ࡱ> #` e8bjbj\.\. 8>D>D 0W  xIxIxI8ITJ< zLKLK(tKtKtK5M5M5M$Ph NL@5MNN tKtK4.T.T.TN 8tK tK.TN.T.T`  tK@K !6UxIO\}|J0zqlJQ8JJ y5M0eM".TMM5M5M5MSj5M5M5MzNNNN $, $P D%2 , P 2    University Senate Agenda EBERLY AUDITORIUM February 27, 2007 3:15 5:00 p.m.Approval of OrderA.Approval of minutes of the meeting of January 30, 2007B.Approval of current agenda items and orderReports and AnnouncementsA.President AtwaterB.Provost SamuelsC.Chairperson SmithD.Vice Chairperson CoccarelliStanding Committee ReportsChairpersonAppendixPage(s)A.Rules CommitteeSoniA2B.University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeSechrist / NumanB3-4C.University-Wide Graduate CommitteeLaPorte/WilliamsonC5-7D.Noncredit CommitteeONeilE.Research CommitteeSciulliF.University Development and Finance CommitteeDomarackiG.Student Affairs CommitteeBeiselH.Academic CommitteeAndrewI.Awards CommitteeBakerJ.Library and Educational CommitteeJozefowiczSenate Representative ReportsRepresentativeA.University Planning CouncilFederoffB.Presidential Athletic Advisory CommitteeDomarackiC.Academic Computing Policy Advisory CommitteeWeiner New Business Adjournment Appendix A Rules Committee Chair: Senator Soni For Senate Action: 1) Proposed Amendment to the Senate Constitution: The student segment shall consist of ten times as many undergraduate students as and graduate students [in proportion to their FTE enrollmentbut no segment shall be less than 20% of the total student contingent],[]each delegation to be elected by its representative student body. Undergraduate students shall be elected under the auspices of the recognized student association as defined in Pennsylvania Stated Act 1982-188. In both cases, the officiating body shall call for and accept voluntary nominations for election to the Senate. 2) Proposed Amendments to the Senate Bylaws (Pending final approval of the above constitution amendment): VA2c Four [Three] Undergraduate Student[s] members shall be appointed by and from the Student Government Association. VA2d One non-voting Graduate Student may [shall] be appointed by and from the Graduate Student Assembly. VB2d. Four [Three] Undergraduate Student[s] members shall be appointed by and from the Student Government Association. VB2e. One non-voting Graduate Student may [shall] be appointed by and from the Graduate Student Assembly. VF2c. Four students shall be appointed by and from the Student Congress. [Three Undergraduate Students shall be appointed by and from the Student Government Association.] [VF2d. One non-voting Graduate Student shall be appointed by and from the Graduate Student Assembly. VG2c. [Twelve] Fourteen Undergraduate Student[s] members shall be appointed by and from the Student Government Association. VG2d. [Two] One non-voting Graduate Student[s] may [shall] be appointed by and from the Graduate Student Assembly. VH2c. Three [Two] Undergraduate Student[s] members shall be appointed by and from the Student Government Association. VH2d. One non-voting Graduate Student may [shall] be appointed by and from the Graduate Student Assembly. APPENDIX B University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Co-Chairs Sechrist and Numan FOR INFORMATION: 1. Liberal Studies Committee Report: Approved Type I writing status, Professor Commitment, for Dr. Erika Davis Frenzel, Department of Criminology Approved HNRC 499 Questions of Identity in Horror Literature, Dr Wendy Carse, Department of English Approval for students to count BIOL 281 Introduction to Forensic Biology and Investigation to count this course as fulfilling a non-lab science course, by completing the Petition for Exception form Approved MATH 125 Calculus I / Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics for both the Mathematics Skills and Liberal Studies Elective categories; MATH 126 Calculus II / Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics for the Liberal Studies Elective category; MATH 225 Calculus III / Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics for the Liberal Studies Elective category. Approved Mr. Ron Freda to be added to the syllabus of record for LBST 499 "The Atomic Bomb" Approved Type I Writing Status, Professor Commitment, for Dr. Martin Hughes, Department of Sociology Approval for students to count CHEM 281 Survey of Forensic Chemistry as a non-lab science course, by completing the Petition for Exception form. Approval is restricted to the Spring 07 and Spring 08 semesters. 2. UWUCC has approved the following courses to be offered as distance education: MATH 105 College Algebra CNSV 315 Consumer Economics and Family Finance 3. The UWUCC has been informed by the Provosts Office: That the BS degree in Consumer Affairs has been terminated. It was placed in Moratorium June 2003, and currently no students are enrolled. 4. Update on Liberal Studies Revision process FOR ACTION: 1. Department of MathematicsNew Courses Needs revising a. MATH 125 Calculus I/Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (3c-01-3cr) Prerequisite: MATH 110 or equivalent placement (Algebra, geometry and trigonometry.) The first of a three semester sequence for math and science majors covering the theory of calculus and its application in problem solving. Topics include: functions, limits, continuity, derivatives, applications of derivative, integrals and applications of the integral. (Trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions are included throughout the course.) b. MATH 126 Calculus II/Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (3c013cr) Prerequisite: MATH 125 or the equivalent The second of a three semester sequence for math and science majors. Topics include: techniques and applications of integration, sequences and series, convergence tests, Taylor polynomials, separable differential equations, vectors and three-dimensional coordinates. (Trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions are included throughout the course.) c. MATH 225 Calculus III/Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics ( 3c013cr) Prerequisite: MATH 126 or the equivalent The third of a three semester sequence for math and science majors. Topics covering the calculus of functions of several variables include: vector functions and space curves, arc length, curvature, partial derivatives, gradients, areas and volumes in various coordinate systems, Lagrange multipliers, line integrals, Greens Theorem, and applications of multiple integrals. (Trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions are included throughout the course.) Rationale: These courses are designed for students who need a traditional calculus sequence. They will be required of students in the Biochemistry, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics programs and selected students in Computer Science and Geoscience programs. MATH 125 will count as a Liberal Studies Learning Skills: Mathematics course for these students. MATH 126 and 225 can count as a Liberal Studies Elective courses for these students. The content for these courses is currently included in MATH 123 and 124, but at a very rapid pace. With the change to the 50/75 minute schedule, this exacerbates the problem. This course sequence will slow the pace of the material. APPENDIX C University-Wide Graduate Committee Co-Chairs LaPorte and Williamson FOR ACTION Title: Certificate of Recognition in Safety Sciences Safety Management Sponsoring Department: Department of Safety Sciences Catalog Start Term: Fall 2007 Brief Description and Rationale: The current COR Program in Safety Sciences is a twelve-credit on-line program that provides students an introduction to occupational safety and health as well as exposure to elective safety and health topics to meet individual and professional needs. All students are required to successfully complete a total of twelve credits, of which six hours are core courses. Two core courses provide the students a fundamental knowledge in the recognition, evaluation and control of common workplace safety and health hazards. The Safety Sciences Faculty propose that the COR in Safety Sciences Safety Management will require all students to successfully complete a total of twelve credits, of which nine hours are core courses. These three core courses provide the students a fundamental knowledge in the recognition, evaluation and control of common workplace safety hazards. Once the students have this fundamental knowledge they can then select one elective safety course that best meets their personal or professional needs from a choice of four courses. Catalog Description: The Department of Safety Sciences offers a program of study leading to a Certificate of Recognition. The Certificate of Recognition Program is designed for those individuals who already have a bachelor's degree and have safety program activities as peripheral responsibilities within an organization. It should also be noted that the Certificate of Recognition Program could also serve as a foundation for those individuals who would like to pursue a graduate program in safety but do not have an undergraduate degree in safety. Professionals who would benefit from these certificates are Human Resource Managers, Occupational Health and Environmental Health Professionals or others who have safety as a peripheral responsibility. Certificate of Recognition in Safety Sciences Safety Management. The Certificate of Recognition Program in Safety Sciences Safety Management is a twelve-credit program that introduces the students to the fundamentals of occupational safety. The fundamentals will stress the recognition, evaluation, and control of common workplace hazards. Program Objectives: After completing the Certificate of Recognition Program in Safety Sciences-Safety Management, the student will be able to: Develop safety programs that address common safety hazards in industry as well as compliance to federal regulations. Recognize, evaluate and control common safety hazards in industry associated with the workplace. Expand their knowledge level in specific safety topics based on individual and workplace needs. Provide leadership within the organization as well as in professional organizations regarding the promotion of workplace safety in industry. Utilize research and problem solving skills to address workplace safety issues in industry. Program Requirements: All students will be required to successfully complete a total of twelve credits, of which nine hours are core courses. The student must choose the remaining three hours in elective courses. Required Core Courses (9 hours) SAFE 644 Preventing Unsafe Acts 3 cr. SAFE 645 Principles of Occupational Safety 3 cr. SAFE 667 Principles of Occupational Health 3 cr. Elective Course (3 hours) Select one course from the following: SAFE 541 Accident Investigation 3 cr. SAFE 543 Construction Safety 3 cr. SAFE 623 Advanced Safety Administration 3 cr. SAFE 673 Disaster Preparedness 3 cr. Students may transfer hours earned in the certificate program to a Master of Science degree in Safety Sciences. SAFE 667, Principles of Occupational Health, and SAFE 645, Principles of Occupational Safety will not count toward the MS in Safety Sciences. Admission Prerequisites: Admission into the Certificate of Recognition Programs will follow the same admission procedures as those established for a degree program. For this program that will include a Baccalaureate Degree from an accredited institution with a minimum 2.6 CGPA. As with the M.S. in Safety Sciences there will be no requirement for the GRE. Brief Summary of Major Changes: The current COR in Safety Sciences consists of two required courses and two electives of which students are able to select safety or occupational health courses. The COR in Safety Sciences Safety Management more narrowly defines the certificate program by requiring three courses and allowing students to select one elective from four safety courses. The title has been modified from Certificate of Recognition in Safety Sciences to Certificate of Recognition in Safety Sciences Safety Management.     Senate Agenda February 27, 2007 page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 7 !#-8=>OPQRdefijӽtg[OFO=OhDPCJ\aJhCIWCJ\aJh!qh!qCJ\aJh!qh!q5CJaJh!qCJaJmHnHuh!qh!qCJaJh!qCJaJhQpCJaJhCIWCJaJhDPCJaJhBh!q5CJaJh!q5CJaJhCIW5CJaJ+jhBh!q5CJUaJmHnHuh^ h!q5:CJ$\aJ$h!q5:CJ$\aJ$"jh!qCJUaJmHnHu-?PQR}gkd$$Ifl*+ t0644 la$x$Ifa$gd!q $$Ifa$gd!q 8b8d8RSef$gkd$$Ifl*+ t0644 la x$Ifgd!qgkdW$$Ifl*+ t0644 lafikzkd$$Ifl0X*D( t0644 la x$Ifgd!q$x$Ifa$gd!q       , - . 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