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FOR ACTION 1. College of Humanities and Social SciencesNew Major Catalog Description: The Committee of Asian Studies offers a major and a minor to provide students with the opportunity to increase their knowledge of the worlds largest, most populous, and most diverse continent. The program emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach and requires students to complement their Asian Studies degree with a minor or second major, preferably in such fields as Anthropology, Economics, Fine Arts, Geography, History, International Business, International Studies, Journalism, Political Science, and Religious Studies. Students enrolled in the Asian Studies major or minor will find that the course offerings furnish excellent preparation for careers in business, government, journalism, and teaching. To complete the Asian Studies major, a student must take a minimum of 33 credits in courses dealing with Asia and 15-18 credits in a minor of the students choice (with a second major also fulfilling the latter requirement). All Asian Studies majors must take ASIA 200 and must demonstrate at least an intermediate level proficiency of an Asian Language, doing so either by passing the intermediate sequence of one of the Asian languages offered at Ģtv or by demonstrating that they have acquired the equivalent proficiency level elsewhere. There are two categories of courses: Category A: Exclusively Asia-Focused and Category B: Substantially Asia-Focused. At least 18 credits must come from Category A; no more than 6 credits may come from Category B. To minor in Asian Studies, students must complete a minimum of 18 credits, at least 12 of which must be outside of their major.  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/asia.shtm" \l "ASIA_200_Introduction_to_Asian_Studies" ASIA 200 is required of all Asian Studies minors. At least 12 credits, must come from Category A (Exclusively Asia-Focused). 3 credits of an Asian language course may apply to the Category A requirement. No more than 3 credits from Category B (Substantially Asia-Focused) may be applied to the minor. b. Asian Studies Major Bachelor of ArtsAsian Studies Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section 48 with the following specifications: Mathematics: 3cr Liberal Studies Electives: 3cr Major: 33 Required Course: 3cr ASIA 200 Introduction to Asian Studies Controlled Electives: 30cr(1) Intermediate language sequence 0-6cr (2) One of the following sets: CHIN 201/202;  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm" CRLG 201/251;  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm" CRLG 202/252;  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm" CRLG 205/255;  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm" CRLG 208/258; or  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm" CRLG 209/259(2); CRLG 214/264 Category A: Exclusively Asia-Focused 18-30cr (3) (4) At least 18 credits earned through the following courses: ANTH/SOC 272;  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/anth.shtm" \l "ANTH 273 Cultural Area Studies: Southeast Asia" ANTH/SOC 273; ARHI 224; ARHI 423; ARHI 425;  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm" \l "GEOG 256 Geography of East Asia" GEOG 256;  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm" \l "GEOG 257 Geography of South and Southeast Asia" GEOG 257;  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/hist.shtm" \l "HIST 206 History of East Asia" HIST 206;  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/hist.shtm" \l "HIST 330 History of the Islamic Civilization" HIST 330;  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/hist.shtm" \l "HIST 321 History of England, 1688 to Present" HIST 331; HIST 332; HIST 334; HIST 337;  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/plsc.shtm" \l "PLSC 382-387 Political Systems" PLSC 383;  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/plsc.shtm" \l "PLSC 382-387 Political Systems" PLSC 384; RLST 220;  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/rlst.shtm" \l "RLST 311 Eastern Philosophy" RLST 311;  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/rlst.shtm" \l "RLST 370 Religions of China and Japan" RLST 370; RLST 373;  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/rlst.shtm" \l "RLST 375 Religions of India" RLST 375;  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/rlst.shtm" \l "RLST 380 Islam" RLST 380; Category B: Substantially Asia-Focused 0-6cr (3) (4) (5) No more than six credits earned through the following courses: BTST 342,  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/econ.shtm" \l "ECON 339 Economic Development I" ECON 339,  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/econ.shtm" \l "ECON 345 International Trade" ECON 345,  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/econ.shtm" \l "ECON 346 International Payments" ECON 346,  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/econ.shtm" \l "ECON 350 Comparative Economic Systems" ECON 350, ENGL 396/FNLG 396, ENGL 397, ENGL 398,  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm" \l "GEOG 104 Geography of the Non-Western World" GEOG 104,  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm" \l "GEOG 254 Geography of Russia and the Soviet Sphere" GEOG 254, MGMT 452, MGMT 454, MGMT 459, MGMT 350/ MKTG 350, MKTG 430, MKTG 441, PLSC 101, PLSC 285, RLST 110, SOC 362 Minor (may also be fulfilled by the completion of a second major): 15-21 Free Electives: 18-24 Total Degree Requirements: 120 (1) At least 12 credits must be at the 300 level or higher. (2) A student who has acquired an intermediate level of proficiency in an Asian language, but not through an accredited college program, may apply to the Asian Studies Committee to be exempt from three or six credits in intermediate language instruction. Such credits in these cases are to be replaced by taking additional Category A classes. (3) No more than 9 credits of courses with the same departmental prefix may count toward the major. (4) The topics in such courses as ENGL 344, ENGL 399, HIST 403, and ITST 281 vary (check with instructor), as do the subjects in special topics courses and independent studies. When concerned with Asian Studies, these courses may be applied to either Category A or Category B with the approval of the Asian Studies Committee. Each request for transfer credit will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Asian Studies Committee. (5) Certain courses may require additional prerequisites. Rationale: Asia is the worlds largest and most populous continent. According to the International Geographical Union, it is the land mass that, roughly speaking, is bound by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the east, the Indian Ocean and Red Sea to the south, and Europe to the west (this latter boundary marked by the Ural Mountains and the Caspian, Black, Aegean, and Mediterranean seas). Such islands as Sri Lanka, Taiwan, the archipelagoes of Indonesia (excluding New Guinea), the Philippines, and Japan are also part of Asia. This continent currently is home to approximately four billion people, or two-thirds of the worlds population. The Asian Studies Committee proposes to establish an Asian Studies major to provide Ģtv students with the opportunity to gain even greater knowledge about this fascinating region than is already afforded by the Committees existing minor program. It is proposed to implement this new major in fall, 2007. To fulfill the requirements of this major, students will take at least 33 credits in courses dealing with Asia and will take either a supplementary minor or a second major. All Asian Studies majors will be required to pass ASIA 200 and to demonstrate at least intermediate level proficiency in an Asian language. Majors will take at least 18 credits in Category A, that is courses that are exclusively Asia-focused, and no more than six credits in Category B, i.e. courses that are substantially Asia-focused. The purpose of this program is to help meet Pennsylvanias rapidly growing need for specialists in Asia, a need created through that regions expanding role in our commonwealths economic, political, and cultural life. Ģtv graduates with a major in Asian Studies will have a deep historical understanding of the geography, cultures, religions, economies, and political systems of Asia. They also will have developed the intellectual skills necessary to effectively interact with people from Asia and to analyze past and current events and movements on that continent. Such knowledge and skills will allow our graduates either to immediately enter a wide-range of employment fieldswhether in business, politics, or educationor to continue their studies of Asia at the graduate level.     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