ࡱ> q` 9bjbjqPqP .::N,ttt8  ,ЈjGGGLNNNNNN$hr@Gr~~~L~L~~d|Ĉ lvt>p0`$G~lGGGrr ^GGG,,,$P$,,,P,,, Minutes of the Ģtv University Senate  September 6, 2005 Chairperson Smith called the September 6, 2005, meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:25 p.m., in the Beard Auditorium of Stouffer Hall. The following Senators informed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend: Baker, Hull, Kelly, Mannard, Settlemeyer The following Senators were absent from the meeting: Anderson, Andrew, Anthony, Appolonia, Arnett, Ashamalla, Ault, Baker, Beck, Black, Brown, Bryzychi, Camp, Clewell, Condino, Ferguson, Gazza, Hughes, Hull, Jones F, Jones A, Kelly, Mannard, Marshall, Meloy, Montgomery, Neusius, Numan, Pike, Princess, Rafoth, Rosenberger, Rubenstein, Scott, Settlemyer, Talwar, Thibadeau, Villalobos-Echeverria, Weiner, Windstead, Wiloski, Yirenky, Yost, Zhou, Zuraikat The minutes of the April 26, 2005 meeting were APPROVED. Agenda items for the September 6, 2005, meeting were APPROVED as amended to allow an election for Vice-Chairperson and allow for a previously-agreed-upon order of committee reports. REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Presidents Report (Senator Atwater): I am pleased to be before you as we launch the new academic year. I believe this is a year full of promise and opportunity. I want to take the time to welcome those faculty new to the university this year. We have 35 new faculty colleagues joining us this year. All of these new tenure-track faculty are well credentialed, with terminal degrees in their fields or on track to complete their terminal degrees very soon. I am very impressed with the gender diversity of our new faculty in particular, many of our new faculty in the sciences are women as well as the range of experiences they bring to this campus for our students. (NOTE BACKGROUND INFO AND NOT FOR SPEECH: diversity figures as follows: 13 women; 5 Asian, 1 Hispanic) The Middle States Self-Study process is on schedule, and commend Dr. Nicholas Kolb for his leadership on the project, and Dr. Ben Rafoth, the faculty writer for the report. However, this has been a team effort, with more than 200 people involved in one way or another. A draft of the report, comprised of a narrative and the executive summaries of the subcommittees, will be posted on the Middle States webpage during the week of September 19 in preparation for open forums on September 26, 28 and 29 when the Steering Committee will be seeking comments and suggestions from the entire Ģtv community. On Oct. 11, Dr. Donald Langenberg, chair of the re-accreditation team, will visit Ģtv. He is Chancellor Emeritus of the University System of Maryland, who brings a wealth of experience to the task, having conducted several accreditation reviews and serving as President of the University of Illinois at Chicago. The purpose of his visit is to help Ģtv prepare for the re-accreditation team visit to campus in March. As we talk about Middle States and university reaccredidation, I want to offer my congratulations to the doctoral program in school psychology, which has been reaccredited by the National Association of School Psychology. This program successfully attracts students from all over the country. The program also recently received approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Education to provide training toward the Supervisor of Pupil Services certification. Students seeking certification as Supervisor of Pupil Services will become qualified in coordinating district-wide testing and overseeing the work of school psychologists, guidance counselors, social workers, and nurses. I want to extend my personal invitation to you all to participate in the upcoming Inaugural Celebration. The Inaugural Committee, coordinated by Michael Hood and Donna Griffith, has been working hard to coordinate events into a community celebration, one that honors both the university and community. The Inaugural Ceremony is Oct. 6 at 1 p.m. in Fisher, and on Oct. 7, the Oak Grove will be the site for a celebration picnic starting at 6 with a Magnificent Collage Concert in Fisher starting at 8 p.m. There are many exciting programs that are part of this inaugural celebration, from a western film festival to a symposium on media to an exciting University Museum show on eastern religions in western Pennsylvania. I am very, very impressed with the innovation and commitment of those faculty members who have been working hard to organize these special events, not just for the university, but for the entire community. The extra hours they have spent to prepare these programs truly demonstrates the universitys commitment to academic excellence and scholarship. This summer has been an important one for our regional campuses. Note that I use this term regional campuses, not branch campuses. That terminology is dead the campuses at Northpointe and at Punxsutawney are not just branches, not just appendages they are vibrant, exciting places meeting very unique and much needed missions and goals for Ģtv and for the region we all serve. Ģtv is very pleased to have dedicated Ģtv-Northpointe in honor of Congressman John P. Murtha as the John P. Murtha Center for Education and Work Force Development. This campus, in particular, is exciting because it is designed to meet the needs of the entire region with innovative programs for workforce development, including electro-optics; non-traditional degree programming, traditional and adult undergraduate and graduate instruction, and in demand workforce education services. At Ģtv Punxsutawney, we celebrated the universitys first public-private partnership when we cut the ribbon for the $9 million Living Center at the Punxsutawney Campus, owned by University Acquisitions Inc. This 194-bed facility will focus not just on state-of-the-art living facilities, but on the living-learning philosophy of this campus. Faculty Associates will be in place to mentor and advise all the students. The Living Center is phase one of the two-phase Living-Learning project, as we broke ground that same day for the $8.8 million academic building and commons. This facility will offer a new computer lab, science labs, classrooms, library, faculty and administrative offices and physical plant and maintenance offices and functions. The commons area will include dining facilities, book store, game room and fitness facility. The Learning Center and Commons will be ready for students in fall 2006. I am pleased to let you know that Ģtv is included, for the fifth consecutive year, in the annual Princeton Review's Best Colleges guidebook. This guidebook includes Ģtv as one of the nations top 361 colleges and universities, calling Ģtv as a place that offers plenty of challenges to those willing to step up to the plate. The Princeton Review authors call Ģtv impressive in many ways and should command more attention than it does, and recognizes the faculty at Ģtv as easily accessible and encouraging. I value the opportunity to be your president, and as president, gladly take the responsibility of working with you all to lead this institution to greater prominence and presence in western Pennsylvania and beyond. Provosts Report (Senator Staszkiewicz): I am pleased to add my welcome to the new and to the returning Senators for what, I believe, will be an exciting and action-packed semester. We speak often about the importance of the relationship between teaching and scholarship and we proudly, and justifiably, speak of the teacher-scholar model at Ģtv. It is important to remember that teaching and scholarship are two legs of a three-legged stool with service being that third leg. Ģtv could not function without the faculty, staff, and students who provide this valuable service. Indeed, the entire basis for shared governance relies on this service leg. The University Senate is the primary body that brings together representatives for each of the major segments of the University. While the role of the Senate is advisory, the work of the Senate is absolutely critical. With regard to activities since the last meeting of the Senate, I want to confirm that all new courses and course revisions have been approved and that appropriate follow-up activities for other curriculum actions have been initiated. When I said that this would be an exciting and action-packed semester, I was not exaggerating. Well, at least about the action part. The level of excitement may be more a matter of perception and what else you might put into the category of exciting!. While major accreditations like Middle States and NCATE are enough to keep us all busy, we will also continue with our efforts to revise the Liberal Studies curriculum. We will work to implement the Presidents vision for Ģtv to engage in a university-wide dialogue on civic engagement and to answer his request that we create a university-wide opportunity to focus on student scholarship both research and creative expression will be highlighted. Mary Sadler is leading the Liberal Studies review, Veronica Watson is taking the lead in creating the university-wide dialogue on civic engagement, and Ramesh Soni will be taking the lead in creating the student scholarship and research forum. Throughout the fall semester I will keep you informed and, Im sure, be calling on many of you for your continued contributions in service of our primary mission creating the best possible opportunity for our students. I look forward to working with each of you. Chairpersons Report (Senator Smith): I just have a few announcements from my desk: 1. Role of the Senate For new senators, a long time senator who retired in December, 2001, Dr. Diane Duntley suggested that I take a moment to clarify role of representatives; I share her words at each September meeting: Departmental senators: you have a special responsibility as a liaison for your department, scanning for potential issues and items of concern. You are not tied to "voting for department" -- vote is independent -- but role of liaison is critical. At-Large Senators: you need to think especially of the Senate as a whole and the University as an institution. You are not another vote "for the department". Student Senators: you need to think for a broad range of student constituencies. Their votes are "real" votes and they too need to keep an institution-wide perspective in their participation. Finally, serving as a Senator is for SERVICE not for power or glory or promotion. I would like to thank the co-chairs of the undergraduate and graduate curriculum committees for your roles and send my appreciation in advance and thank you Ramesh Soni for serving as chair of the Rules committee. Ramesh, your work over the past year has been outstanding. Those three committees are crucial to the senate operation and those leaders have very challenging tasks. Your continued chairing of those committees will help significantly in the months ahead. In addition, to Jim Lenze, our parliamentarian, Lynda Federoff, our new secretary, and of course, my side kick, Miss Nikki Norris, I thank all three of you for your help in advance. Emails Committee chairs, remember to email your reports, if possible, to Linda either right before or right after a meeting. Departmental Membership If you are a new department representative, let Ramesh and Linda know by email to make sure you get the proper information, and not last years representative. Lunch with the President Again this year, committee chairs will have a lunch with the president, as has been done over the past three years. Committee chairs, see me to let me know your MWF 11:45-12:45 and T/Th 11:30-1:00 schedules, and well go from there. Any Questions? Nikki, its all yours. Vice-Chairpersons Report (Senator Norris): *SGA is off and running smoothly, with increased attendance *Our first event, Get Creamed By the President, will be held September 7th *We are working closely with the GSA regarding homecoming and community service *My compliments go out to the entire universityfor the atmosphere during the summer, the combination of everyone's efforts make Ģtv feel like home STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS: Rules Committee (Chair Soni) See Appendix A for election results (pages 6-8) Next meeting 9/20/05 at 3:30 in Keith 100 University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Co-chairs Sechrist/Numan) See Appendix B (pages 9-22) University-wide Graduate Committee (Co-chairs Myers/Chambers): See Appendix C (page 23) Next meeting 9/13 at 3:15 in the HUB Noncredit Committee (Chair ONeil) No report Research Committee (Chair Guth) See Appendix D (page 24) Student Affairs Committee (Chair Condino) Next meeting is 9/20 at 3:30 in the Conemaugh Room in the HUB University Development and Finance Committee (Chair Domaracki): Next meeting is 9/13 at 3:30 in the University Towers conference room Academic Committee (Chair Andrew) No report Awards Committee (Senator Baker) Next meeting is 9/13 at 3:30 in 301 Stright to elect a chair Library and Educational Services Committee (Chair Johnson): Next meeting is 9/13 at 3:30 at a location in the library to be announced SENATE REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS: Middle States Steering Committee (Senator Federoff) Next meeting is 9/12 at 4:00 in Folger University Planning Council (Senator Federoff) No report Presidential Athletic Advisory Committee (Senator Domaracki) Next meeting is in October Academic Computing Policy Advisory Committee (Senator Nienkamp) Next meeting is 9/7/05 in the Oak Room A at 3:30. LESC representative is needed. NEW BUSINESS: None Next Senate meeting will be held October 4, 2005 at 3:15 p.m. in the beard Auditorium in Stouffer Hall. Locations/ dates for all meetings this academic year are posted on the Senate webpage (http://www.iup.edu/senate). Adjournment With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lynda M. Federoff, PhD Secretary, University Senate APPENDIX A Rules Committee Chair: Soni Academic AffairsCommittee Term Expires inBelchHolley A.2006DuganCatherine2006McFerronJ.R.2006MooreScott2006WisloskiGregory A.2006AndrewAllan T.2007CarranzaCarmy2007EckJohn2007NovelsAlphonse2007PerdueTina2007Ryan-SamsMarveta2007SimonBobEx OfficioAwardsEzekielSoundarajan2006GossettJennifer2006JanoskoJoann2006NienkampJean2006RiegSue A.2006ZoniCarleen2006NorwoodMichele2007Villalobos-EcheverriaPatricia2007Dev & FinanceAnthonyMark2006Boda-SuttonHolly2006DomarackiJoseph2006JonesAnthony2006RodrguezLydia2006AndersonFred 2007PoageMichael2007GeletkaMarkEx OfficioMooreBarbaraEx OfficioGraduateAyeboAmadu2006BoernerParker2006BrownKaren2006LaPorteDave2006WibowoKustim2006WilliamsonMichael T.2006YostNancy2006AultC. Tom2007BoserSusan R.2007LenzeJim2007MyersJim2007PiperDavid2007ZuraikatNashat2007SoniRameshEx OfficioLib & Ed ServGazzaElizabeth A.2006HalvorsonJon P.2006JohnsonRita2006LamberskiRichard2006MukasaStandford G.2006NewellSandra2006JozefowiczStephanie2007NeusiusSarah2007FowlerRenaEx OfficioPiwinskyMarkEx OfficioNon-Credit InstrO'NeilTherese2006RivosecchiKaren S.2006SteinKaren2006JanicakChristopher A.2007KolbNicholasEx OfficioResearchAliSanwar2006GuthLorraine2006JonesBrian2006RosenbergerEric W.2006SullivanLinda2006BonachKathryn2007SciulliLisa2007SchwietzMicheleEx OfficioRulesBlackLynanne2006CowlesMalinda2006SettlemyerConstance2006SoniRamesh2006Van WierenTodd2006BowersFredalene2007BroadPeter2007LenzeJim2007RiveraJose2007WelshBarbara2007WrightTressa2007Student AffairsAlmanRobert2006CondinoFrank2006KellyDeena2006MaierChristoph2006AppoloniaTerry2007BeiselRaymond2007ClewellChristine2007HallLinda2007LeveilleGuy2007HulingsDennisEx OfficioLuckeyRhondaEx Officio Undergrad CurrCraigChauna2006HannibalMary Anne2006MartinJamie2006NumanMuhammed2006PankajPankaj2006ScandrettJack2006SechristGail2006KabalaIrene2007KostelnikRobert2007McCombieSally2007PetersonRussell2007SadlerMary2007WheelerSarah2007StaszkiewiczMarkEx Officio Appendix B University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Co-Chairs: Sechrist / Numan FOR INFORMATION: 1. Department of Safety ScienceCourse Number Changes a. SAFE 320 Recognition, Evaluation and Control of Occupational Health Hazards I to SAFE 330 Recognition, Evaluation and Control of Occupational Health Hazards I b. SAFE 420 Recognition, Evaluation and Control of Occupational Health Hazards II to SAFE 430 Recognition, Evaluation and Control of Occupational Health Hazards II Rationale: It was noticed after the approval of these new courses in April that the department already had another course with the number 420 so these course numbers were changed to 330 and 430. FOR ACTION: 1. Department of EconomicsProgram Revision APPROVED Current Program: Bachelor of Arts Economics Proposed Program: Bachelor of Arts Economics Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 121 (1) Social Science: ECON 121 Liberal Studies Electives: 9cr, no courses with ECON prefix  54Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 121 (1) Social Science: ECON 121 Liberal Studies Electives: 9cr, no courses with ECON prefix  54  College: Foreign Language Intermediate Level (2)  0-6 College: Foreign Language Intermediate Level (2)  0-6Major: Required Courses: ECON 122 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 355 Statistics for Economists ECON 421 Macroeconomic Analysis ECON 422 Microeconomic Analysis Controlled Electives: Five other ECON courses (4, 5) 27 3cr 3cr (3) 3cr 3cr 15cr Major: Required Courses: ECON 122 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 355 Statistics for Economists ECON 421 Macroeconomic Analysis ECON 422 Microeconomic Analysis Controlled Electives: Five other ECON courses (4, 5) 27 3cr 3cr (3) 3cr 3cr 15crFree Electives: Total Degree Requirements: 33-39 120Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements:33-39 120 (1) MATH 115 or 123 may be substituted for MATH 121. (2) (2) Intermediate-level Foreign Language may be included in Liberal Studies electives. (3) MATH 214, 217, or 363 may be substituted for ECON 355. (4) No more than 6cr of internship credit may be applied toward major. (5) No more than one ECON Controlled Electives may be 200- level courses. (1) MATH 115 or 123 may be substituted for MATH 121. (2) (2) Intermediate-level Foreign Language may be included in Liberal Studies electives. (3) MATH 214, 217, or 363 may be substituted for ECON 355. (4) No more than 6cr of internship credit may be applied toward major. (5) No more than two ECON Controlled Electives may be 200-level courses.  Rationale: When this revision was submitted to Senate in April of 2003, with all of the 120 credit changes, footnote 5 stated No more than one ECON when it should have stated No more than two ECON 2. Department of SociologyProgram Revision APPROVED Current Program:Proposed Program:Bachelor of Arts-Sociology/Applied Social Research TrackBachelor of Arts-Sociology/Applied Social Research TrackLiberal Studies: As outlined in the Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 217 Social Science: SOC 151 required, ANTH 110 recommended Liberal Studies Electives: 9cr, COSC 101, no courses with SOC prefix  53 Liberal Studies: As outlined in the Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 217 Social Science: SOC 151 required, ANTH 110 recommended Liberal Studies Electives: 9cr, COSC 101, no courses with SOC prefix 53College: Foreign Language Intermediate Level (1) 0-6College: Foreign Language Intermediate Level (1) 0-6 Major Required Courses: SOC 151 Principles of Sociology SOC 320 Sociological Theory SOC 456 Field Research Methods SOC 457 Computer Use in Sociology SOC 458 Political Sociology SOC 460 Social Research Methods I SOC 461 Social Research Methods II SOC 493 Internship in Sociology (3) Controlled Electives: One substantive area (4) Medical Sociology: ANTH 444 or SOC 342, and four courses from the following: ANTH 222, 444, BIOL 151 or 155, ECON 335, FDNT 212, PSYC 321, 378, RGPL 350, SOC 231, 335, 336, 342, 357, 448, 452 Gerontology: PSYC 378 or SOC 357, and four courses from the following: ANTH 444, ECON 335, 360, PSYC 312, 378, RGPL 350, SOC 231, 251, 336, SOC 342, 352, 357, 448 Juvenile Delinquency: SOC 333, and four courses from the following: CRIM 102, 225, 235, 394, GEOG 432, HIST 374, SOC 231, 269, 335, 336, 345, 361, 362, SOC 428 Interpersonal and Family Sociology: SOC 336 or 345, and four courses from the following: CDFR 218, 224, PSYC 311, PSYC 321, 330, SOC 251, 269, 335, 336, 345, 361, 363, SOC 427, 428, 448, 452 Labor and Industry: SOC 340 or 348, and four courses from the following: ECON 330, 350, 371, 372, 373, HIST 373, ILR 426, 480, PSYC 390, SOC 231, 303, 340, 348, 361, SOC 448, 458 Community Development: SOC 231 or 448, and four courses from the following: ANTH/SOC 271, 272, 314, ECON 336, 383, FDNT 402, GEOG 331, 332, PLSC 251, RGPL 350, SOC 269, 333, 336, 341, 363, 448  45 *cr (2) 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 12cr 15cr (5)  Major Required Courses: SOC 151 Principles of Sociology SOC 320 Sociological Theory SOC 456 Field Research Methods SOC 457 Computer Use in Sociology SOC 458 Political Sociology SOC 460 Social Research Methods I SOC 461 Social Research Methods II SOC 493 Internship in Sociology (3) Controlled Electives: One substantive area (4) Medical Sociology: ANTH 444 or SOC 342, and four courses from the following: ANTH 222, 444, BIOL 151 or 155, ECON 335, FDNT 212, PSYC 321, 378, RGPL 350, SOC 231, 335, 336, 342, 357, 448, 452 Gerontology: PSYC 378 or SOC 357, and four courses from the following: ANTH 444, ECON 335, 360, PSYC 312, 378, RGPL 350, SOC 231, 251, 336, SOC 342, 352, 357, 448 Juvenile Delinquency: SOC 333, and four courses from the following: CRIM 102, 225, 235, 394, GEOG 432, HIST 374, SOC 231, 269, 335, 336, 345, 361, 362, SOC 428 Interpersonal and Family Sociology: SOC 336 or 345, and four courses from the following: CDFR 218, 224, PSYC 311, PSYC 321, 330, SOC 251, 269, 335, 336, 345, 361, 363, SOC 427, 428, 448, 452 Labor and Industry: SOC 340 or 348, and four courses from the following: ECON 330, 350, 371, 372, 373, HIST 373, ILR 426, 480, PSYC 390, SOC 231, 303, 340, 348, 361, SOC 448, 458 Community Development: SOC 231 or 448, and four courses from the following: ANTH/SOC 271, 272, 314, ECON 336, 383, FDNT 402, GEOG 331, 332, PLSC 251, RGPL 350, SOC 269, 333, 336, 341, 363, 448  45 *cr (2) 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 12cr 15cr (5) Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements:  1622 120Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements:  1622 120(1) Intermediate-level Foreign Language may be included in Liberal Studies electives. (2) Credits counted in Liberal Studies, not in the major. (3) SOC 380, 456, and 457 must be taken before taking SOC 493. Generally, SOC 493 is taken in the summer before the senior year. (4) Students may create their own substantive area with the approval of the department chairperson. (5) At least three courses in any substantive area must be SOC courses. (1) Intermediate-level Foreign Language may be included in Liberal Studies electives. (2) Credits counted in Liberal Studies, not in the major. (3) SOC 456, 457, 460, and 461 must be taken before taking SOC 493. Generally, SOC 493 is taken in the summer before the senior year. (4) Students may create their own substantive area with the approval of the department chairperson. (5) At least three courses in any substantive area must be SOC courses.  Rationale: When this program was revised in the spring of 2004, SOC 380 was replaced by SOC 460 and 461, but SOC 380 was not removed from footnote (3). 3. Department of Food and NutritionProgram Revisions APPROVED Current Program:Proposed Program:BSNutrition/Dietetics Track BSNutrition/Dietetics TrackLiberal Studies: As outlined in the Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: 48Liberal Studies: As outlined in the Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: 48Health and Wellness: HPED 143Health and Wellness: HPED 143Mathematics: MATH 217Mathematics: MATH 217Natural Science: CHEM 101-102 or CHEM 111-112Natural Science: CHEM 101-102 or CHEM 111-112 (1)Social Science: ECON 101 or 121, PSYC 101, SOC 151Social Science: ECON 101 or 121, PSYC 101, SOC 151Liberal Studies Electives: 3cr, no courses with FDNT prefixLiberal Studies Electives: 3cr, no courses with FDNT prefix Major: Required Courses: FDNT 110 Careers in Food and Nutrition FDNT 150 Foods FDNT 151 Foods Laboratory FDNT 212 Nutrition FDNT 213 Life Cycle Nutrition FDNT 355 Nutrition in Disease I FDNT 362 Experimental Foods FDNT 458 Advanced Human Nutrition FDNT 470 Human Food Consumption Patterns FDNT 484 Senior Seminar 25 1cr 3cr 1cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 4cr 3cr 1cr Major: Required Courses: FDNT 110 Careers in Food and Nutrition FDNT 150 Foods FDNT 151 Foods Laboratory FDNT 212 Nutrition FDNT 213 Life Cycle Nutrition FDNT 355 Nutrition in Disease FDNT 362 Experimental Foods FDNT 458 Advanced Human Nutrition FDNT 470 Human Food Consumption Patterns FDNT 484 Senior Seminar 25 1cr 3cr 1cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 4cr 3cr 1crControlled Electives: Dietetics Track: FDNT 364 Methods of Teaching FDNT 402 Community Nutrition FDNT 430 Professional Topics in Food and Nutrition FDNT 455 Nutrition in Disease II FDNT 463 Nutrition Counseling HRIM 256 Principles of Hospitality Human Resource Management HRIM 259 Hospitality Purchasing HRIM 313 Food Systems I MGMT 310 Principles of Management  28 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 4cr 3cr Controlled Electives: Dietetics Track: FDNT 364 Methods of Teaching FDNT 402 Community Nutrition FDNT 430 Professional Topics in Food and Nutrition FDNT 455 Nutrition in Disease II FDNT 463 Nutrition Counseling HRIM 256 Principles of Hospitality Human Resource Management HRIM 259 Hospitality Purchasing HRIM 313 Food Systems I MGMT 310 Principles of Management  28 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 4cr 3cr Other Requirements: Natural Science Sequence: BIOL 105, 155, 241, CHEM 255  13Other Requirements: Natural Science Sequence: BIOL 105, 155, 241, CHEM 255  13Free Electives: 6Free Electives: 6Total Degree Requirements: 120Total Degree Requirements: 120(1) CHEM 231 is also required if CHEM 111-112 is taken Current Program:Proposed Program:BSNutrition/Nutrition Track BSNutrition/Nutrition TrackLiberal Studies: As outlined in the Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: 48Liberal Studies: As outlined in the Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: 48Health and Wellness: HPED 143Health and Wellness: HPED 143Mathematics: MATH 217Mathematics: MATH 217Natural Science: CHEM 101-102 or CHEM 111-112Natural Science: CHEM 101-102 or CHEM 111-112 (1)Social Science: ECON 101 or 121, PSYC 101, SOC 151Social Science: ECON 101 or 121, PSYC 101, SOC 151Liberal Studies Electives: (1) no courses with FDNT prefixLiberal Studies Electives: (2) 3cr, no courses with FDNT prefix Major: Required Courses: FDNT 110 Careers in Food and Nutrition FDNT 150 Foods FDNT 151 Foods Laboratory FDNT 212 Nutrition FDNT 213 Life Cycle Nutrition FDNT 355 Nutrition in Disease I FDNT 362 Experimental Foods FDNT 458 Advanced Human Nutrition FDNT 470 Human Food Consumption Patterns FDNT 484 Senior Seminar 25 1cr 3cr 1cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 4cr 3cr 1crMajor: Required Courses: FDNT 110 Careers in Food and Nutrition FDNT 150 Foods FDNT 151 Foods Laboratory FDNT 212 Nutrition FDNT 213 Life Cycle Nutrition FDNT 355 Nutrition in Disease I FDNT 362 Experimental Foods FDNT 458 Advanced Human Nutrition FDNT 470 Human Food Consumption Patterns FDNT 484 Senior Seminar 25 1cr 3cr 1cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 4cr 3cr 1cr Controlled Electives: 10-28 Nutrition Track (non-DPD): FDNT electives (300 level and above, internship of 3cr strongly recommended) 6cr Program minor, certificate, second major, or core concentration required for program completion (2) 4-22crControlled Electives: Nutrition Track (non-DPD): FDNT electives (300 level and above, internship of 3cr strongly recommended) Program minor, certificate, second major, or core concentration required for program completion (3)10-28 6cr 4-22cr Other Requirements: 13 Natural Science Sequence: BIOL 105, 155, 241, CHEM 255 Other Requirements: Natural Science Sequence: BIOL 105, 155, 241, CHEM 255  13Free Electives: 6-24Free Electives: 6-24Total Degree Requirements: 120Total Degree Requirements: 120 (1) For the Gerontology Certificate, PHIL 405 or 400 or PSYC 378 can be applied as a Liberal Studies Elective. For the Business Administration minor, ECON 122 can be applied as a Liberal Studies Elective. (2) Select one of the following: . Minor in Business Administration, Chemistry, Communications Media, Educational Technology, Journalism, Natural Sciences, Psychology, or Psychology Science. . Certificate in Culinary Arts or Gerontology . Core concentration in Hospitality Management (FDNT 150, 151, HRIM 101, 256, 259, 306, 313, 401, HRIM 3cr elective) or Physical Education and Sport (HPED 319, 410, 411, 492, and HPED 343 or 375 or 412) (1) CHEM 231 is also required if CHEM 111-112 is taken. (2) For the Gerontology Certificate, PHIL 405 or 400 or PSYC 378 can be applied as a Liberal Studies Elective. For the Business Administration minor, ECON 122 can be applied as a Liberal Studies Elective. (3) Select one of the following: . Minor in Business Administration, Chemistry, Communications Media, Educational Technology, Journalism, Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, or Psychology Science. . Certificate in Culinary Arts or Gerontology . Core concentration in Hospitality Management (FDNT 150, 151, HRIM 101, 256, 259, 306, 313, 401, HRIM 3cr elective) or Physical Education and Sport (HPED 319, 410, 411, 492, and HPED 343 or 375 or 412)  Rationale: With the 120 credit modifications to these programs, a second Natural Science Option was eliminated because it required over 120 credits. CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry I was included on that list; students who select the more rigorous chemistry option of CHEM 111-112, in preparation for graduate school, need to also take Organic Chemistry I so a footnote to that effect is being added. Also the last footnote included Natural Sciences as a minor when it should have stated Biology and Chemistry. 4. College of Humanities and Social Sciences Program Revision of Asian Studies Minor APPROVED Asian Studies--Minor Required Course: ASIA 200 Introduction to Asian Studies Category A: Exclusively Asia-Focused: (3) ANTH/SOC 272 Cultural Area Studies: China  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/anth.shtm" \l "ANTH 273 Cultural Area Studies: Southeast Asia" ANTH/SOC 273 Cultural Area Studies: Southeast Asia ARHI 224 Introduction to Asian Art ARHI 423 Art of Japan ARHI 425 Arts of China  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm" \l "GEOG 256 Geography of East Asia" GEOG 256 Geography of East Asia  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm" \l "GEOG 257 Geography of South and Southeast Asia" GEOG 257 Geography of South and Southeast Asia  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/hist.shtm" \l "HIST 206 History of East Asia" HIST 206 History of East Asia  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/hist.shtm" \l "HIST 330 History of the Islamic Civilization" HIST 330 History of the Islamic Civilization  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/hist.shtm" \l "HIST 321 History of England, 1688 to Present" HIST 331 Modern Middle East HIST 332  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/plsc.shtm" \l "PLSC 382-387 Political Systems" History of Early China HIST 334 History of Modern China HIST 337 History of Modern Japan  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/plsc.shtm" \l "PLSC 382-387 Political Systems" PLSC 383 Political Systems: Asia  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/plsc.shtm" \l "PLSC 382-387 Political Systems" PLSC 384 Political Systems: Middle East RLST 220 Buddhist Thought and Practice  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/rlst.shtm" \l "RLST 311 Eastern Philosophy" RLST 311 Eastern Philosophy  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/rlst.shtm" \l "RLST 370 Religions of China and Japan" RLST 370 Religions of China and Japan RLST 373 Advanced Studies in Buddhism  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/rlst.shtm" \l "RLST 375 Religions of India" RLST 375 Religions of India  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/rlst.shtm" \l "RLST 380 Islam" RLST 380 Islam SOC 362 Racial and Ethnic Minorities Asian Critical Languages:  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm" CRLG 101/151/201/251 Arabic I, II, III, IV  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm" CRLG 102/152/202/252 Chinese I, II, III, IV  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm" CRLG 105/155/205/255 Hindi I, III, IV  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm" CRLG 108/158/208/258 Japanese I, II, III, IV  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm" CRLG 109/159/209/259 Korean I, II, III, IV 18 3 3cr 12-15 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3 3cr each Asian Studies--Minor Required Course: ASIA 200 Introduction to Asian Studies Category A: Exclusively Asia-Focused: (3) ANTH/SOC 272 Cultural Area Studies: China  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/anth.shtm" \l "ANTH 273 Cultural Area Studies: Southeast Asia" ANTH/SOC 273 Cultural Area Studies: Southeast Asia ARHI 224 Introduction to Asian Art ARHI 423 Art of Japan ARHI 425 Arts of China  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm" \l "GEOG 256 Geography of East Asia" GEOG 256 Geography of East Asia  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm" \l "GEOG 257 Geography of South and Southeast Asia" GEOG 257 Geography of South and Southeast Asia  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/hist.shtm" \l "HIST 206 History of East Asia" HIST 206 History of East Asia  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/hist.shtm" \l "HIST 330 History of the Islamic Civilization" HIST 330 History of the Islamic Civilization  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/hist.shtm" \l "HIST 321 History of England, 1688 to Present" HIST 331 Modern Middle East HIST 332  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/plsc.shtm" \l "PLSC 382-387 Political Systems" History of Early China HIST 334 History of Modern China HIST 337 History of Modern Japan  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/plsc.shtm" \l "PLSC 382-387 Political Systems" PLSC 383 Political Systems: Asia  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/plsc.shtm" \l "PLSC 382-387 Political Systems" PLSC 384 Political Systems: Middle East RLST 220 Buddhist Thought and Practice  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/rlst.shtm" \l "RLST 311 Eastern Philosophy" RLST 311 Eastern Philosophy  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/rlst.shtm" \l "RLST 370 Religions of China and Japan" RLST 370 Religions of China and Japan RLST 373 Advanced Studies in Buddhism  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/rlst.shtm" \l "RLST 375 Religions of India" RLST 375 Religions of India  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/rlst.shtm" \l "RLST 380 Islam" RLST 380 Islam SOC 362 Racial and Ethnic Minorities Asian Critical Languages:  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm" CRLG 101/151/201/251 Arabic I, II, III, IV  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm" CRLG 102/152/202/252 Chinese I, II, III, IV  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm" CRLG 105/155/205/255 Hindi I, III, IV  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm" CRLG 108/158/208/258 Japanese I, II, III, IV  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm" CRLG 109/159/209/259 Korean I, II, III, IV 18 3 3cr 12-15 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3 3cr each  Category B: Substantially Asia-Focused: BTST 342 Intercultural Business Communication  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/econ.shtm" \l "ECON 339 Economic Development I" ECON 339 Economic Development I  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/econ.shtm" \l "ECON 345 International Trade" ECON 345 International Trade (Asia case study)  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/econ.shtm" \l "ECON 346 International Payments" ECON 346 International Finance (Asia case study)  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/econ.shtm" \l "ECON 350 Comparative Economic Systems" ECON 350 Comparative Economic Systems ENGL 344 Ethnic American Literature ENGL 396/FNLG 396 The Literature of Emerging Nations ENGL 397 Global Literature ENGL 398 Global Genres  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm" \l "GEOG 104 Geography of the Non-Western World" GEOG 104 Geography of the Non-Western World  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm" \l "GEOG 254 Geography of Russia and the Soviet Sphere" GEOG 254 Geography of Russia and the Soviet Sphere MGMT 452 Comparative Management MGMT 452 International Competitiveness MGMT 459 Seminar in International Management MKTG 350  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/lbst.shtm" \l "LBST 499 Senior Synthesis" International Business MKTG 430 International Marketing PLSC 101 World Politics PLSC 285 Comparative Government II: Non- Western Political Systems RLST 110 World Religions 0-3 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr Category B: Substantially Asia-Focused: BTST 342 Intercultural Business Communication  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/econ.shtm" \l "ECON 339 Economic Development I" ECON 339 Economic Development I  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/econ.shtm" \l "ECON 345 International Trade" ECON 345 International Trade (Asia case study)  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/econ.shtm" \l "ECON 346 International Payments" ECON 346 International Finance (Asia case study)  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/econ.shtm" \l "ECON 350 Comparative Economic Systems" ECON 350 Comparative Economic Systems ENGL 344 Ethnic American Literature ENGL 396/FNLG 396 The Literature of Emerging Nations ENGL 397 Global Literature ENGL 398 Global Genres  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm" \l "GEOG 104 Geography of the Non-Western World" GEOG 104 Geography of the Non-Western World  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm" \l "GEOG 254 Geography of Russia and the Soviet Sphere" GEOG 254 Geography of Russia and the Soviet Sphere MGMT 452 Comparative Management MGMT 454 International Competitiveness MGMT 459 Seminar in International Management MKTG 350  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/lbst.shtm" \l "LBST 499 Senior Synthesis" International Business MKTG 430 International Marketing PLSC 101 World Politics PLSC 285 Comparative Government II: Non- Western Political Systems RLST 110 World Religions 0-3 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr (1) The topics in such courses as ENGL 399 Major Global Authors, HIST 403 Topics in Non-Western History, and ITST 281 Special Topics in Non-Western Studies vary (check with instructor). When concerned with Asian Studies, these courses can count towards the Asian Studies Minor with the approval of the program coordinator. (2) With the program coordinators approval, 3cr of an internship (493) may be counted towards the Asian Studies Minor. (3) Courses need to be in at least two different prefixes. ______________________________________________ For further information on the Asian Studies Minor, contact the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 201 McElhaney Hall, 724-357-2280. (1) The topics in such courses as ENGL 399 Major Global Authors, HIST 403 Topics in Non-Western History, and ITST 281 Special Topics in Non-Western Studies vary (check with instructor). When concerned with Asian Studies, these courses can count towards the Asian Studies Minor with the approval of the program coordinator. (2) With the program coordinators approval, 3cr of an internship (493) may be counted towards the Asian Studies Minor. (3) Courses need to be in at least two different prefixes. ______________________________________________ For further information on the Asian Studies Minor, contact the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 201 McElhaney Hall, 724-357-2280. Rationale: Under Category B MGMT 452 was listed twice in the April 26 Minutes. The second one should be MGMT 454. 5. Department of PhysicsProgram Revision APPROVED Current Program: Proposed Program: Bachelor of Science--Applied Physics Bachelor of Science--Applied Physics Liberal Studies: As outlined in the Liberal Studies 50 section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 123 Natural Science: CHEM 111-112 (replaced by CHEM 113-114 for Chemistry track) Liberal Studies Electives: 4cr, MATH 124, no courses with PHYS prefix Liberal Studies: As outlined in the Liberal Studies 50 section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 123 Natural Science: CHEM 111-112 (replaced by CHEM 113-114 for Chemistry track) Liberal Studies Electives: 4cr. MATH 124, no courses with PHYS prefixMajor: Required Courses: PHYS 131 Physics I-C Lecture PHYS 132 Physics II-C Lecture PHYS 141 Physics I-C Lab PHYS 131 Physics II-C Lab PHYS 222 Mechanics I PHYS 231 Electronics PHYS 242 Optics PHYS 322 Electricity and Magnetism I PHYS 331 Modern Physics PHYS 352 Applied Physics Laboratory PHYS 355 Computer Interfacing28 3cr 3cr 1cr 1cr 2cr 4cr 3cr 2cr 3cr 3cr 3crMajor: Required Courses: PHYS 131 Physics I-C Lecture PHYS 132 Physics II-C Lecture PHYS 141 Physics I-C Lab PHYS 142 Physics II-C Lab PHYS 222 Mechanics I PHYS 231 Electronics PHYS 345 Optics PHYS 322 Electricity and Magnetism I PHYS 331 Modern Physics PHYS 352 Applied Physics Laboratory PHYS 355 Computer Interfacing28 3cr 3cr 1cr 1cr 2cr 4cr 3cr 2cr 3cr 3cr 3crControlled Electives: According to track Solid State Electronics Track: COSC 300, MATH 342, PHYS 323, 342, 353, 432, 475, 476 Computer Science Track: COSC 300, 310, 410,450 PHYS 342, 353, 432, 475, 476 Chemistry Track: CHEM 231, 232, 323, 341, 342, 343 MATH 342 Biology Track: BIOL 111, 120, CHEM 231, 323,351 Two biology electives from the following: BIOL 250, 263, 350, 401, 472 Geology track: GEOS 121, 122, 131, 132, Five Geoscience electives from the following: GEOS 220, 325, 326, 362, 412, 440, 481 23-27 24cr 27cr 24cr 27cr 23crControlled Electives: According to track Solid State Electronics Track: COSC 300, MATH 342, PHYS 323, 342, 353, 432, 475, 476 Computer Science Track: COSC 300, 310, 410,450 PHYS 342, 353, 432, 475, 476 Chemistry Track: CHEM 231, 232, 323, 341, 342, 343 MATH 342 Biology Track: BIOL 111, 120, CHEM 231, 323,351 Two biology electives from the following: BIOL 250, 263, 350, 401, 472 Geology track: GEOS 121, 122, 131, 132, Five Geoscience electives from the following: GEOS 220, 325, 326, 362, 412, 440, 481 23-27 24cr 27cr 24cr 27cr 23crOther Requirements: COSC 110 Problem Solving and Structured Programming COSC 250 Introduction to Numerical Methods MATH 241 Differential Equations Foreign Language Intermediate Level (1) (2) Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements:  9-15 3cr 3cr 3cr 0-6cr 0-10 120Other Requirements: COSC 110 Problem Solving and Structured Programming COSC 250 Introduction to Numerical Methods MATH 241 Differential Equations Foreign Language Intermediate Level (1) (2) Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements: 9-15 3cr 3cr 3cr 0-6cr 0-10 120(1) Intermediate-Level Foreign Language may be included in Liberal Studies electives. (2) 6cr of computer language may substitute for the foreign language requirement: COSC 110 and COSC 210 or higher-level computer science courses, (COSC 250 recommended) with department permission.(1) Intermediate-Level Foreign Language may be included in Liberal Studies electives. (2) 6cr of computer language may substitute for the foreign language requirement: COSC 110 and COSC 210 or higher-level computer science courses, (COSC 250 recommended) with department permission. Rationale: PHYS 131 was listed twice in the April 26th minutes. The second one should be 142. Department of AnthropologyProgram Revision APPROVED Current Program: Bachelor of Arts General Anthropology TrackProposed Program: Bachelor of Arts General Anthropology TrackLiberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 217 Social Science: GEOG 104 (recommended) Liberal Studies Electives: 9cr, BTED/COSC/IFMG 101 (recommended), no courses with ANTH prefix  53Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 217 Social Sciences: GEOG 104 (recommended) Liberal Studies Electives: 9cr, no courses with ANTH prefix 53College: Foreign Language Intermediate Level (1) 0-6 College: Foreign Language Intermediate Level (1) 0-6 Major: Required Courses:  36 Major: Required Courses:  36ANTH 211 Cultural Anthropology ANTH 222 Biological Anthropology ANTH 233 Language and Culture ANTH 244 Basic Archaeology ANTH 456 Ethnographic Research Methods or ANTH 421 Archaeological Theory and Research Design ANTH 480 Anthropology Seminar3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3crANTH 211 Cultural Anthropology ANTH 222 Biological Anthropology ANTH 233 Language and Culture ANTH 244 Basic Archaeology ANTH 456 Ethnographic Research Methods or ANTH 425 Archaeological Theory and Research Design ANTH 480 Anthropology Seminar3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3crControlled Electives: Two courses in Topical Area Ethnography such as ANTH 271, 272, 273, 274, 314,, 370 Three additional ANTH electives (300 or 400 level) One additional ANTH elective (any level)  6cr 9cr 3cr Controlled Electives: Two courses in Topical Area Ethnography such as ANTH 271, 272, 273, 274, 314,, 370 Three additional ANTH electives (300 or 400 level) One additional ANTH elective (any level)  6cr 9cr 3crFree Electives: (2) Total Degree Requirements: 25-31 120Free Electives: (2) Total Degree Requirements:25-31 120 1 ( (1) Intermediate-level Foreign Language may be included in Liberal Studies electives. (2) State System Board of Governors policy states that at least 40 percent of the coursework in a degree must consist of courses numbered 300 and above.(1) (1) Intermediate-level Foreign Language may be included in Liberal Studies electives. (2) State System Board of Governors policy states that at least 40 percent of the coursework in a degree must consist of courses numbered 300 or above.  Rationale: ANTH 421 should have been 425 in the April 26th minutes. Appendix C University-Wide Graduate Committee Co-Chairs: Myers / Chambers For Action Department: Business Technology Support and Training Course Revision: Title and Course Description Old Catalog Description: BTST 670 Administrative Communications 3 cr. APPROVED An examination of the concepts and techniques for developing and improving administrative communications through high technology. Emphasis is on the current needs and changing technology in software, hardware, and telecommunications. New Catalog Description: BTST 670 Organizational Communication 3 cr. This course investigates all levels of organizational communication. Students will identify, evaluate, and develop communications appropriate for various internal and external constituents of the corporation. In this process, students learn principles of corporate imaging, identity, and reputation building. Students will study and apply advanced communication skills required for leadership, executive responsibilities, and group dynamics. Emphasis will be on active learning. Cases and exercises will help develop team building skills and insights on the problems faced by teams. The influence of emerging team structures will be explored through simulations and various communication technologies including the virtual environment. APPENDIX D Research Committee Chair: Guth The USRC met on May 3, 2005. The meeting was devoted to reviewing the University Senate Research Committee proposals. The committee awarded $12,620 in USRC grants to the following individuals: Frederick Adkins was awarded $1,500 for his project, Developing Curriculum Modules on Bioinformatics for Mathematics Courses. Manton Gibbs was awarded $1,500 to present his paper, Political Globalizations Evolution, at the 14th Annual Conference of the International Management Development Association (IMDA) to be held in Granada, Spain. Linda Jennings was awarded $1,500 for her project, Creating New Avenues of Diversity in the Music Curriculum through Development of a New World Music History Course. Anne Kondo and John Woolcock were awarded $1,500 for their project, Development of a New Working with Chemistry Experiment Group on Forensic Chemistry & Chromatography. Joseph Kovaleski was awarded $1,500 to present his paper, Using Response to Intervention to Identify Learning Disabilities, at the 9th Biennial International Association of Special Education Conference to be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Daniel Lee was awarded $750 for his project, Examining Strain in a School Context. Daniel Lee was awarded $750 for his project, Economic Marginalization and Female Homicide Victimization. Jamie Martin and Jennifer Roberts were awarded $1,120 for their project, Factors Influencing Death Sentences in Pennsylvania: An Exploration. Rose Shumba was awarded $1,000 to present her paper, Gender and Computer Science Education, A Southern Africa Perspective: What Works? at the 8th International Federation for Information Processing World Conference on Computer Science Education in Cape Town, Africa. Nashat Zuraikat was awarded $1,500 to present his paper School Age Children with Asthma, at the 100 Years of Nursing Education at AUB: Pioneering, Achievements and Global Vision International Conference at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon. The first USRC meeting of the semester will be on September 13, 2005 at 3:15 p.m. in 317 Clark Hall. The chair election will take place and USRC proposals will be reviewed. The Ģtv Senate Fellowship Awards and University Senate Research Committee Small Grants guidelines are now available on the Graduate School and Research website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/graduate/res/index.htm" http://www.iup.edu/graduate/res/index.htm. Copies of the guidelines are also available in Room 113, Stright Hall. Senators are encouraged to provide this information to their departments.     Senate Minutes September 6, 2005 Page  PAGE 1 %&':;Yjl! I ,    B J M    ļļĵĩġĀĀvodhs"h~dCJaJ hs"hhs"h5>*hs"h~d5>* hs"h]eh~dhAh'%hxmhDxh@Bhs"h~d5CJaJ hs"hZhs"h~d\ hs"h~dhs"h~d5 jhs"h~dUmHnHu#jhs"h~d5UmHnHuhs"h~d5:"%(:;<! J K   L M    ! 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SettlemeyerT&lt;/p&gt;T&lt;p&gt;Minutes of theIUP University SenateSeptember 6, 2005Chairperson Smith called the September 6, 2005, meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:25 p.m., in the Beard Auditorium of Stouffer Hall.The following Senators informed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend:Baker, Hull, Kelly, Mannard, SettlemeyerT&lt;/p&gt;EktTaxCategoryOF THE Title 1P,X,`,h,-- - . . . .\.d.l.r, Hull, Kelly, Mannard, SettlemeyerT&lt;/p&gt;DownloadAsset.aspx?id=79137 EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionEktShowEventsAD*2N*http://www.iup.edu/graduate/res/index.htm*http://www.iup.edu/graduate/res/index.htm IK6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/lbst.shtmLBST 499 Senior Synthesis%l6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm3GEOG 254 Geography of Russia and the Soviet Spherenf6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm,GEOG 104 Geography of the Non-Western 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PresentHB6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/hist.shtm-HIST 330 History of the Islamic CivilizationTN?6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/hist.shtmHIST 206 History of East Asiahf<6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm/GEOG 257 Geography of South and Southeast Asia5096http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm GEOG 256 Geography of East Asia8?66http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/anth.shtm/ANTH 273 Cultural Area Studies: Southeast Asia36http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm 06http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm -6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm *6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm '6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/crlg.shtm "~$6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/rlst.shtmRLST 380 Islam>!6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/rlst.shtmRLST 375 Religions of IndiaT6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/rlst.shtm&RLST 370 Religions of China and Japany{6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/rlst.shtmRLST 311 Eastern Philosophyka6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/plsc.shtmPLSC 382-387 Political Systemska6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/plsc.shtmPLSC 382-387 Political Systemska6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/plsc.shtmPLSC 382-387 Political SystemsW6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/hist.shtm-HIST 321 History of England, 1688 to PresentH 6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/hist.shtm-HIST 330 History of the Islamic CivilizationTN 6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/hist.shtmHIST 206 History of East Asiahf6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm/GEOG 257 Geography of South and Southeast Asia506http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/geog.shtm GEOG 256 Geography of East Asia8?6http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/anth.shtm/ANTH 273 Cultural Area Studies: Southeast Asia!5 A0e@H)@ )$$$$$$\$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$  !5A0\Summary &lt;p&gt;Minutes of theIUP University SenateSeptember 6, 2005Chairperson Smith called the September 6, 2005, meeting of the   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~University Senate to order at 3:25 p.m., in the Beard Auditorium of Stouffer Hall.The following Senators informed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend:Baker, Hull, Kelly, Mannard, SettlemeyerT&lt;/p&gt;T&lt;p&gt;Minutes of theIUP University SenateSeptember 6, 2005Chairperson Smith called the September 6, 2005, meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:25 p.m., in the Beard Auditorium of Stouffer Hall.The following Senators informed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend:BakeSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation84CompObjqBagaaqy23kudbhchAaq5u2chNd8r&&  !"#$  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-usOh+'0h@p  8,CONTENTS @\@@ڊNb@2Iv@2Iv Senate Minutes Sep 06 2005Mr. Bruce V. Dries bvdriesMr. Bruce V. Dries bvdriesT&lt;p&gt;Minutes of theIUP University SenateSeptember 6, 2005Chairpe