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OutstandingExcellentAbove AverageAverageBelow AverageUnsatis-factoryNot ObservedKnowledge of Occupational Safety and Health       General Application of Knowledge       Communication Skills (Written)       Communication Skills (Oral)       Interpersonal Skills Interacts well with individuals at all levelsLeadership Skills (ability to plan, organize and implement)       Ability to analyze and interpret accident and exposure data       Ability to recognize and evaluate hazards and develop controls       Grade Equivalent A+ A B C D F -Points Value 100 95 85 75 65 55 - III. Was the co-op program administered in a professional manner? Yes No__________ IV. Would your organization be willing to participate again? Yes No__________ Signature_____________________________________________ Date______________________ Please return this form to: Co-op Coordinator Department of Safety Sciences Ģtv 1010 Oakland Avenue Indiana, PA 15705-1087 or fax to: 724-357-3992 -r$ - 7 A H I    H Q [ l m  GL`nr۫h~6CJOJQJ]h.wjh~Uh~5CJOJQJh~>*CJOJQJaJh~CJOJQJaJh~h~>*CJOJQJh~5>*OJQJ\h~CJOJQJ5-.I  m   $ 1 :$G$If dO$If`gd~ `0^`0gd~gd~gd~ Hgd~1 2 ^ _ ` a C9090 du$If :$G$Ifkd$$Ifִ t"& 88    44 aa b c d e f g h i j k l du$If :$G$If l m C9090 du$If :$G$Ifkd$$Ifִ t"& 88    44 a du$If :$G$If C9090 du$If :$G$Ifkd$$$Ifִ t"& 88    44 a du$If :$G$If C9090 du$If :$G$Ifkd6$$Ifִ t"& 88    44 a du$If :$G$If ; < = > C9... du$G$If :$G$IfkdH$$Ifִ t"& 88    44 a> ? @ A B C 8kdZ$$Ifִ t"& 88    44 a du$G$IfC  du$If :$G$If C9090 du$If :$G$Ifkdl$$Ifִ t"& 88    44 a du$If :$G$If     C9090 du$If :$G$Ifkd~$$Ifִ t"& 88    44 a     ! 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