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Agenda items for the February 1, 2005 meeting were APPROVED with amendment (corrected version of Rules Committee and University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee reports appears below). Capt. Chip ONeal was elected Senate Secretary. Dr. James S. Lenze was appointed Senate Parliamentarian. REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Presidents Report (Senator Atwater): Fellow Senators, I am pleased to address you on my first official day as Ģtvs 24th president. The Provost has informed me that your past practice requires that I approve curricular and other policy recommendations originating from the University Senate. As one of my first official actions as your president, I have determined that it is the Provost of the university who is in the best position to approve curricular actions of the Senate and he will do so beginning today. I, as your president, will continue to approve all other Senate actions. As such: As recommended by the Senate, I have approved Professor Emeritus Status for 20 retired faculty members and University Professor Emeritus Status for one other faculty member. Their names will be forwarded to the Council of Trustees for information. I have also approved the Senate recommendation to rescind the policy regarding the prohibition of Ģtv faculty earning Ģtv graduate degrees and will ask the Provost to insure that references to the policy are deleted from any official documents. I would like to take this opportunity to begin to define and outline my initial agenda as I begin my work as your president. There are five areas of emphasis that I would like us to begin to explore through conversation, planning, and action as a university community. These include: 1. Enhancing Academic Excellence across the University 2. Strengthening PartnershipsBoth Internal and External 3. Focusing on Issues of Institutional Advancement including Fund Raising and Marketing 4. Successful Enrollment Management leading to Incremental Growth. 5. Responding Proactively to the System Accountability Measures and use of those measures as one benchmark of our success as a university. I would like to close my remarks today with some of my initial observations regarding our work as a university community in the area of our Middle States Self-Study. I am aware that this effort has been underway for well over a year with significant input from the university community. As your new president, I am extremely grateful for those efforts and the continuing work we have before us in this area. I believe the self-study process allows us an excellent opportunity for reflection regarding both our significant strengths and accomplishments, as well as those areas where we seek improvement. I hope we will take this opportunity to celebrate our successes during the past ten years since our last self-study, and where weaknesses are noted, I would encourage your ideas for improvement. If we do this, we truly take destiny in our own hands, rather than placing our future in the hands of an external visitation team. I encourage each of you to participate in the upcoming open forums to review the Middle States work to date. Again, it is my sincere pleasure to address you on my first official day as president. I look forward to many years of our successful work together. It is my pleasure to introduce Provost Staszkiewicz. Provosts Report (Senator Staszkiewicz): On behalf of the University, I am pleased to add my welcome to our new President, Dr. Tony Atwater, to his first meeting of the University Senate. We are distinctive, if not unique, in our ability to coordinate a university-wide senate along with the various unions in developing a working model of collaboration and shared governance. I know everyone is looking forward to working with him. In follow up to President Atwaters designation of the Provost to approve curriculum actions not requiring Trustee action, I am pleased to respond to recent actions taken by the Senate: The revisions MATH 445, MATH 446, and MATH 447 are acceptable and approved. The ten new courses for a BS in Natural Science in the Science for Disaster Response Track SDR 111, SDR 121, SDR 131, SDR 211, SDR 221, SDR 231, SDR 311, SDR 321, SDR 331, SDR 486 are acceptable and approved. This new track, BS in Natural Science/Science for Disaster Response, as approved by the Senate on December 7, has my approval and will be forwarded to the Council of Trustees for approval at its March 2005 meeting.. Program revisions for the BA in Criminology, BA in Criminology/Pre-Law Track, and MA in Student Affairs in Higher Education have my approval and will be sent to the Council of Trustees at its March 2005 meeting. Dr. Mary Sadler has reported to me that the faculty and administrators working on the revision to Liberal Studies are making good progress, though they are running approximately half a semester behind schedule because of the work being done to prepare the Middle States Self Study. Since its founding in 1875 as the Indiana Normal School, Ģtv has been widely recognized for its excellent programs in teacher education. Although the scope of the university has been greatly expanded, the College of Education and Educational Technology (COE-ET) in conjunction with the rest of the university, continues the tradition of preparing outstanding teachers and other professional school personnel to serve the students of the commonwealth and the nation. Ģtvs Teacher Preparation Programs have been accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) since its inception in 1954. On Saturday, October 15, 2005, an NCATE Board of Examiners team will return to the Ģtv campus to conduct a continuing accreditation review. The teams five-day visit will conclude on Wednesday, October 19. For the first time, Ģtvs continuing review will be based upon NCATEs new performance-based system of accreditation. We must now provide compelling evidence of the content and pedagogical competence of our students. Since our teacher preparation students are enrolled in programs offered by various departments in the colleges of Business and Information Technology, Education and Educational Technology, Fine Arts, Health and Human Services, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and the Honors College, the upcoming accreditation visit affects the majority of us on campus. Please mark the dates of October 15-19, 2005 for the NCATE visit. Chairpersons Report (Senator Smith): It wouldnt be a senate meeting to start a semester without my short laundry list so here goes: As you can see, we meet here in Stouffer this semester, because the Eberly Auditorium has a class. I hadnt been in here since the renovation. Whoever is responsible, thank you. This room is wonderful! Thank you Parker Boerner again for your help last semester as secretary, thank you Captain Chip ONeal for your stepping up, and thank you Jim Lenze for serving as Parliamentarian For all your help on Rules, thank you Dr. Soni I would like to reiterate from my earlier comments, welcome Dr. Atwater to both you and your family. Although she may never read the senate meeting minutes, I want to send one final thank you to Dr. Reinhard. I know we all bid her farewell last week, but I think all would agree, she was a dear friend to our institution. Anything else? Nikki. Vice Chairpersons Report (Senator Norris): Good Afternoon! I'd like to return to this idea of lobbying for money for higher education. There have been two groups organizing meetings with legislators in D.C. in March to speak for the cause. If we are able to move around the money in our budget, Student Congress would like to send a few members. Also, we will be having our annual summit in Harrisburg for the same reasons after the governor releases his preliminary budget. It pleases me to look out and see a permanent university president in the audience. With that statement, my Presidential Search updates are officially over. Finally Student Congress will be working on becoming involved in community service this semester to get both our name and the good reputation of the university into the community. Thank you. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS: Rules Committee (Chair Soni): See Appendix A (page 6) University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Co-chairs Sechrist/Numan): See Appendix B (pages 7-9) University-wide Graduate Committee (Co-chairs Laporte/Chambers): See Appendix C (pages 10-18) Library and Educational Services Committee (Chair Johnson): The LESC will meet in Stabley 101 at 3:30 pm on February 15, 2005. Noncredit Committee (Chair ONeil): Non-credit committee will meet on Tuesday, February 15 at 3:30 pm in Keith 100. Research Committee (Chair Guth): The USRC met on December 14, 2004 and reviewed proposals. The committee awarded $7,764.65 in grants to the following individuals: Dr. Beverly Chiarulli was awarded $1,500 for her project, Archaeological Investigations of Invisible Houses at the Ancient Maya Site of Chau Hiix, Belize. Dr. Rajendar K. Garg was awarded $1,500 to present his paper Patterns of Consumer Information Processing in E-Business at the Sixth International Conference-Borderless World: Emerging Dimensions for Business in New Delhi, India. Dr. Susan Glor-Scheib was awarded $750 to present her paper Critical Issues in Transitioning Students with Special Needs from School to Adult Life at the European Teacher Education Thematic Interest Group Conference in Ocrid, Macedonia. Dr. Brooke Judkins was awarded $848 for her project, Adopting a Green Lifestyle: Families Experiences with the Ecoteam Program. Dr. Becky Knickelbein was awarded $750 to present her paper Critical Issues in Transitioning Students with Special Needs from School to Adult Life at the European Teacher Education Thematic Interest Group Conference in Ocrid, Macedonia. Dr. John McCarthy was awarded $952.65 for his project, Looking Back at Adolescent Depression: A Qualitative Study. Dr. William Meil was awarded $1,214 for his project, The Role of Serotonin in Cocaine Induced Anxiety. Dr. Mark Sloniger was awarded $250 for his project, Barriers to Participation in Senior Games. The next USRC meeting will be on February 8, 2005 at 3:15 p.m. in 317 Clark Hall. Student Affairs Committee (Chair Condino): At our meeting (January 25, 2005), Chair Condino asked the committee to review the current University policy regarding Anticipated Class Absence for University Representation and Participation and asked for opinions of the policy from faculty and students. Faculty offered information regarding their practices for excusing students for co-curricular activities and individual practices they use in their classrooms. Students also spoke of their experiences with faculty - - some they felt to be reasonable and others unreasonable. The Chair also asked faculty for their interpretation of the policy and generally it was agreed that faculty have the right, under academic freedom, to establish practices consistent with their syllabus and their teaching philosophy. Chairperson Condino, who is also the Ģtv Athletics Director, also shared information from the Athletics Department, and specifically, a sample memo that Head Coaches use to inform faculty of students need to miss classes due to team travel schedules. He asked for faculty feedback regarding the memorandum, and opinions were offered. Some faculty acknowledged that the memo was stated in terms that implied that it was for faculty information which differs from university policy wherein faculty have the prerogative to determine whether or not students will be excused from class for various co-curricular activities. The recommendation was made that the memo may be more acceptable to faculty if it was clear that permission was being sought for students absence from class as opposed to informing faculty of pending absences. Chair Condino requested that revisions be provided to him at the next meeting. It was also noted that a developmental opportunity for coaches to work with athletes exists by encouraging them to speak directly with their professors about their athletic/team involvement; that student initiative is important and encouraged ---perhaps even before coachs involvement in dealing directly with faculty. The Chair also provided information regarding the role of coaches and initiated discussion regarding Athletics Department data (provided in a handout) regarding fundraising, scholarship funds, and athletes student performance for fall 2004. Questions were asked and addressed by the Athletics Director (Chair). Chris Hindman reviewed Student Congress goals for the semester. They were: Campus safety To strengthen Student Congress presence in the Indiana Borough To contact other student organizations and open lines of communication with them To create and put on line a Freshman guide To increase student participation in Student Congress. Many Congress members are graduating in the current and upcoming year and leadership and participation is necessary in order to sustain the organization and have substantial presence on campus. Mr. Hindman also requested the serious assistance needed from the committee in promoting Student Congress involvement and membership in order to boost student involvement in Congress. Student applications can be obtained in the Congress office at the HUB and on line. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday Feb. 15 at 3:30 in the Conemaugh Room of the HUB. University Development and Finance Committee (Bob Marx, on behalf of Chair Domaracki): Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 8 at 3:15 in the University Towers Conference Room. Academic Committee (Chair Andrew): Our next meeting is February 8, 2005 at 3:15 pm. in Sutton 218. Awards Committee (Chair Baker): Our next meeting is February 8, 2005 at 3:15 pm. in Stabley 202. New Business Middle States Steering Committee Representative Report (Capt. Chip ONeal) The Middle States Steering Committee, whose membership includes several Senators present today, has made great strides and remains on schedule to complete the self-study of Ģtv by December 2005. Each of the 14 subcommittees has completed its analysis and submitted their reports regarding the universitys compliance with the 14 standards of quality. Were now preparing to address this analysis at open forum meetings beginning 21 February 2005. Anyone unable to attend an open forum meeting can provide input online beginning Feb. 17. During the past 2 meetings, the Steering Committee scrutinized each recommendation and identified trends/ common themes. Last night we created two new subcommitteesone for content analysis of those themes, the other to establish a continuous quality improvement model for the university. These new subcommittees will reconvene on 14 February 2005 in Folger. For more details, please refer to the Middle States webpage at  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/middle-states" www.iup.edu/middle-states. The schedule of forums is listed below: Open Forum - Subcommittee Reports 1 through 7 Monday, Feb. 21, 4-6 p.m., Oak Room, Foster Hall Wednesday, Feb. 23, 7-8:30 p.m., Folger Hall banquet area Thursday, Feb. 24, 4-6 p.m., Folger Hall banquet area Open Forum - Subcommittee Reports 8 through 14 Monday, Feb. 28, 4-6 p.m., Folger banquet area Wednesday, March 2, 7-8:30 p.m., Folger banquet area Thursday, March 3, 4-6 p.m., Folger banquet area Next Senate meeting will be held on March 1, 2005 at 3:15 pm in Stouffer Auditorium. Adjournment With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Capt. Chip ONeal Secretary, University Senate APPENDIX A Rules Committee Chair: Soni For Action: 1. Senate Constitution Amendment: APPROVED by written ballot (105 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention) The proposed amendment involves the 1st and 7th paragraph under the section COMPOSITION & ELECTIVE PROCEDURES. (1) An "n" is stricken and "voting" is added in the first paragraph and (2) the phrase none-voting senator will be added in the 7th paragraph as shown below. The University Senate shall consist of a number of faculty double the number of departments of the University; an voting administrative segment one-third the size of the faculty segment; and a student segment one-half the size of the faculty segment. The administrative segment shall include the University President (non-voting senator) and administrators/managers serving on Standing Committees by virtue of their office (ex-officio); at least half of the remaining number shall be elected by and from the administrators/managers; and the remainder to be appointed by the University President. Justification: 1) The loss of one administrative voting member due to the non-voting president will be avoided 2) Since the Ģtv Senate serves as an advisory body to make recommendations to the President and Council of Trustees, it is inappropriate to require the President to vote on the Senate floor. The proposed Senate constitution amendments, first presented at the December 7, 2004 Senate meeting, will be voted on the Feb 1, 2005 Senate meeting. 2. Senate Bylaws Change: APPROVED as amended below The following clause will be added as III-E (Current clauses III-E and III-F will be sequentially renumbered as III-F and III-G): Appointed Senate representatives Senate representatives to non-Senate organizations committees, ad hoc taskforce, etc. shall report at Senate meetings; Senate Representative Reports will be a standard Senate Agenda item after standing committees reports. Justification: This will improve communication and ensure that individuals truly represent "the Senate" at those venues and not just themselves as individuals. APPENDIX B University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Co-Chairs Sechrist and Numan FOR INFORMATION: 1. UWUCC has approved the following courses to be offered as distance education: HPED 143 Health and Wellness by Dr. Robert Kostelnik and Mr. Robert Alman. IFMG 101 Microbased Computer Literacy by Mr. Pankaj Pankaj and Dr. Jianfeng Wang. MGMT 402 Seminar in Human Resource Management by Dr. A. Amin Mohamed and Dr. Fredrick Slack. MGMT 454 International Competitiveness by Dr. Joette Wisnieski and Dr. Manton Gibbs. GEOS 103 Oceans and Atmospheres by Dr. Steven Hovan. MKTG 321 Consumer Behavior by Dr. Raj Garg, Dr. Madan Batra, Dr. Lisa Sciulli, Dr. Varinder Sharma, Dr. Charlene Bebko, Dr. Krish Krishnan. 2. Honors Committee Report: Approved Dr. Lilia Savova, English Department to teach HNRC 499 Eastern Eurpoe. 3. Liberal Studies Committee Report: Approved Mr. Michael Korns, Industrial and Labor Relations Department to teach LBST 499 The World of Work. Approved Type III individual course writing proposal, ENGL 460 Topics in Film: The Jesus Story on Film, from Dr. Tom Slater. Approved FCSE 350 Teaching Family Life Education as a Type II department writing course. Approved LBST 499 The Kennedy Era, Dr. Stanford Mukasa, Journalism Department. Approved a title change from LBST 499 Eastern Europe after the Berlin Wall to LBST 499 Perspectives on Eastern Europe, Dr Lilia Savova, Department of English. 4. Department of HistoryCourse Title Change HIST 483 Honors Thesis/Independent Study to HIST 483 Honors Thesis 5. Department of AccountingCourse Number Change ACCT 321 Federal Tax I to ACCT 421 Federal Tax I FOR ACTION: 1. Department of ManagementCourse Revision APPROVED Current Catalog Description: MGMT 275 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 3c-01-3cr Prerequisites: ACCT 201, ECON 121, sophomore status, only for nonmajors, permission by department. Entrepreneurship is defined, common myths are discussed, and characteristics of entrepreneurs are identified. Basic characteristics of entrepreneurs are reviewed. Includes topics such as psychology of entrepreneurship; economic and social aspects of entrepreneurship; history; techniques of purchasing a company; new venture initiation; and risk taking. Proposed Catalog Description: MGMT 275 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 3c-01-3cr Prerequisites: sophomore status Entrepreneurship is defined, common myths are discussed, and basic characteristics of entrepreneurs are identified and reviewed. Includes topics such as psychology of entrepreneurship; economic and social aspects of entrepreneurship; history; techniques of purchasing a company; new venture initiation, and risk taking. Rationale: This course has not been revised for ten years. The faculty teaching this course feel that there is no need for the student to have taken ACCT 201 or ECON 121 before taking this course. All business majors will take these courses but given the content of the material covered in this course, they are not needed as prerequisites. 2. Department of ArtNew Minor and addition to Catalog Description APPROVED Catalog description: Art History minor The mission of the Art History Minor is to provide students with the necessary skills to critically assess the origins and changing dynamics of the visual arts. By its very nature, Art History is multidisciplinary and not only develops visual literacy and tools for critical thinking but also introduces students to the socio-cultural contexts in which artworks are produced, providing students with the opportunities for understanding cultural diversity and life-long learning. New Minor: MinorArt History 18 Required Courses: 9 ARHI 205 Ancient to Medieval Art ARHI 207 Renaissance through Modern Art ARHI 224 Introduction to Asian Art Any three of the following: 9 ARHI 100 Arts of the Twentieth Century ARHI 407 Medieval Art ARHI 408 Italian Renaissance Art ARHI 409 Baroque and Rococo Art ARHI 410 Nineteenth-Century European Painting ARHI 411 Twentieth-Century European Art ARHI 412 Classical Art ARHI 413 Senior Seminar ARHI 417 Byzantine Art ARHI 418 African Art ARHI 423 Art of Japan ARHI 425 Arts of China ARHI 493 Internship Rationale: Recently, students at Ģtv have expressed an interest in an Art History minor, which does not exist at this time. Instead, the Art Department offers an Art History minor emphasis. Students transcripts register an Art minor with an Art History emphasis. Unable to earn both a major and minor in Art, students are prohibited from this emphasis. An Art History minor will enhance the Art Studio and Art Education programs at Ģtv. Studio majors will have the opportunity to critically examine past and present issues in Art History in order to enrich their studio practice. Students in Art Ed will acquire a substantial understanding of visual culture. Because Art History is an essential component of art education in many art programs, a minor in Art History will benefit those students who wish to study Art History at the graduate level. Without a minor in Art History on their transcripts, students whose plans include an Art History graduate degree are at a disadvantage. Students enrolled in any major can benefit from an Art History minor. It is designed to provide students with the visual skills necessary to critically analyze and assess images, an integral part of modern global culture. By its very nature, art history is multidisciplinary and not only develops visual literacy but also introduces students to various cultural backgrounds and religions, languages, gender issues, and philosophies. 3. Department of Geography and Regional PlanningNew Tracks and addition to APPROVED Catalog Description Catalog Description: Geography and Regional Planning Honors Programs_________________________________________ The honors program is open by departmental permission to Geography and Regional Planning majors with at least a 3.25 GPA in total university coursework and a 3.25 GPA in Geography or Regional Planning courses. After completing 57 credits, all qualified majors will be invited to join the Geography or Regional Planning Honors Track. Social Studies Education Geography Track majors are encouraged to participate, with the realization that participation will require more than 120 credits. Students complete CHSS 489 Honor Colloquium (a multi-disciplinary colloquium emphasizing problem-solving, discussion, reading, and writing on a topic or theme); GEOG 483 Honors Thesis or RGPL 483 Honors Thesis; and HNRC 499 Honors Senior Synthesis, which fulfills the Liberal Studies Synthesis requirement. Students must maintain a 3.0 average in the track. To determine how Honors Track courses will be integrated into existing requirements for the Geography or Regional Planning major, students should consult their academic advisors. To apply, students must submit a letter of intent that includes a two-page self-statement describing the students academic and career goals. Two Geography and Regional Planning faculty members must endorse the students application. New Tracks: Geography Honors Track 12cr Prerequisites: Declared major in Geography, completion of at least 57 credits, and endorsement of two Geography faculty members. Required Courses: HNRC 499 Honors Senior Synthesis *cr(1) CHSS 489/H/ Honors Colloquium 3cr GEOG 483/H/ Honors Thesis in Geography 6cr(2) (1) Credits for HNRC 499 are counted in the Liberal Studies Synthesis Requirement. (2) Credits for GEOG 483 are counted in the appropriate Departmental Track. requirement Regional Planning Honors Track 12cr Prerequisites: Declared major in Regional Planning, completion of at least 57 credits, and endorsement of two Regional Planning faculty members. Required Courses: HNRC 499 Honors Senior Synthesis *cr(1) CHSS 489/H/ Honors Colloquium 3cr RGPL 483/H/ Honors Thesis in Regional Planning 6cr(2) (1) Credits for HNRC 499 are counted in the Liberal Studies Synthesis Requirement. (2) Credits for RGPL 483 are counted in the appropriate Departmental Track requirement. APPENDIX C Graduate Committee Co-Chairs Myers and Chambers Program Revision, Including New Courses and Course Revisions APPROVED Master of Science Degree in Applied Mathematics, Mathematics Department, Catalog Start Term Fall 2005 Summary and Rationale Applied Mathematics is by definition an evolving field of study since the mathematics is applied to the real world. The M.S. in Applied Mathematics program was last revised in 1988. The Mathematics Department has since hired several faculty with areas of expertise in statistics, operations research, and traditional/classical applied mathematics. These faculty along with the existing graduate faculty are cognizant of the current status of education in applied mathematics. We believe that the time has come to give the program an overhaul knowing full well that the evolution process is continuous and ongoing, leading to more revisions in the future. The proposed revisions center on consolidation of topics more appropriate for a terminal degree at the masters level and the balance of emphasis given to the applied areas of statistics, operations research, and classical/traditional applied mathematics. CurrentProposedI. Core Courses*15 cr.I. Core Courses*18 cr.MATH 525Applied Mathematical Analysis I3 cr.MATH 545Programming Models in Operations Research3 cr.MATH 545Programming Models in Operations Research3 cr.MATH 546Probabilistic Models in Operations Research3 cr.MATH 546Probabilistic Models in Operations Research3 cr.MATH 547Modeling and Simulation 3 cr.MATH 563Mathematical Statistics I3 cr.MATH 563Mathematical Statistics I3 cr.MATH 564Mathematical Statistics II3 cr.MATH 564Mathematical Statistics II3 cr.MATH 625Analysis for Applied Mathematics3 cr.*Required unless comparable courses have been taken at the undergraduate level*Required unless comparable courses have been taken at the undergraduate level (No more than 3 hours may be waived from the total of 30 hours of coursework.)II. Controlled Electives**15 cr.II. Controlled Electives**12 cr.MATH 547Simulation Models3 cr.MATH 523Complex Variables3 cr.MATH 551Numerical Methods for Super Computers3 cr.MATH 551Numerical Methods for Supercomputers3 cr.MATH 571Linear Algebra3 cr.MATH 640Numerical Mathematics3 cr.MATH 641Differential Equations3 cr.MATH 641Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations3 cr.MATH 643Graphs, Networks, and Combinatorics3 cr.MATH 643Graphs, Networks, and Combinatorics3 cr.MATH 645Nonlinear Programming Models3 cr.MATH 645Advanced Optimization3 cr.MATH 661Advanced Sampling Theory3 cr.MATH 647Advanced Simulation3 cr.MATH 663Nonparametric Statistics3 cr.MATH 665Applied Regression Analysis and Design of Experiments3 cr.MATH 665Applied Regression Analysis3 cr. MATH 667Applied Statistical Methods3 cr.MATH 684Topics in Operations Research3 cr.MATH 685Topics in Statistical Methods3 cr.MATH 688Problems in Applied Mathematics3 cr.** At least 12 cr. must be at the 600 level**At least 9 cr. must be at the 600 level III. Additional Electives***III. Additional Electives***Other graduate-level mathematics courses may be selected with the approval of the students advisor. Also, with the advisors approval, up to six semester hours of graduate work may be taken in disciplines such as chemistry, computer science, economics, finance/management information systems, and physics.Other graduate-level mathematics courses may be selected with the approval of the students advisor. Also, with the advisors approval, up to six credit hours of graduate work may be taken in disciplines such as chemistry, computer science, economics, finance, management information systems, and physics.***The MS in Applied Mathematics requires a minimum of 27 cr. of course work in addition to the research requirement listed below.***The MS in Applied Mathematics requires a minimum of 27 cr. of course work in addition to the research requirement listed below.IV. Research Requirements3-6 cr.IV. Research Requirements3-6 cr.Option IOption IMATH 850Thesis3 cr.MATH 850Thesis3 cr.ororOption IIOption IIMATH 698Internship6 cr.MATH 698Internship6 cr.Total30-33 cr.Total 33-36 cr. Catalog Description Master of Science in Applied Mathematics The M.S. program in Applied Mathematics is designed to produce graduates who are marketable in industry, government, and education. The program is also appropriate for professionals who wish to add to their skills and secondary mathematics and science teachers who wish to gain a deeper understanding of how mathematics and statistics can be used to solve applied problems. It also provides a solid background for those planning to enter a Ph.D. program. Faculty members offer courses in the areas of traditional applied mathematics, operations research, and statistics. The department houses its own computer facilities with which faculty and students engage in activities such as simulation and statistical analysis. Most classes are offered at times convenient for nontraditional students who wish to advance their careers in applied mathematics, secondary education, or statistics. Students have the option of writing a thesis or participating in an internship. Applicants should have taken a calculus sequence, linear algebra, introductory probability and statistics, and should have computer programming experience. Program Requirements I. Core Courses* 18 cr. MATH 545 Programming Models in 3cr. Operations Research MATH 546 Probabilistic Models in 3 cr. Operations Research MATH 547 Modeling and Simulation 3 cr. MATH 563 Mathematical Statistics I 3 cr. MATH 564 Mathematical Statistics II 3 cr. MATH 625 Analysis for Applied 3 cr. Mathematics *Required unless comparable courses have been taken at the undergraduate level. No more than 3 cr. may be waived from the total of 30 cr. of coursework. II. Controlled Electives** 12 cr. MATH 523 Complex Variables 3 cr. MATH 551 Numerical Methods for 3 cr. Supercomputers MATH 640 Numerical Mathematics 3 cr. MATH 641 Ordinary and Partial 3 cr. Differential Equations MATH 643 Graphs, Networks, and 3 cr. Combinatorics MATH 645 Advanced Optimization 3 cr. MATH 647 Advanced Simulation 3 cr. MATH 665 Applied Regression 3 cr. Analysis and the Design of Experiments MATH 667 Applied Statistical Methods 3 cr. ** At least 9 cr. must be at the 600 level. III. Additional Electives*** Other graduate-level mathematic courses may be selected with the approval of the students advisor. Also with the advisors approval, up to six credit hours of graduate work may be taken in disciplines such as chemistry, computer science, economics, finance, management information systems, and physics. ***The M.S. in Applied Mathematics requires a minimum of 27 cr. of course work in addition to the research requirement listed below. IV. Research Requirements 3-6 cr. Option I MATH 850 Thesis 3 cr. or Option II MATH 698 Internship 6 cr. Total 33-36 cr. Summary of Changes 1) Entrance Requirements: All entering M.S. in Applied Mathematics students are assumed to have taken a calculus sequence, introductory linear algebra, and introductory probability and statistics. Basic computer literacy and competency in a programming language is also required. Rationale: The previous entrance requirements were calculus and linear algebra. Probability, statistics, and programming experience are essential to a current applied mathematics program. 2) Change the title, prerequisite, and course description of MATH 545. The new title and course description will more accurately reflect the content of the course. The prerequisite will change from two semesters of calculus to two semesters of calculus and one semester of linear algebra. Rationale: Matrix algebra is essential for solving deterministic problems. 3) Change the prerequisite of MATH 546 from two semesters of calculus, MATH 563 or equivalent to two semesters of calculus, introductory linear algebra, and introductory probability and statistics. Rationale: This is an introductory graduate course and the prerequisites are the entrance requirements. 4) Revise MATH 547 to include more modeling and current simulation technology. Rationale: Current reports (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and American Mathematical Society, for example) conclude that modeling and simulation are an important aspect of applied mathematics. 5) Replace MATH 525 in the course offerings with MATH 625. Rationale: MATH 425/525 rarely has undergraduate enrollment (and if so, they are students who plan to stay at Ģtv and pursue the M.S. degree). Hence, its removal would not impact our undergraduate programs. The lack of undergraduate students as well as the testimony of graduate students indicates that this course is a very hard 500-level course. MATH 625 will be an augmented version of MATH 525. We feel that the revisions make it even more worthy of being a core course, that is, MATH 625 includes advanced topics in traditional mathematics that are central to all of applied mathematics. 6) Add a new course in numerical computing MATH 640. Rationale: Numerical computing (a traditional/classical applied mathematics area) is very important for those wishing to go into an applied mathematics job in industry. 7) Revise MATH 641 to include partial differential equations. Rationale: The extension of ordinary differential equations to partial differential equations is a very important topic in applied mathematics. Some introductory ordinary differential equations will be included in MATH 625, allowing time to incorporate partial differential equations into MATH 641. 8) Revise the course description of MATH 643 to more accurately reflect the content of the course. 9) Add a new course in advanced simulation MATH 647. Rationale: Simulation is one of the fastest growing disciplines in applied mathematics. A simulation course is currently being taught as a special topics course. It has been a very successful course and the content has been used in several theses and referred to in job interviews. 10) Revise MATH 665 to include design of experiments. Rationale: Regression and design of experiments are possibly the most important topics in applied statistics. This course will include a substantial coverage of both. 11) Add a new course in statistical methods MATH 667 (a combination of topics taught in MATH 661, MATH 663, and MATH 685). [Note: MATH 661 and 663 will be removed from offerings.] Rationale: Three courses of various statistical methods are too in depth for a masters level. This course will combine several of the most important topics in this area. 12) Cosmetic name changes of: (a) MATH 685 Topics in Probability and Statistics (was Topics in Statistical Methods); (b) MATH 688 Topics in Applied Mathematics (was Problems in Applied Mathematics) Rationale: We have the course MATH 684 Topics in Operations Research and so for parallel structure we propose the above name changes. 13) MATH 523 and MATH 647 will be added to the list of controlled electives Rationale: Both complex variables and advanced simulation are courses typically offered in an applied mathematics program. 14) MATH 571, MATH 684, MATH 685, and MATH 688 will be removed from the list of controlled electives. Rationale: Although these courses may be offered, we feel they are less important. 15) Minor prerequisite changes: (a) MATH 684 Permission of instructor (was consent of instructor); (b) MATH 685 Permission of instructor (was MATH 661,663,665); (c) MATH 688 Permission of instructor (was MATH 525,564,545,546); Rationale: The first is simply to have consistent wording. The next two are special topics courses and prerequisites vary depending on the topic. New Courses MATH 625 Analysis for Applied Mathematics 3c-0l-3cr This course is a graduate level introduction to classical applied mathematics. Topics include vector spaces and orthogonality, eigenvalue problems, quadratic forms, vector calculus in n-space, infinite series and applications, Fourier series, least squares approximation, and systems of differential equations. Prerequisites: calculus sequence and introductory linear algebra or permission of the instructor Rationale: The existing course MATH 425/525 rarely has any undergraduate enrollments. Recently, all of the undergraduate students that enrolled in this course planned and stayed at Ģtv to pursue the M.S. graduate degree. The lack of undergraduate students is a testimony to the advanced nature of this course and our graduate students indicate that this is a very difficult 500-level course. Changing this to MATH 625 is a reflection of both the current difficulty and of the additional revisions to the content. The revisions to this course make it worthy of being a 600-level core. MATH 640 Numerical Mathematics 3c-0l-3cr Intended for graduate students in mathematics and the sciences, this course will cover solving mathematical problems using computer algorithms; in particular, root finding methods, direct and iterative methods for linear systems, nonlinear systems, eigenvalue problems and differential equations. Prerequisites: calculus sequence, introductory linear algebra, and programming literacy, or permission of instructor Rationale: Numerical mathematical analysis is a traditional and important part of applied mathematics. Graduate students consistently ask for this subject. MATH 647 Advanced Simulation 3c-0l-3sh An in-depth study of computer simulation techniques using simulation software. Emphasis is on discrete-event systems, though continuous-event systems will also be modeled. Model validation and verification including statistical analysis. Prerequisites: MATH 545 and MATH 563 Rationale: Simulation is a tool that is often used in industry. Students with an exposure to the simulation process and software available will have a competitive edge in the job market. Also, this course is project driven and serves as a capstone, synthesizing knowledge from various courses, including statistics and operations research. MATH 667 Applied Statistical Methods 3c-0l-3cr Focus will be on the understanding and the application of statistical techniques in sampling, categorical data analysis, and time series. Statistical software is used for data analysis. Prerequisites: MATH 564 or permission of instructor Rationale: This course condenses content currently taught in three courses, MATH 661, MATH 663, and MATH 685. The detail and depth that material was covered in MATH 661 and MATH 663 was not typical for a Masters level program. This course combines the most important topics from these areas. MATH 661 and MATH 663 will be removed from the list of offerings. Major Course Revisions Current Catalog Description MATH 547 Simulation Models 3 s.h. This course considers the types of models that are basic to any simulation and methods for building and using such models. It includes discrete and continuous system simulations, their applications, and an introduction to SLAM II (Simulation Language for Alternative Modeling). Prerequisites: Completion of the calculus sequence, background in statistics and probability, and familiarity with concepts of programming (knowledge of a particular programming language is not required.) Proposed Catalog Description MATH 547 Modeling and Simulation 3c-0l-3cr Construction and solution of mathematical models. Emphasis is on applications in areas such as logistics, natural and social sciences, and manufacturing. Discrete and continuous system models are analyzed using mathematical and computer-based methods. Introduction to computer simulation. Introductory course in differential equations is recommended but not required. Prerequisites: two semesters of calculus, one semester of introductory linear algebra, and introductory probability and statistics. Rationale: The choice to revise this is based on two factors. Mathematical modeling is a very broad topic that encompasses a variety of areas of study, and in particular the simulation portion of modeling works best with a strong background in probability, statistics and some exposure to operations research. Hence, the vast majority of simulation has been moved to an advanced course, MATH 647 that makes use of prerequisite knowledge from our core courses, and this course has been modified to focus more on applied mathematical models that are accessible to a broader range of students. Current Catalog Description MATH 641 Differential Equations 3 cr. Special solvable nonlinear equations with solutions based on operator techniques, Laplace transform, or infinite series. Application to physical problems. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: Differential and Integral Calculus. Proposed Catalog Description MATH 641 Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations 3c-0l-3cr Solution techniques for linear and solvable nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations are covered. A variety of methods including series solutions, operator methods Laplace transforms, characteristics, and separation of variables are demonstrated for numerous applications to physical problems. Systems of differential equations, associated phase plane and stability theory are addressed. Solutions and applications for the equations of mathematical physics are discussed including the heat equations, Laplaces equations, and the wave equation. Prerequisite: MATH 625 or permission of the instructor. Rationale: The reason for the revisions for this course is to give students exposure to both ordinary and partial differential equations. These topics are often taught as separate courses, and the existing MATH 641 course only focused on ordinary differential equations. Partial differential equations are important to applied mathematics so we are revising the course structure to allow for presentation of these concepts. Some of the introductory material for ordinary differential equations will be covered in course MATH 625 in order to free course time for covering some partial differential equations topics in MATH 641. Current Catalog Description MATH 665 Applied Regression Analysis 3 s.h. Regression analysis and its interfaces with multivariate methods are presented in this course. The student is introduced to least squares, a matrix approach to linear regression, an examination of residuals, dummy variables, the polynomial model, best regression equations, multiple regression and mathematical model building, and multiple regression applied to analysis of variance and covariance. Computer programs for multivariate analysis will be used. Prerequisites: Introductory Linear Algebra and MATH 564 or consent of the instructor. Proposed Catalog Description MATH 665 Applied Regression Analysis and Design of Experiments 3c-0l-3sh This course is designed as an applied course in regression analysis, analysis of variance and experimental design. The student is introduced to least squares, the matrix approach to linear regression, the examination of residuals, dummy variables, the polynomial model, best regression equations, multiple regression and mathematical model building. Statistical software is used for the data analysis. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and design of experiments including one- and two-factor analysis, randomized block designs and Latin squares are covered. Both the ANOVA and regression approaches to these concepts are introduced, as well as the appropriate nonparametric alternatives. Prerequisites: MATH 564 or permission of the instructor. Rationale: This course is being revised to include design of experiments. These two topics, regression and design of experiments are possibly the most important topics in applied statistics. Minor Course Revisions Current Catalog Description MATH 545 Programming Models in Operations Research 3 s.h. Development of deterministic mathematical models for managerial and social sciences with relevant computational techniques. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Two semesters of calculus. Proposed Catalog Description MATH 545 Deterministic Models in Operations Research 3c-0l-3cr An introductory course on using the basic tools of solving deterministic models in operations research. Topics include optimization techniques and applications such as linear programming, nonlinear and dynamic programming, transportation models, and network models. In addition, sensitivity analysis, duality, simplex methods, and integer programming are discussed. Students will use technology to solve problems and interpret the results. Prerequisites: Two semesters of calculus and one semester of linear algebra. Rationale: This title for the course better fits the content and will not cause confusion with computer programming. This description is more specific as to the topics covered in the course. It will make transfer credit evaluation easier as well. The ability to work with matrices is essential in this course. Current Catalog Description MATH 546 Probabilistic Models in Operations Research 3 s.h. Development of probabilistic mathematical models for managerial and social sciences with relevant computational techniques. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisites: Two semesters of calculus, MATH 563 or equivalent. Proposed Catalog Description MATH 546 Probabilistic Models in Operations Research 3c-0l-3cr A survey of probabilistic methods for solving decision problems under uncertainty. Probability review, decision theory, queuing theory, inventory models, and Markov chains are covered. Students will use technology to solve problems and interpret the results. Prerequisites: two semesters of calculus, one semester of introductory linear algebra, and introductory probability and statistics. Rationale: This is an introductory level course in the program, and these prerequisites formalize the entrance requirements to the program. The course description is more specific as to the topics covered in the course. It will make transfer credit evaluation easier as well. Current Catalog Description MATH 643 Graphs, Networks, and Combinatorics 3 s.h. This course presents a study of arrangements and counting through the use of classical and analytical techniques. Properties of arrangement and measure of graphs are also examined. Emphasis is on computation and application. Prerequisites: Calculus sequence. Proposed Catalog Description MATH 643 Graphs, Networks, and Combinatorics 3c-0l-3cr This course introduces elementary concepts of graph theory and its applications and the fundamentals of combinatorics. Systematic methods for counting are given via the study of arrangements and generating functions through the use of classical and analytical techniques. Possible topics include graph coloring, minimal spanning trees, and networks. Prerequisites: Calculus sequence. Rationale: We are modifying the course description to better describe the content of the course. Current Catalog Description MATH 684 Topics in Operations Research 3 s.h. Special topics in operations research beyond the scope of regularly offered graduate classes. Offered as student interest and available staff permit. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor. Proposed Catalog Description MATH 684 Topics in Operations Research 3c-0l-3sh Special topics in operations research beyond the scope of regularly offered graduate classes. Offered as student interest and available staff permit. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Rationale: We are changing the prerequisite from Consent of the instructor to Permission of the instructor to be consistent with our other catalog entries. Current Catalog Description MATH 685 Topics in Statistical Methods 3 s.h. This variable content course is designed for a student who has knowledge of basic statistical principles including analysis of variance and covariance, regression, and nonparametric statistics. Advanced, innovative, or exploratory topics in applied statistics will be introduced. Content will vary according to the interests of the instructor and students. Prerequisites: MATH 661, MATH 663, and MATH 665. Proposed Catalog Description MATH 685 Topics in Probability and Statistics 3c-0l-3sh Special topics in probability and statistics beyond the scope of regularly offered graduate classes. Offered as student interest and available staff permit. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Rationale: We are changing the name, prerequisite, and catalog description of the course MATH 685, which was Topics in Statistical Methods. As a topics course, the prerequisite will vary by topic hence the prerequisite change. The name and catalog description changes are for consistency with our other topics courses and to avoid confusion with the new course MATH 667 Applied Statistical Methods. Current Catalog Description MATH 688 Problems in Applied Mathematics 3 s.h. The purpose of this course is to involve the students in the solution of the mathematical problems which arise in real-world applications or to present topics which apply mathematics to real-world situations Prerequisities: MATH 525, MATH 564, MATH 545, MATH 546, and permission of the instructor. Proposed Catalog Description MATH 688 Topics in Applied Mathematics 3c-0l-3cr Special topics in applied mathematics beyond the scope of regularly offered graduate classes. Offered as student interest and available staff permit. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Rationale: We are changing the name, prerequisite, and catalog description of the course MATH 688, which was Problems in Applied Mathematics. As a topics course, the prerequisite will vary by topic hence the prerequisite change. The name and course description changes are for consistency with our other topics courses. Course Deletions MATH 661 Advanced Sampling Theory Rationale: Selected topics from the course are included in the new course MATH 667 Applied Statistical Methods. Three courses of various statistical methods are too in depth for a masters level. MATH 667 will include the most important topics from MATH 661. MATH 663 Nonparametric Statistics Rationale: Selected topics from the course are included in the new course MATH 667 Applied Statistical Methods. Three courses of various statistical methods are too in depth for a masters level. MATH 667 will include the most important topics from MATH 663.     Minutes of University Senate Meeting, February 1, 2005 PAGE  page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 18 %'(89Wg & 1 \ i r s t   N P f g t {  # + C S a i ɾۨۨyyhhVC5>*CJaJhQ*hNhL5>*hhVC5CJaJjhhVCCJUaJhNhVC5:/%(9: s t - .  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