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The following Senators informed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend: Senators Ames, Appolonia, Ayebo, Beck, Belch, Bharadwaj, Boerner, Cowles, Ender, Federoff, Fitting, Gazza, Hall, Hood, Hooks, Hulings, Hull, Johnson, Kelly, Kennedy, Kostelnik, LaPorte, Lynch, Moore, O’Neil, Peterson (Russell), Peterson (Caroline), Piper, Piwinsky, Receski, Reyes, Rosenberger, Rubenstein, Settlemyer, Staszkiewicz, Strittmatter, Talwar, Tannous, Welsh, Wisloski, Yost, Zanich, Zuraikat The following Senators were absent from the meeting: Senators Anthony, Antonucci, Ashamalla, Baginski, Camp, Cherry, Condino, Ezekiel, Halvorson, Hughes, Jones (Foster), Joseph, Karimi, Kilb, LaFleur, Leeper, Mukasa, Newell, Nienkamp, Numan, Orife, Riesenman, Rozic, Sarvey, Schroeder, Shaposka, Traub, Wibowo, Wilson, Zoni The minutes from the February 1, 2005 meeting were APPROVED. Agenda items for the March 1, 2005 meeting were APPROVED as amended below (the normal order of the sub-committee reports is modified and were delivered as the appear below). Senator Chambers made 2 motions— 1) Adjust the order of subcommittee reports to Rules Committee, University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, University-Wide Graduate Curriculum Committee, then all others—MOTION PASSED 2) Send recommendation to Rules Committee to draft an amendment to the bylaws to permanently adjust the order of subcommittee reports on Senate agendas—MOTION PASSED REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: President’s Report (Senator Atwater): Good Afternoon Fellow Senators As you signed in today I hope you picked up the handout on the table listing Ä¢¹œtv faculty who have published or edited in the past year more than 50 books, journals, and non-print media in the visual arts. These faculty will be recognized and honored by me and our Council of Trustees this Friday night. I know you join with me in congratulating these faculty colleagues for their exceptional achievement. I have several announcements this afternoon and they include: Ï% In regard to Senate business, I approve the February actions of the Senate pertaining to the Constitution amendment regarding composition and elective procedures and the addition to the Bylaws regarding appointed Senate representatives to non-Senate organizations. These actions will be forwarded to the Council of Trustees at its May meeting. Ï% Later this week I will ask the Trustees to approve $4.0M in bond financing to develop a fill-in structure between Fisher Hall and the Waller Theater. Once completed, this total complex will become IUP s Fine and Performing Arts Center and will be a grand addition to our campus and the beauty of the Oak Grove. Ï% We have been able to secure $2.7M in new capital money from the State to renovate Wilson Hall. The design phase of this project will begin immediately and we hope to have construction started by 2007. I know those of you that teach and study in this building will join me in rejoicing this long over-due renovation project. It will add another fine addition to the beauty of the Oak Grove. Ï% As I interviewed for the IUP presidency I heard from many faculty of their concern regarding the lack of financial support for faculty research and travel money to attend national meetings to share research with discipline colleagues and others. I have inquired further about this issue since my arrival and have concluded that we must immediately begin to strengthen our position in these areas. As such, I have instructed the budget office to add an additional $75,000 annually to the University Senate’s Research Committee fund. I would ask Senator Guth and her colleagues to use $50,000 of this new money to support faculty research through the Senate Fellowship program and that the other $25,000 is to be awarded to faculty who wish to travel both domestically or internationally to present their research findings. I suggest that these latter awards not exceed $500 per faculty member and must be accompanied my matching funds. I stress to administrators present that these funds are being released to augment rather than supplant our commitments in these areas. Note: A question was raised by Senator Eck with respect to how that list was compiled (scholarly achievements list). It seemed to exclude a significant number of faculty who had significant publications in 2004. The President expressed concern and informed the Senate he would look into it. Provost’s Report (Senator Staszkiewicz): as read by Senator J.B. Smith I am sorry I cannot be at this Senate meeting and I thank Senator JB Smith for sharing the following with you in my absence. Ä¢¹œtv is a founding member of the National Environmental Education and Training Center, and NEETC has been approved to spend approximately $800,000 by our Federal funding agency to conduct a scientific study on PCB remediation. Our NEETC Director, Elizabeth Poje and I are traveling with Larry Kupchella and Carl LeBlond of our Chemistry Department to work with our partners from West Virginia University and from Washington D.C. to design the study. This is another example of how external grants and contracts supplement our State funding and provide our excellent faculty with the opportunity to engage in significant scholarship. On behalf of President Atwater, I approve the new minor in Art History, the new Geography Honors track and the new Regional Planning Honors track. At the graduate level, the revisions to the Master of Science degree in Applied Mathematics are also approved. Each of these will be forwarded to the Council of Trustees for approval at its May meeting. Chairperson’s Report (Senator Smith): I have no comments for today, except based on what I just was informed of with you (with regard to the $75,000 funding for the Research Committee). Two words come to my mind: “Very cool.” Vice Chairperson’s Report (Senator Norris): Good Afternoon! Student Congress has made some big changes. First, Student Congress will no longer exist. Well, it will exist I suppose, but it will become the Student Government Association, which is what we used to be called many years ago. Our membership matrix is also changing. Every member of SGA will be a University Senator, allotting us only 49 members. Twelve of these members will represent their college (2 for each college), 24 will represent the student body at large, and the remainder will represent their residence halls. We thought it was important for undergraduate students living on campus to become members as a lot of what we do, directly affects them. On a side note, we are still working on advocacy, and we have a letter writing campaign planned for later in the month. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS: Rules Committee (Chair Soni): See Appendix A (page 6) University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Co-chairs Sechrist/Numan): See Appendix B (pages 7-15) University-wide Graduate Committee (Co-chairs Laporte/Chambers): See Appendix C (pages 16-23) Library and Educational Services Committee (Chair Johnson, reported by Senator Fowler): Committee Report (from February 16, 2005 meeting): The following items of business occurred: Discussion of Library’s Program Review and recommendations from the outside reviewer Requested member for Academic Computing Policy Advisory Committee Received report from Technologies Utility Committee Senators may forward their questions regarding library and technology issues to Rita Johnson ( HYPERLINK "mailto:Rita.Johnson@iup.edu" Rita.Johnson@iup.edu) or members of the LESC. The next LESC meeting is on March 15, 2005 pm at 3:30 pm in Stabley 101. Noncredit Committee (Chair O’Neil, reported by Senator O’Neal): George Rogers, Assistant Dean of the School of Continuing Education and Kyle Campbell, Coordinator of Community/University Studies, provided an overview of the School's noncredit programs. Some of the new programs include an Academy of Living and Learning managed by volunteers, Summer/Saturday Talent Enrichment Program, Junior Naturalists and Outdoor Adventurers, and CSI. Because of the popularity of the CSI program last year the capacity has been doubled for 2005. Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 15 at 3:30 pm in Keith 100. Research Committee (Chair Guth): As the Chair of the USRC, I want to publicly thank President Atwater for providing the additional $75,000 for the USRC programs. Thank you for supporting the scholarly endeavors of the faculty. The USRC met on February 8, 2005 and reviewed proposals. The committee awarded $8,965 in grants to the following individuals: Dr. Francis Allard was awarded $1,400 for his project, “The Khanuy Valley Project on Early Nomadic Pastoralism in Mongolia, (2005 field season).” Dr. Gawdat Bahgat was awarded $1,500 for his project, “Israel and the Persian Gulf.” Dr. Liliana Elizabet Jurewiez was awarded $1,500 to present her paper, “A Detective Game Between the Author (Marcela Serrano) and the Reader,” at the IV International Conference of Hispanic Literature in the Dominican Republic. Dr. Jonathan Lewis was awarded $900 for his project “Modeling Seismogenic Strain at the Costa Rica Convergent Plate Boundary.” Dr. Lourdes Herold was awarded $1,500 for her project, “Investigation of the Interaction of Cationic Lipids with DNA Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy.” Dr. William Oblitey was awarded $1,000 to present his papers, “Network Signal Analysis: A Wavelet Approach,” and “Hearing Aid Speech Enhancement: A Multiresolution Analysis Approach,” at two IASTED conferences in Austria and Switzerland. Dr. Allen Partridge was awarded $1,165 for his project, “The Effect of Virtual Leadership Training Simulation on Postsecondary Students.” The next USRC meeting will be on March 15, 2005 at 3:15 p.m. in 317 Clark Hall. Student Affairs Committee (Chair Condino, reported by Chris Hindman): Chair Condino couldn’t be here today, but wanted to report the following— The committee last met on February 15th. We discussed bolstering student involvement in student organization (i.e. student government), possible steps to take in order to bolster that involvement, and getting student more active in and around campus. Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 15 at 3:30 pm in the HUB Conemaugh Room. University Development and Finance Committee (Chair Domaracki and Senator Marx): See Appendix D (pages 24-25) Academic Committee (Chair Andrew): Our next meeting is March 15, 2005 at 3:15 pm in Sutton 218. Awards Committee (Chair Baker): Our next meeting is March 15, 2005 at 3:15 pm in Stabley 202. SENATE REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS: Middle States Steering Committee (Senator O’Neal): To date, the Middle States Committee has held 4 open forum meetings. There are 2 more scheduled (March 2 from 7-9pm, Folger and March 3 from 4-6pm, Folger). The remaining Steering Committee Meetings for this semester are March 28 and April 25. All Steering Committee Meetings meet from 4-6pm in Folger. University Planning Council (Senator O’Neal): The remaining meetings this semester for UPC are March 21 and April 18. All UPC meetings are held from 4-6pm in Folger. Presidential Athletic Advisory Committee (Senator Domaracki): Summary of 2/1/05 PAAC Meeting Members were informed that the strategic planning process for the Athletic Department was well received by its members.  The meetings resulted in a strategic plan that has been sent to the President.  The PAAC will discuss the plan once it is approved. The current university policy for anticipated student absence (page 26 of the 2004-2005 Undergraduate Catalog) was discussed.  Recommendations for assisting student athletes in communicating with faculty were given. Items of interest from the NCAA Convention were discussed.  The Athletic Department participated in a SSHE system audit of recruiting practices.  The results of this audit will be discussed by the Athletic Department and PAAC. Member observations regarding student behavior during basketball games were discussed. The next meeting in on March 1, 2005 from 11:45 - 1:00 pm in the Oak Room West. Academic Computing Policy Advisory (Senator Rubenstein, reported by Chairperson Smith): There is nothing to report at this time. The committee meets tomorrow (March 2, 2005). NEW BUSINESS: None Next Senate meeting will be held on March 29, 2005 at 3:15 pm in Beard Auditorium, Stouffer Hall. Adjournment With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:36 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Capt. Chip O’Neal Secretary, University Senate APPENDIX A Rules Committee Chair: Soni FOR INFORMATION: Elections will be web-based and are broken into two phases: Phase 1—elections are scheduled for 22-25 March 2005 for all at large faculty, staff, and administrative positions and for all UWUCC and UWGCC seats Phase 2—elections are scheduled for 12-18 April 2005 for all other committee positions Please remind your department chairs that a departmental representative incurs a 2-year term, not a 1-year term. Also, please remind them to work a Senator’s schedule to avoid conflicts with Senate and sub-committee meetings. We’ve sent out a hard-copy call for nominations to all staff, as most don’t have access to computers. Senators who are administrators/ managers on campus will be notified within the next 2 days regarding their positions/ terms. FOR INFORMATION: Withdrawn pending further review by the Rules Committee, who will consider changing the structure to reflect 2 x undergraduates and 1 x graduate student to preserve proportionality 1. Proposed bylaws change: (first reading, to be voted at the next Senate meeting) a. Proposed wording is: I. University-Wide Awards Committee 2. Membership d. Three Undergraduate students appointed by and from the Student Congress. e. One Graduate student appointed by and from the Graduate Student Assembly. b. The current wording on student representation is: I. University-Wide Awards Committee 2. Membership d. Three Undergraduate students appointed by and from the Student Congress. c. Justification: The Awards Committee is enriched by student participation. Currently, graduate students may not serve. The Awards Committee believes that graduate students would provide a depth and perspective that would enhance that of undergraduate students. APPENDIX B University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Co-Chairs Sechrist and Numan FOR INFORMATION: 1. UWUCC has approved the following courses to be offered as distance education: MKTG 421 Marketing Research by Dr. Lisa Sciulli, Dr. Charlene Bebko, Dr. Krish Krishnan, Dr. Rajendar Garg, Dr. Varinder Sharma, and Dr. Madan Batra. SCI 105 Physical Science I by Dr. Vythilingam Wijekumar, Mr. Ronald Freda, and Dr. Muhammad Numan. PSYC 371 Human Motivation by Dr. Lynda Federoff.. 2. Liberal Studies Committee Report: Approved the Liberal Studies portion of B.S.--Chemistry/Pre-Medical Track. 3. Department of Computer Science—Course Title and Catalog Description Change a. Current Course Title: COSC 427 Cryptography Proposed Course Title: COSC 427 Introduction to Cryptography b. Current Catalog Description: COSC 316 Cybersecurity Basics 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisites: COSC 110 or equivalent programming course, junior standing or permission of instructor. Provides an introduction to the theory and concepts of computer security in networked systems. The course will look at security issues and policies with regard to hardware, software development, databases, operating systems and networks as well as the use of encryption. The more common attacks on systems will be covered. Vulnerability assessment tools and techniques for defending systems will be explored in various projects. Proposed Catalog Description: COSC 316 Host Computer Security 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisites: COSC 110 or equivalent programming course, junior standing or instructor permission Provides an introduction to the theory and concepts of computer security. The course looks at security issues and policies with regard to hardware, software development, databases, operating systems and the use of encryption as they refer to host computers. The more common attacks on host computer systems are covered. Vulnerability assessment tools and techniques for defending host computer systems are explored in various projects. Rationale: To make course name properly reflect course contents and objectives and to avoid confusion with the COSC 356 Network Security course. FOR ACTION: APPROVED 1. Department of Chemistry—New Track and Catalog Description Change a. New Track Bachelor of Science--Chemistry/Pre-Medical Track Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 123 Natural Sciences: PHYS 131-141 and 132-142 Liberal Studies Electives: 4cr, MATH 124, no courses with CHEM prefix 50 Required Courses: 45CHEM 113 Concepts in Chemistry I (1) CHEM 114 Concepts in Chemistry II (1) CHEM 214 Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry II CHEM 301 Introduction to Chemical Research CHEM 321 Quantitative Analysis CHEM 322 Instrumental Analysis CHEM 341 Physical Chemistry I CHEM 342 Physical Chemistry II CHEM 343 Physical Chemistry Laboratory I CHEM 344 Physical Chemistry Laboratory II CHEM 410 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory CHEM 411 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 498 Problems in Chemistry  4cr 4cr 2cr 4cr 4cr 1cr 4cr 4cr 4cr 3cr 1cr 1cr 1cr 3cr 2crControlled Electives: (2) Additional Chemistry electives from the list: CHEM 331, 421, 435, 441, 4813cr Other Requirements: 20-25BIOC 301 Biochemistry I (3) BIOL 111 Principles of Biology I BIOL 151 Human Physiology BIOL 263 Genetics BIOL 331 Animal Developmental Biology3cr 4cr 4cr 3cr 3crOne additional mathematics elective from the following: MATH 171, 241, 3423-4crForeign Language Intermediate Level 0-4cr Free Electives: 0-5  Total Degree Requirements: 120 (1) CHEM 111 and 112 can be substituted for CHEM 113 and 114. (2) Qualifying students can also use 500- or 600-level CHEM courses to meet this requirement. (3) CHEM 351 may be substituted for BIOC 301. Rationale: The Pre-Medical Track for the B.S. degree in chemistry allows a student to receive excellent undergraduate training in chemistry and complete those courses required for entrance into medical school The program allows the student the flexibility to choose medical school or a professional career in chemistry after graduation. This track was first proposed in 2002-03; at that time the UWUCC suggested that the department establish a minor instead. That proposal was originally on last month’s agenda, but was pulled when concerns were raised by another department. UWUCC then suggested that the Chemistry Department resubmit their original track proposal to formally designate the suggested courses for students intending to apply to medical school. b. Catalog Description Change Current Catalog Description Change: Degrees offered by the Department of Chemistry are the Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry, the Bachelor of Arts degree in Chemistry, and the Bachelor of Science in Education with a Chemistry major. The first two degrees are under the College of Natural Science and Mathematics, and the third is under the College of Education and Educational Technology. The department offers a formal pre-medical concentration in the B.A. curriculum and a Chemistry minor. The B.S. degree in Chemistry is a professional degree and is certified by the American Chemical Society. The student completing this major should be qualified to assume a position in industry or government as a chemist or to pursue graduate studies leading to the M.S. or Ph.D. degree in chemistry, biochemistry, materials science, forensic science or an associated field. The curriculum leading to the B.A. degree in Chemistry is designed to allow for the workable union of other disciplines with chemistry in such a way as to retain the fundamental science and mathematics requirements needed for a career in chemistry. A careful selection of electives will qualify the student for entrance into many fields in which there is an acute need for persons with scientific training, and, at the same time, satisfy the entrance requirements of various professional and graduate schools. This degree may also be of interest to students who have completed a significant number of credits in another degree program and decide they want to earn a degree in chemistry. The B.A. degree in Chemistry can incorporate a complementary program in almost any other field in the university; some disciplines which make useful combinations include biology, business administration, computer science, criminology (forensic science), English (technical writing), geoscience, government, physics, and safety science. In particular, a student seeking a career in forensic science should major in chemistry. The B.A. program offers a concentration in Pre-Medicine. This concentration includes all courses required for entrance into medical school and is sequenced to prepare students to take the MCAT in the spring of their junior year. A degree in chemistry, with Pre-Medical concentration, gives students the flexibility of choosing medical school, graduate school, or employment in the chemical industry after graduation. Both degrees in chemistry also provide excellent preparation for entrance into a variety of other professional schools, including dental, veterinary, pharmacy, chiropractic, and law. Students considering going to one of these professional schools after completion of a chemistry degree should work closely with their advisor and select additional courses as required by the professional school. The curriculum leading to the B.S. in Education with a Chemistry major is designed to prepare the student to teach chemistry at the secondary school level. Upon completion of the specified coursework and the requirements of the teacher certification process, the student is eligible for Pennsylvania certification by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Additionally, the curriculum in this degree program is designed so that students have the opportunity to obtain a B.S.Ed.--Chemistry degree certified by the American Chemical Society. Proposed Catalog Description Change: Degrees offered by the Department of Chemistry are the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry/Pre-Medical Track, the Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry, and the Bachelor of Science in Education with a Chemistry major. A Pre-Medical concentration is available in the B.A. curricula. Preparatory programs for other professional schools can be developed for either degree. A minor in chemistry is also offered. The B.S. in Chemistry is a professional degree and is certified by the American Chemical Society. The student completing this major should be qualified to assume a position in industry or government as a chemist, or to pursue graduate studies leading to the M.S. or Ph.D. degree in chemistry, biochemistry, materials science, forensic science or an associated field. The Pre-Medical Track, includes all courses required for entrance into medical school, and gives the student the flexibility of choosing medical school or graduate school after graduation. The curriculum leading to the B.A. in Chemistry is designed to allow for the workable union of other disciplines with chemistry in such a way as to retain the fundamental science and mathematics requirements needed for a career in chemistry. A careful selection of electives will qualify the student for entrance into many fields in which there is an acute need for persons with scientific training, and, at the same time, satisfy the entrance requirements of various professional and graduate schools. This degree may also be of interest to students who have completed a significant number of semester hours in another degree program, and decide they want to earn a degree in chemistry. The Pre-Medical concentration includes all courses required for entrance into medical school. The B.A. in Chemistry can incorporate a complementary program in almost any other field in the university; some disciplines which make useful combinations include biology, business administration, computer science, criminology (forensic science), English (technical writing), geoscience, government, physics, and safety science. In particular, a student seeking a career in forensic science should major in chemistry. Either degree in chemistry provides excellent preparation for entrance into a variety of professional schools, including dental, veterinary, pharmacy, chiropractic and law. The student considering going to one of these professional schools after completion of a chemistry degree should work closely with their advisor and select additional courses as required by the professional school. The curriculum leading to the B.S. in Education with a Chemistry major is designed to prepare the student to teach chemistry at the secondary school level. Upon completion of the specified coursework and the requirements of the teacher certification process, the student is eligible for Pennsylvania certification by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The B.S. in Education with a Chemistry major degree program is also certified by the American Chemical Society. 2. Department of Computer Science—Course Revision APPROVED Current Catalog Description: COSC 415 Internet Architecture and Programming 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisites: COSC 304 and 310 or instructor's approval. Corequisite: COSC 341 Covers the fundamental architecture of Internet systems and the process of developing computer applications running on the Internet in general and on the World Wide Web in particular. Students first gain basic understanding of the TCP/IP protocols and the client/server technology. Methods, languages, and tools for developing distributed applications on the Internet are evaluated. Programming projects developing distributed applications, using a representative suite of development tools and languages, are integral part of this course. Proposed Catalog Description: COSC 415 Internet Architecture and Programming 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisites: COSC 310 or instructor's approval. Corequisite: COSC 341 Covers the fundamental architecture of Internet systems and the process of developing computer applications running on the Internet in general and on the World Wide Web in particular. Students first gain basic understanding of the TCP/IP protocols and the client/server technology. Methods, languages, and tools for developing distributed applications on the Internet are evaluated. Programming projects developing distributed applications, using a representative suite of development tools and languages, are integral part of this course. Rationale: The prerequisite of COSC 304 is to be dropped. The prerequisite will be only COSC 310 or instructor’s approval/permission because the Computer Science department plans to delete COSC 304 in the near future. Students who have the COSC 310 prerequisite already have COSC 304 or COSC 210. Hence there is no need to list both. 3. Learning Enhancement Center—New Course APPROVED LRNC 110 Introduction to Critical Reading and Thinking 2c-0l-2cr Focuses on the development and mastery of skills related to the processes of understanding, analyzing, and assessing college-level texts and other academic readings. Students will synthesize written information from a variety of sources and content areas. Note: For sections paired with specific content-area course sections, students are required to register for both courses. Rationale: This course is designed to develop and enhance the college student’s critical reading ability with respect to a variety of academic disciplines and reading materials. This course addresses the need for students to be able to synthesize and critique several sources of information, mirroring the requirements of many college-level courses. Note that another LEC course, LRNC 070 Reading Skills for College Study (3 institutional credits), is designed for lower level college readers. Introduction to Critical Reading and Thinking is intended for those students reading at approximately the first-year college grade equivalency. 4. Department of Hospitality Management—Course Revision APPROVED Current Catalog Description: HRIM 260 Hotel Systems Management 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisite: HRIM 101 Development and application of managerial skills as applied to the rooms division of a hotel. Specific emphasis will be placed on front office procedures, the relationship between the hotel’s rooms division, food and beverage, and support areas, and safety and security concerns. Proposed Catalog Description: HRIM 260 Hotel Rooms Division Management 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisite: HRIM 101, 150 Examines work areas, functions, and relationships pertaining to the rooms division components of a hotel or resort. Areas of concentration include front office, housekeeping, maintenance, uniformed service, security, sales, recreation, and other relevant operations components. Elements of guestroom layout and design are also discussed. Rationale: Revised course enables the presentation and discussion of a lodging facility’s Rooms Division operational areas. Course revision presents discussion and knowledge areas pertaining to the latest hospitality industry lodging trends as pertains to the Rooms Division. 5. Department of Criminology—New Course APPROVED CRIM 344 Terrorism 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisite: CRIM 101, 102 Investigation of the context, causes, correlates, consequences, and responses to the crime of terrorism from a variety of perspectives. Individual, group, and organizational factors that shape terrorism and responses to terrorism will be explored. Strategies for reducing the threat of terrorism and its consequences will be examined. Rationale: This course is designed as an elective for students pursuing a BA in Criminology. Students from any major may enroll with the permission of the Department of Criminology. As currently designed, the course is not meant to be offered as a Liberal Studies course. 6. Department of Special Education and Clinical Services—Course Revision, Course Deletion, New Course, New Minor, and Addition to Catalog Description WITHDRAWN—COMMITTEE WILL REVIEW a. Course Revision Current Catalog Description: EDHL 215 Intermediate American Sign Language I 1c-11-1cr Prerequisites: EDHL 115, 3.0 GPA Emphasizes comprehension of signed information and development of fluency in conveying a message in American Sign Language. Modification of signs and individualization of techniques for instruction/communication with learning impaired or multihandicapped deaf learners. Proposed Catalog Description: EDHL 215 Intermediate American Sign Language 2c-1l-2cr Prerequisites: EDHL 115, 3.0 GPA required for EDHL majors, 2.8GPA for EDHL minors vocabulary expansion, comprehension of signed information, and development of fluency in conveying a message in American Sign Language. The course focuses on idiom-like expressions, number systems, rules, grammar, and conversational language. Total immersion approach is used. b. Course Deletion: EDHL 216 Intermediate American Sign Language II Rationale: The course was originally taught as two one credit courses: EDHL 215 Interme- diate ASL I and EDHL 216 Intermediate ASL II. This resulted in having too many course preparations for the faculty. After review, it was felt that the content of the two courses could be combined into a single 2 credit course, which includes a lab period thereby main- taining the integrity of the course content and reducing the number of faculty preparations. c. New Course EDHL 314 Deaf Culture 3c-0l-3cr A survey of sociocultural factors that define Deaf persons as members of a cultural minority. Includes an examination of Deaf history, a review of contributions of Deaf persons to American society and hearing attitudes toward sign language and Deaf Culture. Rationale: This course will add to the competencies in sign language required in the program in Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons and will increase the knowledge and understanding of the Deaf Culture in America. d. Addition to Catalog Description: A minor in Deaf Studies introduces the participant to essential information regarding hearing loss and deaf culture. In addition, basic sign language skills are developed. This course of study enables individuals to have a better understanding of the needs of deaf and hard of hearing persons and to communicate with deaf persons at a basic level. The Deaf Studies Minor is an 18-credit-hour program with 12 required credit hours and 6 elective credit hours. The required credit hours include the core courses which are essential to understanding the language and culture of the deaf community. The elective credit hours allow the minor candidate to select a more focused area of concentration. Students in the Deaf Studies minor must maintain a cumulative GPA of not less than 2.8 to enter and complete the Deaf Studies minor. Only students who have officially declared a Deaf Studies minor will be able to schedule the designated courses. The grade received in American Sign Language courses must be a ‘C’ or better to complete the minor. This minor would be of interest to Anthropology, Criminology, Education, Nursing, Psychology, and Sociology majors and anyone else who is interested in interacting with deaf or hard of hearing persons. Minor–Deaf Studies 18 Required Courses: EDHL 114 Introduction to Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Persons 3cr EDHL 115 Introduction to American Sign Language 1cr EDHL 215 Intermediate American Sign Language 2cr EDHL 308 Language for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Persons 3cr EDHL 314 Deaf Culture 3cr Elective Courses: choose 6 credits EDEX 111 Introduction to Exceptional Persons 3cr EDHL 465 Parent-Preschool Programs for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Persons 3cr SPLP 222 Introduction to Audiology 3cr Rationale: Individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing are a very unique population. They have linguistic needs that are significantly different from that of Standard English. American Sign Language, which is the native language for profoundly deaf persons, is a recognized language in its own right. In fact, American Sign Language is the third most commonly used language in the United States behind English and Spanish. Not only are the communication needs of the deaf population distinctive, but this group of persons also has a culture which is unique as well. Professionals from disciplines other than education are in need of current information regarding hearing loss and Deaf culture to enable them to work more effectively with deaf and hard of hearing populations. Disciplines such as Anthropology, Criminology, Nursing, Social Work, Counseling, Psychology, Safety Sciences, and Business can clearly benefit from knowledge about hearing loss and the ways they are most likely going to be successful in communicating with persons who have hearing loss. 7. Department of Health and Physical Education—Course Revisions APPROVED a. Current Catalog Description: HPED 218 Teaching Secondary Physical Education 2c-2l-2cr Prerequisites: EDSP 102, HPED 142 An introduction to instructional methods in physical education with an emphasis on program standards, objectives, and assessments for ninth through twelfth grades. Provides an overview of characteristics of high school students and appropriate activities for this age group. Includes opportunities to improve personal skills, develop units, and teach peers and secondary school students. Proposed Catalog Description: HPED 218 Teaching Secondary Physical Education 2c-2l-2cr Prerequisites: EDSP 102, EDUC 242, HPED 142 An introduction to instructional methods in physical education with an emphasis on program standards, objectives, and assessments for ninth through twelfth grades. Provides an overview of characteristics of high school students and appropriate activities for this age group. Includes opportunities to improve personal skills, develop units, and teach peers and secondary school students. b. Current Catalog Description: HPED 318 Preprofessional Experience I 3c-0l-1cr Prerequisites: Health and Physical Education majors only. Recommended Prerequisite: HPED 321 Students teach as assistants to a faculty member in two different activities, one in physical education (general education) and one in elementary physical education. Emphasizes unit development, class management, leadership skills, and evaluation. Proposed Catalog Description: HPED 318 Preprofessional Experience I 3c-0l-1cr Prerequisite: EDUC 242, HPED 216, Health and Physical Education majors only. Students teach as assistants to a faculty member in two different activities, one in physical education (general education) and one in elementary physical education. Emphasizes unit development, class management, leadership skills, and evaluation. Rationale: Under the current curriculum, students seeking teaching certification in Health and Physical Education can take all their courses before being admitted to the College of Education. This has resulted in some students completing several credits before making application to the teacher education program. Consequently there is the possibility they will have completed nearly 90 credits before their prestudent teaching experience. Adding EDUC 242 as a prerequisite to HPED 218 and 318 will require students to follow a more logical sequence in the teacher education program. HPED 321 is being dropped as that course is no longer taught and has been replaced by HPED 216 Teaching Elementary Physical Education. APPENDIX C University Wide Graduate Committee Co-Chairs: Myers/ Chambers FOR ACTION: APPROVED 1. Department of Professional Studies in Education, Curriculum and Instruction Doctoral Program During the developmental stage of the current program that was approved for implementation five years ago, it was determined that the most efficient way of limiting course access was with restrictive prerequisites. However, that logic has been shown to be faulty due to two situations. First, the program courses are not, and were never intended to be, sequential. When courses are offered in an order other than the way they are listed in the catalog, BANNER prevents students from registering because of the prerequisites. For example, CURR-725 currently shows CURR-705 and CURR-710 listed as prerequisites. However, CURR-725 is taken during the first semester concurrently with CURR-705 and prior to CURR-710. Each time this happens, it requires a great deal of effort for the department to issue overrides that enable students to register for courses in the appropriate sequence. Also, when a new cohort begins every two years, there are always instances where students have registered for one of the first two courses without having been admitted to the Curriculum and Instruction Doctoral Program. In this case, even though permission is listed as being required for these two courses, BANNER has still allowed students to register who are not in the program. This situation requires that these students be notified that they are not eligible for the courses for which they have registered. And since registration is completed on-line, these students, conceivably, could not be made aware of this until they have enrolled for one or both of the classes. Since CURR-705 and CURR-725 are identified as the first semester courses, the prerequisite for these two courses should be changed to: ADMISSION TO THE CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DOCTORAL PROGRAM. The prerequisites for the remaining CURR courses should be changed to: ADMISSION TO THE CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DOCTORAL PROGRAM AND PERMISSION OF PROGRAM COORDINATOR. THESE CHANGES SHOULD BECOME EFFECTIVE FOR THE FALL 2005 SEMESTER. CURRENT CATALOG DESCRIPTIONS - Curriculum and Instruction CURR 705 - Curriculum Evaluation Credits: 3.00 Provides students with a framework for the systematic analysis of curriculum from the context of social, historical, and philosophical foundations and theory and research in the field. Emphasis will be on curricular evaluation in the context of theoretical foundations of curriculum. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 710 – Advanced Topics in Human Development and Learning Credits: 3.00 Students will analyze, evaluate, and synthesize theories of human development and learning. Emphasis will be on learning and development throughout the life span. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 715 - Writing for Professional Publications Credits: 3.00 Designed to enhance the scholarly and publishable writing skills of doctoral students in education. Students will produce and submit a proposal for a presentation at a professional conference. Students will also develop a full manuscript to be submitted to a scholarly journal and a book prospectus. Skills in responding to editorial feedback, peer review, and public presentation of scholarly work will be developed. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Pre-requisites: (CURR 705 Minimum Grade: C or EL 720 Minimum Grade: C) and (CURR 710 Minimum Grade: C or EL 715 Minimum Grade: C)  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 720 – Doctoral Seminar in Research Methods Credits: 3.00 Provides students with the opportunity to acquire, refine, and apply the knowledge and skills to evaluate and design educationally relevant research. Emphasis in the course will be on quantitative and qualitative research approaches within educational settings. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Pre-requisites: (CURR 705 Minimum Grade: C or EL 720 Minimum Grade: C) and (CURR 710 Minimum Grade: C or EL 715 Minimum Grade: C)  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 725 - Critical Analysis of Issues in Education Credits: 3.00 Examines current issues and innovations which are influencing reform in basic and post-secondary education. Relationships between research, policy making, and implementation will be emphasized. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Pre-requisites: (CURR 705 Minimum Grade: C or EL 720 Minimum Grade: C) and (CURR 710 Minimum Grade: C or EL 715 Minimum Grade: C)  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 730 - Analysis of Effective Instruction Credits: 3.00 Explores reflective practice as it relates to the design, implementation, and evaluation of instruction at all educational levels, with particular emphasis on preparation for teaching and supervising in teacher education. Topics include contemporary models of supervision and research on teaching and learning. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Pre-requisites: (CURR 720 Minimum Grade: C or EL 780 Minimum Grade: C)  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 735 - Education for Cultural Pluralism Credits: 3.00 Combines theory and practice related to culture and perceived social and philosophical ideology of pluralism as significant forces in education. Critical analysis of research, theory and practice, and curriculum design in multicultural environments. Focus is on the exploration of a variety of perspectives related to race, gender, culture, disability, and socioeconomic status. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Pre-requisites: (CURR 725 Minimum Grade: C or EL 710 Minimum Grade: C)  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 740 - Technology in the Curriculum Credits: 3.00 Focuses on the dynamics of technology and how it permeates all educational processes. The course is designed for those working in curriculum development at the district level or teaching in higher education. Through critical inquiry and reflection of relevant research, students will explore the theoretical and the practical issues of technology in the curriculum as they apply to education in the twenty-first century. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Pre-requisites: (CURR 720 Minimum Grade: C or EL 780 Minimum Grade: C)  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 745 - Literacy: Theory, Research, and Practice Credits: 3.00 Examines critical issues and cognitive processes in language training. Topics will include changing definitions for literacy, cultural aspects of literacy, methods of fostering literacy development, and alternative assessment practices. Research and theory on strategies used to support a developmental view of literacy will be critically evaluated. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Pre-requisites: (CURR 720 Minimum Grade: C or EL 780 Minimum Grade: C)  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 750 - Issues and Processes in Curricular Change Credits: 3.00 Designed to provide students opportunities to analyze and evaluate critically curricular development processes and to examine those elements as they affect school curricula. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Pre-requisites: (CURR 720 Minimum Grade: C or EL 780 Minimum Grade: C)  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 755 – Doctoral Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction Credits: 3.00 Students will engage in collegial discourse about scholarly works that they have produced and refine those works based on responses from instructors and peers. Reviewed material will become part of the professional portfolio. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Pre-requisites: (CURR 725 Minimum Grade: C or EL 710 Minimum Grade: C) PROPOSED CATALOG DESCRIPTIONS - Curriculum and Instruction  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 705 - Curriculum Evaluation Credits: 3.00 Provides students with a framework for the systematic analysis of curriculum from the context of social, historical, and philosophical foundations and theory and research in the field. Emphasis will be on curricular evaluation in the context of theoretical foundations of curriculum. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Prerequisite: ADMISSION TO THE CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DOCTORAL PROGRAM.  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 710 – Advanced Topics in Human Development and Learning Credits: 3.00 Students will analyze, evaluate, and synthesize theories of human development and learning. Emphasis will be on learning and development throughout the life span. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Prerequisite: ADMISSION TO THE CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DOCTORAL PROGRAM.  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 715 - Writing for Professional Publications Credits: 3.00 Designed to enhance the scholarly and publishable writing skills of doctoral students in education. Students will produce and submit a proposal for a presentation at a professional conference. Students will also develop a full manuscript to be submitted to a scholarly journal and a book prospectus. Skills in responding to editorial feedback, peer review, and public presentation of scholarly work will be developed. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Prerequisite: ADMISSION TO THE CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DOCTORAL PROGRAM AND PERMISSION OF PROGRAM COORDINATOR.  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 720 – Doctoral Seminar in Research Methods Credits: 3.00 Provides students with the opportunity to acquire, refine, and apply the knowledge and skills to evaluate and design educationally relevant research. Emphasis in the course will be on quantitative and qualitative research approaches within educational settings. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Prerequisite: ADMISSION TO THE CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DOCTORAL PROGRAM AND PERMISSION OF PROGRAM COORDINATOR.  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 725 - Critical Analysis of Issues in Education Credits: 3.00 Examines current issues and innovations which are influencing reform in basic and post-secondary education. Relationships between research, policy making, and implementation will be emphasized. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Prerequisite: ADMISSION TO THE CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DOCTORAL PROGRAM AND PERMISSION OF PROGRAM COORDINATOR.  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 730 - Analysis of Effective Instruction Credits: 3.00 Explores reflective practice as it relates to the design, implementation, and evaluation of instruction at all educational levels, with particular emphasis on preparation for teaching and supervising in teacher education. Topics include contemporary models of supervision and research on teaching and learning. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Prerequisite: ADMISSION TO THE CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DOCTORAL PROGRAM AND PERMISSION OF PROGRAM COORDINATOR.  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 735 - Education for Cultural Pluralism Credits: 3.00 Combines theory and practice related to culture and perceived social and philosophical ideology of pluralism as significant forces in education. Critical analysis of research, theory and practice, and curriculum design in multicultural environments. Focus is on the exploration of a variety of perspectives related to race, gender, culture, disability, and socioeconomic status. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Prerequisite: ADMISSION TO THE CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DOCTORAL PROGRAM AND PERMISSION OF PROGRAM COORDINATOR.  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 740 - Technology in the Curriculum Credits: 3.00 Focuses on the dynamics of technology and how it permeates all educational processes. The course is designed for those working in curriculum development at the district level or teaching in higher education. Through critical inquiry and reflection of relevant research, students will explore the theoretical and the practical issues of technology in the curriculum as they apply to education in the twenty-first century. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Prerequisite: ADMISSION TO THE CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DOCTORAL PROGRAM AND PERMISSION OF PROGRAM COORDINATOR.  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 745 - Literacy: Theory, Research, and Practice Credits: 3.00 Examines critical issues and cognitive processes in language training. Topics will include changing definitions for literacy, cultural aspects of literacy, methods of fostering literacy development, and alternative assessment practices. Research and theory on strategies used to support a developmental view of literacy will be critically evaluated. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Prerequisite: ADMISSION TO THE CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DOCTORAL PROGRAM AND PERMISSION OF PROGRAM COORDINATOR.  HYPERLINK "https://www.banner.iup.edu/catalog/CC.htm" CURR 750 - Issues and Processes in Curricular Change Credits: 3.00 Designed to provide students opportunities to analyze and evaluate critically curricular development processes and to examine those elements as they affect school curricula. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Prerequisite: ADMISSION TO THE CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DOCTORAL PROGRAM AND PERMISSION OF PROGRAM COORDINATOR.  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Reviewed material will become part of the professional portfolio. Lecture: 3.00 College: College of Educ & Educ Tech Department: Professional Studies in Ed Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate Prerequisite: ADMISSION TO THE CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DOCTORAL PROGRAM AND PERMISSION OF PROGRAM COORDINATOR. APPENDIX D University Development and Finance Committee Chair Domaracki FOR INFORMATION: The following projects have been previously approved: Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Ä¢¹œtv Authorized Capital Budget Projects February 11, 2005 The following capital projects have been authorized by legislation:  EMBED Excel.Sheet.8   EMBED Excel.Sheet.8  FOR ACTION: APPROVED The committee moves for approval of the following project five-year priority order for the 2006-2007 Capital Budget Submission: Proposed Five-Year Priority Order FY 2006-2007 Capital Budget Submission The following is the proposed five-year priority order of Capital Projects:  EMBED Excel.Sheet.8      Minutes of University Senate Meeting, March 1, 2005 page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 25 NLNMN^N_N—NÅNèN OOObO˜O™O¯O°O0PRPyPzPÆPÇPãPäPæPðèãããÛÛÛÛÛããããããÛÛÛããÖÑÏgd…+âgdžÕ$a$gdBvgdBv$a$gd¢ã$$ Æh@&a$gd¢ã—NOOObOcOyOzO{O|O}O~O”O•O–O—O™O£O€O®O¯O0PzPÅPÆPÇPÈPÞPßPàPáPâPãPöïöêàêÑÄà¿àê°£àꛐˆêïê€êàêqdà`Y h€nÎhžÕhžÕj`,hBvhBvU\ju›ÅE hBvCJUVaJhBvhBv\hß`^5>*\h;sfhBv5>*\hŠhë5>*\jßhBvhBvU\jšÅE hBvCJUVaJ h¢ã\jòhBvhß`^U\j 0ÏE hß`^CJUVaJjhBvU\ hBv\ hBv5\hBvhBv5\ ãPäPåPçPèPêPëPíPîPðPQ#Q$Q%Q,Q-Q3Q4Q5Q6Q>²Ï?²Ï±õ²ÏŽ³²Ï³¢²Ï²Ñ²Ï±·²Ï°¿²Ï±Ê²Ï²Ï²Ïžé²Ï³§²Ï÷ïëïëïëïëàÕÊÆž²ž§ž²ž²ž§žÂ£ëƟ÷³ó¹ëŸ³óô?ܳó5<0JmHnHu hnu0Jjhnu0JUhnuhžÕhFuÉhžÕCJaJhFuÉhnuCJaJhFuÉhFuÉCJaJhü¢jhü¢Uh…+âhžÕ\æPçPéPêPìPíPïPðP$Q%QNQOQPQQQRQSQýýýýýýýõýíýýýýègd…+â$a$gdnu$a$gdœBÆ0&P1h°Ð/ °à=!°Ð"°Ð# $ %°°Ð°Ð ð×DÐÉêyùºÎŒ‚ªK© Rita.Johnson@iup.eduàÉêyùºÎŒ‚ªK© 8mailto:Rita.Johnson@iup.eduŽ$$If–!vh5Ö°%#v°%:V –l4Ö0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö°%ö5Ö°%/Ö ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ4Öf4€$$If–!vh5Ö 5Ö°#v #v°:V –l4Ö0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö°%ö5Ö 5Ö°/Ö ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ4Öf4€$$If–!vh5Ö 5Ö°#v #v°:V –l4Ö0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö°%ö5Ö 5Ö°/Ö ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ4Öf4¢$$If–!vh5Ö 5Ö°#v #v°:V –l”_ Ö0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö°%ö5Ö 5Ö°/Ö ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ4Ö€$$If–!vh5Ö 5Ö°#v #v°:V –l4Ö0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö°%ö5Ö 5Ö°/Ö ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ4Öf4€$$If–!vh5Ö 5Ö°#v #v°:V –l4Ö0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö°%ö5Ö 5Ö°/Ö ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ4Öf4µ$$If–!vh5Ö 5Ö°#v #v°:V –l4”ÉÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö°%ö5Ö 5Ö°/Ö ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ4Öf4pÖ ÿÿ€$$If–!vh5Ö 5Ö°#v #v°:V –l4Ö0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö°%ö5Ö 5Ö°/Ö ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ4Öf4€$$If–!vh5Ö 5Ö°#v #v°:V –l4Ö0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö°%ö5Ö 5Ö°/Ö ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ4Öf4€$$If–!vh5Ö 5Ö°#v #v°:V –l4Ö0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö°%ö5Ö 5Ö°/Ö ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ4Öf4€$$If–!vh5Ö 5Ö°#v #v°:V –l4Ö0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö°%ö5Ö 5Ö°/Ö ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ4Öf4íDd ",Õ#§šðb² ð c ð$€€A?¿ ÿ?3"ñ¿`¿€?ð€"ð7ӁºŽ£™(4hGŸ÷ɳvkÿ6@=ð ӁºŽ£™(4hGŸ÷ɳvkÀÍx%5hïµ[ÙþxÚí]mpUÇyÞsuч÷ÃEÖ\œ€…lé !є±„ µACÓY2ºÔ"úÂê8#Šƒk¥c3žÓ|R‹âi›iŠ©Ói;-1edOŠ(#5a4mSÓÎÅþAŠêªïîyWÚ»zϹ{Žîê*DWstΞ=w÷9{öyÞw¿ÎucÍlî3a¬+2þÃ/0–³±Ø®}»s»ÂXq6c¹LûDaËb¬ .ùXû(;ùY `[`‹ÁÉ9pq>¯-²æʏ᫬7~ía;€×>^earUy³Ç! 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CONVOCATION CENTER!Addition/Renovation Cogswell Hall%Const/Replace Wyant/Doerr  ArmstrongAddition Stapleton LibraryAddition/Renovate Sprowls HallAdd n/Renovate Ackerman HallRenovate Davis HallRenovate Keith Hall Renovate Leonard HallRenovate Memorial Field HouseRenovate Pratt HallRenovate Stabley LibraryRenovate Sutton Hall, Phase IIRenovate Walsh HallRenovate Weyandt HallRenovate Wilson Hall407-66407-67407-68407-69407-70131/02$Addtion/Renovation Fisher AuditoriumRenovate Cogswell Hall, PH II 35/99 131/02%Const/Replace Old Main  PunxsutawneyRenovation of Steam Tunnels*Upgrade of Electrical Distribution SystemRenovation of Boiler PlantDesign & Contin. Alloc 47/97 126/02&FY 2006-2007 Capital Budget Submission407-71407-72Projects Underway:%*Original Furn & Equip. Cogswell Hall*Original Furn & Equip. Fisher$*Original Furn & Equip. Punxsutawney%*Original Furn & Equip Ackerman Hall!*Original Furn & Equip Keith Hall$*Original Furn & Equip. Leonard Hall*Original Furn & Equip Stabley"*Original Furn & Equip Wilson Hall!*Original Furn & Equip. ArmstrongäOF&E can be funded for projects; however, to maximize the leverage of capital funds, generally, it will only be funded if the University has already funded a major portion of the project well in excess of the OF&E funding needs.KEYLEGLegislative Insert:"Authorized Capital Budget ProjectsNew Project Requests Proposed:Projects in Design but Stopped:Projects Pending Funds Release:"Projects Autorized but Not Funded: 35/99 131/02 V The following is the proposed five-year priority order of Capital Projects: + Proposed Priority Order 2006-2007+ Proposed Priority Order 2007-2008+ Proposed Priority Order 2008-2009+ Proposed Priority Order 2009-2010+ Proposed Priority Order 2010-20110 1. Renovation of Pierce Hall1 2. Renovation of Stright Hall. 1. Renovation of Zink Hall7 1. Renovation of Robertshaw Complex: 1. Renovation of Stadium & Field Areas'*Original Furn & Equip Regional Dev Ctr40/04&Steam Distribution/Tunnel System RenovBoiler Plant Renovation&Electrical Distribution System Upgrade%Replacement of Old Main, Punxsutawney**Original Furniture and Equipment (OF&E) :BUniversity Development & Finance Committee (Chairperson Domaracki)For Senate Information:> The following projects have been previously approved:For Senate Action:SThe committee moves the approval of the following project five-year priority order .for the 2006 - 2007 Capital Budget Submission:k 1. 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Academic Science Building (Reauthorization as Renovation of Weyandt/Walsh by Replacement)Ÿ@aaaaaa;ŸA44457784B6+ Proposed Priority Order 2007-2008ŸB4452229Cd0 1. Renovation of Pierce HallŸCdd5222:Dd1 2. Renovation of Stright HallŸDdd5222ŸE44452224F9+ Proposed Priority Order 2008-2009ŸF7752227Gd. 1. Renovation of Zink HallŸGdd5222ŸH44452224I6+ Proposed Priority Order 2009-2010ŸI445222@Jd7 1. Renovation of Robertshaw ComplexŸJdd5222ŸKeee52224L9+ Proposed Priority Order 2010-2011ŸL775222CMd: 1. 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CONVOCATION CENTER!Addition/Renovation Cogswell Hall%Const/Replace Wyant/Doerr  ArmstrongAddition Stapleton LibraryAddition/Renovate Sprowls HallAdd n/Renovate Ackerman HallRenovate Davis HallRenovate Keith Hall Renovate Leonard HallRenovate Memorial Field HouseRenovate Pratt HallRenovate Stabley LibraryRenovate Sutton Hall, Phase IIRenovate Walsh HallRenovate Weyandt HallRenovate Wilson Hall407-66407-67407-68407-69407-70131/02$Addtion/Renovation Fisher AuditoriumRenovate Cogswell Hall, PH II 35/99 131/02%Const/Replace Old Main  PunxsutawneyRenovation of Steam Tunnels*Upgrade of Electrical Distribution SystemRenovation of Boiler PlantDesign & Contin. Alloc 47/97 126/02&FY 2006-2007 Capital Budget Submission407-71407-72Projects Underway:%*Original Furn & Equip. Cogswell Hall*Original Furn & Equip. Fisher$*Original Furn & Equip. Punxsutawney%*Original Furn & Equip Ackerman Hall!*Original Furn & Equip Keith Hall$*Original Furn & Equip. Leonard Hall*Original Furn & Equip Stabley"*Original Furn & Equip Wilson Hall!*Original Furn & Equip. ArmstrongäOF&E can be funded for projects; however, to maximize the leverage of capital funds, generally, it will only be funded if the University has already funded a major portion of the project well in excess of the OF&E funding needs.KEYLEGLegislative Insert:"Authorized Capital Budget ProjectsNew Project Requests Proposed:Projects in Design but Stopped:Projects Pending Funds Release:"Projects Autorized but Not Funded: 35/99 131/02 V The following is the proposed five-year priority order of Capital Projects: + Proposed Priority Order 2006-2007+ Proposed Priority Order 2007-2008+ Proposed Priority Order 2008-2009+ Proposed Priority Order 2009-2010+ Proposed Priority Order 2010-20110 1. Renovation of Pierce Hall1 2. Renovation of Stright Hall. 1. Renovation of Zink Hall7 1. Renovation of Robertshaw Complex: 1. Renovation of Stadium & Field Areas'*Original Furn & Equip Regional Dev Ctr40/04&Steam Distribution/Tunnel System RenovBoiler Plant Renovation&Electrical Distribution System Upgrade%Replacement of Old Main, Punxsutawney**Original Furniture and Equipment (OF&E) :BUniversity Development & Finance Committee (Chairperson Domaracki)For Senate Information:> The following projects have been previously approved:For Senate Action:SThe committee moves the approval of the following project five-year priority order .for the 2006 - 2007 Capital Budget Submission:k 1. Academic Science Building (Reauthorization as Renovation of Weyandt/Walsh by Replacement)ÿb ~|_]ŸŒ‹ÿøö žÔÒRP  ÓÍÉÀ  dü©ñÒMbP?_*+‚€%ÿÁ5ÿƒ„&à?'Ð?(à?)Ð?MHP LaserJet 1200 Series PCLÜ4Cï€ê odXXLetterÿÿÿÿDINU"4J4•¡"^XXà?à?U} ’!}  } Û } $ } ’ } I } Û Vÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ@ ¥@ Y@ …À Ñà  àïà,àà Jà;àïààYà,à,à,à,àJàJàð ð à,àKWBUniversity Development & Finance Committee (Chairperson Domaracki)ŸŸW XFor Senate Information:ŸGW> The following projects have been previously approved:ŸŸW6^-Pennsylvania State System of Higher EducationŸ^^^^^^+^"Ä¢¹œtvŸ^^^^^^+^"Authorized Capital Budget ProjectsŸ^^^^^^~ ]@¿â@Ÿ]]]]]]Ÿ -------L CThe following Capital Projects have been authorized by legislation:Ÿ  Project  Project # Type Act Auth Amt .Design & Contin. Alloc  Constr Alloc* <!Addition/Renovation Cogswell Hall =407-67 >Capital = 47/97 126/02œ ?Øó`A@(™6AAbÄS <%Const/Replace Wyant/Doerr  Armstrong =407-69 >CapitalÖ = 35/99 131/02 œ ?<ïUA@`<-AA°GRAS<%Const/Replace Old Main  Punxsutawney=407-70>CapitalÖ= 35/99 131/02 œ?<ïUA@`<-AA°GRA*<!*Original Furn & Equip. Armstrong=407-69>Capital=131/02~ B0Œ!AŸ C>/E&CONST. 150,000 S.F. CONVOCATION CENTERF407-66G Capital LEGÖH 35/99 131/02 œIbà J`ãFAKRš-E$Addtion/Renovation Fisher AuditoriumH407-68GCapitalH27/00œIBì:JØÉ7AKâÄÛMRenovate Wilson HallN407-72OCapitalP27/00œQ$ùDAR@ôASœzAA<3Construction of New Multipurpose Convocation Center Capital LEG 35/99 131/02~ ÐsAŸ  !"Academic Science Building" Capital LEG35/99~ BŸ #!VParking Garage" Capital LEG35/99~ ܙaAŸ #!&Renovate Cogswell Hall, PH II" Capital LEG35/99~ šËhAŸ #!AAdd n/Renovate Ackerman Hall"Capital27/00œ|UA#P,A!"$Renovation of Steam Tunnels"Capital"27/00œ!ðB8A# ,A!È74A/&Steam Distribution/Tunnel System Renov"Capital"40/04~ !@w;AŸ #!3*Upgrade of Electrical Distribution System"Capital"27/00œ!èO=A#ˆA!èm8A/&Electrical Distribution System Upgrade"Capital"40/04~ !@AŸ #!#Renovation of Boiler Plant"Capital"27/00œ!àIA#@¹ A!çDA Boiler Plant Renovation"Capital"40/04~ !@wKAŸ #!#Addition Stapleton Library"Capital131/02~ \[aAŸ #!'Addition/Renovate Sprowls Hall"Capital131/02~ b·)Ÿ #!×D‚le:aPEE$f‹ºº„€€šxm|›~}rv ðà!à"ÿà#,à$ðà%à&à'À(À)À*À+,À,À-À.À/ÿÀ0À1À2À3ÿÀ5ÿ@6ÿ@7ÿ@8ÿ@9ÿ@:ÿ@;ÿ@<ÿ@=ÿ@>@?ÿ@ Renovate Davis Hall " Capital 131/02~ BùŸ #!!Renovate Keith Hall !"407-71!Capital!131/02~ !¢ØŽŸ !#!"Renovate Leonard Hall"""Capital"131/02~ " Ì_AŸ "#!&#Renovate Memorial Field House#"#Capital#131/02~ #˜nAŸ ##!$Renovate Pratt Hall$"$Capital$131/02~ $„ãUAŸ $#!!%Renovate Stabley Library%"%Capital%131/02~ %â úŸ %#!'&Renovate Sutton Hall, Phase II&"&Capital&131/02~ &˜3vAŸ &#!'Renovate Walsh Hall'"'Capital'131/02~ '@ƒIAŸ '#!(Renovate Weyandt Hall("(Capital(131/02~ (âFOŸ (#!.)%Replacement of Old Main, Punxsutawney)")Capital)40/04~ )¢žnŸ )#!.*%*Original Furn & Equip. Cogswell Hall*407-67*Capital*131/02~ *$€+AŸ *%&'+*Original Furn & Equip. Fisher+407-68+Capital+131/02~ +$°ˆ,AŸ +'-,$*Original Furn & Equip. Punxsutawney,"407-70,Capital,131/02~ ,$0Œ!AŸ ,%&.-%*Original Furn & Equip Ackerman Hall-"-Capital-131/02~ -$Pà AŸ -%&*.!*Original Furn & Equip Keith Hall.".Capital.131/02~ .$F.AŸ .%&-/$*Original Furn & Equip. Leonard Hall/"/Capital/131/02~ /$—'AŸ /%&'0*Original Furn & Equip Stabley0"0Capital0131/02~ 0$°/&AŸ0%&+1"*Original Furn & Equip Wilson Hall1"1Capital1131/02~ 1$àÈAŸ1%&02'*Original Furn & Equip Regional Dev Ctr2"2Capital240/04~ 2$ˆ*QAŸ2%&Ÿ3Ÿ5)0000006XFor Senate Action:Ÿ6000000\7_SThe committee moves the approval of the following project five-year priority order Ÿ7______ZZ78\.for the 2006 - 2007 Capital Budget Submission:Ÿ8\\YYYYZZŸ9[[[YYYYZZ*:`!Proposed Five-Year Priority OrderŸ:``````/;`&FY 2006-2007 Capital Budget SubmissionŸ;``````Ÿ<1223222_=4V The following is the proposed five-year priority order of Capital Projects: Ÿ=445222Ÿ>44452224?6+ Proposed Priority Order 2006-2007Ÿ?445222×BgXmwowmrxmo~ˆ‡{~|€„9zUHM}@ÿÀ:Aÿ@Bÿ@Cÿ@Dÿ@Eÿ@Fÿ@Gÿ@Hÿ@Iÿ@Jÿ@Kÿ@Lÿ@Mÿ@Nÿ@Oÿ@Pÿ€QÿRÿSÿT,@Uw@t@ak 1. Academic Science Building (Reauthorization as Renovation of Weyandt/Walsh by Replacement)Ÿ@aaaaaa;ŸA44457784B6+ Proposed Priority Order 2007-2008ŸB4452229Cd0 1. Renovation of Pierce HallŸCdd5222:Dd1 2. Renovation of Stright HallŸDdd5222ŸE44452224F9+ Proposed Priority Order 2008-2009ŸF7752227Gd. 1. Renovation of Zink HallŸGdd5222ŸH44452224I6+ Proposed Priority Order 2009-2010ŸI445222@Jd7 1. Renovation of Robertshaw ComplexŸJdd5222ŸKeee52224L9+ Proposed Priority Order 2010-2011ŸL775222CMd: 1. Renovation of Stadium & Field AreasŸMdd5222ŸN4445222ŸO6445222 PhKEYŸ(PhhhhhhQ(Projects Underway:Ÿ QDQbLegislative Insert:Ÿ Qbc Q,LEGŸQ(R(Projects in Design but Stopped:Ÿ RL)3Rf**Original Furniture and Equipment (OF&E) :Ÿ"Rff*(S(Projects Pending Funds Release:Ÿ ST)íSgäOF&E can be funded for projects; however, to maximize the leverage of capital funds, generally, it will only be funded if the University has already funded a major portion of the project well in excess of the OF&E funding needs.Ÿ"Sggg+T+"Projects Autorized but Not Funded:Ÿ(T)gggg'U/New Project Requests Proposed:Ÿ(UU)gggg×0> €±Ê±«³Õ±Ê³§±Ê°À±Ê³å<‹—Q[>¶°ª<K   2åšRRSUPP;;::@@QQMMCCDDGGJJKK8877ï7 Sheet1Sheet1!Print_Area  Worksheets Named Rangesþÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÀF!Microsoft Office Excel WorksheetBiff8Excel.Sheet.8ô9²q þÿà…ŸòùOh«‘+'³Ù0ŽHP`p ˆ ”  ¬ä_1170578293  ÀF0“ [JDÅ ¿[JDÅOle ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿEPRINTÿÿÿÿŒVCompObjÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿmlgŠ ØMi( EMFŒV€ ÀËÀU"F, EMF+@ÀÛXXF\PEMF+"@ @ $@ 0@€?!@ @   ÿÿÿ  !" ÿÿÿÿ!" ÿÿÿÿ ! ÿÿÿ " ÿÿÿÿ! ÿÿÿ gŠ " ÿÿÿÿ! ÿÿÿ gŠ 'ÿÿÿ%   Lddkah!ð€?€?'ÿÿ% ( LdkdÒkah!ð€?€?'ÿÿÿ% ( LdÒd ÒaÏ!ð€?€?'ÿÿ% ( Ld ù n ö Ï!ð€?€?'ÿÿÿ% ( Ldù  dnù  lÏ!ð€?€?Ldnd<naÏ!ð€?€?'ÿÿ% ( Ld<ù £<ö h!ð€?€?'ÿÿÿ% ( Ldù <d£ù <lh!ð€?€?Ld£dq£aÏ!ð€?€?'ÿÿ% ( Ldqù Øqö h!ð€?€?'ÿÿÿ% ( Ldù qdØù qlh!ð€?€?LdØdŠØaÏ!ð€?€?'ÿÿ% ( LdŠù Šö h!ð€?€?'ÿÿÿ% ( Ldù Šd ù Šlh!ð€?€?Ld dB a6!ð€?€?LdB ©B h!ð€?€?'ÿ% ( Ld B© Bûh!ð€?€?'ÿÿÿ% ( LdB©Bh!ð€?€?Ld© © h!ð€?€?'ÿ™% ( Ld © ©ûh!ð€?€?'ÿÿÿ% ( Ld©d©_ h!ð€?€?Ld w h!ð€?€?'ÿÿ% ( Ld w ûh!ð€?€?'ÿÿÿ% ( Lddw_ h!ð€?€?Ldw ðw z!ð€?€?'û…ª% ( Ld wð wûz!ð€?€?'ÿÿÿ% ( Ldwdðw_ z!ð€?€?Ldð ‡ ð ˜!ð€?€?'ÿÿ% ( Ld ð‡ ðû˜!ð€?€?'ÿÿÿ% ( Ldðd‡ ð_ ˜!ð€?€?Rp€ÿÿÿŒ Arialwá0æ?B€ x0!BŒGBx®÷Ê0&ŠV&Š0ê2›0(lBŽê €Ÿ0Žê(lB ŠÛ0Žê(lB…-ØìÂÜ0ArialeŠ0$éA ©&ŠA ©<!¬(lBM&Šdv% % €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ gg  TPaUU‡@€‡@÷ÿÿÿ+Lÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ€ Proposed Priority Order 2006-2007=$888338=$8$1H$83$33333333% €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ gŠ Rp€ÿÿÿ Arialwá0æ?B€ x0!BŒGBx®÷Ê0&ŠS&Š0ê2›0 mBŽê €Ÿ0Žê mB ŠÛ0Žê mB€…-ØìÂÜ0ArialeŠ0$é0 D&Š0 D<!¬ mBM&Šdv% % % €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ =gœ  TP=–UU‡@€‡@,+Lÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ€ Proposed Priority Order 2007-2008=$888338=$8$1H$83$33333333% €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ gŠ % % % €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ Ùg8  TPÙ2UU‡@€‡@È+Lÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ€ Proposed Priority Order 2008-2009=$888338=$8$1H$83$33333333% €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ gŠ % % % €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ gm  TPgUU‡@€‡@ý+Lÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ€ Proposed Priority Order 2009-2010=$888338=$8$1H$83$33333333% €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ gŠ % % % €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ Cg¢  TPCœUU‡@€‡@2+Lÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ€ Proposed Priority Order 2010-2011=$888338=$8$1H$83$33333333% €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ gŠ % Rp­ÿÿÿ Arialwá0æ?B€ x0!BŒGBx®÷Ê0&ŠJ&Š0ê2›0ÔnBŽê €Ÿ0ŽêÔnB ŠÛ0ŽêÔnBp†-ØìÂÜ0Arial eŠ0$éÑ &ŠÑ <!¬ÔnBM&Šdv% Rpµÿÿÿ Arialwá0æ?B€ x0!BŒGBx®÷Ê0&ŠC&Š0ê2›0˜hBŽê €Ÿ0Žê˜hB ŠÛ0Žê˜hB(ƒ-ØìÂÜ0ArialeŠ0$é{ I&Š{ I<!¬˜hBM&Šdv%   TžqNü UU‡@€‡@qNLÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿpProjects Underway:2**&&6***5*%Rp­ÿÿÿArialwá0XëXè\J %&ŠJ&Š0ê2›0GBŽê €Ÿ0ŽêGB ŠÛ0ŽêGBh-ØìÂÜ0ArialeŠ0$éí 6&Ší 6<!¬GBM&Šdv% RpµÿÿÿArialwá0æ?B€ x0!BŒGBx®÷Ê0&ŠC&Š0ê2›0`jBŽê €Ÿ0Žê`jB ŠÛ0Žê`jB„-ØìÂÜ0ArialeŠ0$éº |&Šº |<!¬`jBM&Šdv% T`õNŠ UU‡@€‡@õNLÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿTLEG*2:% TÛµüUU‡@€‡@ÛµLÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿŒProjects in Design but Stopped:2**&&*6*&****2*****% % TœünUU‡@€‡@œLÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿŒProjects Pending Funds Release:2**&&2*****.***&6***&*% Tg•üçUU‡@€‡@g•"LÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿProjects Autorized but Not Funded:2**&&2**%****6*.*****% % €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ ôgƒ % €%   T® e UU‡@€‡@® LÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿˆNew Project Requests Proposed:6*52**&6****&&2***&**% €% % €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ gŠ % % €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ kdÒ  TКkÕÇUU‡@€‡@šakLÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ$ 1. Academic Science Building (Reauthorization as Renovation of Weyandt/Walsh by Replacement)3=.333M.=.33.3=3334B33333-3333.B333-3333[3-333[3.33-B333.3M33% % €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ ù B©  TÀ G¢UU‡@€‡@ GLÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿtLegislative Insert:...*.)..*.% % €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ Šù   TšŠfUU‡@€‡@¢:LÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÀ 1. Renovation of Stadium & Field Areas3B333-3333=333M=833=33.% €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ  ù   Tl UU‡@€‡@œ0Lÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ¬ 1. Renovation of Pierce Hall3B333-3333=3.3B3% €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ ù n  Tt–iUU‡@€‡@1Lÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ° 2. Renovation of Stright Hall3B333-3333=43B3% €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ <ù £  T`<9žUU‡@€‡@8.Lÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿš 1. Renovation of Zink Hall3B333-333383/B3% €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ qù Ø  T˜q@ÓUU‡@€‡@m7LÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿŒ 1. Renovation of Robertshaw Complex3B333-3333B333.33AB3M33-% €% €" ÿÿÿÿ!% %  ÿÿÿ Øù ?  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CONVOCATION CENTER!Addition/Renovation Cogswell Hall%Const/Replace Wyant/Doerr  ArmstrongAddition Stapleton LibraryAddition/Renovate Sprowls HallAdd n/Renovate Ackerman HallRenovate Davis HallRenovate Keith Hall Renovate Leonard HallRenovate Memorial Field HouseRenovate Pratt HallRenovate Stabley LibraryRenovate Sutton Hall, Phase IIRenovate Walsh HallRenovate Weyandt HallRenovate Wilson Hall407-66407-67407-68407-69407-70131/02$Addtion/Renovation Fisher AuditoriumRenovate Cogswell Hall, PH II 35/99 131/02%Const/Replace Old Main  PunxsutawneyRenovation of Steam Tunnels*Upgrade of Electrical Distribution SystemRenovation of Boiler PlantDesign & Contin. Alloc 47/97 126/02&FY 2006-2007 Capital Budget Submission407-71407-72Projects Underway:%*Original Furn & Equip. Cogswell Hall*Original Furn & Equip. Fisher$*Original Furn & Equip. Punxsutawney%*Original Furn & Equip Ackerman Hall!*Original Furn & Equip Keith Hall$*Original Furn & Equip. Leonard Hall*Original Furn & Equip Stabley"*Original Furn & Equip Wilson Hall!*Original Furn & Equip. ArmstrongäOF&E can be funded for projects; however, to maximize the leverage of capital funds, generally, it will only be funded if the University has already funded a major portion of the project well in excess of the OF&E funding needs.KEYLEGLegislative Insert:"Authorized Capital Budget ProjectsNew Project Requests Proposed:Projects in Design but Stopped:Projects Pending Funds Release:"Projects Autorized but Not Funded: 35/99 131/02 V The following is the proposed five-year priority order of Capital Projects: + Proposed Priority Order 2006-2007+ Proposed Priority Order 2007-2008+ Proposed Priority Order 2008-2009+ Proposed Priority Order 2009-2010+ Proposed Priority Order 2010-20110 1. Renovation of Pierce Hall1 2. Renovation of Stright Hall. 1. Renovation of Zink Hall7 1. Renovation of Robertshaw Complex: 1. Renovation of Stadium & Field Areas'*Original Furn & Equip Regional Dev Ctr40/04&Steam Distribution/Tunnel System RenovBoiler Plant Renovation&Electrical Distribution System Upgrade%Replacement of Old Main, Punxsutawney**Original Furniture and Equipment (OF&E) :BUniversity Development & Finance Committee (Chairperson Domaracki)For Senate Information:> The following projects have been previously approved:For Senate Action:SThe committee moves the approval of the following project five-year priority order .for the 2006 - 2007 Capital Budget Submission:k 1. Academic Science Building (Reauthorization as Renovation of Weyandt/Walsh by Replacement)ÿb† ö|×]6Œ‹yÿˆpöžLÒÊP  ÓÍÉÀ  dü©ñÒMbP?_*+‚€%ÿÁ5ÿƒ„&à?'Ð?(à?)Ð?MHP LaserJet 1200 Series PCLÜ4Cï€ê odXXLetterÿÿÿÿDINU"4J4•¡"^XXà?à?U} ’!}  } Û } $ } ’ } I } Û Vÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ@ ¥@ Y@ …À Ñà  àïà,àà Jà;àïààYà,à,à,à,àJàJàð ð à,àKOBUniversity Development & Finance Committee (Chairperson Domaracki)ŸŸO PFor Senate Information:ŸGO> The following projects have been previously approved:ŸŸO6V-Pennsylvania State System of Higher EducationŸVVVVVV+V"Ä¢¹œtvŸVVVVVV+V"Authorized Capital Budget ProjectsŸVVVVVV~ U@¿â@ŸUUUUUUŸ *******L CThe following Capital Projects have been authorized by legislation:Ÿ  Project  Project # Type Act Auth Amt +Design & Contin. Alloc  Constr Alloc* 4!Addition/Renovation Cogswell Hall 5407-67 6Capital 5 47/97 126/02œ 7Øó`A8(™6A9bÄS 4%Const/Replace Wyant/Doerr  Armstrong 5407-69 6CapitalÖ 5 35/99 131/02 œ 7<ïUA8`<-A9°GRAS4%Const/Replace Old Main  Punxsutawney5407-706CapitalÖ5 35/99 131/02 œ7<ïUA8`<-A9°GRA*4!*Original Furn & Equip. Armstrong5407-696Capital5131/02~ :0Œ!AŸ ;6/=&CONST. 150,000 S.F. CONVOCATION CENTER>407-66? 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Cogswell Hall*407-67*Capital*131/02~ *$€+AŸ *%&'+*Original Furn & Equip. Fisher+407-68+Capital+131/02~ +$°ˆ,AŸ +'-,$*Original Furn & Equip. Punxsutawney,"407-70,Capital,131/02~ ,$0Œ!AŸ ,%&.-%*Original Furn & Equip Ackerman Hall-"-Capital-131/02~ -$Pà AŸ -%&*.!*Original Furn & Equip Keith Hall.".Capital.131/02~ .$F.AŸ .%&-/$*Original Furn & Equip. 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Renovation of Stright HallŸDZZ]^^^ŸE\\\]^^^4Fa+ Proposed Priority Order 2008-2009ŸF__]^^^7GZ. 1. Renovation of Zink HallŸGZZ]^^^ŸH\\\]^^^4I[+ Proposed Priority Order 2009-2010ŸI\\]^^^@JZ7 1. Renovation of Robertshaw ComplexŸJZZ]^^^ŸKbbb]^^^4La+ Proposed Priority Order 2010-2011ŸL__]^^^CMZ: 1. 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