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Additionally, respecting the national trend of supporting a family-friendly workplace, the committee proposes that the Senate continue to end meetings at 5:00pm. However, this will mean that the Senate will lose 15 minutes of working time at each meeting. To alleviate any problems resulting from this loss of time, the committee proposes that 1) we strictly start the meetings on time; 2) All the reports/announcements at the beginning, as well as the Senate representative reports at the end of the meeting, be restricted to no more than 5 minutes in length and, if feasible, some of the announcement items should be included in the agenda or distributed as handouts; and 3) we strictly follow the Roberts Rule of Order for running the meetings efficiently. APPENDIX B University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Co-Chairs: Sechrist and Numan FOR INFORMATION 1. UWUCC has approved the following courses to be offered as distance education: PSYC 280 Psychological Inquiry EDEX 300 Education of Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Elementary Classrooms CDFR 325 Adolescence: Risk & Resiliency MKTG 439 Internet Marketing 2. Liberal Studies Committee Report: Approved the course revision for MATH 216 Probability and Statistics for Natural Sciences Approved the LS component for program revisions: B.S. Mathematics and B.S. Applied Mathematics Approved Type II Writing Status, Department Course, for FDNT 362 Experimental Foods Approval for students to count BIOL 281 The Diversity of Southern Africa during the Summer 07 as a non-lab science/liberal studies elective by completing the Petition for Exception form. Approved LBST 499 The Caribbean: Beyond the Beach, Dr. Marveta Ryan-Sams, Department of Spanish Approved LBST 499 Africa: Bridging the Cultural Divide, Dr. Charles Kanyarusoke, Department of Communications Media 3. Department of SpanishCatalog Description Change Current Catalog Description: SPAN 230 Intermediate Spanish Composition 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisite: SPAN 220 or equivalent Intensive practice in written expression in Spanish. Both communicative and structural skills are stressed. Taught in Spanish. Required for all majors and minors. Meets Liberal Studies requirement for a writing- intensive course for majors. Proposed Catalog Description: SPAN 230 Intermediate Spanish Composition 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisite: SPAN 220 or equivalent; may be taken concurrently Intensive practice in written expression in Spanish. Both communicative and structural skills are stressed. Taught in Spanish. Required for all majors and minors. Meets Liberal Studies requirement for a writing- intensive course for majors. Rationale: By requiring SPAN 220 before SPAN 230 increasing numbers of students are finding it difficult to fulfill the prerequisites for the study abroad program in Valladolid, Spain, in a timely fashion. Since the two courses complement each other, taking them together could actually be beneficial, although taking SPAN 220 prior to SPAN 230 will also be beneficial. Because a large percentage of our majors want to participate in the program in Spain, this change will make that a little easier to do. FOR INFORMATION 4. Liberal Studies Revision Steering Committee DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT Liberal Studies Curriculum Framework - Proposed I. Skills for Liberal Learning: Courses in this area provide students with the theory and practice to achieve foundational collegiate level competencies in the areas of written and oral communication and mathematics. A. Writing Component A two-course sequence of foundational and advanced composition. B. Mathematics Component A course that focuses on foundational quantitative reasoning competencies. C. Oral Communication Component - A course that provides opportunities to develop fundamental communication skills. II. Curricular Categories: Course requirements are grouped into six curricular areas: 1) The Examined Life, 2) The Natural World, 3) Creative Arts, 4) Global and Multicultural Awareness, 5) Intellectual Heritage of Modern Societies, and 6) Human Behavior and Social Institutions. It is envisioned that each category offers two levels that include a limited number of required foundation courses in the first level and a larger number of second-level or more advanced courses in the second level. Level I courses in Categories 2 through 6 are offerings from the traditional liberal arts disciplines such as the humanities, natural sciences, fine arts, and social sciences. These will be knowledge area and skill-level courses that provide a solid foundation. Level II courses will comprise offerings that build on the Level I courses. Level II courses may be interdisciplinary or may include courses in the major that demonstrate how students will achieve specific Expected Undergraduate Student Learning Outcomes that relate to the category. For each category and level, specific criteria will be written that will guide the development and approval of appropriate courses. Representatives from the related disciplinary areas will be involved in the writing of these criteria. Category 1 The Examined Life This category fosters the development of a community of learners who are self-motivated, intellectually curious students who recognize the value of a college education and the benefits of intellectual engagement. These courses aim to develop the critical thinking skills necessary for the formulation of both the very questions that drive academic explorations and the ongoing efforts to answer them. They also provide a forum for investigation of ethical, social, and political topics and the frameworks that underwrite and drive the advance of ideas and culture. This category will serve as the umbrella for three curricular components: First year Seminar component creates a community of entering students, providing them an opportunity to identify with people who take pleasure in the process of education, and who put its results to work for the greater good. Students are encouraged to re-conceive themselves as active citizens, reflective about the world, creative in addressing its problems and engaged actively in a joint effort toward its improvement. Courses may be designed around a theme, common reading, and/or a set of over-arching questions. First-Year Seminars are designed that: focus on the development of reading and writing skills focus on cognitive competencies related to critical thinking introduce students to one or more frameworks for ethical and moral reasoning promote understanding of the learning process, intellectual honesty and the self as a lifelong learner foster opportunities to develop a respect for the freedom of others to express their views promote the development of self-discovery, self-assessment, and self-management provide opportunities for leadership development and participation in the social, cultural, and intellectual milieu of the community The Dimensions of Wellness component helps students to recognize and develop strategies for personal well-being from a holistic perspective. These courses should help students understand the interconnectedness of mind-body-spirit and how ones individual worldview helps to shape decision-making and behavior. Courses in Dimensions of Wellness are designed that: understand and challenge underlying assumptions that influence personal responsibilities and decision-making include active participation in behaviors that promote lifelong well-being examine aspects of wellness such as emotional, intellectual, physical, social, spiritual, occupational, and financial A Senior Capstone course that ensures opportunities for students to experience a systematic approach to synthetic reasoning, contributing to their ability to think effectively about broad and complex intellectual, social and political issues as seen from multiple perspectives. Courses in this category provide opportunities for a culminating course in the discipline. Capstone courses are designed that: provide opportunities for critical thinking, oral and written communication, and inquiry skills include a synthesis of disciplinary or interdisciplinary knowledge and application of this knowledge in appropriate settings enable students to relate disciplinary perspectives to the analysis of current issues promote an understanding of the linkage between private values and public issues provide opportunities for leadership development and participation in the chosen discipline provide for collaborative learning, service learning, civic engagement, and other experiential opportunities Category 2 The Natural World Observation and analysis of the physical and biological world foster an understanding of basic principles that explain natural phenomena and unravel many mysteries. These courses extend scientific literacy, which is defined as an experience with the scientific method of inquiry as applied to a given body of knowledge. The aim of scientific literacy is not only to engender an awareness and appreciation of the natural world but also to understand better the complexity of contemporary human life. In this category, courses will be designed that: examine a body of knowledge that will contribute to an understanding of the workings of the natural world demonstrate how experimentation can be used to replicate and refine data, control variables, assign margin of error, and build mathematical models and theories to explain natural phenomena examine critically the historical development and contemporary status of scientific methods, concepts, theories, and principles of the physical, behavioral, and life sciences use scientific experimentation to formulate and test hypotheses, to collect and analyze data, employing statistical methods and computer technology develop an appreciation for the finite resources of our planet in the context of rapid population growth, the responsible use of technology, the limits of humane research, and the equilibrium of the natural world Category 3 Creative Arts The creative arts celebrate the human capacity to imagine, to create, and to transform ideas into expressive forms. The arts provide a rich record of human cultures and values throughout time. A major emphasis of courses in the creative arts is to address the aesthetic aspects of artistic works so that students appreciate the creative nature of human beings. In this category, courses will be designed that: engage students in a specific creative activity, emphasizing symbolic, affective, and imaginative ways of knowing explore the creative arts through analysis and practice in creative writing and the studio arts such as painting, photography, dance, theater, and music encourage students to study literature, art, music, dance, or theater ranging from classical to contemporary works focus on the use and function of the creative arts in society and in cultures develop critical skills through the study of the aesthetics, theory and history of literature and the arts examine the interplay between changing technology and the creative imagination Category 4 Global and Multicultural Perspectives Global interdependence has become a more central influence on every aspect of human life. Through an exploration of societies, this category opens the doors into varied cultures and issues that challenge a parochial understanding of the world. This category helps students understand the experiences and beliefs that distinguish cultures and countries from one another and, conversely, the commonalities that bind the human experience. Students competence in this domain may be increased by study of a world language, study abroad, or study of a culture and its language. In this category, courses will be designed that: focus on the major issues of contemporary world politics, including management of conflict, economic organization, the arts, language, and environmental threats to the quality of life compare or examine societies, polities, and belief systems and acknowledge the importance of recognizing and overcoming cultural barriers focus on the dilemma of the global majoritythe three-quarters of the worlds population who live in countries striving for national identity as well as economic and political development include the perspectives and contributions of ethnic and racial minorities, of women, and other underrepresented groups include religion, economics, politics, geography, history, art, language, literature, ethics, as well as other dimensions of the cultural milieu expose students to a world language or study of a culture and its language Category 5 Intellectual Heritage of Modern Societies Courses in this area explore intellectual traditions that have shaped todays society. Courses acquaint students with the evolution of historical, philosophical, and scientific ideas of the United States and the world. Students learn to ask questions, debate ideas, and come to understand the ways that we experience the events and ideas of the past in our own lives. In this category, courses will be designed that: explore intellectual foundations of democracies recognize the diversity and commonality of intellectual traditions explain contributions of ethical, legal, spatial, political, economic, and religious systems to the development of modern societies explore fundamental texts identified in established intellectual traditions define the challenges to conventional thinking that have been an important part of human history suggest the major intellectual questions/problems that have been a part of our human heritage and explore critically the important theories and principles Category 6 Human Behavior and Social Institutions This area includes the empirical and theoretical study of human behavior. Courses in this area introduce students to some of the central concepts and methods of inquiry used to study human behavior and social institutions. Courses may also address the complexity of human behavior and the variety and interconnectedness of social institutions. In this category, courses will be designed that: use scientific methods to describe, analyze, explain, and predict human behavior include the study of social groups, institutions, and organizations and their context present how and why particular forms of social organization and social relations emerge within a group or culture; and the origins, characteristics, and consequences of social conflict and change focus on institutions through which societies, cultures and the individuals who make up the population of these societies pursue activities important to them and examine the effect of environment on these institutions and individuals examine the development of government policies, and their consequences compare the connection between an individuals own perspective and that of society, and recognize the effect by which that social forces affect the individual and the individual can affect/shape the environment explore the values and ethical issues that underlie individual behavior as well as social, political, economic, and cultural organizations use scientific experimentation to formulate and test hypotheses, to collect and analyze data, employing statistical methods and computer technology develop an appreciation for the finite resources of our planet, the responsible use of technology, the limits of humane research, and the equilibrium of the natural world III. Competencies across the Curriculum In order for students to graduate with a degree of proficiency, faculty must be intentional in ensuring that seven Competencies across the Curriculum are emphasized in and across the curriculum. Assignments should be designed to increase learning by encouraging students to integrate new knowledge with previous knowledge and to teach discipline-specific applications of these skills: Critical Reading Critical Thinking Information Literacy Oral Communication Quantitative Reasoning Technological Literacy Written Communication _______________________________________________________________________ First Draft 9/22/06 Revised 9/27/06; 10/25/06; 10/30/06; 11/18/06; 11/21/06; 12/15/06; 1/16/07; 1/30/07; 2/2/07; 2/5/07, 2/21/07 DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT FYI: Proposed LS Requirements and Possible Departmental Investment Purpose: 1) to generate ideas for possible disciplinary and interdisciplinary contributions to a revised curriculum, 2) to provide information that will help frame the discussion on the proposed LS Curriculum Framework; 3) to begin identifying departments most likely to propose courses for a given area or category; and 4) to seek input for revising the document. I. Skills for Liberal Learning: 11 cr. A. Writing Component A sequence of foundational and advanced composition. (ENGL) - 6 cr. B. Mathematics Component A course that focuses on foundational quantitative reasoning competencies (MATH) 3 cr. C. Oral Communication - A course that provides opportunities to develop effective communication skills (prefixes such as BTED, COMM, ENGL, JRNL, THTR) 2 cr. II. Curricular Categories Level I courses in Categories 2 through 6 are offerings from the traditional liberal arts disciplines such as the humanities, natural sciences, fine arts, and social sciences. These will be knowledge area and skill-level courses that provide a solid foundation. Level II courses will comprise offerings that build on the Level I courses. Level II courses may be interdisciplinary or may include courses in the major that demonstrate how students will achieve specific Expected Undergraduate Student Learning Outcomes that relate to the category. Category 1 The Examined Life: 9 cr. Level I First Year Seminars Discovery Seminar 1 (1st Semester Freshman Year) 1 cr. Discovery Seminar 2 (2nd Semester Freshman Year) 1 cr. (prefixes such as CHSS, DVST, ENGL, HIST, LIB, PHIL, PSYC) Sophomore Seminar: Provides opportunities to link the course content to the students major discipline. Offered by departments or colleges for their majors. 1 cr. Dimensions of Wellness Menu of options 3 credit content course with a physical activity component (or) 2 credit content + 1 credit physical activity (or) 3 one-credit courses across the curriculum beginning with 1 cr. during the first year (prefixes such as CNSV, COUN, FDNT, FIN, HPED, MLSC, NURS, PHIL, PSYC, RLST, SAFE) Level II Senior Capstone 3 cr. The Senior Capstone course will be included in Level II of this category. Each student will be required to complete a Senior Capstone course. This course could be offered by departments, colleges or could be the result of a collaborative effort among disciplines. (MAJOR, COLLEGE, or INTERDISCIPLINARY PREFIX) Category 2 - The Natural World: - 7-8 cr. Level I must be a lab science course (prefixes such as BIOL, CHEM, GEOS, PHYS, SCI) Level II must be a lab or a non-lab science course (prefixes such as ANTH, BIOL, CHEM, GEOS, PHYS, PSYC, SCI) Category 3 Creative Arts: - 6 cr. Level I (prefixes such as ARHI, ART, DANC, MUHI, MUSC, THTR) Level II (prefixes such as ARHI, ART, COMM, DANC, ENGL, MUHI, MUSC, THTR also literature & writing courses from English, foreign languages or other related disciplines) Category 4 Global and Multicultural Perspectives: - 6 cr. Level I (prefixes such as ANTH, GEOG, HIST, PLSC, RLST) Level II (prefixes such as ANTH, ARHI, ASIA, COMM, ECON, ENGL, Foreign Languages, GEOG, HIST, LAS, PNAF, RLST, SOC, WMST) Category 5 Intellectual Heritage of Modern Societies: - 6 cr. Level I (prefixes such as ENGL, HIST, PHIL, RLST) Level II (prefixes such as ARHI, ENGL, HIST, MUHI, PHIL, RLST, THTR) Category 6 Human Behavior and Social Institutions: 6 cr. Level I (prefixes such as ANTH, CRIM, ECON, GEOG, JNRL, PLSC, PSYC, SOC) Level II (prefixes such as ANTH, CDFR, COMM, COSC, CRIM, ECON, GEOG, JNRL, PLSC, PSYC, SOC, WMST) A literature-based course is required and could be met in Level II of Categories 3, 4, 5, or 6. A language experience is required and could be met in Level II courses of Categories 3, 4, 5, or 6. III. Competencies across the Curriculum Courses will be designed to insure that each of these competencies is addressed in 2 or more courses. Courses approved for LS program would be expected to show evidence of emphasis with one or more of these competencies. At a later point, majors would be invited to show how students continue to master these competencies in majors courses. Critical Reading, Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Oral Communication, Quantitative Reasoning, Technological Literacy, Written Communication _____________________________________________________________________ Draft 2/20/07; revised 2/21/07; 2/23/07 DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT Recommended Credit Distribution - Proposed Liberal Studies Framework I. Skills for Liberal Learning: 11 A. Writing Component 6 B. Mathematics Component 3 C. Oral Communication 2 II. Curricular Categories Category 1 The Examined Life 9 Level I Discovery Seminar 1 1 Discovery Seminar 2 1 Sophomore Seminar 1 Dimensions of Wellness 3 Level II The Senior Capstone 3 (senior course in the major could be proposed) Category 2 The Natural World 7-8 Level I Lab science course 4 Level II Lab or non-lab science 3-4 Category 3 Creative Arts 6 Level I 3 Level II 3 Category 4 Global and Multicultural Perspectives 6 Level I 3 Level II 3 Category 5 Intellectual Heritage of Modern Societies 6 Level I 3 Level II 3 Category 6 Human Behavior and Social Institutions 6 Level I 3 Level II 3 51-52 A literature-based course is required and could be met in Level II of Categories 3, 4, 5, or 6. A language experience is required and could be met in Level II courses of Categories 3, 4, 5, or 6. III. Competencies across the Curriculum Courses will be designed to insure that each of these competencies is addressed in 2 or more courses. Critical Reading Critical Thinking Information Literacy Oral Communication Quantitative Reasoning Technological Literacy Written Communication FOR ACTION 1. Department of Mathematics Course revision and program changes a. Course Revision Current Catalog Description: MATH 216 Probability and Statistics for Natural Sciences 4c-0l-4cr Prerequisite: MATH 121, or MATH 123 Frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and variation, probability, probability distributions, sampling distributions. Hypothesis testing for means, variances, proportions. Correlation, regression, analysis of variance, and nonparametric statistics. Emphasis on applications. Proposed Catalog Description: MATH 216 Probability and Statistics for Natural Sciences 3c013cr Prerequisite: MATH 121 or 125 Frequency distributions; graphical representations of data; measures of central tendency and variation; correlation and regression; probability; probability distributions; sampling distributions. Inferential statistics including confidence intervals and parametric and nonparametric tests of hypotheses. Emphasis will be on applications in the natural sciences using graphing calculators and statistical software. Rationale: This revision of MATH 216 reduces the number of credit hours from 4 to 3. This change fits better into the revised 120-credit major programs in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. We have eliminated topics from the end of the course which overlap with MATH 417, and made other relatively minor revisions to the description and content. The eliminated topics are Inference for Regression, Analysis of Variance, Multiple Regression, and some Nonparametric Statistics. Program Revisions: Current Program: Bachelor of ScienceApplied Mathematics Proposed Program: Bachelor of ScienceApplied MathematicsLiberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 123 Liberal Studies Electives: 9cr, no courses with MATH prefix 54Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 125 Liberal Studies Electives: 9cr, no courses with MATH prefix 53 Major: Required Courses: MATH 124 Calculus II for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics MATH 171 Introduction to Linear Algebra MATH 216 Probability and Statistics for Natural Sciences MATH 241 Differential Equations MATH 271 Introduction to Mathematical Proofs I MATH 272 Introduction to Mathematical Proofs II MATH 480 Senior Seminar 36-37 4cr 3cr 4cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 1cr Major: Required Courses: MATH 126 Calculus II/Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics MATH 171 Introduction to Linear Algebra MATH 216 Probability and Statistics for Natural Sciences MATH 225 Calculus III/Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics MATH 241 Differential Equations MATH 271 Introduction to Mathematical Proofs I MATH 272 Introduction to Mathematical Proofs II MATH 480 Senior Seminar 37-38 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 1crControlled Electives: (1) Two courses from the following: MATH 371, 421, 422, 423, 427, 476, 477 One of the following two-course sequences: MATH 342/447 or COSC 451/MATH 451; MATH 363/364; MATH 445/446 A minimum of 3 additional cr from the list of controlled electives above or the following: MATH 353, 465, 481 6cr 6-7cr 3cr Controlled Electives: (1) Two courses from the following: MATH 371, 421, 422, 423, 427, 476, 477 One of the following two-course sequences: MATH 342/447 or COSC 451/MATH 451; MATH 363/364; MATH 445/446 A minimum of 3 additional cr from the courses above or the following: MATH 353, 465, 481  6cr 6-7cr 3cr Other Requirements: Computer Science: COSC 110 Problem Solving and Structured Programming COSC 250 Introduction to Numerical Methods Foreign Language Intermediate Level (2) Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements: 6-12 3cr 3cr 0-6cr 17-24 120Other Requirements: Computer Science: COSC 110 Problem Solving and Structured Programming COSC 250 Introduction to Numerical Methods Foreign language intermediate level (2) Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements: 6-12 3cr 3cr 0-6cr 17-24 120A student may select courses to fulfill requirements for specialized track. Actuarial/Statistics: MATH 363, 364, 366, 371, 421, 446, 465 Math Analyst/Engineering: MATH 342/447, COSC 451, MATH 371, 423, 451 Operations Research: MATH 371, 421, 445/446, 447 Intermediate-level Foreign Language may be included in Liberal Studies elective.A student may select courses to fulfill requirements for specialized track. Actuarial/Statistics: MATH 363, 364, 366, 371, 421, 446, 465 Math Analyst/Engineering: MATH 342/447, COSC 451, MATH 371, 423, 451 Operations Research: MATH 371, 421, 445/446, 447 Intermediate-level Foreign Language may be included in Liberal Studies elective.  Current Program: Bachelor of ScienceMathematics Proposed Program: Bachelor of Science MathematicsLiberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 123 Liberal Studies Electives: 9cr, no courses with MATH prefix 54 Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 125 Liberal Studies Electives: 9cr, no courses with MATH prefix 53 Major: Required Courses: MATH 124 Calculus II for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics MATH 171 Introduction to Linear Algebra MATH 216 Probability and Statistics for Natural Sciences MATH 241 Differential Equations MATH 271 Introduction to Mathematical Proofs I MATH 272 Introduction to Mathematical Proofs II MATH 480 Senior Seminar 36-37 4cr 3cr 4cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 1cr Major: Required Courses: MATH 126 Calculus II/Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics MATH 171 Introduction to Linear Algebra MATH 216 Probability and Statistics for Natural Sciences MATH 225 Calculus III/Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics MATH 241 Differential Equations MATH 271 Introduction to Mathematical Proofs I MATH 272 Introduction to Mathematical Proofs II MATH 480 Senior Seminar 37-38 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 1crControlled Electives: Four courses from the following: MATH 371, 421, 422, 423, 424, 427, 476, 477 A minimum of 3 additional cr from the list of controlled electives above or the following: MATH 342, 350, 353, 355, 363, 364, 425, 445, 446, 447, 465, 481  12cr 3-4cr Controlled Electives: Two courses from the following: MATH 371, 421, 422, 423, 427, 476, 477 A minimum of 3 additional cr from the list above or the following: MATH 342, 350, 353, 355, 363, 364, 445, 446, 447, 465, 481  12cr 3-4cr Other Requirements: Computer Science: COSC 110 Problem Solving and Structured Programming Foreign Language Intermediate Level (1) Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements: 3-9 3cr 0-6cr 20-27 120Other Requirements: Computer Science: COSC 110 Problem Solving and Structured Programming Foreign Language Intermediate Level (1) Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements: 3-9 3cr 0-6cr 20-27 120Intermediate-level Foreign Language may be included in Liberal Studies elective. Intermediate-level foreign language may be included in Liberal Studies elective.  Rationale: The two-course, 8 credit calculus sequence MATH 123 and MATH 124 is being replaced with the three-course, 9 credit calculus sequence MATH 125, 126, 225. This changes the Liberal Studies Mathematics requirement to MATH 125, reducing the credits from 4cr to 3cr. MATH 126 and 225 are added as requirements and the course MATH 216 is reduced from 4 to 3 credits. There is a slight wording change in the Applied Mathematics program: A minimum of 3 additional cr from the courses above or the following for readability. MATH 424 and MATH 425 are being removed from the list of controlled electives in the B.S. Mathematics. MATH 425 is no longer offered and MATH 424 is rarely offered. The Mathematics Department also revised the MATH 216 course from 4 credits to 3. 2. Department of Geography and Regional Planning Course Deletion GEOG 371 Aerospace Workshop is to be deleted from the master course list. Rationale: This course has not been taught since Spring of 1996. The last three times that it was offered (Spring 1995, Summer 1995, and Spring 1996) it was taught by a faculty member in another department. None of the current department faculty members are qualified to teach the course because it requires a pilots license to teach the flight instruction portion of the course. There is no anticipated need for this course in the future for department programs. APPENDIX C University-Wide Graduate Committee Co-Chairs LaPorte and Williamson FOR INFORMATION The UWGC has approved the following courses for distance education: HPED 641 Administration of Aquatic Programs HPED 642 Design and Operation of Aquatic Facilities FOR ACTION Title: M.A. Community Counseling; M.Ed. School Counseling Department: Department of Counseling Spring 2007 Minor Course Revisions The Department of Counseling is in the process of completing its self study for accreditation by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). As part of this process the department has undertaken an extensive examination of its curriculum to ensure that consistency exists between the course title, catalog description, approved course objectives and professional accreditation standards. Consequently it believes that the following minor course revisions are needed to bring each of these elements into alignment. COUN 615 Counseling Across the Life Span 3 cr. Current Description New Description Principles and methods involved in understanding individuals and their developing self-concepts. Examines counseling methods that respond to developmental challenges. This course examines theories of human growth and development across the lifespan as well as counseling theories, methods and techniques that could be used to help clients/student address developmental challenges. Rationale for the changes: The Department of Counseling recommends that the catalog description for COUN 615 be updated to reflect current language and practices in the counseling profession. The new description is reflective of the purpose of the class and the approved course objectives. COUN 618 Diversity Issues in Counseling 3 cr. Current Title: New Title: Diversity issues in CounselingMulticultural and diversity issues in counselingRationale for the changes: The Department of Counseling recommends that the course title for COUN 618 be changed in order to reflect the current language in the counseling profession. More specifically, the term multicultural is used in the professional standards. The new title accurately describes the course content and is consistent with the approved course objectives. COUN 621: Introduction to Guidance Services 3 cr. Current Title New Title Introduction to Guidance ServicesIntroduction to Professional School CounselingRationale for the changes: The Department of Counseling recommends that the course title for COUN 621 be updated to reflect current language used by the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) to describe school counseling. The new title is reflective of the purpose for the class within the departments curriculum and the approved course objectives. COUN 621: Introduction to Guidance Services 3 cr. Current Description New Description Overview of genesis and development of guidance in American education, including philosophical concepts, psychological theories, cultural and social influences, and current practices. This course provides an overview of the history and current trends in professional school counseling, specifically focusing on the role of the professional school counselor within a comprehensive, developmental school counseling program that is based on the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) National Model and applicable state models of school counseling.Rationale for the changes: The Department of Counseling recommends that the catalog description for COUN 621 be updated to reflect current language used by the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) to describe school counseling. The new catalog description is reflective of the purpose for the class within the departments curriculum and the approved course objectives. COUN 624 Educational Appraisal 3 cr. Current New Course title: Educational AppraisalCourse title: Assessment Procedures for School CounselorsCatalog description: Basic statistical and measurement concepts utilized in testing and test interpretations, emphasizing data concerning purposes and types of tests, test administration, scoring, validity and reliability, and principles of test selection for school settings.Course description: Basic statistical and measurement concepts utilized in testing and test interpretations in schools. Emphasis is also placed on the selection, administration, and interpretation of formal and informal assessment procedures that facilitate career, personal/social, and academic development in school settings.  Rationale for the changes: This request is sought for two reasons: 1) the course title is more specific to the course objectives and relates directly to the School Counseling degree program; and 2) the catalog description includes content related to other (non-testing) integral areas of assessment that are a part of the approved course objectives. COUN 627: Child Counseling Theory 3 cr. Current Title New Title Child Counseling TheoryChild Counseling & Consulting Theories Rationale for the changes: The Department of Counseling recommends that the course title for COUN 627 be updated to reflect current language and practices in the counseling profession. The new course title is reflective of the purpose for the class within the departments curriculum and the approved course objectives. COUN 628: Management of Guidance Services 3 cr. Current Title New Title Management of the Guidance ServicesManagement of a Professional School Counseling Program Rationale for the changes: The Department of Counseling recommends that the course title for COUN 628 be updated to reflect current language used by the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) to describe school counseling. The new title is reflective of the purpose for the class within the departments curriculum and the approved course objectives. COUN 628: Management of Guidance Services 3 cr. Current Description New Description Helps the school counselor acquire necessary competencies to manage guidance services. Emphasis placed upon planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling functions of management as applied to the guidance services.This course helps the school counselor acquire the necessary competencies to organize and manage a professional school counseling program. Emphasis is on planning, designing, implementing, evaluating, and enhancing the school counseling program. Rationale for the changes: The Department of Counseling recommends that the catalog description for COUN 628 be updated to reflect current language used by the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) to describe school counseling. The new catalog description is reflective of the purpose for the class within the departments curriculum and the approved course objectives. COUN 634: Mental Health Appraisal 3 cr. Current New Course title: Mental Health AppraisalCourse title: Assessment Procedures for Community CounselorsCatalog description: Provides an overview in fundamental knowledge of assessment principles, application, and instruments to assist the community counseling student in becoming psychometrically literate. Statistical concepts, standard scores, reliability, validity, and types of techniques and assessments commonly used in mental health settings are covered. Catalog description: This course provides an overview of the fundamental knowledge of assessment principles and procedures used in community counseling. Standardized and non-standardized testing will be covered and include statistical concepts such as standard scores, reliability, validity, norm groups, and commonly used instruments. Alternatives to standardized testing will be covered as methods to appraise individuals abilities to live, learn, and work in the community.  Rationale for the changes: This request is sought for two reasons: 1) the course title is more specific to the course objectives and relates directly to the Community Counseling degree program; and 2) the catalog description includes content related to other (non-testing) integral areas of assessment that are part of the approved course objectives. COUN 636: Career Counseling and Development (Community) 3 cr. Current Course DescriptionNew Course DescriptionEmphasizes how individuals acquire self- and vocational knowledge, skills, and abilities, which lead to effective career decisions. Considers adult vocational development, decision-making skills, and the processing and use of information in the community setting. Prerequisites: COUN 617, COUN 634.This course overviews the individual career development process from various theoretical perspectives. It also details the process of career planning and career counseling in community settings.  Rationale for the description changes: The request for this change is to make the catalog description more consistent with the approved course objectives and more reflective of the course within the departments curriculum. Rationale for the prerequisite change: A minor change was made to the prerequisites for this class last year and COUN 617 was deleted as a prerequisite this change is not reflected in the current catalog so it is included here. This deletion is for COUN 634. The content covered in this course is not necessary in order for students to successfully achieve the course objectives for COUN 636. COUN 637: Counseling Theory 3 cr. Current New Course title: Counseling Theory (adolescent/adult)Course title: Counseling and Consultation Theories (adolescent/adult)Catalog description: Theories, objectives, principles of counseling with adolescents and adults are covered. Theory-specific counseling skills are presented and practiced to prepare the student for practicum Catalog description: Individual counseling and consulting theories with adolescents and adults and their corresponding interventions are covered. A focus on client conceptualization and the formation of theory-specific change plans is also included. Rationale for the changes: This requested change is sought for two reasons: 1) the course title is more specific to the course objectives and relates directly to the degree program, and 2) the catalog description includes content related to the approved course objectives. COUN 639: Group Counseling 3 cr. Current Description New Description Emphasis will be placed upon the nature of groups, techniques involved in the development of group dynamics, formation and operation of groups, organization and structure of groups, and the influence of the group. Prerequisite: COUN 617, COUN 637.Emphasis will be placed upon adolescent and adult groups, including the nature and variety of groups, the process involved in the development of group dynamics, the formation and operation of groups, the organization and structure of groups, and the influence of groups. Prerequisite: COUN 617, COUN 637. Rationale for the changes: The Department of Counseling recommends that the catalog description for COUN 639 be updated to reflect current language and practices in the counseling profession. The new description is reflective of the purpose of the class within the departments curriculum and the approved course objectives. COUN 720: Ethical and Legal Issues in School Counseling 3 cr. Current Description New Description This class is designed to examine the professional, ethical and legal issues that impact the practice of the professional counselor working in a school setting. Considerable emphasis is placed upon the understanding and application of ethical standards and legal statutes, which affect school counselors when making critical decisions about clients. This class is designed to examine the professional, ethical and legal issues that impact the practice of the professional school counselor. Considerable emphasis is placed upon the understanding and application of ethical standards and legal statutes that affect professional school counselors when counseling and making critical decisions about students.  Rationale for the changes: The requested change makes the catalog description more concise; adds a school and counseling component that is currently absent; and amends the use of clients to students in keeping with the language used in the profession. FOR ACTION Minor Change: Variability in Program Delivery, Flex M.B.A. In Bangalore, India In the original schedule, nine credits of classes were taught in three-week periods during three different time periodssummer intersession, August, and December-January break. This was extremely tough on students. In addition, faculty members were also not comfortable with this intense schedule. The presence of Ģtv faculty for only 9 weeks/year on site in Bangalore, India was also not ideal. The only change that we are proposing is to use the entire time between the end of the Spring Semester and the beginning of the Fall Semester to deliver the courses in a pedagogically-better schedule (from both student and faculty perspectives). There is no change in the curriculum, content or course delivery. The schedule of courses will be more spread-out during the summer months and the total faculty presence/cohort in India will almost triple without increasing the time spent by individual faculty members. The on-site instruction time for each 3-credit course will continue to be 32-35 hours during a 3-week period. The faculty will deliver the entire course material during the 3-week period in India. The students will be given up to 3 weeks of additional time (after the on-site instruction of 3 weeks) to complete term papers, case study reports, final exams, etc. These materials are either submitted online or the partner university faculty coordinators collect them and mail it to Ģtv. Absolutely no instruction is done online. All on-site instruction will take place only during the summer months (end of the Spring Semester to the beginning of the Fall Semester) and during the time between the end of the Fall Semester and the beginning of the Spring Semester. All faculty teaching assignments continue to be on a voluntary basis and each 3-credit course has 2 to 5 faculty volunteers willing to teach in this program. Example of Current and Proposed example schedules for summer months Current (Example)May 14 to June. 1No presence in IndiaAug. 6 to Aug. 24MGMT/MKTG 650MGMT 637MKTG 603FIN 630BTST 670MGMT 695Proposed (Example)Pre-SummerSummer ISummer IIMay 14 to June. 1Jun. 4 to Jun. 22Jun. 18 to Jul. 6Jul. 9 to Jul. 27Jul. 23 to Aug. 10MGMT/MKTG 650MKTG 603BTST 670MGMT 637MGMT 695 FOR ACTION Deletion of GEOG 571 Aerospace Workshop from the GIS/Cartography Track and the master course list Department of Geography and Regional Planning. Catalog start term: Fall 2007 Rationale: This course has not been taught since Summer 1994. The last times that it was offered as a dual level (or undergraduate only course) it was taught by a faculty member in another department. None of the current department faculty members are qualified to teach the course because it requires a pilots license to teach the flight instruction portion of the course. There is no anticipated need for this course in the future for department programs. Its deletion will have no impact on department programs or students because it has only been an option in the GIS/Cartography Track and it has not been offered in over ten years. APPENDIX D University Development and Finance Committee Chair: Domaraki Development and Finance Committee Report to Senate March 2007 Committee Reports Parking Committee Report The Parking Committee met on February 22, 2007. The impact of the Residential Revival plan on parking was addressed. Several points were highlighted. First, as part of the revival process a new 500 spot parking garage will be constructed in the Hub lot and two floors of additional parking will be added to the Grant Street parking garage. Second, renovations and expansions in the Robertshaw parking facility will result in a slight increase in parking spaces. Third, plans are underway to improve campus Shuttle Service by adding two additional vans to facilitate greater use of the more distant parking lots (Robertshaw, R&P and South Campus). Phases II, III & IV of the residential revival will significantly impact current parking and traffic patterns. Finally, several parking fee changes are planned. They include: Metered parking will increase from $.40/per hour to $.75/per hour; Robertshaw Permits will increase from $75.00/per semester to $100.00/per semester, Reserved Parking Garage spaces will increase from $170.00/per semester to $212.00/per semester; Presidential Cabinet Parking spaces will increase from $170.00/per semester to $212.00/per semester; and Faculty/Staff permits, which are currently free, will increase to $10.00/per year. Budget Report The 06-07 budget is balanced. The 07-08 budget may be impacted by cuts from PASSHE, poor spring semester cash flow, union contracts Board of Governors tuition increases and final decisions on the general fund by the legislature. Old Business Parking, Transportation and Management Plan - A parking, transportation and management plan is being developed to address changing parking patterns and changing parking needs caused by the residential revival process. Aspect of the Parking, Transportation and Management Plan involve changes in parking fee rates, improvements to the Robertshaw parking facility, the addition of new shuttle vans, expansion of shuttle van routes/services to include the R & P (band) and South Campus parking lots and the construction of a new 500 space parking garage as well as a two story/200 space expansion of the Grant a Street parking garage. Student Housing Phase II Demolition Impact and Space Moves Demolition will begin on Mack, Turnbull, Stewart, Langham and Gordon Halls in May 07. Fisher Auditorium Construction fences are being erected in preparation for construction. The infill and renovated Fisher-Waller facility is scheduled to be completed in May, 2008. Wilson Hall Renovation Contract award is underway in Harrisburg. Contractors are currently finalizing the necessary paperwork in preparation for construction. The estimated completion date of the Wilson Renovation is January, 2008. Steam Line Repairs Steam Line replacement and chilled water line installation work will take place over the summer. New chilled water lines will be installed between the Boiler Plant and Keith Hall and between Clark Hall and the Fisher Waller complex. Steam lines and chilled water lines will be installed between Keith and Walsh Halls and Keith and Wilson Halls. New steam lines will be installed between Weyandt and Johnson Halls. As a part of the Residential Revival Phase II new steam lines and chilled water lines will be installed between Walsh Hall along Weyandt Hall to the Elkin Hall area beginning in May of 2008. Impact of Work on Campus Activities and Travel Patterns Work on the steam and chilled water lines this summer will impact foot traffic between the Oak Grove and the northeast area of campus toward the HUB and Pratt Hall. Maple Street will be closed as the demolition of Turnbull, Mack, Stewart and Langham Halls gets under way in May 2007. It is anticipated that Maple Street will be closed for approximately two and one half years while Phases II and III of the Residential Revival plan unfolds. The reopening of Grant Street will coincide with the closing of Maple Street. Respectfully Submitted Joseph Doamracki March, 2007 APPENDIX E Student Affairs Committee Chair: Beisel FOR INFORMATION  Ģtv Report on University Policies Addressing Student Behavior Senate Committee on Student Affairs March 6, 2007 Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures Office of the Provost The Academic Integrity Policy addresses: Violations related to any type of cheating in coursework Intentional evasion of academic policies & procedures (i.e. improper processing of course withdrawals, grade changes) Violations of University computing policies Noncompliance with previously imposed sanctions for academic violations Class behavior that significantly disrupts the learning process or that is threatening Fraud to gain academic credit or to influence testing or grading Classroom Disruption Policy Office of the Provost The Classroom Disruption Policy addresses: Student behavior within the classroom that disrupts the environment Student behavior within the classroom that is threatening Disruptive and/or threatening student behavior that occurs in the context of an academic field trip, conference or other academically-sponsored activity regardless of location Student Behavioral Code Center for Student Life (Office of Student Conduct) Addresses: Violations of university policy that occur outside the classroom Violations of university policy that do not occur within the context of an academic field trip, conference or academically-sponsored activity Violations of university policy that occur on campus grounds Violations of university policy that occur off campus and that adversely impact the university community (i.e. illegal alcohol & other drug violations, incidents of physical violence) Violations of federal, state or local ordinances or other university regulations (ie. housing licensing agreement, university catalog, university publications, etc) that do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Academic Integrity Policy. Note: Incidents that cross the boundaries outlined above sometimes occur. In those cases, discussion between academic affairs and student affairs officials determines the most appropriate venue for case resolution. FOR INFORMATION  Ģtv Presidents Commission on Reducing Student Substance Abuse Business Plan Report to the Senate Committee on Student Affairs March 6, 2007 Maintain an aggressive awareness campaign regarding the judicial sanctions of alcohol and other drug offenses and related offenses. Provide clear messages regarding AOD judicial processes to prospective and new students Execute a clear, visible and thorough communication plan through the early weeks of each academic semester Continue to investigate the relationship between behavioral violations and the use of alcohol and other drugs, and advocate for the modification of policies and procedures as appropriate. Sanctions, including parental notification, referral for assessment and education, and other appropriate sanctions should continue to be delivered in a timely fashion in order to clearly communicate to students the consequences of misuse and abuse of alcohol and other drugs on and off campus. Continue to monitor the time period between incidents and adjudication to ensure timely resolution of cases Continue to audit and analyze the relationship between alcohol/other drug violations and other violations Provide more student-focused, comprehensive alcohol awareness, education and prevention programs. Incorporate findings from the Presidential Commission Best Practices Subcommittee Report to identify, develop and execute an evidence-based comprehensive plan of programs and services Identify and hire a graduate assistant to maintain and expand current alcohol education programming and resources Fund evidence-based education and intervention programs through the acquisition of a Department of Education grant Combine the current Resident Safety Assistant Program (Office of Housing and Residence Life) and Student Safety Team (Center for Student Life) and expand its scope of peer environmental management beyond university-owned residential buildings and campus-based social/entertainment events. Focus attention on the education of new students by broadening and formalizing alcohol awareness and substance abuse prevention programs. Appropriately address all aspects of student substance abuse reduction at parent summer orientation and new student summer orientation Maintain the social norming poster campaign throughout residence hall and campus-based sites Collaborate with interested academic Colleges to infuse Alcohol.Edu into new student academic course curricula Require incoming freshmen to enroll in a one-credit course that covers many aspects of college life, including coping with the new atmosphere, the workload and the use of alcohol and other drugs. Develop a survey and solicit from faculty the extent to which AOD issues currently are infused into the curriculum (Health and Wellness, H&PE, Nursing, Nutrition and Developmental Studies) Pilot Alcohol.edu among interested faculty Encourage curriculum infusion with competitive faculty grants through a PLCB grant Delay new member recruitment within the Greek culture at least for the first semester if not the entire first year of college. Document existing deferred recruitment policies and support Build consensus for deferred recruitment among students, student leaders and chapter faculty and alumni advisors Advocate for a deferred recruitment policy to the University Senate Committee on Student Affairs and the University Senate Build and nurture a culture of self-management, responsibility and accountability within identifiable student communities. Implement a pilot neighborhood association between student and community residents in the Borough of Indianas second ward Implement the living/learning concept of Residential Revival Employ a counseling psychologist through the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services to provide programs, support groups and treatment interventions. Offer intervention and counseling services to sanctioned students Increase support services for students in recovery by assisting AA in establishing a consistent meeting location on campus Develop and pilot a collaborative campus/community model that enables the completion of an intervention within a 72 hour time frame following a students high risk alcohol or other drug episode (letter of judicial action, criminal citation, incarceration or hospitalization). Conduct a list.serve inquiry to identify other university/community models Develop a workable model that: addresses the definition of high risk; identifies the point of contact, the notification process and the protocol for scheduling the meetings, and; defines objectives of the meeting Determine the degree to which the stated goals, initiatives and objectives are being met through the development and implementation of a comprehensive and ongoing assessment and evaluations, using effective qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Identify additional university experts in advancing the assessment plan Using key success indicators, determine the extent to which the stated goal, initiatives and objectives are being met Determine the attitudes, beliefs, behaviors and perceptions of students, faculty and staff regarding alcohol and other drug abuse and dependency through the development and implementation of a systematic methodology. Identify additional university experts in advancing the assessment plan Using key success indicators, determine the extent to which the stated goal, initiatives and objectives are being met     Senate Agenda March 27, 2007, page  PAGE 16 of  NUMPAGES 29 page  PAGE 16 of  NUMPAGES 29 !#-5:;LMNOabcfgӽtg[OFO=OhZ!CJ\aJhCIWCJ\aJh!qh!qCJ\aJh!qh!q5CJaJh!qCJaJmHnHuh!qh!qCJaJh!qCJaJhQpCJaJhCIWCJaJh]PCJaJhBh!q5CJaJh!q5CJaJhCIW5CJaJ+jhBh!q5CJUaJmHnHuh^ h!q5:CJ$\aJ$h!q5:CJ$\aJ$"jh!qCJUaJmHnHu-<MNO}gkd$$Ifl*+ t0644 la$x$Ifa$gd!q $$Ifa$gd!qkOPbc$gkd$$Ifl*+ t0644 la x$Ifgd!qgkdW$$Ifl*+ t0644 lacfkzkd$$Ifl0X*D( t0644 la x$Ifgd!q$x$Ifa$gd!q      * + , @ J K L N O - . / 4 5 6 h i 꽴꽫ƽꙐ~uhl5CJaJhlCJ\aJh(z5CJaJhj|CJ\aJh(zCJ\aJh} CJ\aJhZ!CJ\aJh CJ\aJh!qCJ\aJh!qh!q5CJaJh!qh!q5CJaJh!qh!qCJ\aJh!q5CJaJh!qh!qCJ\aJ-xo $Ifgd!q $$Ifa$gd!qzkdr$$Ifl0X*D( t0644 lay x$Ifgd!qzkd$$Ifl0X*D( t0644 la ~ x$Ifgd!q$x$Ifa$gd!qgkdL$$Ifl*+ t0644 la    vk x$Ifgd!q$x$Ifa$gd!qzkd$$Ifl0X*D( t0644 la   + vk x$Ifgd!q$x$Ifa$gd!qzkd$$Ifl0X*D( t0644 la+ , / K vk x$Ifgd!q$x$Ifa$gd!qzkd}$$Ifl0X*D( t0644 laK L M N xo $Ifgd!q $$Ifa$gd!qzkd$$Ifl0X*D( t0644 laN O j v  yykk$x$Ifa$gd!q x$Ifgd!qzkdW$$Ifl0X*D( t0644 la ^PEE77$x$Ifa$gd!q x$Ifgd!q$x$Ifa$gd!qkd$$Ifl\x$*tp  t0644 la K=2' x$Ifgd/X x$Ifgd!q$x$Ifa$gd!qkd]$$IflrXx$*p  t0644 la /kd $$IflrXx$*p  t0644 la$x$Ifa$gd!q$x$Ifa$gd/X  - / 5 $x$Ifa$gd!q x$Ifgd!q$x$Ifa$gd!q5 6 9 [ f K=22 x$Ifgdw$x$Ifa$gd!qkd$$IflrXx$*p  t0644 laf g h i l =/$x$Ifa$gd!qkdj$$IflrXx$*p  t0644 la$x$Ifa$gd!ql  2kd$$IflrXx$*p  t0644 la$x$Ifa$gd!q x$Ifgdoi   6 7 W X ] ^ + , - F G H I J K R y { ƺ h} 5hDPh} 5h} hshhefRhB5CJaJh5CJaJh!qh]P5CJaJh!qh]P5CJaJh!qh]PCJ\aJh f4CJ\aJhZ!CJ\aJhj|CJ\aJh]P5CJaJh]PCJ\aJ/ $x$Ifa$gd!q x$Ifgdo$x$Ifa$gd!q K=22 x$Ifgdo$x$Ifa$gd!qkd$$IflrXx$*p  t0644 la =/$x$Ifa$gd!qkdw $$IflrXx$*p  t0644 la$x$Ifa$gd!q      2kd& $$IflrXx$*p  t0644 la$x$Ifa$gd!q x$Ifgdo  . 4 5 6 x$Ifgd-@ x$Ifgdo$x$Ifa$gd!q6 7 : N U V K=222 x$Ifgdo$x$Ifa$gd!qkd $$IflrXx$*p  t0644 laV W X Y Z @4+ $Ifgds~ $$Ifa$gds~kd $$IflrXx$*p  t0644 la x$IfgdoZ [ \ ] ^ | ?4 x$Ifgd!qkd3 $$IflrXx$*p  t0644 la $$Ifa$gd!q| E7$x$Ifa$gd!qkd $$Ifl\x$*tp  t0644 la$x$Ifa$gd!q x$Ifgd!q 2kd{ $$IflrXx$*p  t0644 la$x$Ifa$gd!q x$Ifgdl $x$Ifa$gd!q x$Ifgdl$x$Ifa$gd!q " ) K=22 x$Ifgdl$x$Ifa$gd!qkd*$$IflrXx$*p  t0644 la) * + , =kd$$IflrXx$*p  t0644 la$x$Ifa$gd!q, - : ; H I U e y z {   {| 7$8$H$gd} gd} $]a$gd} gd  P <!@h^h`gdB{ 012KZ[Y휏wle\eSKFe hZ!5hThZ!5hThZ!0JhThZ!PJ hThZ!hThZ!CJaJhThZ!\hThZ!5>*B*\phhZ!5>*B*\phhThZ!5\ h} CJ\hYh} CJ\hYh} CJh} CJaJh} 5CJ\aJh*B*ph12?[hS5d1 gdZ!`gdZ!gdZ!0^0gdZ!gd} $ ha$gd} 59jmnopq}#(^cs)0?BCLS`wx~Y`|~!' 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