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REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Presidents Report (Senator Reinhard): Dr. Reinhards Comments: Senate meeting 10/5/04 Good afternoon fellow senators. It is my pleasure to enjoy this beautiful fall day with this important governance group. As you know, Ģtv had a wonderful Homecoming this past weekend and thanks to hard and dedicated work from all of you the fall semester seems to have found its pace and rhythm. I am pleased to report that the program revisions for the BS in Elementary Education/Urban Track, the MS in Science for Disaster Response, the MBA and the MBA/Executive Track will be sent, with my approval, to the Council of Trustees at its December meeting. The new courses that are part of these program revisions were approved by the Senate at its September 7, 2004 meeting. I accept and approve them. I also want to acknowledge the fine work of the Department of Professional Studies in Education and the Universitywide Graduate Committee. They worked together to develop the revised Memorandum of Understanding for the Ģtv/East Stroudsburg Collaboratives Doctoral Program in Leadership and Policy Studies. I approve the Senates actions on this matter and have charged the Provost to work with East Stroudsburg and our School of Graduate Studies and Research to move this forward. As Im sure all of you know, we do have a busy fall! Agenda items include, among others, Middle States, University Planning Council, the work of this Senate, the Regional Development Center Marketing Study, and the Housing Marketing and Financial Feasibility Study. This month, we will begin to interview candidates for the position of university president. Along with these responsibilities we continue our most important work--educating students and effectively leading and managing the university! Yesterday, I met with 60 members of our University Planning Council, whose semester got off to a terrific start. UPC members received a briefing book, and much of the material discussed at yesterdays meeting focused on the interplay between the Systems new five-year Strategic Plan, Ģtvs 2004-05 goals, and several specific university initiatives made possible by performance funding. The initiatives will be implemented during the next three years and are designed to assist us in accomplishing our goals and play a part in strengthening the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. All members of the university community will have access to the UPC briefing book through the web. An upcoming issue of Inside will provide a link to this important information. By design, much of the work of the UPC will be accomplished during the spring term of this year. As all of you know, we are in the busiest stage of our Middle States Self-Study. The 14 standards groups are now conducting surveys, focus groups, and interviews as they began to prepare their reports. These reports will be shared with the university community early next spring and then refined to incorporate community feedback. Because of the current intensity of the Middle States work, we will ask the UPC to explore, during the spring, enrollment management, System accountability, and the further refinement of linking the planning process with the budget. I would like to alert you to a meeting this Friday, where consultants will present their initial thinking in regard to Ģtvs master housing plan. As we have said before, we are examining the possibility of replacing all of our university housing with contemporary residences. Friday afternoon at 4 oclock, the consultants will present their initial findings. The meeting will convene in Folger Hall and is open to the university and local communities. In closing, I would like to urge each of you to participate actively in the upcoming presidential interviews. It is my understanding that six candidates will visit our campus beginning later this month. The visits will be publicized widely. Your involvement in the selection process is critical to the future of this outstanding university. Are there any questions? Provosts Report (Senator Staszkiewicz): No Report Chairpersons Report (Senator Smith): Good afternoon everyone. I have just a couple of items for today. First, thanks to John Baker and Frank Condino for stepping up to their leadership roles in the senate as committee chairs. I wish I could say there was a new car waiting outside for you for serving as chair. I can't. I wish I could say "you'll see it in your paycheck." I can't do that either. I wish I could say you'll get a Sheetz MTO for serving as a committee chair. I can't say that either!! Anyway, John and Frank, thank you for stepping up. Second, due to a death in our family and my being off campus for a couple of days last week, I was not able to contact all committee chairs about a time of the week for lunch with the president and provost. If all committee chairs will stop down here at the table (at the end of this meeting) to let me know if a Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 11:45 or a Tuesday/Thursday 11:30 time slot would be better for our lunch with the president and provost, I would greatly appreciate it. Are there any questions? If not, I'll hand the microphone over to Nikki. Vice Chairpersons Report (Senator Norris): Good afternoon, hope you all had a wonderful homecoming weekend. It was great to be able to see friends that have graduated, and the game was, of course, fantastic. Student Congress sponsored the fourth place float prize this year, and we shared a car with the Graduate Student Assembly in the parade. We handed out lollipops with both organizations information. As Dr. Reinhard mentioned, the Presidential Search Committee is one step closer to having both Dr. Reinhard and Maggie back into enjoying retirement. We are still looking for members, so if you have any interested students be sure to send them my way. Thank you. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS: Rules Committee (Chair Soni): The next meeting will be held in Eberly Auditorium at 3:15, Thursday, October 14, 2004. University Development and Finance Committee (Chair Domaracki): Next meeting will be held in University Towers at 3:15, Tuesday, October 12, 2004. Academic Committee (Chair Andrew): The next meeting will be held in Sutton at 3:15, Tuesday, October 12, 2004. Awards Committee (Chair Baker): No Report. University-wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Co-chairs Sechrist/Numan): See Appendix A University-wide Graduate Committee (Co-chairs Laporte/Chambers): See Appendix B Library and Educational Services Committee (Chair Johnson): The next meeting will be held in Stabley 101 at 3:30, Tuesday, October 12, 2004. Noncredit Committee (Chair Karimi): No Report. Research Committee (Chair Guth): University Senate Research Committee (USRC) Report Submitted by Lorraine J. Guth The USRC met on September 14, 2004 and reviewed proposals. The committee awarded $8,829 in grants to the following individuals: Dr. Nancy Bell was awarded $1,500 for her project, Micro-Teaching as a Genre. Dr. Peter Broad was awarded $879 to present his paper Who Am I Talking To? Narrative Authority in Morirs lejos at the IV Literary Colloquium of the Monterrey International Book Fair in Monterrey, Mexico. Dr. Kevin E. Eisensmith was awarded $750 for the Ģtv/Japan Arts and Education Exchange Dr. Michael Kingan was awarded $750 for the Ģtv/Japan Arts and Education Exchange Dr. Joseph Nolan was awarded $1,500 to present his paper The U.S. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): Tracing inclusion and exclusion of the disabled from Ford to Bush II at the Society of History of Education (UK) Conference in Dublin, Ireland. Dr. Michael Poage was awarded $1,000 for his project Field Sampling in Beacon Valley, Antarctica to initiate a study of nitrogen isotopes in Dry Valleys Soil Nitrate. Dr. Robert W. Sweeny was awarded $950 to present his paper The Pedagopticon at the New Forms Festival conference in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Dr. Wenfan Yan was awarded $1,500 to present his speech Quantitative Research Methods and Faculty Issues in Higher Education at the International Conference on Institutional Research in Wuhan, China. The next USRC meeting will be on October 12, 2004 at 3:15 p.m. in 317 Clark Hall. Student Affairs Committee (Chair Hall): Next meeting will be held October 26, 2004. Adjournment With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, P. Parker Boerner Senate Secretary APPENDIX A University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Co-Chairs Sechrist and Numan FOR INFORMATION: Liberal Studies Committee Report: Approved Ms. Stephanie Caulder, Department of Music, for Type I writing statusProfessor Commitment. Approved MUHI 302 Music History II as a Type II department writing course. Approved Dr. David Smith, Department of Computer Science, for Spring 05 to teach LBST 499 Can Machines Think? Approved the Liberal Studies component for the BA and BS in Biology. Approved the Liberal Studies component for the Associate of Arts Business, Computer, and Information Technology Specialization FOR ACTION: 1. Department of BiologyProgram Revisions APPROVED Current Program: Bachelor of Arts BiologyProposed Program: Bachelor of Arts Biology Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 121or 217 Natural Science: CHEM 111-112 Liberal Studies Electives: 3cr, PHYS 111, no courses with BIOL prefix Major: Required Courses: BIOL 111 Principles of Biology I BIOL 112 Principles of Biology II BIOL 210 Botany BIOL 220 General Zoology BIOL 250 Principles of Microbiology BIOL 263 Genetics Controlled Electives: Biology electives (major courses only) Other Requirements: PHYS 121 Physics I Lab Ancillary Science Courses: An additional 4-5 cr from the following (2,3): BIOC: 301, 302, 311, 312 CHEM: 231, 232, 321, 323, 351 GEOS: 121 and 122, 131 and 132, 141, 310, 330, 331, 361 MATH: 122, 216, 217, 417, 418 PHYS: 112 and 122, 151 Planned Program in Complementary Field (requires advisor approval) with at least 6cr in 300/400 level courses (4) Other Requirements: Foreign Language Intermediate Level Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements: 48 32 4cr 4cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 12cr(1) 20-21 1cr 4-5cr 15cr 0-6 0 0-6cr(5) 10-17 120  Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 121 or 217 Natural Science: CHEM 111-112 Liberal Studies Electives: 3cr, no courses with BIOL prefix Major: Required Courses: BIOL 111 Principles of Biology I BIOL 112 Principles of Biology II BIOL 210 Botany BIOL 220 General Zoology BIOL 250 Principles of Microbiology BIOL 263 Genetics Controlled Electives: Biology electives (majors courses only) Other Requirements: PHYS 111 Physics I Lecture PHYS 121 Physics I Lab Ancillary Science Courses: An additional 4-5 cr from the following (2,3): BIOC: 301, 302, 311, 312 CHEM: 231, 232, 321, 323, 351 GEOS: 121 and 122, 131 and 132, 141, 310, 330, 331, 361 MATH: 122, 216 or 217, 417, 418 PHYS: 112 and 122, 151 Planned Program in Complementary Field (requires advisor approval) with at least 6cr in 300/400 level courses (4) Other Requirements: Foreign Language Intermediate Level Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements: 48 32 4cr 4cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 12cr(1) 23-24 3cr 1cr 4-5cr 15cr 0-6 0- 0-6cr(5) 10-17 120 (1) No more than 6cr total from Independent Study, Special Topics or Internship applies to major; excess applied as free electives. (2) If MATH 121 (4cr) is elected as the Liberal Studies MATH course the additional requirement is 4 hours, if MATH 217 (3cr) is elected the additional requirement is 5 hours. (3) Other appropriate major courses in the above departments may be substituted for one or more of those on the above list with the approval of the students advisor. (4) Recommended complementary fields include: Anthropology, Art, Business, Chemistry, Communications Media, Computer Science, Criminology, Dietetics, Economics, English, Foreign Language, Geography, Geoscience, Journalism, Mathematics, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Regional Planning, or Safety Science. Some courses in complementary field may also fulfill Liberal Studies requirements (see Liberal Studies section). However if complementary field selected is Chemistry, Geoscience, Mathematics or Physics courses used to fulfill the ancillary science requirement above may not be applied to the complementary field requirement of 15cr. (5) Two courses beyond placement or intermediate level. (1) No more than 6cr total from Independent Study, Special Topics or Internship applies to major; excess applied as free electives. (2) If MATH 121 (4cr) is elected as the Liberal Studies MATH course the additional requirement is 4 hours, if MATH 217 (3cr) is elected the additional requirement is 5 hours. The mathematics course counted in Liberal Studies cannot also count in ancillary courses. (3) Other appropriate major courses in the above departments may be substituted for one or more of those on the above list with the approval of the students advisor. (4) Recommended complementary fields include: Anthropology, Art, Business, Chemistry, Communications Media, Computer Science, Criminology, Dietetics, Economics, English, Foreign Language, Geography, Geoscience, Journalism, Mathematics, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Regional Planning, or Safety Science. Some courses in complementary field may also fulfill Liberal Studies requirements (see Liberal Studies section). However if complementary field selected is Chemistry, Geoscience, Mathematics or Physics courses used to fulfill the ancillary science requirement above may not be applied to the complementary field requirement of 15cr. (5) Two courses beyond placement or intermediate level.  Current Program: Bachelor of Science BiologyProposed Program: Bachelor of Science Biology Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 121or 217 Natural Science: CHEM 111-112 Liberal Studies Electives: 3cr , PHYS 111, no courses with BIOL prefix Major: Required Courses: BIOL 111 Principles of Biology I BIOL 112 Principles of Biology II BIOL 210 Botany BIOL 220 General Zoology BIOL 250 Principles of Microbiology BIOL 263 Genetics Controlled Electives: Biology electives (major courses only) Other Requirements: PHYS 121 Physics I Lab Ancillary Science Courses: An additional 20-21 cr from the following (3,4): BIOC: 301, 302, 311, 312 CHEM: 231, 232, 321, 323, 351 GEOS: 121 and 122, 131 and 132, 141, 310, 330, 331, 361 MATH: 122, 216, 217, 417, 418 PHYS: 112 and 122, 151 Other Requirements: Foreign Language Intermediate Level Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements:  48 38 4cr 4cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 18cr(1) 21-22(2) 1cr 21-22cr 0-6 0-6 cr(5) 3-10 120 Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 121 or 217 Natural Science: CHEM 111-112 Liberal Studies Electives: 3cr, no courses with BIOL prefix Major: Required Courses: BIOL 111 Principles of Biology I BIOL 112 Principles of Biology II BIOL 210 Botany BIOL 220 General Zoology BIOL 250 Principles of Microbiology BIOL 263 Genetics Controlled Electives: Biology electives (majors courses only) Other Requirements: PHYS 111 Physics I Lecture PHYS 121 Physics I Lab Ancillary Science Courses: An additional 20-21 cr from the following (3,4): BIOC: 301, 302, 311, 312 CHEM: 231, 232, 321, 323, 351 GEOS: 121 and 122, 131 and 132, 141, 310, 330, 331, 361 MATH: 122, 216 or 217, 417, 418 PHYS: 112 and 122, 151 Other Requirements: Foreign Language Intermediate Level Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements:  48 38 4cr 4cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 18cr(1) 24-25(2) 3cr 1cr 20-21cr 0-6 0-6 cr(5) 3-10 120(1) No more than 6cr total from Independent Study, Special Topics, or Internship applies to major; excess applied as free electives. (2) 21cr if the student elects MATH 121 in Liberal Studies or 22cr if the student elects to take MATH 217. (3) If MATH 121 (4cr) is elected as the Liberal Studies MATH course, the additional requirement is 20cr; if MATH 217 (3cr) is elected , the additional requirement is 21cr. (4) Other appropriate major courses in the above departments may be substituted for one or more of those on the above list with the approval of the students advisor. (5) Two courses beyond placement or intermediate level. In lieu of a foreign language, students in programs or tracks other than the Pre-Medical Track and the Pre-Veterinary Track may elect to take a sequence of courses in either Computer Science exclusive, of COSC 101 (COSC 110 and 210 recommended), or Regional Planning (from the following: RGPL 213, 314, 316, 415). (1) No more than 6cr total from Independent Study, Special Topics, or Internship applies to major; excess applied as free electives. (2) 21cr if the student elects MATH 121 in Liberal Studies or 22cr if the student elects to take MATH 217. (3) If MATH 121 (4cr) is elected as the Liberal Studies MATH course, the additional requirement is 20cr; if MATH 217 (3cr) is elected , the additional requirement is 21cr. The mathematics course counted in Liberal Studies cannot count in ancillary courses. (4) Other appropriate major courses in the above departments may be substituted for one or more of those on the above list with the approval of the students advisor. (5) Two courses beyond placement or intermediate level. In lieu of a foreign language, students in programs or tracks other than the Pre-Medical Track and the Pre-Veterinary Track may elect to take a sequence of courses in either Computer Science exclusive, of COSC 101 (COSC 110 and 210 recommended), or Regional Planning (from the following: RGPL 213, 314, 316, 415).  Rationale: In the versions approved in December 2003, Physics 111 was placed under Liberal Studies and the department would prefer to have it under other requirements. 2. Department of Technology Support and Training Course Deletions, Catalog Description Change, Program and Minor Revisions A. Course Deletions: APPROVED BTED 250 Electronic Office Procedures BTED 273 Word Processing Applications Rationale: These courses have not been taught for several years. The content of these courses is covered in BTED 101 Microbased Computer Literacy and BTST 383 Microcomputer Software Solutions. B. Catalog Description Change: APPROVED Current catalog description: Associate of Arts Degree______________________________________________ Offering specialization in computer and office information systems (COIS), the Associate of Arts Degree in Business is designed to be a two-year curriculum with these objectives: To provide business occupational education with the opportunity for specialization in COIS. To enable the student to enter COIS positions in business and government. To enable the student to upgrade his/her skills and knowledge to qualify for higher positions in business and government. To provide the foundation to continue education in a four-year degree program. This program is offered at the Indiana campus only. Proposed catalog description: Associate of Arts Degree______________________________________________ Offering specialization in computer and information technology (CIT), the Associate of Arts Degree in Business is designed to be a two-year curriculum with these objectives: 1. To provide business occupational education with the opportunity for specialization in CIT. 2. To enable the student to enter CIT positions in business and government. 3. To enable the student to upgrade his/her skills and knowledge to qualify for higher positions in business and government. 4. To provide the foundation to continue education in a four-year degree program. This program is offered at the Indiana campus only. C. Program Revisions APPROVED Current Program: Associate of Arts-Computer and Office Information Systems SpecializationProposed Program: Associate of Arts-Business, Computer, and Information Technology Specialization Liberal Studies: As follows: English: ENGL101 Fine Arts: one course from list Humanities: HIST 195 and one course from LBST list of Philosophy and Religious Studies Mathematics: MATH 115 or 121 Social Science: PSYC 101 and one course from non-western cultures LBST Social Science list Liberal Studies Electives: (1) BTED/COMM/COSC/IFMG/LIBR 201, COSC/IFMG 101, ECON 122 Major: Business (Associate) Core Required Courses: ACCT 201 Accounting Principles I ACCT 202 Accounting Principles II BTST 101 Introduction to Business BTST 221 Business Technical Writing Other Requirements: Computer and Office Specialization: BTED 250 Electronic Office Procedures BTED 273 Word Processing Applications IFMG 205 Foundations of MIS Advisor Approved Elective Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements: (1) Students cannot repeat the same prefix in this category  31 12 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 12 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 6 61 Liberal Studies: As outlined in the Liberal Studies Section with the following specifications: English: ENGL 101, 202 Fine Arts: 3cr Health and Wellness: 3cr Humanities: HIST 195 Mathematics: MATH 115 Natural Science: 4cr Social Science: PSYC 101 Liberal Studies Electives: 6cr, BTED/COSC/IFMG 101, ECON 122 Major: Business (Associate) Core Required Courses: ACCT 201 Accounting Principles I ACCT 202 Accounting Principles II BLAW 235 Legal Environment of Business BTED 293 Practicum: Computer and Information Technology (CIT) or Advisor Approved Elective BTST 105 Introduction to Business BTST 273 Hardware Support Solutions BTST 310 Telecommunications BTST 311 Training Methods in Business and Information Technology Support BTST 321 Business and Interpersonal Communications BTST 383 Microcomputer Software Solutions Total Degree Requirements:  33 30 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 63Rationale: The COIS program was previously under the umbrella of Office Systems within the Technology Support and Training Department. In 2000, the title of that program was changed from Office Systems to Business Technology Support following recommendations by our Departments Advisory Council. Thus, the change in name from Business-Computer and Office Information Systems Specialization to Business, Computer, and Information Technology Specialization (CIT) reflects consistency in the programs offered. According to the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) standards each undergraduate curriculum should have a general education component that comprises at least 50 percent of a students four-year program. Therefore, the liberal studies core and major required courses were adjusted to meet these requirements. Revisions to the major were also required due to revisions to the Business Education and Business Technology Support Bachelor degree programs that eliminated two courses currently in the minor. Rapid change in the technology sector also requires that we update our curriculum on a regular basis based on recommendations from our Business Technology Support Business Advisory Council. Current Program: Minor-Business Technology Support  15Proposed Program: Minor-Business Technology Support  18 Required Courses: BTST 273 Hardware Support Solutions BTST 383 Microcomputer Software Solutions BTST 310 Telecommunications BTST 411 Technology Support Development BTST 413 Enterprise Technology Support  3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr Required Courses: BTST 273 Hardware Support Solutions BTST 310 Telecommunications BTST 383 Microcomputer Software Solutions Three courses from the following: BTST 311 Training Methods in Business and Information Technology Support BTST 401 Web Design BTST 402 Website Development and Administration BTST 411 Technology Support Development BTST 413 Enterprise Technology Support  3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr Rationale: Course number and title changes were required due to revisions to the Business Technology Support Bachelor of Science degree program. The changes are deemed pedagogically necessary by members of the Department. In addition, BTST 311 is offered only in the Spring semester and BTST 411 and BTST 413 are offered only in the Fall semester to be taken concurrently. Therefore, several alternative choices are provided to give students more flexibility to meet their needs. Rapid change in the technology sector requires that we update our curriculum on a regular basis based on recommendations from our Business Technology Support Business Advisory Council that represents a number of professionals in the information technology support area. 3. Department of Nursing and Allied Health ProfessionsNew Track APPROVED Catalog Description: The Bachelor of Science in nursing degree is offered for licensed practical nurses who are graduates of accredited, approved practical nursing programs and who have met Ģtv's admission requirements. The track for licensed practical nurses provides an alternative curriculum accounting for prior work completed in a practical nursing program. Licensed Practical Nurse students will fulfill all degree requirements set by the university. The track is designed to prepare the practical nurse to function as a provider, designer, manager, and coordinator of care in a variety of health care settings. (Insert in current catalog copy as the next to last paragraph.) New Track: Bachelor of ScienceNursing/Licensed Practical Nurse Track (1) Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal studies section with the 49 following specifications: Health and Wellness: fulfilled by the major Mathematics: MATH 217 Natural Science: CHEM 101-102 Social Science: PSYC 101, SOC 151 Liberal Studies Electives: 7cr, PSYC 310, LIBR 251, no course with NURS prefix Major: 51 Required Courses: NURS 214 Health Assessment 2cr NURS 312 Professional Nursing II 2cr NURS 316 Research Utilization in Nursing 3cr NURS 334 Transitions in Professional Nursing 3cr NURS 412 Professional Nursing III 2cr NURS 432 Psychiatric/Mental Health 2cr NURS 434 Community Health 2cr NURS 435 Community and Psychiatric/Mental Health Clinical 5cr NURS 436 Adult Health II 4cr NURS 437 Adult Health Clinical II 5cr NURS 450 A Cognitive Approach to Clinical Problem Solving 3cr (2) NURS 336 Adult Health I AND 4cr NURS 337 Adult Health Clinical I 5cr OR Credits by Exam AND 8cr(3) NURS 493 Internship 1cr NURS 338 Maternal-Child Health AND 4cr NURS 339 Maternal-Child Health Clinical 5cr OR Credits by Exam AND 8cr(3) NURS 493 Internship 1cr Other Requirements: 16 BIOL 105 Cell Biology 3cr BIOL 150 Human Anatomy 3cr BIOL 151 Human Physiology 4cr BIOL 241 General Microbiology 3cr FDNT 212 Nutrition 3cr Free Electives : 4 Total Degree Requirements: 120 (1) The Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing requires 4 units of English, 3 units of social studies, 2 units of math (1 of which is algebra) and 2 units of science in high school for admission to the nursing major. (2) Students who achieve a higher score than a specified minimum on a department- required standardized test(s) are exempt from NURS 450. (3) Students have the option of earning up to 16 credits via examination and NURS 493 (1-2cr) or completing NURS 336, 337, 338 and 339 (18cr). Exam results must be received before students register for any 300 or 400 level nursing courses other than NURS 334. Rationale: Currently, licensed practical nurses enroll in the Bachelor of Science in nursing curriculum. They fulfill all degree requirements set forth by the university and the department following a standard curriculum sequence that does not take into consideration prior nursing education or relevant clinical experience. The proposed track for licensed practical nurses focuses on the elimination of course redundancy and the inclusion of course content that is appropriate for professional practice in a changing health care arena. Opportunity for credit by examination facilitates progression through the program. Licensed practical nursing students will take nursing courses in health assessment, community and psychiatric/mental health, adult health nursing, research utilization, and professional nursing courses. The internship credits will allow students, in collaboration with faculty, to develop learning experiences that enhance achievement of individual career goals and build upon prior learning and work experience. The proposed track will not involve a change in degree title, degree designation or certification. 4. Department of MarketingNew Course APPROVED MKTG 311 Arts Marketing 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisites: Junior Standing; For Non-Business Majors Only An introductory course in modern marketing concepts and applications as they relate to building, maintaining and developing audiences and clients for performing and visual arts organizations, written arts as well as arts market entrepreneurs. Topics include audience/client marketing research and segmentation, public and media-relations strategies, sales and communication functions, pricing issues, Internet based marketing strategies, database-relationship marketing and fund raising. Students who have completed or are required to take MKTG 320 should not register for this course. Rationale: This course has been designed primarily for the proposed minor in Entrepreneur- ship and Small Business Minor for Fine Arts. Other non-business majors with an interest in arts management and non-profit organizations marketing will find this course useful as a free elective. APPENDIX B Graduate Committee Co-Chairs LaPorte and Chambers FOR ACTION: APPROVED Title of the Program: Masters of Education in School Counseling with Secondary Certification Sponsoring Department: Department of Counseling Summary/Rationale: The Secondary School Counseling Program (M.Ed. + Certification) is being proposed to be offered at the Monroeville Graduate and Professional Center. The proposed start date is spring 2005 and we plan to admit between 25-27 graduate students into the 1st Cohort. The Department of Counseling currently offers a Masters in School Counseling with Elementary or Secondary School Certification at the Indiana campus. These campus programs enroll approximately 70 students per year. The Department of Counseling has been offering our Community Counseling Masters of Arts program for 4.5 years at the Ģtv Monroeville Graduate and Professional Center and has been exploring the Pittsburgh market since 1990. We receive more applications than we have seats available for the Community Counseling program, which starts a new cohort each fall semester. During our ongoing recruitment process, we have received numerous inquiries from potential applicants expressing an interest in a school counseling masters program. This interest, and our assessment that there is a strong market for this program in the Pittsburgh area, has encouraged us to propose this program. In addition, the increase in retirements of secondary school counselors presents a need for new graduates throughout Pennsylvania.     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