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REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Presidents Report Good afternoon and welcome back to a new semester. It was my pleasure last week to celebrate a partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protections Bureau of Deep Mine Safety in which Ģtv library personnel will digitize between 200 to 400 large format mine maps. This partnership would not have been possible without the support of Senator Don White, Consol Energy Inc. and Rosebud Mining Company and the hard work of many Ģtv Library personnel, especially Dean Rena Fowler and Phil Zorich, former director of Ģtv Special Collections. Ģtvs work in this project is critical to the development of a comprehensive state-wide mine map database to be launched at the end of 2006 by the Bureau of Deep Mine Safety. This database will have an immediate and long-term impact not only on the safety of Pennsylvanias miners, but on the safety of the many Pennsylvania towns who host coal mines. Ģtv was selected by the DEP to host the $125,000 large format digital camera for this work based on Ģtvs vast resources related to the coal mine industry, the expertise of its librarians, and Ģtvs strong reputation as an academic leader in this field. This project again demonstrates Ģtvs agility and readiness to partner with state agencies, our legislative friends and private industry to serve the citizens of our Commonwealth. I am pleased to announce that after a national search,Dr. Rhonda Luckey has been selected to serve asVice President for Student Affairs, beginning Feb. 1. Dr. Luckey is certainly no stranger to Ģtv, having served in a number of positions in the Student Affairs Division since coming to Ģtv in 1988. She has held the interim vice presidential role since August 2003. Over the last year I have developed a strong positive regard for the dedication and quality of work exhibited by Dr. Luckey, as she truly demonstrates a devotion and commitment to the Universitys goal of maintaining a student-centered learning community for all students. I want to formally welcome Ģtvs new football coach, Mr. Lou Tepper, to Ģtv. Coach Tepper was named to the position in January following an extensive national search. Coach Tepper has an incredible wealth of experience, including coaching at Division I schools and at bowl games, and is greatly respected by his peers for his work. However, more importantly, he has a philosophy that epitomizes our student-centered, scholar-athlete model. He has a great legacy on which to build following the retirement of Coach Frank Cignetti. (Remarks by Coach Tepper) I am very, very pleased to note that our newly renovated Cogswell Hall is open for business. If you havent seen this new facility, I urge you to make time to visit and when you go, prepared to be impressed. I want to thank the music faculty for their patience during the renovation, and also express my appreciation for their input into design for this new facility, which is now acoustically sound and offers rehearsal space to accommodate all of our ensembles and groups. The College of Fine Arts has organized open house events at Cogswell for the Ģtv community on February 3 and March 10 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and February 24 from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m. I encourage you to take time to attend one of these events in order to celebrate this new facility. The Middle States Reaccreditation Self-Study is completed and the next step in the process is evaluation team visit to Ģtv on March 20, 21 and 22. Team members will interview a number of faculty, students and administrators regarding all aspects of the University, and there will be opportunities for everyone in the Ģtv community to be part of the process during public sessions the afternoons of March 20 and 21 in Gorell Recital Hall. I want to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Nick Kolb, who has served as the head of the steering committee, and Dr. Ben Rafoth, the faculty writer for the study, as well as the more than 200 persons who have served on the 20 committees needed to bring this self-study to completion during the past two and a half years. Middle States accreditation is extremely important to Ģtv, and this self-study has gathered important data for the University that I know will be valuable as we look to begin the strategic planning process in the 2006-2007 academic year. I encourage everyone to be involved in the Middle States process and to visit the self-study document, which is posted on the Middle States website at www.iup.edu/middle-states. I hope to make announcements in the next two weeks about the final vice presidential search and I thank all of the university community who served on the search committees and participated in the public forums to meet the candidates. We have three additional administrative position searches in process at this time: the Director for Social Equity and Civic Engagement, the permanent executive assistant to the president position and the executive director of Murtha Institute for Homeland Security. You will receive information about these appointments during the spring semester. Ģtvs National Art Education Association student chapter will be honored at a March convention of the National Art Education Association as the 2006 Most Outstanding Student Chapter. This national award is given annually to a college or university student chapter that exemplifies outstanding achievements through goals and activities. The Ģtv chapter, which includes 20 art education majors, is very involved with its local and regional communities. During the last two academic years, the chapter members painted two murals at Pittsburghs Children Hospital as part of the National Art Education Association Children and Artistic Link through Murals project; painted a mural at the new Childrens Advocacy Center in Indiana County, another Ģtv and community partnership; raised funds through two benefit concert events to purchase arts and crafts supplies for Childrens Hospital; did hands-on arts and crafts workshops with the children at Pittsburgh Hospital; organized and presented Bright Ideas programs about art for elementary children at the Ģtv University Museum; and presented arts and crafts activities for Indiana Countys Childrens Alley at the New Growth Arts Festival. Chapter members also participated in the Universitys Presidential Inaugural events and the Crimson Huddle program designed to increase fan attendance and spirit at football games The Ģtv chapter is a shining example of civic engagement, and I am proud of their commitment to excellence in their discipline and to community service. At this time, I would like to recognize their advisor Rich Ciganko and chapter president, Christina Pierce. The College of Fine Arts can also be proud of its recent success in the Kennedy Center American College Theater Region Two Festival. Ģtv was honored this year by having two productions Minor Demons and Pockets -- selected for the Festival, an unprecedented first for a University in the regional competition. Ģtv first had a production chosen for the festival in 1985, and the Kennedy Center selected Ģtv performances three of the past four years for performance at the event. Region II includes 60 colleges and universities throughout Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware, New Jersey and Washington D.C. In addition to the two performances nominated, 39 students, six faculty and one staff member from Ģtv traveled and competed during the festival, and two students were selected to advance to the national competition planned for April. I would like to recognize Dr. Barbara Blackledge, director of Minor Demons and department chair at this time. (Dr. Blackledge is teaching a class and was not able to join us; however, Mr. Ed Simpson will represent the theater department.) As we talk about firsts, Ģtv can also celebrate a first in terms of a scholarship sweep. Last year, it was a first to have two Ģtv students receive two of four scholarships from the Pennsylvania Black Conference on Higher Education, Inc. a statewide organized designed to ensure that African Americans and other underrepresented group have access to higher education in the Commonwealth. This year, all four of the competitive scholarships were won by Ģtv students. This certainly speaks well to the quality of our students and their ability to compete and win state competitions. Our work to advance the Regional Development Center and Sports Complex project continues. As you know, the long-awaited agreement of sale for the Kovalchick property, the site for the RDC-SC, was completed in December. This facility, a $38 million, 164,000-square-foot facility, will include a technology and training support center and a 4,000- to 6,000-seat convocation center to serve both the University and the community. It also will be home to the John P. Murtha Institute for Homeland Security. We are now in the due diligence stage of the project, and the University has committed itself to proceeding with the final design work as fund raising for the facility continues. Plans are on schedule to break ground for the facility in fall 2007. I am confident that the RDC-SC will be a key economic driver for the region over the next several decades and will have extraordinary significance for this University. Last, but not least, I want to recognize someone who has been a loyal constant at this University and at University Senate. While he has one more University Senate meeting to go (just two days before he transitions to faculty), I want to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the commitment and hard work of Provost Mark J. Staszkiewicz and wish him well as he joins the faculty ranks. We celebrated Marks history of success in his administrative roles here at the University at a reception last Friday morning, but I would ask you to join me in a round of applause today for Mark. Mark, thank you for all you have done for Ģtv. Provosts Report As a follow up to the actions taken by the Senate at its December 6, 2005 meeting, I would like to report the following: All new Liberal Studies courses, the revised Liberal Studies component for the BS Interior Design and the Liberal Studies component for the BA Interdisciplinary Arts/Dance Arts Track, as well as the Honors College courses, are approved and can be implemented immediately. In addition, the catalog description, number and title changes recommended at the December 6 meeting as well as prefix changes for the new Department of Developmental Studies, the new course proposal by the Department of Marketing, and the course revision from the Department of Technology Support and Training, in addition to the Department of Child and Family Studies, have been approved and can be implemented immediately. The following undergraduate program revisions have been approved by the Council of Trustees and can now be implemented: Asian Studies Minor Womens Studies Minor BS Communications Media Child and Family Studies (changed from Child Development/Family Relations) BS Interior Design And finally, on the undergraduate level, the new BA Interdisciplinary Fine Arts/Dance Arts Track has been approved by the Council of Trustees and will be forwarded to the Chancellor for approval. On the graduate level, the re-numbering and revision of courses offered by the Economics Department have been approved and can be implemented immediately. The new program, MS in Health Services Administration, which includes new and revised courses, will be on the agenda of the Council of Trustees for their March meeting. Once approved, it will be forwarded to the Board of Governors through the Chancellors Office for their approval. Im pleased to remind everyone that the first annual Undergraduate Scholars Conference will be held on April 4, 2006 in the HUB. Open to students from all departments, the conference will give an opportunity to present and discuss their original research, scholarly activities or creative works with other students, faculty and staff in a collegial and dynamic setting. Students can present their work in three different formats: an oral paper presentation, a poster presentation, or a performance/exhibit. Upon nomination by faculty-mentor, presenters may be eligible to compete for an outstanding conference presenter award. Students not yet ready to present their work may also benefit by attending the conference sessions. Attendance slips will be given to students who participate by presenting or attending the conference. Student and faculty-mentors can visit ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/undergradconf" www.iup.edu/undergradconf) for more details. For questions or comments, please contact Conference Co-Chairs--Dr. Ramesh Soni ( HYPERLINK "mailto:rgsoni@iup.edu" rgsoni@iup.edu), Dr. Kelli Jo Kerry Moran ( HYPERLINK "mailto:kjk@iup.edu" kjk@iup.edu) and Dr. Steve Hovan ( HYPERLINK "mailto:hovan@iup.edu" hovan@iup.edu). Chairpersons Report I just have a few remarks for today: First: Welcome Coach Tepper, thank you for your remarks today. Second: Dr. Lucky, congratulations. Third: Thank you Dr. Atwater for those kind words about the provost. Mark, I have enjoyed our association beyond what words can say. Fourth: Lyndas email account really went haywire in December. If there is anyone in senate who was put down as absent who should be noted as excused, please let her know. Shes really had it rough over the past few weeks regarding this, so please, if there are any email issues with Lynda, please work with us and assist as we can. Finally, I just want to comment on an issue, not really related to senate, but it still scares me as an educator. I asked Dr. Condino prior to this meeting if he wouldnt mind me speaking on the subject and he gave me the o.k., but Im going to tread carefully. If you didnt hear, Slippery Rock just this week has dropped eight sports teams. Now, you might say as an aquatics person that Im slightly biased, considering the fact that four of the eight are mens and womens swimming and water polo. But the bigger issue is that they had to do it. We have moments in our life where there is a flash, and to me, this is one of them. As I said, this scares me, it really scares me. Any questions? Nikki, all yours. Vice-Chairpersons Report Hello! I would encourage you all to suggest to your students that they submit their works to The Inkwell (the social sciences journal) as well as the Undergraduate Research Symposium. Upcoming this semester, SGA plans to host a renters rights forum, Speak Up Ģtv featuring Dr. Atwater and Dr. Luckey, as well as continued efforts for advocacy beginning after the Governor announces his budget on February 8th. Also, we hope to push through the Student Bill of Rights to Senate by the end of the semester. Thank you. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Rules Committee (Senator Soni) Dr. Soni reported on questions of procedure regarding the parlimentarians ability to get involved in discussions on the Senate floor. The parliamentarian may get involved in discussion but will step aside in his/her role as parliamentarian if there is any conflict of interest. The Rules committee is preparing for elections. An email went out today with a copy of the Senate roster. Senators are asked to verify the accuracy of this roster. The roster should be clean as of 2/9. The next meeting of the Rules Committee will be 2/9 at 3:15. University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Senator Sechrist) FOR INFORMATION: 1. Liberal Studies Committee Report: Approval for students enrolled in SCI 281 Special Topics: Introduction to Forensic Science to count as a non-lab science for spring 06 and summer 06 only. 2. Liberal Studies Revision Steering Committee Update: Your input on this revised draft of University Student Learning Outcomes (characteristics of the graduating senior at Ģtv) is encouraged and welcomed. Please send comments to liberal-studies@iup.edu. A reminder that the set of learning outcomes we eventually adopt should not be exhaustive and therefore, the behaviors are written with some generality. As we begin to design coursework that will foster student achievement of the overarching outcomes, the learning objectives associated with individual courses will focus on the specific cognitive, affective, and/or psychomotor skills that the course offers. Ģtv DRAFT University-wide Student Learning Outcomes 1/17/06 revision in response to input advanced to LSRSC Informed Learners are knowledgeable about the natural and social worlds and about forms of inquiry basic to these studies. They are informed by both knowledge and ways of knowing with a deeper understanding that extends beyond core concepts and enables them to link theory and practice. Informed Learners are able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: the interrelationships within and across disciplines the human imagination, expression, and the products of many cultures the interrelationships within and across cultures and global communities the means of modeling the natural, social, aesthetic, and technical worlds the historical, philosophical, and ideological foundations of U.S. democracy Empowered Learners are critical thinkers who demonstrate intellectual agility and ability to manage change. They are able to derive meaning from experience and information from observation. They communicate well in diverse settings and employ various strategies to solve problems. They are empowered through mastery of intellectual and practical skills. Empowered Learners demonstrate: effective oral, written and visual communication skills problem solving skills using a variety of methods and tools information literacy skills including the capacity to access, evaluate, interpret and use information from a variety of sources the ability to transform information into knowledge, and knowledge into judgment and action the ability to work within complex systems and with diverse groups critical thinking skills including application, analysis and evaluation reflective thinking and synthesis of information and ideas Responsible Learners are engaged citizens of a diverse democratic society who have a deep sense of social responsibility and ethical judgment. They are responsible for their personal actions and civic values. Responsible Learners demonstrate: intellectual honesty concern for social justice civic engagement an understanding of the ethical consequences of decisions and actions on themselves, on society and on the physical world an understanding of themselves and respect for the complex identities of others, their histories, and their cultures 3. Department of ArtCourse Title and Catalog Description Changes a) Current Catalog Description: ART 216 Basic Metals 0c-6l-3cr An introduction to metal work with an emphasis upon creation of functional and nonfunctional art objects. Approached from the viewpoint of beginner learning basic processes of metal fabrication. Proposed Catalog Description: ART 216 Jewelry and Metals 0c-6l-3cr Prerequisite: ART 113 or permission of the instructor Introduction to jewelry and metals with an emphasis upon the design and creation of functional and non-functional art objects. Basic processes of metal fabrication will be the focus. Rationale: The change in the title will be more specific to include jewelry, holloware and tabletop objects. As it is, some students think the course deals with sculpture or blacksmithing. The prerequisite, ART 113 Three-Dimensional Design, is part of our core courses and must be taken before entering the 200 level studio courses. In recent semesters, we have found that students who have not had three-dimensional design do not have the understanding necessary to do the work required. b) Current Catalog Description: ART 400 Senior Thesis and Professional Practicum 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisites: B.F.A.-Studio majors only, senior status Development of a senior thesis exhibition project and investigation of professional practices for the visual artist. Major issues include the development of a thesis exhibition, resume development, an artists professional image, portfolio development, marketing skills, career opportunities, and grant writing. Proposed Catalog Description: ART 400 Professional Practices 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisites: B.F.A. or B.A. studio majors only, senior status Professional practices for the visual artist. Major issues may include the development of a thesis exhibition, resume development, an artists professional image, portfolio development, marketing skills, career opportunities, and grant writing. Rationale: This course is required for the BFA, but is also recommended for BA studio majors. The change will allow flexibility in the course content depending on the number of BFA/BA students enrolled. The term will include was changed to may include because BFA majors are required to develop a thesis exhibition while BA majors are not and therefore will be required to do additional work with the grant writing portion of the course. c) Current Catalog Description: ART 460 Advanced Metals 0c-6l-3cr Prerequisite: ART 216 or permission Design and processes associated with art of metal are given greater concentration. The developing artist is encouraged to investigate, in depth, one or more of the metal arts as an extension of the basic course. Proposed Catalog Description: ART 460 Advanced Jewelry and Metals 0c-6l-3cr Prerequisite: ART 216 or permission Technical expertise will be further developed to challenge each individual to understand the relationship of concept to the completed object whether it is jewelry, holloware or a non-functional object. Various techniques will be investigated in pursuit of a personal expression and aesthetic. May be repeated for credit. Rationale: The change in the title will be more specific to include jewelry, holloware and tabletop objects. As it is, some students think the course deals with sculpture or blacksmithing. The prerequisite, ART 216 Basic Metals, was in the old description. Techniques introduced in the beginning class are built upon in subsequent courses in the Jewelry & Metals program. Students must be able to solder and fabricate non-ferrous metals before coming into the Advanced Jewelry & Metals. Permission of the instructor was added for those students who may have transferred into the program with the necessary technical skills. A question was raised on the Senate floor regarding the Record Amnesty program. The parliamentarian stated that changes must be presented to Senate. This issue was referred to the Rules Committee. University-Wide Graduate Committee (Senators LaPorte and Williamson) No report University Development and Finance Committee (Senator Domaracki) FOR INFORMATION Parking Committee Report: No Report Budget Report: No Report Old Business: Information was presented regarding various capital budget and infrastructure projects that include: Fisher-Waller/2nd Phase Chiller Plant The DGS approved the preliminary plans for the project on November 2nd. Work on final construction documents is moving forward. Regional Development Center The agreement on the sale of the land has been signed. There will be a 240 day waiting period for closure of the deal during which design activities will continue Cogswell Hall - This project will have final inspection the week of December 20th. Clean up on the 1st and 2nd floors as well as furniture delivery will continue throughout December. Pianos will be moved into the building the third week of December. Faculty are scheduled to move in in early January. Wilson Hall The delegation agreement between DGS and Ģtv has been finalized. The design phase of the project will now move ahead and take approximate 10-12 months with construction scheduled to begin sometime during the 07 calendar year. Armstrong Campus/Wyant-Doerr Hall This project was completed on time and within budget. Capital Budget Plan - During the calendar year 2005, the Pennsylvania State System, provided additional information necessary to implement Board of Governors (BOG) Policy 2000-02, Capital Facilities Planning, Programming and Funding in the Facilities Manual, Volume IV, Capital Appropriations Approval Process. Under the new process, projects are prioritized by attempting (1) to evaluate the relative rate of return on investment for each project, and (2) to provide equitable distribution of capital funding across PASSHE. The requirements include a section that mandates the development of a rolling five-year spending plan. As a result of the new guidelines, the capital budget process of projecting new projects has been altered. Each university must submit its five-year spending plan for projects that have not yet been released for execution by the BOG as well as any new projects desired for inclusion in the five-year plan that my require initial legislative authorization. Also each university, after appropriate local approvals, must submit the prioritized project justifications to the Office of the Chancellor by April 1 of each year. The BOG approved the PASSHE Capital Spending Plan on October 27, 2005 for FY 2005-2006. At that time the BOG reaffirmed that, The Governors Budget Office indicates that they intend to continue to fund approximately $65 million per year for PASSHE capital construction projects. The current list of authorized Ģtv projects is as follows: Attachment #1Pennsylvania State System of Higher EducationĢtvAuthorized Capital Budget ProjectsJanuary 3, 2006The following Capital Projects have been authorized by legislation:ProjectProject #TypeActAuth AmtDesign & Contin. AllocConstr AllocAddition/Renovation Cogswell Hall407-67Capital47/97 126/02$8,888,000$1,481,000$7,407,000Const/Replace Wyant/Doerr Armstrong407-69Capital35/99 131/02$5,750,000$958,000$4,792,000Const/Replace Old Main Punxsutawney407-70Capital35/99 131/02$5,750,000$958,000$4,792,000*Original Furn & Equip. Armstrong407-69Capital131/02$575,000 CONST. 150,000 S.F. CONVOCATION CENTER407-66Capital LEG35/99 131/02$38,271,000$3,000,000$31,892,500Addition/Renovation Fisher Auditorium407-68Capital27/00$9,354,000$1,559,000$7,795,000Renovate Wilson Hall407-72Capital27/00$2,749,000$458,000$2,291,000Addn/Renovate Ackerman HallCapital27/00$5,526,000$921,000$4,605,000Renovation of Steam TunnelsCapital27/00$1,590,000$265,000$1,325,000Steam Distribution/Tunnel System RenovCapital40/04$1,800,000Upgrade of Electrical Distribution SystemCapital27/00$1,921,000$320,000$1,601,000Electrical Distribution System UpgradeCapital40/04$2,100,000Renovation of Boiler PlantCapital27/00$3,288,000$548,000$2,740,000Boiler Plant RenovationCapital40/04$3,600,000Addition Stapleton LibraryCapital131/02$9,100,000Addition/Renovate Sprowls HallCapital131/02$21,655,000Renovate Davis HallCapital131/02$13,074,000Renovate Keith Hall 407-71Capital131/02$10,729,000Renovate Leonard HallCapital131/02$8,336,000Renovate Memorial Field HouseCapital131/02$16,040,000Renovate Pratt HallCapital131/02$5,738,000Renovate Stabley LibraryCapital131/02$8,291,000Renovate Sutton Hall, Phase IICapital131/02$23,280,000Renovate Walsh HallCapital131/02$3,344,000Renovate Weyandt HallCapital131/02$30,659,000KEYProjects Underway:Projects in Design but on Hold:Projects Pending Funds Release:Projects Authorized but Not Funded:Legislative Insert:LEGNOTE: Original Furniture and Equipment (OF&E) :OF&E can be considered; however to maximize the leverage of capital funds, OF&E will only be funded if the University has funded the majority of the project in excess of the OF&E funding needed. No Ģtv projects qualify for OF&E funds.Prepared by Engineering and Construction GroupJanuary 2, 2006 FOR ACTION The committee moves the approval of the following Five-Year Capital Spending Plan for FY 2006-2007. APPROVED Ģtv PROPOSED CAPITAL SPENDING PLAN - FY 2006-2007 - December 13, 2005Execution YearCommonwealthTotal Available  Gross  Cost/ Available& Authorized Capital University Available Construction  Square  Sq. Ft. Design/Project #Univ.Project Title Amount Funding Funding Funds Funds  Footage Admin Funds $ $ $ $ $  $ $2006407-66IndianaRegional Development Center (Construction)38,271,00017,000,00020,000,00038,271,00031,892,500165,0002326,378,500sub-total38,271,00017,000,00020,000,00038,271,00031,892,5002007Indiananone0sub-total02008407-71IndianaRenovation of Keith Hall10,729,0007,057,0007,057,0005,645,60058,3391211,411,400sub-total10,729,0007,057,0007,057,0005,645,6001,411,4002009not yet setIndianaRenovation of Leonard Hall8,336,0008,336,0008,336,0006,668,80048,3151731,667,200sub-total8,336,0008,336,0008,336,0006,668,8001,667,2002010not yet setIndianaRenovation of Stabley Library8,291,0008,291,0008,291,0006,632,80055,6801491,658,200sub-total8,291,0008,291,0008,291,0006,632,8001,658,200Of the $65 million annual allocation given to the System, Ģtv's estimated annual share is approximately $4,643,000  Student Affairs Committee (Senator Hall) Next meeting will be Tuesday the 7th at 3:30 in the HUB. Academic Committee (Senator Andrews) Next meeting will be on 2/8. Awards Committee (Senator Rieg) Materials for awards due next Thursday in the library. Library and Educational Committee (Senator Jozefowicz) Library and Educational Services Committee (LESC) Report January 20, 2006 FOR INFORMATION: 1. Announcement: In March 2005, the LESC had input into language for a new communication policy regarding email. In April 2005, the policy was brought before the Senate and approved. Administrative action has been taken to implement this policy, and it now can be referenced on the Academic Technology Services website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/ats/policies/" http://www.iup.edu/ats/policies/ The policy reads in part: Ģtv provides e-mail services to all students and employees as an official method of communication. Students and employees (except those employees who do not normally have access to e-mail) have a responsibility to read their Ģtv e-mail accounts and, if responding to or sending e-mail about Ģtv business, use their Ģtv e-mail accounts to do so. The policy can be viewed entirely at  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/techzone/email/iupuseofemailpolicy.pdf" \t "_blank" http://www.iup.edu/techzone/email/iupuseofemailpolicy.pdf Faculty may desire to include and/or reference the policy in future syllabi. 2. The LESC reviewed the Final Recommendations of the Information Resources Task Force (IRTF). These recommendations were included in the Final Report of the IRTF to Provost Mark Staszkiewicz in November 2005. LESC members approved a motion to accept the methods report and primary recommendations as stated and encourages implementation over time. 3. Richard Lamberski, LESC Liaison to the Technology Utilities Council (TUC), reported that TUC members have approved a recommendation to disallow email forwarding after student and faculty email storage is expanded. TUC recommendation: Ģtv prohibit email forwarding in concert with the roll of the expanded email storage forthcoming for the 2006-07 academic year. Stanford Mukasa, LESC Liaison to the Academic Computing Policy Advisory Committee (ACPAC), reported the same recommendation had been approved by ACPAC members. Reasons discussed for eliminating email forwarding: Recognizable First/last name aliases are now in place for individual email addresses. Such an action is a safeguard against the threat of viruses and spyware. Additional servers are being purchased so that student and faculty email storage space will be increased by Fall 2006. Email forwarding can trigger spam blocks against Ģtv. LESC approved a motion to accept the TUC and ACPAC recommendations to disallow email forwarding, along withtheir recommendations to expand student email storage. 4. The LESC reviewed and approved a motion to accept the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy: POLICY STATEMENT (Accepted by LESC)  Subject: Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy  Date: January 2006 Distribution Code: A Reference Number:  Addition __X__ Originating Office: TUC Presidents Approval Deletion ____ Technology Utilities Council New Item ____ Vice Provost for Admin & Tech  1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to establish parameters of acceptability for use of University Information Technology Resources. 2. SCOPE:This policy applies to all users of University Information Technology Resources. 3. OBJECTIVE:Ģtv Information Technology Resources are provided to support the instructional, research and administrative activities of the institution. The objective of this policy is to establish the expectation for responsible, considerate, and ethical behavior related to the use of Information Technology Resources. 4. POLICY:Users of Information Technology Resources are expected to conduct their activities within the policies of Ģtv, the State System of Higher Education, the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and federal statutes. Use of these resources is a privilege granted by the University. The University reserves the right to limit or restrict access to these Information Technology Resources. Misuse and/or abuse of university Information Technology Resources is forbidden. Examples are outlined in the Information Technology Resources Acceptable Use Guidelines (attached). Acceptable Use of university Information Technology Resources is professional, responsible, ethical, considerate, reflects academic honesty, and shows restraint in the consumption of shared resources. Acceptable Use demonstrates respect for intellectual property, ownership of data, system security mechanisms, and individual rights to privacy, and supports an environment that is free of intimidation and harassment. 5. DEFINITIONS:User is defined as any individual who uses, logs into, or attempts to use or log into, a system; or who connects to, or attempts to connect to or traverse, a network, whether by hardware or software or both, whether on campus or from remote locations. The term "user" thus includes but is not limited to Ģtv faculty, staff, students, and affiliates. Personal equipment physically connected to the University network is also subject to this policy. Information Technology Resources includes university computing accounts (such as e-mail, network, URSA/Banner, WebCT, etc.),microcomputers and workstations, departmental computing facilities, general-use computers, campus network resources, virtual private network (VPN), video conferencing, fax, telephone, cable TV, other emerging technologies of a similar nature, and networks throughout the world to which the University provides computer access. 6. RESPONSIBILITIES:Users of Information Technology Resources are expected to conduct their activities consistent with this policy. Use of Ģtv Information Technology Resources implies acceptance of this policy. It is the responsibility of all users of University Information Technology Resources to adhere to this policy and the associated Information Technology Resources Acceptable Use Guidelines. It is the responsibility of the University to take appropriate action when violations of this policy are reported. 7. PROCEDURES:Use of Ģtv Information Technology Resources implies acceptance of this policy and recognition of the examples outlined in the Information Resources Acceptable Use Guidelines. Violations of this policy will be reported to the Vice Provost for Administration and Technology. Violations of the policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including separation from employment or expulsion from school in accordance with the student handbook, applicable collective bargaining agreement, and/or University and State System personnel policies. A violation of this agreement may result in criminal action if it is determined that any local, state, or federal law has been violated. 8. RECISION:None 9. PUBLICATIONS STATEMENT:This policy should be published in the following publications: Undergraduate Catalog, Graduate Catalog, Student Handbook, Administrative Manual10. DISTRIBUTION:Distribution Code Description A All Employees  Information Technology Resources Acceptable Use Guidelines (Accepted by LESC) Introduction Users of Information Technology Resources are expected to conduct their activities within the policies of Ģtv, the State System of Higher Education, the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and federal statutes. Use of these resources is a privilege granted by the University. The University reserves the right to limit or restrict access to these Information Technology Resources. Misuse and/or abuse of university Information Technology Resources is forbidden. Acceptable Use of university Information Technology Resources is professional, responsible, ethical, considerate, reflects academic honesty, and shows restraint in the consumption of shared resources. Acceptable Use demonstrates respect for intellectual property, ownership of data, system security mechanisms, and individual rights to privacy, and supports an environment that is free of intimidation and harassment. These guidelines provide examples of unacceptable and acceptable uses as prescribed by the Ģtv Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources policy. These guidelines do not provide an exhaustive list of activities but are intended to outline activities which are acceptable and unacceptable. Questions regarding whether an activity is acceptable should be directed to the Vice Provost for Administration and Technology. Guidelines Unacceptable Uses: Using or attempting to use computing accounts or other information resources for which you are not authorized. Providing false or misleading information to obtain a computing account or access to other information resources. Attempting to obtain information resource access codes (usernames, passwords, PINs, etc.) for another user's computing accounts. Sharing information resource access codes (usernames, passwords, pins, etc.) with unauthorized individuals. Attempting to disguise the identity of a computing account or other information resource. Using or attempting to use university network resources to gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to remote computers including but not limited to port scanning. Unacceptable Uses (continued) Performing acts that impede the normal operation of information resources. Any act which may adversely impact the operation of computers, terminals, peripherals, or networks is prohibited. Such acts include, but are not limited to tampering with components of a data or voice network, monopolizing information resources, or interfering with the operational readiness of an information resource. Running or installing on any university computer system, or giving to another, a program which could result in the eventual damage to a file, computer system, or information network, and/or the reproduction of itself. This is directed towards, but not limited to, the classes of programs known as computer viruses, Trojan horses, and worms. Attempting to circumvent data protection schemes or uncover security loopholes. Violating the terms of intellectual property rights, in particular, software license agreements and copyright laws. This includes using or installing (or attempting to use or install) software that is not properly licensed. Stealing, damaging, destroying, or attempting to steal, damage, or destroy computing facilities, programs, data or any information resource. Using information resources for any activity that is unlawful, contrary to university policy, or not in the best interest of the university. Using or attempting to use information resources in the harassment of others by, without limitation, sending annoying, threatening, libelous, obscene, or sexually, racially, or religiously offensive messages or materials. This includes, without limitation, all materials deemed offensive by or otherwise violative of University policies and procedures. Using information resources to monitor another user's data communications, or to read, copy, change, or delete another user's files or software, without permission of the owner. Acceptable Uses: Using information resources for only authorized purposes. Protecting your computing account information from unauthorized use. Using strong passwords and changing your password on a regular basis. Exercising careful judgment with the information resources that you access (e-mail attachments, programs, web sites, etc.) Maintaining the security of hardware and software (security patches, virus updates, backups, etc.) Adhering to software licensing agreements and copyright laws. Following university policies and procedures (Sexual Harassment, Student Conduct Code, etc.) Incidental Personal Use: Consistent with the Office of the Chancellor Policy for the Personal Use of Information Technology Services, July 1997, the following applies to incidental personal use of information resources: Consideration regarding the use of information technology for personal reasons is akin to the use of other office equipment and supplies in a public environment, which is primarily based on the cost to the public. The personal use of information resources by employees is predicated on the understanding that there is no right to privacy nor can privacy be assured. Allowances for the personal use of information resources are subject to the following limitations: It does not result in any direct cost to the university. It is consistent with university policies. It is not expected to interfere in any way with job performance as interpreted by the supervisor. It cannot be used for illegal activities, including the violation of copyright or licensing agreements. It cannot be used for personal financial gain. It cannot be used in any way which may imply University support, endorsement, involvement or identification with partisan political activity or a particular political issue or viewpoint, as determined by the University in its sole discretion. It cannot impact network storage capacity or performance. Noncredit Committee (Senator ONeil) Next meeting 2/21 in Keith 100 at 3:30 Research Committee (Senator Guth) The USRC met on December 13, 2005. The committee awarded $11,662 in USRC grants to the following individuals: Dr. Lynn Botelho was awarded $1,500 for her project, The Body, Popular Medicine, and the Elderly: England, 1500-1700. Dr. Beverly Chiarulli was awarded $500 to present her paper at the World Archaeological Inter-Congress in Osaka, Japan. Dr. Yong Colen was awarded $500 to conduct a presentation A Mathematics Lesson for Mathematically Gifted Elementary Students in School 30 in St. Petersburg, Russia, at the 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Statistics. Dr. Rajendar Garg was awarded $1,500 to present his paper Determinants of Consumers Ethical Behaviors: A Cross-Cultural Analysis at the Seventh International Conference in New Delhi, India. Dr. Susan Glor-Scheib was awarded $730 to co-present her paper Classroom Academic and Behavioral Data-Based Decision Making for Teacher Candidates, at the European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Thematic interest Group Conference in Leiden, Netherlands. Dr. Becky Knickelbein was awarded $770 to co-present her paper Classroom Academic and Behavioral Data-Based Decision Making for Teacher Candidates, at the European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Thematic interest Group Conference in Leiden, Netherlands. Dr. Steven Hovan was awarded $950 for his project, Shipboard Educational/Research Opportunity for Undergraduate Geoscience Students Equatorial Flowlines Cruise aboard R/V Revelle. Dr. Vida Irani was awarded $1,500 for her project, Comparative Analyses of the Murine Host Immune Response Induced by Mycobacterium avium Serovar-Specific Glycopeptidolipids. Dr. Jonathan Lewis was awarded $1,347 for his project, Modeling Seismogenic Strain at the Costa Rica Convergent Plate Boundary II. Dr. Mary MacLeod was awarded $365 to present her paper Kants Theory of Synthesis and the Problem of Universals, at the One Hundred and Second Annual Meeting of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association in New York, New York. Drs. William McPherson, Wayne Moore, and Linda Szul were awarded $1,500 for their project Cross-Cultural Adaptability Inventory and Personality Types: A Longitudinal Study of Graduate Students. Dr. Gurmal Rattan was awarded $500 to conduct a presentation Psychopharmacology and the Learner at the Eastern Educational Research Association at Hilton Head, South Carolina. The next USRC meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 14, 2005 at 3:15 p.m. in 317 Clark Hall Conference Room. In addition, the Research Institute (RI) Advisory Board met on December 7, 2005. A timeline for policy review/development was established, and the progress on the computerized accounting and grant tracking systems was discussed. The following RI Advisory Board Mission statement was approved: By promoting integrity, equity, and transparency in the management of research endeavors, the Ģtv Research Institute Advisory Board serves as the primary advocate for the stakeholders of Ģtvs research enterprise. The Advisory Board advises the Research Institute (RI) as it implements its mission by providing non-binding recommendations to the RI Board of Directors, Executive Director, staff, and Ģtv. The Advisory Board represents the interests of external funding recipients by recommending RI administrative policies and procedures which foster clear communication and close collaboration with the RI Board and its staff and Ģtvs administration and its research stakeholders. SENATE REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS Middle States Steering Committee (Senator Federoff) Dr. Atwater provided the details of the status of Middle states in his report today. University Planning Council (Senator Federoff) At the November meeting of the UPC, Dr. Atwater announced his intention that there would be a Strategic Planning Procedure developed and that there would be a role for the UPC in that procedure. When Dr. Samuels comes on board in March, she will be critical to the planning of future UPC meetings. I look forward to future activity with this committee and to being able to keep the Senate up to date on new developments in this area. Presidential Athletic Advisory Committee (Senator Domaracki) At the most recent committee meeting, Dr. Atwater formed two subcommittees, one that will address the academics of athletes and the other to address fundraisers. Academic Computing Policy Advisory Committee (Senator Mukasa) Website  HYPERLINK "http://atssrv1.ats.iup.edu/acpac/student-committee-dec05.doc" http://atssrv1.ats.iup.edu/acpac/student-committee-dec05.doc was accessed. The recommendation has been made and accepted to begin encourage students to use their Ģtv email accounts due to the coming desist of forwarding email off campus, which will be implemented in the Fall 06. NEW BUSINESS none ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:37 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Lynda Federoff, Secretary     Senate Minutes January 31, 2006 page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 24 %&'(2789:;Xhj  y q  ^zzrggc\ hih+h~dh~d5>*CJaJhDCJaJhM.CJaJ hM.hM.h~d5CJaJh<CJaJh*&CJaJh~dCJaJ h<CJh~dCJ\aJ h~dCJ\ h~dCJ h<5CJ h~d5CJjh~dCJUmHnHu!jh~d5CJUmHnHuh~d5:CJaJ$%(9:;  z { r s h^hgd~dgdah^hgdM.gdM.gd~dgd~d $h^ha$gd~d$a$gd~dE  P J ^7 ?$E%)''()+-.h/11gd+ $d[$a$gd+ & Fgd~dgd~d^ 7 D%E%))1112:<;<i<j<<<<<====<===]=^=i=j==========C(C)CDD0E1E۹ۭۭۭۭۭۭۭۭ۠hzhh&H*hh&hVU h^zh+ h+0Jjh+Uh<h~dhih+56>*$hih+0JCJOJQJ^JaJh+ h+56hih+56 hih+hih+PJ7112y2z233556555555<6O6P6777788=== & FgdVU & Fgd+gd+gd< & Fgd~d====3>4>Z>[>>>5@6@BB CC(C)CCC$E%E0E1ELEgd~dgdh&gd< & Fgd~dgdVU1ELEME\EkElEGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHRKSKvK{KKKKKLNNN PPFRȿѱȣ~~~vkcvcvh h*&>*h%h*&CJaJhch*&5hFh*&5h*&hIh*&5hIh*&5CJaJ h*&5hBh*&5>***&<5CJ\aJh<CJ\aJh*&CJ\aJh*&h*&5CJ\aJh*&h~d5CJ\aJh*&5CJaJh~d5CJaJ&LEMElEmEFFQGRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHRKSKh^hgd*&  gd*& gd*&gd*& gd< gd*& 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