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UWUCC has approved the following courses to be offered as distance education: EDSP 102 Educational Psychology EDSP 477 Assessment of Student Learning: Design and Interpretation of Educational Measures COMM 345 Television Criticism FOR ACTION: Department of Safety SciencesCourse Revision, Course Description, Number and Name Change Current Catalog Description: SAFE 380 Institutional Safety Management 3c-01-3cr Prerequisite: Jr. Standing Historical aspects of safety for both private and public institutions; introduction to trends in liability and institutional safety regulations. Distinctions will be made between employee, visitor, and patient hazards and their control. Proposed Catalog Description: SAFE 480 Healthcare Safety Management 3c-01-3cr Prerequisite: Jr. Standing Investigation into the safety and environmental health issues encountered in a healthcare environment. The focus of this course will be on hospital safety. However, healthcare facilities in general will also be touched upon (e.g., nursing homes, outpatient facilities, clinics, etc.). Rationale: These revisions were necessary for three reasons. First, to better reflect the focus of the course as evidenced by the course objectives and the Direction of the Course that were included in the old syllabus of record. Second, these changes were necessary to make this course available to graduate students as an elective. The third reason these changes were necessary was to expand the coverage of the current material to other components of the healthcare system including nursing homes, home health, outpatient facilities, clinics, etc. 2. Department of SpanishCourse Deletion Delete SPAN 400 History of Spanish Language Rationale: The course has not been offered in at least 10 years and plays no part in our current undergraduate program. Additionally, the department feels that the courses content is more appropriate for a graduate level class. 3. Department of Geography and Regional PlanningNew Course GEOG 425 Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Concepts and Techniques 3c-01-3cr Prerequisites: Student must have completed 60 credits of coursework or have permission of the instructor Provides students with knowledge of the theoretical basis and practical applications of Geographic Positioning Systems (GPS). Students will gain hands-on experience using GPS receivers and GPS observables, as well as the ability to determine point and relative position fixes from pseudorange and carrier phase measurements. Students will be exposed to industry-standard GPS hardware and software, as well as appropriate techniques for processing GPS data to achieve necessary levels of horizontal and vertical positional accuracy. Integration of GPS and geographic information systems (GIS) will also be discussed. Rationale: The course is designed for Geography and Regional Planning majors, as well as non-majors who would like to learn about the science and applications of global positioning systems (GPS) and increase their technical skills. The course is meant to provide a thorough conceptual and technical basis for students who may specialize in GPS applications in a professional sense to s APPENDIX B University-Wide Graduate Committee Co-Chairs LaPorte and Williamson FOR ACTION: New Course: Department: Geography and Regional Planning Catalog Start Date: Fall 2008 Catalog Description: GEOG 584 Field Studies in Geography and Social Studies 1-3 cr. Immerses the student in a regional environment. Helps the student to critically see and to interpret a cultural landscape. The experience is predominantly off campus. Using a combination of structured field exercises, culturally specific readings, primary and secondary data, and standard geographic field techniques, it strives to develop for the student a deeper affective and cognitive understanding of a cultural region. This course may be repeated under a different study area title. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor Rationale: This course is designed to be a predominantly off-campus experience that closely resembles graduate field courses in other geography programs. APPENDIX C Academic Committee Co-Chairs Dugan and Novels FOR ACTION: Current Policy CRITERIA FOR AWARDING EMERITUS STATUS Procedure Nominations for emeritus status should be initiated by an individual department or administrative unit within two years following retirement. At the departmental or management unit level, a 2/3 vote of approval by secret ballot is required. The term "2/3 vote of approval" shall be interpreted as at least "2/3 of the votes cast, by persons legally entitled to vote, excluding blanks or abstentions, at a regular or properly called meeting at which a quorum is present" (Robert's Rules of Order). A document citing the significant contributions made by the nominee, as outlined in the criteria below, shall be forwarded with the transmittal form to the appropriate dean/vice president for his or her recommendation. The dean/vice president shall submit these recommendations to the provost who will, in turn, send them along with his or her recommendation, to the Academic Affairs Committee of the University Senate for consideration. The recommendation of the Academic Affairs Committee shall then be submitted to the University President and, ultimately, to the Board of Trustees for final approval. Nominations may be made by any person familiar with the nominee's professional contributions. For persons who do not fall within the departmental structure, the nominations shall be initiated by the individual's immediate supervisor, who will also determine the composition of the voting unit and then proceed through the remaining channels of selection as stated above. Criteria Each candidate for emeritus status must have been a full-time professional employee at Ģtv for at least ten years and have demonstrated exceptional teaching, managerial, and administrative performance. In addition, nominees must have made a significant contribution while at the University in at least two of the following areas: 1. Scholarly growth through research and publications 2. Active participation in departmental/administrative unit activities 3. Active participation in university activities In addition to the public award and the inclusion of the emeritus person's name in a published listing of emeriti personnel, the university may provide benefits such as library privileges and office space when available. The university community is encouraged to use the skills and the talents of emeriti personnel on a voluntary basis when appropriate. Nominations for emeritus status, with supporting evidence for the above criteria, should be in the office of the appropriate dean/vice president by November 1, who will forward them to the provost's office by November 15. Approved by the University Senate, March 11, 1980 Paragraph 1 approved April 7, 1981; Revision approved April 19, 1988 Revision of deadline dates approved October 8, 1991 Proposed Language: (Change to last paragraph ONLY) - The deadlines for Emeritus applications will be announced each year in September. For planning purposes, it can be anticipated that applications, with supporting evidence for the above criteria, will be due approximately late October, for Provost review in early November. The Senate Academic Committee will take action on nominees by mid-November for inclusion on the December Senate agenda. Rationale: The Academic Committee has reviewed the committee's charge to call for, review, and recommend faculty to be considered for Professor Emeritus. In doing so, the committee noted that the last time the due dates were approved was October 1991. The committee also noted that, despite the approved dates, in fact, in recent practice, the Academic Committee has moved to a slightly different set of dates in order to meet the Senate and COT deadlines. We realized at our last meeting that these "recent practice" dates had not been sent to the Senate for approval. The general language proposed above would provide some variability in submission deadlines to allow for a thorough and fair review of applications as well as allow for the meeting of Senate agenda submission due dates and Council of Trustee deadlines that ensure conferral of emeritus status by the May commencement.     Senate Agenda October 9, 2007 page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 6 !#-456;<?AMNOPbcdghӽwwl_SG>GhCIWCJ\aJh!qh!qCJ\aJh!qh!q5CJaJh!qCJaJmHnHuh!qh!qCJaJh!qCJaJhQpCJaJhCIWCJaJhd1 CJaJhAFCJaJhBh!q5CJaJh!q5CJaJhCIW5CJaJ+jhBh!q5CJUaJmHnHuh^ h!q5:CJ$\aJ$h!q5:CJ$\aJ$"jh!qCJUaJmHnHu-=NOP}gkd$$Ifl*+ t0644 la$x$Ifa$gd!q $$Ifa$gd!qX//PQcd$gkd$$Ifl*+ t0644 la x$Ifgd!qgkdW$$Ifl*+ t0644 ladgkzkd$$Ifl0X*D( t0644 la x$Ifgd!q$x$Ifa$gd!q       ' , - . 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