlab II, Preparation for graduate \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (schools and some professional entry-level jobs\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tFall 2011: Mathematica I, Mathematics II, Scientific \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Visualization and Creating a Research Poster, Career Panel by three \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (M.S. in Applied Mathematics alumni and a new mathematics faculty \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (member.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tSpring 2012: Matlab, WinEdt and LaTeX, Preparation for \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (graduate schools\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tInvited Speakers: Presentations are advertised and open to the \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (entire Ģtv community. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tFall 2011: Dr. William Browning, a SIAM visiting lecturer \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (from Applied Mathematics, Inc., gave three presentations on October \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (12, 2011. Dr. Felix Famoye, co-sponsored by Mathematics Department and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (S-COAM, gave one presentation on November 17, 2011, and met with \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (students to discuss aspects of his career on November 18, 2011. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tSpring 2012: Dr. Irene Fonseca, President-Elect of Society for \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Industrial and Applied Mathematics, has agreed to visit Ģtv on April \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (20, 2012.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tThese three speakers give presentations on their cutting edge \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (research in different areas of applied mathematics and statistics and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (share their work experience with students.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (*\tS-COAM partially sponsored the Ģtv's annual spring Sigma-Xi \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (lecture.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (*\tS-COAM organized a field trip to Pittsburgh Supercomputing \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Center. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (*\tS-COAM also sponsored Ģtv Undergraduate Scholar Forum and the \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Women in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Program by providing \r) Tj 0 -12 Td ('Best Computational Science Poster Award' for each event. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (*\tScholarship recipients' participation in conferences:\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tSpring 2011: Three graduate students gave a joint presentation \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (at the 2011 spring meeting of Allegheny Mountain Section of MAA. One \r) Tj ET endstream endobj 40 0 obj <> stream BT /Serif 10 Tf 0.0 0.0 0.0 rg 495 766 Td (Annual Report: 0966206) Tj /SansSerif 10 Tf 43 -742 Td (Page 6 of 14) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -270 722 Td (Activities and Findings) Tj -250 -30 Td (Research and Education Activities: \(See PDF version submitted by PI at the end of the report\)) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (Headings below are our project goals and objectives. Activities \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (completed in Spring 2011 and Fall 2011 or scheduled to complete in \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Spring 2012 are listed under appropriate sections. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Increase numbers of students with majors or minors in Mathematics\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tIncrease recruitment of students attending the M.S program in \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Applied Mathematics at Ģtv through efforts focused on the Pennsylvania \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (State System of Higher Education and regional colleges\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tBetween Spring 2011 and Fall 2011\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\t* In Spring 2011, Dr. Adkins attended the annual conference of \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Mathematics Association \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\(PASSHE-MA\) at California University of Pennsylvania to distribute \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (brochures and talked to potential students. Recruiting material were \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (also posted on the bulletin boards at Pennsylvania State University. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Dr. Kuo attended the spring meeting of Allegheny Mountain Section of \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Mathematical Association of America \(MAA\) at Clarion University to \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (distribute brochures to potential students. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tSpring 2012\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\t* Participated in the Graduate School Fair at the Joint \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Mathematics Meetings\(JMM\) in Boston \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\t* Will participate in the spring meetings of PASSHE-MA and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Allegheny Mount Section of MAA\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\t* Recruiting trips to colleges in the PASSHE and regional \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (colleges are planned for Spring 2012\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tContinuous Effort:\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\t* Emails or brochures were sent to the chairs of related \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (departments as well as the contact persons listed on various minority \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (associations in Math and Science fields in Pennsylvania and nearby \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (states.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\t* Brochures were provided to the Director of Marketing in the \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (School of Graduate Studies and Research to advertise the program in \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (various recruiting events.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\t* Emails, letters, and/or brochures were sent to Ģtv alumnus \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (and lists of students who took GRE in PA and nearby states. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tExpand recruitment of STEM undergraduates from regional \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (community colleges\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tContinuous Effort:\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\t* Letters, emails or brochures were sent to the chairpersons \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (of related departments in regional community colleges.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\t* Emails and letters were sent to transfer students from lists \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (provided by the Office of Admission.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\t* Brochures were provided to Office of Admission to advertise \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (the program in their recruiting trips.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\t* Emails will be sent to regional community colleges to invite \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (faculty and students to attend workshops and invited talks.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (?\tIncrease retention of undergraduate students majoring in \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (mathematical areas at Ģtv\r) Tj 0 -12 Td ( o\tMultiple emails were sent to students in the College of \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Natural Science and Mathematics with 3.0 GPA who were close to or at \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (least at the junior standing; female and minority students also \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (received additional emails announcing this scholarship opportunity. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Emails were sent to the chairs of departments in the College to \r) Tj ET 268.0 742.0 96.0 1.0 re f endstream endobj 41 0 obj <> stream BT /Serif 10 Tf 0.0 0.0 0.0 rg 495 766 Td (Annual Report: 0966206) Tj /SansSerif 10 Tf 43 -742 Td (Page 5 of 14) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -520 722 Td (INFORMS) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (The INFORMS Speakers Program is designed to provide access to excellent speakers who are experts in operations research and the) Tj 0 -12 Td (management sciences.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (A speaker will give two presentations and an informational question and answer session for students.) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -29 Td (Sigma XI Scientific Research Society) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturers communicate their insights and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (excitement to a broad range of scholars and to the community at large. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Dr. Laurie E. Locascio, Spring 2011 speaker, is the Chief of the \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Biochemical Science Division within the Chemical Science and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (She presented a lecture and a informational question and answer \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (session for students.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Anthony Johnson from UMBC, will be the Spring 2012 speaker.) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -33 Td (MentorNet) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (MentorNet is the premiere and most experienced web-based e-mentoring program in the world. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (In terms of use of personnel:\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Each scholarship recipient has selected a mentor in engineering and science fields from MentorNet for one-on-one guided relationships) Tj 0 -12 Td (regarding academic and career opportunities. Through the additional support from the College Technology fund, all students in the college have) Tj 0 -12 Td (access to MenorNet's one-on-one mentoring service.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (In terms of use of facilities, scholarship students utilize the organizations website: \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Based on a series of questions, the MentorNet website searches and matches students with compatible mentors. Students use MentorNet) Tj 0 -12 Td (website to network with other participants and review job postings. \r) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 230 -48 Td (Other Collaborators or Contacts) Tj /Serif 10 Tf -230 -14 Td (Ģtv Career Development Center-Director Mark Anthony gave a \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (presentation on career and internship opportunities for students in \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (scholarship cohort and in the College of Natural Science and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Mathematics.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Ģtv Office of Financial Aid- Alisa DeStefano reviews students' \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (financial need eligibility for compliance with scholarship \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (requirements.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Ģtv Office of Admissions - Director Mike Husenits provides \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (consultation and contact list of prospective undergraduate students \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (and distributes informational brochures on scholarship. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Ģtv Office of Financial Operations- Jack Zimmer and Tom Toia\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (provide accounting services.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Ģtv School of Graduate Studies and Research- Director of Marketing and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Recruitment Paula Stossel and Frank DeStefano provide consultation \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (on recruiting graduate students and distributes informational \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (brochures on scholarship.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (College of Natural Science and Mathematics- College Technology Manager \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Joe Shyrock provided $1500 support to extend MentorNet contract for \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (all students in the College of Natural Science and Mathematics.\r) Tj ET 248.0 350.0 139.0 1.0 re f endstream endobj 42 0 obj <> stream BT /Serif 10 Tf 0.0 0.0 0.0 rg 495 766 Td (Annual Report: 0966206) Tj /SansSerif 10 Tf 43 -742 Td (Page 4 of 14) Tj /Serif 10 Tf -470 723 Td (gave a series of two Mathematica workshops) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -18 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Chrispell, John) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (New Faculty in the Mathematics Department, a presenter at Career Panel) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -18 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Abrefa-Kodom, Kwasi) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (M.S. in Applied Mathematics Alumnus, employed by IBM, Houston, TX, a \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (presenter at Career panel) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -19 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Jarrett, Ben) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (M.S. in Applied Mathematics Alumnus, employed by Federal Energy \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, a presenter at Career Panel) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -19 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Rossman, Paul) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (M.S. in Applied Mathematics Alumnus, employed by Sheetz, a presenter at \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Career Panel) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -19 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Snavely, Deanne) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (introduced Dr. Browning and assist with recruiting community college students) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -18 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Ross, David) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (gave two presentations and met with students to share his experiences in \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (industry and academia) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -19 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Browning, William) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (gave 3 presentations and answered students' questions about working in industry) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -50 -33 Td (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Tj 250 -30 Td (Organizational Partners) Tj -250 -15 Td (Society For Industrial and Applied Math \(SIAM\)) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (SIAM's Visiting Lecturer Program \(VLP\) offers a valuable resource to chairpersons, colloquium organizers, student chapters, and) Tj 0 -12 Td (undergraduate/graduate advisors - a roster of applied mathematicians in academia, industry, and government who are able to speak to students) Tj 0 -12 Td (on a variety of topics.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (The Visiting Lecturers are experienced speakers who, in addition to their accomplishments in applied mathematics, have been recommended) Tj 0 -12 Td (for their commitment to education and their ability to reach students.\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Dr. David Ross, Rochester Institute of Technology, gave two presentations and an informational question and answer session for students. \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Dr. William Browning from Applied Math, Inc., gave three presentations for the Ģtv community.\r) Tj ET 268.0 194.0 105.0 1.0 re f endstream endobj 43 0 obj <> stream BT /Serif 10 Tf 0.0 0.0 0.0 rg 495 766 Td (Annual Report: 0966206) Tj /SansSerif 10 Tf 43 -742 Td (Page 3 of 14) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -470 722 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (served on scholarship review committee) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -18 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Wisloski, Greg) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (served on scholarship review committee) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -18 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Burch, Kimberly) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (served on scholarship review committee) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -18 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Lattanzio, John) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (served on scholarship review committee) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -18 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Radelet, Dan) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (served on scholarship review committee, organized Mathematics Department \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (colloquia, and recorded student participation in colloquia) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -19 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Maier, Christoph) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (chaired the internship committee, reviewed students' resumes, established internship opportunities, and gave a SAS workshop) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -18 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Anthony, Mark) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (provided presentation on career and internship opportunities for students in scholarship cohort and in the College of Natural) Tj 0 -12 Td (Science and Mathematics) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -19 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Ritchey, Nathan) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (provided consultation on assessment practices and review of content for surveys) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -18 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (DeStefano, Frank) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (provided consultation on recruiting graduate students and distributed \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (informational brochures on scholarship.) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -19 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Janosko, Joann) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (registered the SIAM Journal in Applied Mathematics with the Ģtv \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (electronic journal collection) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -19 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Donley, Edward) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj ET endstream endobj 44 0 obj <> stream BT /Serif 10 Tf 0.0 0.0 0.0 rg 495 766 Td (Annual Report: 0966206) Tj /SansSerif 10 Tf 43 -742 Td (Page 2 of 14) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -470 722 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Vargson, Jeffrey) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (provided clerical assistance by sorted incoming applications, creating and maintaining applicant files) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -50 -33 Td (Undergraduate Student) Tj 50 -15 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (O'Hara, Daniel) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (co-presenter for Scientific Visualization workshop) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -18 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Lamont, Ellen) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (co-presenter for Scientific Visualization workshop) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -50 -33 Td (Technician, Programmer) Tj 50 -15 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Shyrock, Joe) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (setup and install computer and software in the student offices, install software in the computer laboratories purchased through) Tj 0 -12 Td (S-COAM, and provide funds to extend MentorNet service to all students in the college) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -50 -34 Td (Other Participant) Tj 50 -15 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (DeStefano, Alisa) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (reviewed students' financial need eligibility for compliance with scholarship requirements) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -18 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Stossel, Paula) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (provided consultation on recruiting graduate students and distributed \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (informational brochures on scholarship) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -19 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Husenits, Mike) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (provided consultation on recruitment and a contact list of prospective undergraduate students; also distributed informational) Tj 0 -12 Td (brochures on scholarship) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -19 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (White, Elaine) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (provided administrative and clerical support including software purchasing, travel reimbursement, and mail sorting) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -18 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Alarcon, Francisco) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (No) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (obtained furnishings and allocated office spaces for student cohort and as department chair referred students as potential) Tj 0 -12 Td (scholarship recipients) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -19 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Stoudt, Gary) Tj ET endstream endobj 45 0 obj <> endobj 46 0 obj <> endobj 47 0 obj <> endobj 48 0 obj [/PDF/Text/ImageB] endobj 49 0 obj <> stream BT /Serif 10 Tf 0.0 0.0 0.0 rg 495 766 Td (Annual Report: 0966206) Tj /SansSerif 10 Tf 43 -742 Td (Page 1 of 14) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -520 714 Td (Annual Report for Period:) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 114 0 Td (05/2011 - 04/2012) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 236 0 Td (Submitted on:) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 64 0 Td (01/30/2012) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -414 -15 Td (Principal Investigator:) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 100 0 Td (Kuo, Yu-Ju .) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 250 0 Td (Award ID: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 50 0 Td (0966206) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -400 -15 Td (Organization:) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 64 0 Td (Indiana U of Pennsylvania ) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -64 -15 Td (Submitted By: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (Kuo, Yu-Ju - Principal Investigator) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -16 Td (Title:) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (Scholarships-Creating Opportunities for Applying Mathematics) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 250 -28 Td (Project Participants) Tj -250 -15 Td (Senior Personnel) Tj 50 -15 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Kuo, Yu-Ju) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (Yes) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (Carry out overall administration and interaction with NSF and other \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (organizations; \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Maintain S-COAM records and applicant records;\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Develop recruitment material;\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Coordinate recruitment and advertising activities;\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Develop and update project website;\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Screen applicants for eligibility; \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Select scholarship recipients and determine required math courses for \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (recipients; \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Review students' progress; \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Serve as a primary academic mentor for S-COAM; \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Develop & update advising and curriculum guidelines;\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Coordinate external speakers and workshops;\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Coordinate annual scholarship banquet;\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Develop surveys and distribute them to students from Qualtrics, a web-\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (based survey software;\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Research, select, order, and authorize purchase of supplies and \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (materials\r) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf 0 -27 Td (Name: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 30 0 Td (Adkins, Frederick) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -30 -15 Td (Worked for more than 160 Hours: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 163 0 Td (Yes) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -163 -15 Td (Contribution to Project: ) Tj /Serif 10 Tf 0 -14 Td (Develop recruitment material;\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Coordinate recruitment and advertising activities; \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Develop and update project website; \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Screen applicants for eligibility;\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Select scholarship recipients and determine required math courses for \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (recipients; \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Review students' progress; \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Serve as a primary academic mentor for S-COAM; \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Develop & update advising and curriculum guidelines; \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Coordinate external speakers and workshops; \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Develop surveys; \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Administer Ģtv-STEM group on Facebook;\r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Presented mid-award summary of outcomes at the 2012 Joint Mathematics \r) Tj 0 -12 Td (Meetings in Boston.) Tj /SerifB 10 Tf -50 -40 Td (Post-doc) Tj 0 -30 Td (Graduate Student) Tj ET 268.0 617.0 85.0 1.0 re f endstream endobj 50 0 obj <> stream hޔYn}WT∻y$p8OAbI&5$eAyιKQ;=Ab-n{oCl÷c%g!2r\Eq50NIsVkl'ϨCZg20_ ^ȰV`>B8[Uzԟ5zGbo-[㮑= 3p!>w0* Ktծh)K:Y /}W]uضʢj:3ƶ=:FhO4{9&Ѭ[jѝqYO# T}d׵oQd^x(Սc*'!^xgIHJ*+JXBil,]U<,/%{qHNڙ@~`[[̑, ,.WXP']p^N6FEZcU7{ozxl^y+bz 3\}]`V(2kSQo?m?r$ V ̨,r8x +Ϩ=M-Y[o&m* RD&9ʦwK"% "F tI_`;IN)H{%BݚQW\a=,,\X\T)}p, Wi ϻCj [Ɲі Խ^XdD ]3ېg-lebE~0y#ۓ}u7{=/cq`2ѳ$`F$g.)E$, xܗ ʾxB¢PT20.wGzI;e#U3t͈ bɌ+_Kћtj0: hvH,Hg(Mr2':w%Tx-mgFֵJ58ꂓH6Nj<'ny,PXXsdsВE{d&:sc*+3qx0L2əoNuz/? B.Lt w䮯ps[ GH9.b'rԒq+ptUPR^ edF25L8 ȫX6KlI^>QܭW/18F0*(ly,^ > BDy1 a7O_7>+īshAWռ8J? 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