ࡱ> ` bjbj .uSbbbbbbbv^A^A^A8ALAvBB"BBBCDCDCDDZɱɱɱɱɱɱ$"hFQbAID@CDAIAIbbBBW>MMMAItbBbBDZMAIDZMM*_bbGB~B `0 ?1^AK$[RT0жLжGGжb[CDaEM-FFpCDCDCDMdCDCDCDAIAIAIAIvvv6Z>vvvZ>vvvbbbbbb Minutes of the Ģtv University Senate  November 2, 2004 Chairperson Smith called the November 2, 2004 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:15 p.m., in the Eberly Auditorium. The following Senators informed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend: Ali, Boerner, Dugan, Hull, Kennedy, Kline, J. Myers, Reinhard, Rivera, Schwietz, Scott, Villalobos The following Senators were absent from the meeting: Anthony, Baginski, Beck, Bharadwaj, Black, Brillhart, Camp, Cherry, Collins, Cowles, Fitting, Geletka, Green, Hoffsommer, Hughes, Hulings, Hull, Jenkins, B. Jones, F. Jones, Joseph, Karimi, Kelly, Kennedy, Kline, Kolb, LaFleur, Leeper, Lynch, Mancuso, Mannard, J. Martin, Mukasa, Newell, Norris, Novels, Partridge, Rahman, Recdski, Reisenman, Rosenberger, Ruffner, Ryan-Sams, Schroeder, Scott, Shaposka, Strittmatter, Sullivan, Traub, Trinkley, Van Wieren, Weiner, Wheatley, Williamson, Wilson, Wisloski, Zoni The minutes from the October 5, 2004 meeting were APPROVED. Agenda items for the November 2, 2004 meeting were APPROVED. REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Presidents Report (Senator Reinhard): Dr. Reinhard was excused from meeting; see Provosts report for her comments. Provosts Report (Senator Staszkiewicz): President Reinhard is in Wisconsin and has asked that I share with you her actions regarding several prior Senate recommendations. The program revisions for the BA in Biology, the BS in Biology, the AA in Business, Computer, and Information Technology Specialization, and the minor in Business Technology Support, have the Presidents approval and will be sent to the Council of Trustees at its December meeting. The course deletions in the Department of Technology Support and Training approved as part of the program revision, and the new course in Marketing approved by the Senate at is October 5, 2004 meeting are acceptable and approved by the President. The BS in Nursing/Licensed Practical Nurse Track, as approved by the Senate on October 5, has the Presidents approval and will be forwarded to the Trustees for approval at its December meeting. At the March 2004 meeting of the Senate, the Graduate Student Grade Appeal Policy was approved. Since the similar policy at the undergraduate level involved the opportunity for APSCUF to review the proposal at its Representative Council, President Reinhard deferred approval of that Senate action pending the opportunity for APSCUF to provide input. That input was now been received and the President has approved the Graduate Student Grade Appeal Policy. As recommended by the Senate, that procedure will go into effect for any grade appeal filed as a result of course work taken this fall semester. Another Senate action that took place at the end of the last academic year involved the approval of a Nanomanufacturing Technology track within the Physics Department. The approval of this track by the Council of Trustees has yet to take place pending further discussions with APSCUF and the Physics Department regarding contractual issues associated with this program. Chairpersons Report (Senator Smith): I just have a few comments today: 1. Remember to vote! 2. Committee chairs, remember lunch with President Reinhard on Monday the 8th at 11:45 a.m. in Foster dining hall. 3. I have to admit to being almost 45 years old, with that comes a lack of productivity of ones eyes; youll see I have my first pair of cheaters on to help me read. If I look frustrated, you are right, I am! Ive got to figure out how to use the stupid things. Also, Parker threw her back out so Im on double duty today. Lovely, new glasses and double duty, quite a combination! Any uncoordinated movements on my part that may be annoying as we conduct the meeting I apologize for in advance; as they say in golf, can I have a mulligan? Questions? All yours Nikki. Vice Chairpersons Report (Senator Norris): Good Afternoon! I am pleased to announce that the presidential search campus visits are officially half way done. I encourage you all to attend any forums that you can, as we will hold your opinions very valuable in our decision-making. Student Congress has undertaken the effort to fix the clocks in the academic halls. Students find it quite irritating that some of the clocks do not work at all, while other work, but do not show the right time. In addition, my project of the year is the creation of a handbook for entering freshmen. It will have a things I with I would have known section, a section highlighting major policies and where to locate information, and a directory of all student organizations on campus. One issue that has been brought to my attention is the idea that international students are not being properly socialized during their summers here. They are unable to work off campus, and only interact with students from the same country in their dorms. Anyone with suggestions please drop me an email. Thanks! STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS: Rules Committee (Chair Soni): Watch for two bylaw changes which will include making the president a non-voting member of senate, and questions regarding senators on various committees. The next meeting will be November 11, 2004 in Eberly 201. See Appendix A Academic Committee (Chair Andrew): The next meeting will be held in Sutton at 3:15, Tuesday, November 9, 2004. Awards Committee (Chair Baker): Nominations forms are posted on the web site and will be accepted until the last day of class during the fall semester. University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Co-chairs Sechrist/Numan): See Appendix B University-wide Graduate Committee (Co-chairs Laporte/Chambers): See Appendix C Library and Educational Services Committee (Chair Johnson): The next meeting will be held in Stabley 101 at 3:30, Tuesday, November 16, 2004. Noncredit Committee: No Report. Next committee meeting will be November 23, 2004 in Keith Hall. Research Committee (Chair Guth): The USRC met on October 12, 2004 and reviewed proposals. The committee awarded $4,235 in grants to the following individuals: Dr. Sanwar Ali was awarded $1,500 to present his paper, Security Measures in Mobile Commerce: Problems and Solutions at the Fourth International Conference on Electronic Business in Beijing, China. Dr. Alan Baumler was awarded $1,235 to present his paper The Model Colony and the Model Colonial Citizen: Opium in Colonial Taiwan at the International Association of Historians of Asia in Taipei, Taiwan. Dr. Devki N. Talwar was awarded $1,500 to conduct presentations at four International Conferences (ISAMAP-2K4, PHOTONIC-2004, APMC-2004, and CONIAPS-VII). In addition, the USRC in conjunction with the School of Graduate Studies and Research will be conducting two information sessions for faculty interested in applying for Senate grants. The first session, Senate Grants: Learn from the Experts will be held on Monday, November 15, 2004 from 12:00 1:00 p.m. The second session Youve Received a Senate Grant: Now What? will be held on Tuesday, November 16, 2004 from 12:00 1:00 p.m. The location for these sessions is in the HUB Monongahela Rooms 1 & 2 and lunch will be provided. The next USRC meeting will be on November 9, 2004 at 3:15 p.m. in 317 Clark Hall. Student Affairs Committee (Chair Condino): See Appendix D University Development and Finance Committee (Chair Domaracki): Next meeting will be held in University Towers at 3:15, Tuesday, October 12, 2004. Next meeting will be held on December 7, 2004. Adjournment With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, P. Parker Boerner Jonathan B. Smith Senate Secretary Chair, University Senate APPENDIX A Rules Committee Chair: Soni The following wording will be added as clause IV (H). PASSED When a senator serving as a faculty representative on a senate committee is appointed as an acting manager at the University, the senator shall relinquish his/her faculty representation on the senate committee. Rationale Potential for Conflict of Interest: A faculty serving as an acting manager could potentially represent the administration s views during committee deliberations, and thereby would reduce the faculty representation on the committee. A faculty member appointed as an acting manager may continue to maintain his/her at-large Senate status, but shall relinquish representation on the senate committee. However, that senator can serve on any committee on an administrative slot, if available. A faculty member appointed as an acting manager may be required to serve in one of the ex-officio management positions by virtue of his/her acting manager role. A faculty member appointed as an acting manager cannot continue to serve as a departmental senator. =============== Thank you very much. Ramesh Soni, Chair--Rules Committe APPENDIX B University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Co-Chairs Sechrist and Numan FOR INFORMATION: UWUCC approved HPED 143 Health and Wellness to be offered as a Distance Education course by Dr. Robert Kostelnik and Mr. Robert Alman. Liberal Studies Committee Report: Approved Mr. Michael Korns, Industrial and Labor Relations Department to teach LBST 499 The World of Work. Approved changes to the Liberal Studies component of the BS Child Development/Family Relations program. FOR ACTION: PASSED 1. Department of Human Development and Environmental StudiesProgram Revision Current Program: Bachelor of Science-Child Development/Family RelationsProposed Program: Bachelor of Science-Child Development/Family Relations Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: Mathematics: 3cr Natural Science: CHEM 101-102 Social Science: ANTH 110, PSYC 101, SOC 151 Liberal Studies Electives: 6cr, no courses with CDFR prefix Major: Required Courses: CDFR 218 Child Development CDFR 224 Marriage and Family Relations CDFR 317 Infant Development CDFR 419 Teaching in Child Development Centers CDFR 426 Techniques of Parent Education CDFR 463 Family and the Community CNSV 315 Consumer Economics and Family Finance FDNT 212 Nutrition Controlled Electives: (one track) Track A: Child Development/Family Relations CDFR 321, 324, 418, 422, 424 Track B: Child Development (by permission only) CDFR 321, 418, 420, 422 Track C:: Family Relations (by permission only) CDFR 324, 424, 493 Other Requirements: Outside Courses: BIOL 155 Human Physiology and Anatomy COMM 103 Digital Instructional Technology EDSP 102 Educational Psychology Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements:  51 39-40 3cr 3cr 3cr 4c 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 1 14-15cr 10 4cr 3cr 3cr 19-20 120  Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: Mathematics: 3cr Social Science: ANTH 110, PSYC 101, SOC 151 Liberal Studies Electives: : 6cr, CNSV 315, no courses with CDFR prefix Major: Required Courses: CDFR 218 Child Development CDFR 224 Marriage and Family Relations CDFR 317 Infant Development CDFR 321 Preschool Education CDFR 324 Family Dynamics CDFR 418 Advanced Child Development CDFR 419 Teaching in Child Development Centers CDFR 422 Early Childhood Education CDFR 424 Family Issues CDFR 426 Techniques of Parent Education CDFR 463 Family and the Community Other Requirements: Outside Courses: NURS 202 Foundations of Child Health or BIOL 155 Human Physiology and Anatomy FDNT 145 Introduction to Nutrition Free Electives: (1) Total Degree Requirements: (1) Minors are encouraged in Psychology, Sociology, Educational Psychology or Deaf Education. Internships and/or NCFR Family Life Education Certificate Program also encouraged.  51 34 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 4cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 6-7 3cr 4cr 3cr 28-29 120  Rationale: CHEM 101/102 are being removed as specific Natural Science Requirement because students in the CDFR field do not have a professional need for CHEM 101/102. Many students change their majors into the CDFR program having already completed their Liberal Studies science courses. CNSV 315 is being moved from being a department requirement to a Liberal Studies elective. Tracks B and C are being removed and track A is being incorporated into the major requirements. Tracks B and C have never been fully operational and all students have been advised to complete track A. It is the strongest professional track and prepares students to work with both children and families in a wide variety of human service agencies. FDNT 212 Nutrition is being removed because it has CHEM 102 as a prerequisite; it will be replaced with FDNT 145 Introduction to Nutrition, which the Food & Nutrition Department agrees is a more appropriate course. EDSP 102 Educational Psychology and COMM 103 Digital Instructional Technology are being removed because CDFR majors are not entering professions in the teacher certification area and the content is not required by any CDFR professional field approval organizations. NURS 202 Foundations of Child Health is being added as an alternative to BIOL 155 Human Anatomy and Physiology because NURS 202 contains content that familiarizes students with basic anatomy and physiology of children and includes a specific focus on childrens health issues. The increased number of free electives will allow students to more easily complete the elective courses and the internship necessary to be eligible for the Certified Family Life Educator Certificate from the National Council on Family Relations or the Child Life Professional Certification. It will also allow the additional completion of a minor. APPENDIX C Graduate Committee Co-Chairs LaPorte and Chambers FOR ACTION: PASSED Title of Course: MATH 610 Real-Data Approach to Teaching Mathematics 3c-0l-3sh Sponsoring Department: Proposed by the Mathematics Department Presents the content knowledge as well as effective teaching strategies to incorporate real data in the teaching of grades K-12 mathematics curriculum. Students will learn to integrate real data into the teaching of numerical concepts, pre-algebra, algebra, probability, statistics, geometry, and advanced mathematics. The intended audience is K-12 teachers who wish to learn content and teaching methods to integrate real data into the teaching of mathematics. Catalog Start Date: Spring 2005 200450 Rationale: This course will transcend all mathematical topics to develop a consistent theme of students collecting real data to motivate the study of standards-based curricula. This will give the basis for students to be able to justify and implement the data-driven approach to the teaching of mathematics. FOR ACTION: PASSED Proposal to establish LIBR 600 Bibliography of Music (as a parallel, cross listed course to MUSC 600). The Libraries at Ģtv propose to establish a course: LIBR 600 Bibliography of Music as a parallel, cross listed course to MUSC 600. The reason is to increase flexibility in the teaching of this course, which is required for all music graduate students. It is an interdisciplinary course that combines elements from music and librarianship. Establishing and cross listing this course would make it possible for it to be taught by either a music or a library faculty member, depending on load and availability for any given semester. The course description and content would remain the same as in the current catalog. This proposal has been approved by the Libraries Curriculum Committee, the Music Department Graduate Curriculum Committee, the two department Chairs, the Dean of Libraries, and the Dean of the College of Fine Arts. FOR ACTION: Tabled by vote of 69-21 The UWGC recommends that the senate eliminate the current policy that prohibits Ģtv faculty from pursuing graduate degrees at Ģtv. Background In the early days of Ģtv as a graduate institution faculty were sometimes hired without terminal degrees. The current policy was adopted to prevent Ģtv from becoming an in-bred institution by prohibiting faculty from obtaining degrees from Ģtv. Over time policy changes required faculty being hired to have terminal degrees in their field or be ABD, effectively obviating the original intent of the policy. The policy has always represented a problem as Ģtv faculty alone among faculty in the state-wide system was prohibited from enjoying the educational benefits provided by the CBA. An appeal was recently made to the state system regarding this issue and the state essentially declared the policy null and void. However, as it was approved by the senate and remains a policy, at least on the books, it appears necessary to have the senate officially remove it from the books. APPENDIX D Student Affairs Committee Chair: Condino FOR INFORMATION: Presentation Topic: Millennial Student/Generation. Presenter: Tedd Cogar The power point presentation explained the differences in students through time (the student of today in comparison with yesterday). The presentation aimed to show our needs then and what they are growing to be. Future goals and what we expect of the future entering classes was discussed by Mr. Cogar and the committee members. Technology was discussed as a fundamental difference between todays students and yesterdays students. Noted that todays students are more likely to be technologically informed and have that same expectation upon entering the university. The committee also discussed the goals of todays students (are they in college to get a job or for learning). The committee discussed programs Ģtv participates in to expand the goals of the student. We learned that students decide in the first six weeks to stay at the university or to leave. The committee followed the presentation with discussion on the issues presented. Vice Presidents Report: Friday the official ground breaking will begin at the Punxsutawney Campus for the living environment to open in fall of 2005. The new academic building will open in fall of 2006. November 5th in Eberly Auditorium one of the final presentations will be held to discuss the housing master plan that will take effect over the next 2-7 years. Saturday the academic expo will be on campus for admissions of undergraduate students. Dr. Luckey discussed the Parent Action Team. She discussed how members are requested to complete an instrument to gauge learning at Ģtv. Student Congress Report: Student Congress is working on several projects relating to student affairs. Student Congress is planning on developing an informal survey to gain insight on their views about the campus, campus living, and what concerns them. Student Congress is also working on a freshman handbook full of quirky facts about the university, things students wish they would have known about their first week here, and a campus list of contacts for student organizations/activities. We hope that this will help with student retention and be a recruiting tool for Student Congress and other organizations on campus. Currently the outreach committee is tackling the growing concern of hostilities on campus, the growing chalking violations, and violations of the Ģtv Civility Policy. Chris Hindman is currently working with the College Democrats and College Republicans in order to gain their support in stopping such activities on campus. We in student congress hope we can stop this violations and the hostility through reason and conversation. 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Myers, Reinhar&lt;/p&gt;T&lt;p&gt;Minutes of theIUP University SenateNovember 2, 2004Chairperson Smith called the November 2, 2004 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:15 p.m., in the Eberly Auditorium.The following Senators informed th e Senate Leadership that they could not attend:Ali, Boerner, Dugan, Hull, Kennedy, Kline, J. Myers, Reinhar&lt;/p&gt;EktTSummaryInformation( DocumentSummaryInformation8x CompObjqBagaaqy23kudbhchAaq5u2chNd8`U`Uerson Smith called the November 2, 2004 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:15 p.m., in the Eberly Auditorium.The following Senators informed th e Senate Leadership that they could not attend:Ali, Boerner, Dugan, Hull, Kennedy, Kline, J. Myers, CONTENTS ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-usOh+'0h@p  8, @\@u@D@(4@   EktContentIDEktContentLanguage EktFolderId EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchaReinhar&lt;/p&gt;DownloadAsset.aspx?id=79125GSenate Minutes Nov 02 2004bvdries Mr. Bruce V. Driesbvdries Mr. Bruce V. 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