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The following Senators informed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend: Atwater, Balint, Dube, Franklin-Rahkonen, Hanrahan, Hood, Johnson, McFerron, Moore, Moorhead, Nardi, O’Neil, Perdue, Pike, Rivosecchi, Smith, Soni, Staszkiewicz, Stein, Stephenson, Stoudt, and Witthoeft The following Senators were absent from the meeting: Alman, Appolonia, Ayebo, Beck, Davies, Hannibal, Hulings, Janicak, Jones, A., Lemasters, Lipsky, McDevitt, Montgomery, W., Norwood, Numan, Powers, Rivera, Rogers, Schroeder, Thibadeau, Van Wieren, Weiner, Wilkie, Wisnieski, and Zoni The minutes of the November 6, 2007 meeting were APPROVED as amended by the inclusion of the Presidential Athletic Advisory Committee report. Agenda items for the December 4, 2007, meeting were APPROVED as amended. REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS President’s Report Dr. Atwater was unable to attend the Senate meeting today due to a meeting in Harrisburg. Provost’s Report Dr. Kilmarx reported for the Provost’s Office that all items approved at the November meeting were approved or moved forward to the Trustees as appropriate. Chairperson’s Report “May you live in interesting times” says the curse (attributed to the ancient Chinese, but probably of more recent American origin). That we do, but with any luck we’ll come out of it better than before. I had my regular meeting with Dr. Atwater last week, and, as you might imagine, a large portion of our conversation had to do with the situation with the Provost. As I mentioned a few minutes ago, Dr. Atwater had to be in New York today, so you won’t be able to ask him all the questions you wanted to, and which he probably couldn’t have answered in any case, given the legal proceedings currently underway. The Provost fulfills a couple of very important functions in the Senate, and how those would be taken care of was the primary focus of our conversation. Dr. Kilmarx has given the report that is one of those functions. We need to know how the actions of the Senate have been disposed of: either implemented or forwarded to the Council of Trustees. We have had that for this month. The other main function is in regard to curriculum: it is crucial that the Provost be part of the curricular process so that institutional and resource issues that need a decision can be dealt with promptly. We learned yesterday that we will have a new interim Provost on board in a few days. I have a meeting scheduled with Dr. Werner for the week after next at which I plan to impress on him the importance of that role. Dr. Atwater has also asked me to serve on the search committee for the new “permanent” Provost. I have agreed to do so, seeing my role as that of representative of the shared governance process embodied in the University Senate. I mentioned last month that we would be moving forward with our consultation with APSCUF concerning the long-term structure of the curricular process. I had a good meeting with the Rules Committee, which resulted in what seems to me to be a very promising approach. That suggestion has been forward to the leadership of APSCUF, and we are still awaiting their reaction. Finally, our ongoing project, the reform of the Liberal Studies curriculum, proceeds apace, albeit with a somewhat tottering gait. Most of the sub-committee reports are now on the web for perusal and comment. You have until next year (i.e. not that long) to offer your reactions and suggestions. After that will begin the arduous task of converting what is left into concrete proposals. I have faith that we will be able to handle the chore. We have a full agenda today. I note that there is no report from the parking committee, (which is probably just as well, since what most of us would say is probably not printable), but everyone else has been busy. Vice-Chairperson’s Report The SGA attended a Board of President’s Meeting in Shippensburg University recently. The SGA had a strong year and next semester they expect to be stronger. Tomorrow the SGA will be sponsoring a Meet and Greet with Administrators and Deans in the HUB Atrium from 11:00am – 1:00pm. This will give students the opportunity to ask any questions they may have about the University. Thanks for a great semester and I will see you next fall. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Rules Committee (Senator Soni) Senator Radell reported that at the present time there are no agenda items pending, so the December meeting of the Rules Committee has been cancelled University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Senators Sechrist and Numan) FOR INFORMATION: 1. UWUCC has approved the following courses to be offered as distance education: MKTG 436 Retail Management HPED 445 Business Practices in Sport 2. Liberal Studies Report: Approved a request from Dr. David Ferguson, Dept. of Music to allow students who enroll in MUSC 281 Music of the British Invasion to count this as a Liberal Studies Elective for the Spring 2008 semester only. Approved the Liberal Studies component for the following programs: BA Computer Science; BS Computer Science/Information Assurance Track; BS Computer Science/Applied Computer Science Track; and BS Computer Science /Languages and Systems 3. Department of Geoscience—Program Moratorium The Department of Geoscience, under the advisement of the College Curriculum Committee, is placing the General Science Education program into a three-year moratorium, effective Fall 2008. Rationale: Changes in the Certification and Staffing Policies and Guidelines for Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, and Physics issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Education make the General Science Education program effectively obsolete. An educator holding a certificate in any of the aforementioned subject areas is also permitted to teach General Science at the 7-12 grade levels. Thus, Ä¢¹½tv graduates with a certificate in one or more science subject areas have better employment prospects across all secondary grades. The employment history of recent graduates makes clear that certificates in the four science subject areas account for all hires at the high school level, and most hires at the middle school level. Additionally enrollments in the General Science Education program have been in steady decline over the past seven years: 24 in 2001, 13 in 2002, 14 in 2003, 10 in 2004, 4 in 2005 and 2006, and one in 2007. The single student currently enrolled in the General Science Education program will graduate in May 2008 with General Science as a second major. The General Science Education program is no longer practical as a second major because it no longer provides additional teaching eligibility to those enrolled. We do not anticipate enrollment of any more students in the future. The registrar’s office reports that new students have not been accepted into the program since 2004. 4. Department of Computer Science—Course Title, Number, and Catalog Description Changes a. Catalog Description Change: Current Catalog Description: COSC 319 Software Engineering Concepts 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisites: COSC 220 and 310 or instructor permission Software engineering concepts include the collection of tools, procedures, methodologies, and accumulated knowledge about the development and maintenance of software-based systems. Strongly suggested for any student planning to take an internship in COSC. After an overview of the phases of the software lifecycle, current methodologies, tools, and techniques being applied to each phase are discussed in depth with localized exercises given to reinforce learning of concepts. Proposed Catalog Description: COSC 319 Software Engineering Concepts 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisite: COSC 310 or instructor permission Software engineering concepts include the collection of tools, procedures, methodologies, and accumulated knowledge about the development and maintenance of software-based systems. Strongly suggested for any student planning to take an internship in COSC. After an overview of the phases of the software lifecycle, current methodologies, tools, and techniques being applied to each phase are discussed in depth with localized exercises given to reinforce learning of concepts Rationale: COSC 220 is no longer required for COSC 319 because software engineering in the modern days is intensely based on object-oriented concepts and theories. This makes COSC 310 Data Structures and Algorithms a more relevant prerequisite for COSC 319. In the early days, software engineering was based on modular decomposition and top-down design concepts. The procedural concepts discussed in COSC 220 used to provide a good foundation for COSC 319. However, it is not the case any more. b. Catalog Description Change: Current Catalog Description Change: COSC 341 Introduction to Database Management Systems 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisites: COSC 220 (or equivalent) and 310 or instructor permission A study of database concepts. A detailed study of information concepts and the realization of those concepts using the relational data model. Practical experience gained designing and constructing data models and using SQL to interface to both multi-user DBMS packages and to desktop DBMS packages. Proposed Catalog Description Change: COSC 341 Introduction to Database Management Systems 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisite: COSC 110 or instructor permission A study of database concepts. A detailed study of information concepts and the realization of those concepts using the relational data model. Practical experience gained designing and constructing data models and using SQL to interface to both multi-user DBMS packages and to desktop DBMS packages. Rationale: Database Management Systems have evolved to the point that storage structures are well hidden. Algorithms are no longer needed to navigate data structures thus the removal of COSC 310 as a prerequisite. It is being replaced by COSC 110 in which students learn enough programming skills. Database technology has evolved to a point where the knowledge of the topics covered in COSC 220 (Cobol) is no longer required in order to study database systems. The database language SQL is used in COSC 341 rather than Cobol, as such the prerequisite of COSC 220 has been removed. c. Course Number, Title and Catalog Description Change: Current Catalog Description: COSC 415 Internet Architecture and Programming 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisite: COSC 310 or instructor permission Corequisite: COSC 341 Covers the fundamental architecture of Internet systems and the process of developing computer applications running on the Internet in general and on the World Wide Web in particular. Students gain a basic understanding of the TCP/IP protocols and the client/server technology. Methods, languages, and tools for developing distributed applications on the Internet are evaluated. Programming projects developing distributed applications, using a representative suite of development tools and languages, are an integral part of this course.    Proposed Catalog Description: COSC 365 Web Architecture and Application Development 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisites: COSC 310 and COSC 341or instructor’s approval Covers the fundamental architecture of Internet systems and the process of developing computer applications running on the Internet in general and on the World Wide Web in particular. Students gain a basic understanding of the TCP/IP protocols and the client/server technology. Methods, languages, and tools for developing distributed applications on the Internet are evaluated. Programming projects developing distributed applications, using a representative suite of development tools and languages, are an integral part of this course.    Rationale: Web Architecture and Application Development provides competencies that are often needed for an Internship in Computer Science. Since an Internship in Computer Science is completed in either the last semester of the student’s junior year or the first semester of the student’s senior year, it is desirable that the course number assigned to this course be reflective of a course taken in the junior year and thus completed prior to an internship. Additionally, the competencies covered by this class are often put into practice when a student takes COSC 320 Software Engineering Practice. d. Course Number Change: Current Number and Title: COSC 344 Productivity Tools and Fourth Generation Language Proposed Number and Title: COSC 444 Productivity Tools and Fourth Generation Language Rationale: The reason for the initial change was that the 304 java course and the 444 visual basic course were to be alternative courses to precede 415.  The number change was just to have the prerequisite course at a lower number.  Since it is no longer a prerequisite for 415 and since it is accepted as a 4xx course following the internship we wanted the number back to the original.  5. Draft of Delivery of Undergraduate Programs via Distance Education Technology Policy DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DELIVERY OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS VIA DISTANCE EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY A. Policy The purpose of this policy is to ensure that proposed new distance education programs are consistent both in quality and content with their original programs. A proposal must be submitted to the UWUCC when 50% or more of the program requirements (excluding liberal studies and free electives outside of the major) are available through distance education technologies. If a class is offered in the classroom and through distance education, it is considered distance education for purposes of this policy. The approval process for delivery of programs via distance education technology follows the committee sequence given for all undergraduate curricular program revisions (see p. 89). The UWUCC will maintain a list of approved distance education courses and will notify departments when a proposal becomes necessary. B. Proposal Format and Content In an effort to be as clear as possible, the expected proposal content is explained in detail below. It is expected, however, that completed proposals under this category will be only two to three pages in length. 1. UWUCC Cover Sheet (Appendix B) Indicate “Distance Education Program Delivery Revision or New Program” on the cover sheet. 2. Introduction Provide a short introduction, including definitions of key concepts or terms. Include a summary of any changes to the program that occur because of the change in the method of delivery to distance education technology. 3. Method of Delivery List the method of delivery for the program and its consequences, including the following: Faculty: Identify how faculty will be selected, appointed, and evaluated in a manner that assures maintenance of the academic quality of the program and its goals and objectives, list of classes using each method, including the proportion of tenure-track faculty involved, and compliance with the CBA. Facilities/Location: Describe the location and nature of facility requirements and availability if applicable. List any needed additional resources or equipment (books, films, periodicals, computer equipment), stating the manner in which these needs will be addressed or met, as well as IT Services (G35 Lower Suite, Suites on Grant). Course Schedule: Provide a list of all classes in the program using each method, including the proportion of tenure-track faculty involved, and compliance with the CBA. Indicate when classes will be scheduled to meet (whole schedule online or other arrangements) and for how long (regular semester or any alternate schedule). See sample table on following page. Outcomes Assessment: Describe the methodologies to be used to assess whether or not student learning has been achieved and how it can be achieved at a comparable level to the traditional method of delivery. Also, describe how data will be used to improve the individual courses, the overall program goals and graduation rates of students. Statement of Compliance: The proposal should comply with the relevant distance education article in the Collective Bargaining Agreement and the University-wide Undergraduate Curriculum Handbook. 4. Impact of Program Provide information relative to the intellectual values and community enhancement of the program in each of the following areas: Demand—Address demand for distance education technologies to show that demand exists and how the program’s marketability will be enhanced in a regional or national market. Impact on existing program--How will the change in the method of delivery affect the existing program at Ä¢¹½tv (enrollment, reputation, etc.)? What effect will the change in the method of delivery have on resource allocation and resource sufficiency within the department and within the college? Is it the intention of the department to eventually offer this program entirely online? Will sections continue to be available for students who wish to take a course in the classroom? FOR ACTION: APPROVED 1. Department of Computer Science—Course Changes, Catalog Description Changes and Program Revisions a. Course Revision, Cross Listing, and Catalog Description Change from Computer Science and Mathematics:   Current Catalog Description: COSC 250 Introduction to Numerical Methods 3c013cr Prerequisites: COSC110, MATH 122 or 123 or 127 Algorithmic methods for function evaluation, roots of equations, solutions to systems of linear equations, interpolation, curve fitting, numerical differentiation and integration; errors in computation. Introduction to FORTRAN90 programming and introduction to the use of a mathematical software package to graph functions. Proposed Catalog Descriptions: COSC 250 Introduction to Numerical Methods 3c013cr Prerequisites: COSC110, MATH 121 or 125 Algorithmic methods for function evaluation, roots of equations, solutions to systems of linear equations, function interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration; and use spline functions for curve fitting. Focus on managing and measuring errors in computation. Also offered as MATH 250; either COSC 250 or MATH 250 may be substituted for the other and may be used interchangeably for D or F repeats but may not be counted for duplicate credit. MATH 250 Introduction to Numerical Methods 3c013cr Prerequisites: COSC110, MATH 121 or 125 Algorithmic methods for function evaluation, roots of equations, solutions to systems of linear equations, function interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration; and use spline functions for curve fitting. Focus on managing and measuring errors in computation. Also offered as COSC 250; either MATH 250 or COSC 250 may be substituted for the other and may be used interchangeably for D or F repeats but may not be counted for duplicate credit. Rationale: The proposed cross-listing is a recognition that the material covered in numerical methods falls into an area where mathematics and computer science overlap. By cooperating between the departments, we believe that the course will attract additional students, because both departments intend to allow the course to be counted in their minors. There is not expected to be sufficient demand for both Mathematics and Computer Science to offer the course at the same time; the two departments will work out a sharing of the load by alternately offering the course or some other arrangement. No load changes will occur through such an arrangement because Mathematics will be proposing the cross-listing of MATH 219 as COSC 219; a teaching load trade can occur when MATH 250 is offered. The topics covered in COSC/MATH 250 are not changing. However, the tools used must change. FORTRAN 90 has not been available at Ä¢¹½tv since 2000 when the VAX VMS system was decommissioned. The last few times COSC 250 was taught, C++ was the language used and neither FORTRAN 90 nor MATLAB (mentioned in the syllabus) was employed. The new catalog description and syllabus of record do not mention the tools used, but concentrate on the mathematical concepts. b. Course Revision and Course Title Change: Current Catalog Description: COSC 300 Assembly Language Programming 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisite: COSC 110 or equivalent An examination of structure and languages of machines; representation of data, addressing techniques, symbolic coding, assemblers, macros, etc.; problem solution using assembly language. Proposed Catalog Description: COSC 300 Computer Organization and Assembly Language 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisite: COSC 110 or equivalent Discussion of the basic computer architecture elements: gates, combinational and sequential logic, hardware arithmetic, CPU and memory structure. Examination of the languages of machines: representation of data, addressing techniques, symbolic coding, assembly, and linking. Problem solving using assembly language. Rationale: There are three motivating factors for this course change: the better results on the Computer Science GRE for those taking the course, ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) accreditation, and a perceived gap in student understanding of several fundamental concepts that is weakening the responses in senior-level classes. By moving the computer organization topics to COSC 300 (a core course), we will ensure that all Computer Science students learn the fundamentals of computer hardware and allow COSC 410 to concentrate on architecture and more advanced issues related to hardware. This will also help with ABET accreditation requirements. Little is lost from the current version of COSC 300 in making this change. All of the key areas of assembly language can still be covered. c. Course Deletion: COSC 304 Interactive Internet Programming with Java 3c-0l-3cr Rationale: COSC 304 was last offered in Fall of 2003. Up to 2002, the Computer Science curriculum was centered on the traditional programming languages of C++ and COBOL. Java was a new programming language that was gaining national industry acceptance. By 2002, it was clear that Java was going to be an important language for industry. The Computer Science Department introduced COSC 210 as a new Java course in the programming path COSC 110 - 210 - 310. The coverage of 210 superseded COSC 304 so that after a year of transition, COSC 304 was not taught again. d. Course Revision, Course Title, and Catalog Description Change: Current Catalog Description: COSC 345 Data Communications 3c-01-3cr Prerequisites: COSC 110 or 220; MATH 121 or 123; MATH 214 or 216 or 217; or equivalents Communication of digital data between computers and to and from terminals and other peripherals; computer networks; small design projects or term paper. Proposed Catalog Description: COSC 345 Computer Networks 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisites: COSC 110; MATH 121 or 125; and MATH 214 or 216 or 217; or equivalents. Data communications, computer network architectures, functions of various network layers, communication protocols, internetworking, emerging high-speed networks Rationale: Computer Science is a rapidly changing field. During recent years many new technologies have emerged that are introduced in computer networking. To keep our course curriculum up-to-date, it is necessary to revise the old syllabus of COSC 345 Data Communications, which was developed years ago. Since data communications is one of the components of computer networking, the department decided to rename the course Computer Networks. Students gain sufficient programming ability to do course projects in COSC 110. COSC 220, which uses COBOL language, is not a required criteria for ABET. Therefore, COSC 220 is removed from the prerequisite list. e. Course Revision Change: Current Catalog Description: COSC 355 Computer Graphics 2c-1l-3cr Prerequisites: COSC 310 and junior status The use of computer graphics hardware and software. An overview of current applications and experience with representative software will introduce current practice. Foundations in primitives, geometry, and algorithms of passive computer graphics are the principal focus. A brief introduction to interactive computer graphics is included. Proposed Catalog Description: COSC 355 Computer Graphics 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisites: COSC 310 and junior status The use of computer graphics hardware and software. An overview of current applications and experience with representative software will introduce current practice. Foundations in primitives, geometry, and algorithms of passive computer graphics are the principal focus. A brief introduction to interactive computer graphics is included. Rationale: With the new advances in technology, our syllabus of record is outdated. Hence, it is necessary that we revise our old syllabus of record because it is a required course for Language and System track (LAS) to meet the ABET criteria. When COSC 355 was created, the department had limited facilities for accommodating graphics programming. To assure students in the class an opportunity to use these facilities, the course was designed with a lab so that the few facilities could be used by small groups of students. For some time, the department has had sufficient facilities to accommodate the entire class working on graphics programming both as a part of class time and in open labs for homework assignments. There is no longer a need to have the course with a different offering mode from our other courses; hence, we are changing to 3c-0l-3cr. f. Course Deletion: COSC 360 IBM Job Control Language 1c-0l-1cr Rationale: COSC 360 has not been taught since Spring 1994. Knowledge of course content is no longer required by industry. g. Course Revision, Catalog Description and Course Title Change Current Catalog Description: COSC 380 Seminar on the Computer Profession and Ethics 0c-1d-1cr Prerequisite: Permission Reading, review, and discussion of the current literature in computer science and industry trade journals; effective oral presentations; employment prospects. Should be taken the semester before an internship or the first semester of the senior year. Should not be taken at the same time as COSC 480. Proposed Catalog Description: COSC 380 Seminar on the Computer Profession and Ethics 2c-0l-2cr Prerequisite: Permission of instructor Reading, review, and discussion of the current literature of computer science and industry trade journals; effective oral presentations; employment prospects. Topics on computer ethics and review of case studies on computer ethics from professional journals with discussion of the issues involved. Should be taken the semester before an internship or the first semester of the senior year. Should not be taken at the same time as COSC 480. Rationale: This one credit course is being expanded to two credit hours to accommodate a one credit addition of subject matter dealing with ethics in the computer profession. Ethics has always been a subject taught in COSC 380, when time allowed. ABET guidelines require at least one credit hour of course material be devoted to ethics in computer science. Thus the expansion of the existing COSC 380 course by one credit hour will allow ethics in computer science to be treated in the required manner. h. Course Revision Catalog Description: COSC 405 Artificial Intelligence 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisite: COSC 310 An introduction to the field of artificial intelligence, i.e., the study of ideas that enable computers to process data in a more intelligent way than conventional practice allows. Covers many information representation and information processing techniques. Explores the underlying theory including matching, goal reduction, constraint exploration, search, control, problem solving, and logic. Rationale: Department could not find any old syllabus of record. Hence, it is required that we make a new syllabus of record because it is an elective course for Language and System track (LAS) to meet the ABET criteria. i. Course Revision, Course Title, and Catalog Description Change: Current Catalog Description: COSC 410 Processor Architecture and Microprogramming 3c-01-3cr Prerequisites: COSC 300 and 310 The logical description of computer processor structure (architecture), with an emphasis on the microprogramming approach. Project assignments using microcomputer. Proposed Catalog Description: COSC 410 Computer Architecture 3c-01-3cr Prerequisites: COSC 300 and 310 Introduces the underlying working principles of electronic computers. The organization and architecture of computer components are discussed. The course expounds on details of memory hierarchy, I/O organization, computer arithmetic, processor and control unit design, instruction set architecture, instruction-level parallelism, and the ways functional components interact together. Rationale: The current title, Processor Architecture and Microprogramming, is outdated and does not reflect the dynamic changes in technology in this important field of Computer Science over the past decade. Therefore a more descriptive and accurate title is being proposed. In addition, microprogram- ming has not been possible in 410 for twenty years. The contents have been revised too. The first motivation for this revision is the shifting of some the material that used to be covered in COSC 410 to be covered in COSC 300. We found that it is much better for students to study logic design earlier in COSC 300. Another motivation is the continuous change in the field and to match the recommendations of our accreditor. j. Course Deletion: COSC 419 Software Development with Ada Rationale: COSC 419 has not been taught since Spring 1996. Industry use of the Ada Language has drastically diminished over the past 8 years. There is negligible demand for this skill in the current market. k. Course Revision and Catalog Description Change: Current Catalog Description: COSC 420 Modern Programming Languages 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisites: COSC 220 and 310 A comparative study of the properties and applications of a range of higher-level programming languages, including Ada, APL, C, LISP, LOGO, Pascal, PROLOG, and SNOBOL. Comparison with older languages such as ALGOL, BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN, and PL/I. Proposed Catalog Description: COSC 420 Modern Programming Languages 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisite: COSC 310 A comparative survey of programming language paradigms. Includes an examination of the properties, applications, syntax and semantics of selected object-oriented, functional and declarative programming languages. Rationale: During recent years many new high-level programming languages have been developed. Each language has its unique applications in real world problems. This course must include the comparative studies of several modern programming languages. The contents of the new syllabus depend on materials taught in its prerequisite course, COSC 310 Data Structure and Algorithms, not on COSC 220 Applied Computer Programming. l. Course Revision: Catalog Description: COSC 460 Theory of Computation 3c-0l-3cr Prerequisite: COSC 310 or instructor permission Formal methods for describing and analyzing programming languages and algorithms. Backus-Naur forms; productions; regular expressions; introduction to automata theory; Turing machines; recent concepts in algorithm theory computability Rationale: Department could not find any old syllabus of record. Hence, it is required that we make a new syllabus of record because it is a required course for Language and System track (LAS) to meet the ABET criteria. m. Program Revisions Rationale: The Information Assurance Track is modified to reflect course re-numbering and re-titling. Additional rational is provided in the individual proposals. a) MATH 123 was replaced by a new course, MATH 125, by the Department of Mathematics. b) The credit hours of MATH 216 are reduced from 4 to 3 by the Senate. c) Liberal studies credit hours are reduced from 50 to 48 because of reduced credit hours of MATH 125 and 216. d) MATH 217/417 or MATH 214/417 option is removed because computer science majors require only one course on probability and statistics; the content of MATH 216 is now closer to that of MATH 214 and 217; so we will leave it to the department chair’s discretion as to accepting MATH 214 or MATH 217 in lieu of MATH 216, rather than require an additional course MATH 417 to insure comparable coverage. e) COSC 365 is now a controlled elective since it is no longer a 400 level course. f) COSC 444 is an upper level elective since it is now a 400 level course. Current Program: Bachelor of Science – Computer Science/ Information Assurance TrackProposed Program: Bachelor of Science – Computer Science/ Information Assurance Track Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section 50 with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 123 (2) Social Science: CRIM 101 (1) Liberal Studies Electives: 4cr, MATH 216 (2), no courses with COSC prefix Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section 48 with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 125 (1) Social Science: CRIM 101 (2) Liberal Studies Electives: 3cr, MATH 216, no courses with COSC prefix Major: 42 Required Courses:Major: 43 Required Courses:COSC 105 Fundamentals of Computer Science COSC 110 Problem Solving and Structured Programming COSC 210 Object-Oriented and GUI Programming COSC 220 Applied Computer Programming COSC 300 Assembly Language Programming COSC 310 Data Structures and Algorithms COSC 319 Software Engineering Concepts COSC 341 Introduction to Database Management Systems COSC 380 Seminar on the Computer Profession COSC 480 Seminar on Technical Topics 3cr 3cr 3cr 4cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 1cr 1crCOSC 105 Fundamentals of Computer Science COSC 110 Problem Solving and Structured Programming COSC 210 Object-Oriented and GUI Programming COSC 220 Applied Computer Programming COSC 300 Computer Organization and Assembly Language COSC 310 Data Structures and Algorithms COSC 319 Software Engineering Concepts COSC 341 Database Management COSC 380 Seminar in Computing Profession and Ethics COSC 480 Seminar on Technical Topics 3cr 3cr 3cr 4cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 2cr 1crInformation Assurance Required Courses: COSC 316 Host Computer Security COSC 356 Network Security One of the following two courses: COSC 320 Software Engineering Practice COSC 493 Internship (Information Assurance) Controlled Electives: 3cr from the following: COSC 345 Data Communications COSC/IFMG 354 Testing and Controlling LANs COSC 362 Unix Systems COSC 481 Special Topics in Computer Science (as approved for majors in this track) IFMG 382 Audit and Control Upper-Level Electives: 3cr from the following: COSC 415 Internet Architecture and Programming COSC 427 Introduction to Cryptography COSC 432 Introduction to Operating Systems COSC 482 Independent Study COSC 400-level course with department approval Minor in Criminology  3cr 3cr 3cr 12cr (3) 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 15 (1)Information Assurance Required Courses: COSC 316 Host Computer Security COSC 356 Network Security One of the following two courses: COSC 320 Software Engineering Practice COSC 493 Internship (Information Assurance) Controlled Electives: 3cr from the following: COSC 345 Computer Networks COSC/IFMG 354 Testing and Controlling LANs COSC 362 Unix Systems COSC 365 Web Architecture and Application Development COSC 481 Special Topics in Computer Science (as approved for majors in this track) IFMG 382 Auditing for EDP Systems Upper-Level Electives: 3cr from the following: COSC 427 Introduction to Cryptography COSC 432 Introduction to Operating Systems COSC 482 Independent Study COSC 400-level course with department approval Minor in Criminology  3cr 3cr 3cr 12cr (3) 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 15 (2) Other Requirements: Additional Writing: ENGL 322 Technical Writing Foreign Language Intermediate Level Additional Mathematics: MATH 219 Discrete Mathematics Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements:  6-12 3cr 0-6cr 3cr(2) 1-7 120 Other Requirements: 6-12 Additional Writing: ENGL 322 Technical Writing 3cr Foreign Language Intermediate Level 0-6cr Additional Mathematics: MATH 219 Discrete Mathematics 3cr Free Electives: 2-8 Total Degree Requirements: 120(1) CRIM 101 (taken as part of the social science requirement) is counted as part of the 18cr Criminology minor. 15 additional cr of CRIM are required. (2) MATH 123 can be substituted by taking both MATH 121 and 122. MATH 216 can be substituted by taking both MATH 214 and 417 or both MATH 217 and 417. (3) Only 4cr of COSC 493 may be counted towards the major. COSC 493 may be selected in either the second semester of the junior year or the first semester of the senior year. If COSC 493 is selected and approved, COSC 380 may be taken in the immediately preceding semester.(1) MATH 125 can be substituted by MATH 121. (2) CRIM 101 (taken as part of the social science requirement) is counted as part of the 18cr Criminology minor. 15 additional cr of CRIM are required. (3) COSC 493 may be selected in either the second semester of the junior year or the first semester of the senior year. If COSC 493 is selected and approved, COSC 380 may be taken in the immediately preceding semester. Note: Only 4cr of COSC 493 may be counted towards the major. Additional COSC 493 credits may be counted as free electives. Current Program: Bachelor of Science – Computer Science/ Applied Computer Science TrackProposed Program: Bachelor of Science – Computer Science/ Applied Computer Science Track Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies 50 section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 123 (1) Liberal Studies Electives: 4cr, MATH 216 (1), no courses with COSC prefix Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies 48 section with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 125 (1) Liberal Studies Electives: 3cr, MATH 216, no courses with COSC prefix Major: 39 Required Courses:Major: 40 Required Courses:COSC 105 Fundamentals of Computer Science COSC 110 Problem Solving and Structured Programming COSC 210 Object-Oriented and GUI Programming COSC 220 Applied Computer Programming COSC 300 Assembly Language Programming COSC 310 Data Structures and Algorithms COSC 319 Software Engineering Concepts COSC 341 Introduction to Database Management Systems COSC 380 Seminar on the Computer Profession COSC 480 Seminar on Technical Topics One of the following two courses: (2) COSC 304 Interactive Internet Programming with Java COSC 344 Productivity Tools and 4th Generation Languages Select one of the following two courses: (3) COSC 320 Software Engineering Practice COSC 493 Internship in Computer Science 3cr 3cr 3cr 4cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 1cr 1cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 12cr(4)COSC 105 Fundamentals of Computer Science COSC 110 Problem Solving and Structured Programming COSC 210 Object-Oriented and GUI Programming COSC 220 Applied Computer Programming COSC 300 Computer Organization and Assembly Language COSC 310 Data Structures and Algorithms COSC 319 Software Engineering Concepts COSC 341 Introduction to Database Management Systems COSC 365 Web Architecture and Application Development COSC 380 Seminar in Computing Profession and Ethics COSC 480 Seminar on Technical Topics Select one of the following two courses: COSC 320 Software Engineering Practice COSC 493 Internship in Computer Science 3cr 3cr 3cr 4cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 2cr 1cr 3cr(2) 12cr(3)Controlled Electives: 3cr from the following: (5) COSC 250 Introduction to Numerical Methods COSC 316 Host Computer Security COSC 345 Data Communications COSC/IFMG 354 Testing and Controlling LANs COSC 355 Computer Graphics COSC 356 Network Security COSC 360 IBM Job Control Language COSC 362 Unix Systems COSC 481 Special Topics in Computer Science (as approved for majors in this track) COSC 482 Independent Study IFMG 455 Data Warehousing and Mining Upperlevel Electives by Categories: 3cr from the following: Artificial Intelligence: COSC 405 Computer Architecture: COSC 410 Database Management: COSC 415 Numerical Methods: COSC 427, 450, 451 Systems Programming: COSC 430, 432 Theory of Languages: COSC 419, 420, 424, 460  3cr 3cr (6) 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 1cr 3cr 1-4cr 1-4cr 3cr 3cr(7) Controlled Electives: 3cr from the following: (4) COSC/MATH 250 Introduction to Numerical Methods COSC 316 Host Computer Security COSC 345 Computer Networks COSC/IFMG 354 Testing and Controlling LANs COSC 355 Computer Graphics COSC 356 Network Security COSC 362 Unix Systems COSC 481 Special Topics in Computer Science (only sections approved for majors) COSC 482 Independent Study IFMG 455 Data Warehousing and Mining Upperlevel Electives by Categories: 3cr from the following: Artificial Intelligence: COSC 405 Computer Architecture: COSC 410 Database Management: COSC 444 Numerical Methods: COSC 427, 451 Systems Programming: COSC 430, 432 Theory of Languages: COSC 420, 424, 460 3cr 3cr(5) 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 1-4cr 1-4cr 3cr 3cr(6) Other Requirements: Additional Writing: ENGL 322 Technical Writing Foreign Language Intermediate Level Additional Mathematics: MATH 219 Discrete Mathematics  6-12 3cr 0-6cr 3cr (1)Other Requirements: Additional Writing: ENGL 322 Technical Writing Foreign Language Intermediate Level Additional Mathematics: MATH 219 Discrete Mathematics  6-12 3cr 0-6cr 3cr Complete a minor from one of the following areas: Information Assurance Any department in the College of NSM Designated Business courses Designated Economics courses Designated Geography courses Designated Communications Media courses  7-18 18cr 7-18cr 18cr 15cr 15cr 18crComplete a minor from one of the following areas: Information Assurance Any department in the College of NSM Designated Business courses Designated Economics courses Designated Geography courses Designated Communications Media courses  8-18 18cr 8-18cr 18cr 15cr 15cr 18crFree Electives: 1-18 Total Degree Requirements: 120 (1) MATH 123 can be substituted by taking both MATH 121 and 122. MATH 216 can be substituted by taking both MATH 214 and 417 or both MATH 217 and 417. (2) Credit for both COSC 304 and 344 may be counted toward the degree, but only one will be counted toward the major requirements. (3) Credit for both COSC 320 and 493 may be counted toward the degree, but only one will be counted toward the major requirements. (4) COSC 493 may be selected in either the second semester of the junior year or the first semester of the senior year. If COSC 493 is selected and approved, COSC 380 may be taken in the immediately preceding semester. (5) Select at least 3sh from the list of controlled electives and/or the list of upper-level electives. (6) COSC 316 cannot be counted for major credit if a student does an Information Assurance minor. (7) Select at least one additional course from list of upper-level electives. Free Electives: 2-18 Total Degree Requirements: 120 (1) MATH 125 can be substituted by MATH 121. (2) Credit for both COSC 320 and 493 may be counted toward the degree, but only one will be counted toward the major requirements. (3) (3) COSC 493 may be selected in either the second semester of the junior year or the first semester of the senior year. If COSC 493 is selected and approved, COSC 380 may be taken in the immediately preceding semester. Note: Only 4cr of COSC 493 can be counted towards major. Additional COSC 493 credits may be counted as free electives. (4) Select at least 3cr from the list of controlled electives and/or the list of upper-level electives. (5) COSC 316 cannot be counted for major credit if a student does an Information Assurance minor. (6) Select at least one additional course from list of upper-level electives.  Rationale: The software industry has rapidly shifted from fourth generation languages to Internet and Web based programming. Internet and Web based programming are key competencies that our students must acquire in order to become software development professionals. Furthermore, many internship positions involve Internet and Web programming tasks. For some positions, these skills are a requirement. a) COSC 415 is the primary course covering the content of Internet and Web based programming. It is being re-numbered to COSC 365 to reflect that the course is to be taken during the student’s junior year. Furthermore, it is being changed from an Upper Level Elective to a required course for the applied track. It is being re-titled to better reflect the course content. b) With the change in industry focus from fourth generation languages, COSC 344 is being changed from being a required course on the applied track to become an Upper Level Elective. The subject of COSC 344 is still considered to be important, but is no longer a requirement. COSC 344 is being re-numbered to COSC 444 to reflect an Upper Level Elective. c) COSC 304 was last offered in Fall of 2003. Up to 2002, the Computer Science curriculum was centered on the traditional programming languages of C++ and COBOL. Java was a new programming language that was gaining national industry acceptance. The Computer Science Department introduced COSC 210 as a new Java course in the programming path COSC 110 - 210 - 310. The coverage of 210 superseded COSC 304 so that after a year of transition, COSC 304 was not taught again. COSC 304 is being deleted from the curriculum and all programs that reference it. d) COSC 360, 419 and 450 are courses that have not been taught in over 5 years. Content covered in these courses are no longer required by industry. These are being deleted from the curriculum and all programs that reference them. e) MATH 123 is replaced by a new course, MATH 125 by the Department of Mathematics. The credit hours of MATH 125 are 3 only. f) The credit hours of MATH 216 are reduced from 4 to 3 by the Department of Mathematics and were approved by the Senate. g) Liberal studies credit hours are reduced from 50 to 48 because of reduced credit hours of MATH 125 and 216. h) MATH 217/417 or MATH 214/417 option is removed because computer science majors require only one course on probability and statistics; and MATH 216 Probability and Statistics for Natural Sciences, even after being reduced to three credits, still provides the statistics and approach we need. The content of MATH 216 is now closer to that of MATH 214 and 217; so we will leave it to the department chair’s discretion as to accepting MATH 214 or MATH 217 in lieu of MATH 216, rather than require an additional course MATH 417 to insure comparable coverage. Current Program: Bachelor of Science – Computer Science/ Languages and Systems TrackProposed Program: Bachelor of Science – Computer Science/ Languages and Systems Track Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section 50 with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 123 (1) Liberal Studies Electives: 4cr, MATH 216 (1), no courses with COSC prefix Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section 48 with the following specifications: Natural Science: Must choose Liberal Studies Science option one Mathematics: MATH 125 (1)(2) Liberal Studies Electives: 3cr, MATH 126, no courses with COSC prefix (1)(2) Major: 42 Required Courses:Major: 45 Core Courses:COSC 105 Fundamentals of Computer Science COSC 110 Problem Solving and Structured Programming COSC 210 Object-Oriented and GUI Programming COSC 220 Applied Computer Programming COSC 300 Assembly Language Programming COSC 310 Data Structures and Algorithms COSC 319 Software Engineering Concepts COSC 341 Introduction to Database Management Systems COSC 380 Seminar on the Computer Profession COSC 480 Seminar on Technical Topics 9cr from the following upper-level electives: COSC 405 Artificial Intelligence COSC 410 Processor Architecture and Microprogramming COSC 420 Modern Programming Languages COSC 424 Compiler Construction COSC 432 Introduction to Operating Systems COSC 460 Theory of Computation 3cr 3cr 3cr 4cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 1cr 1cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3crCOSC 105 Fundamentals of Computer Science COSC 110 Problem Solving and Structured Programming COSC 210 Object-Oriented and GUI Programming COSC 300 Computer Organization and Assembly Language COSC 310 Data Structures and Algorithms COSC 319 Software Engineering Concepts COSC 341 Introduction to Database Management Systems COSC 380 Seminar in Computing Profession and Ethics COSC 480 Seminar on Technical Topics Required Courses: COSC 345 Computer Networks COSC 432 Introduction to Operating Systems COSC 460 Theory of Computation Electives: 12cr from the following elective courses: COSC/MATH 250 Introduction to Numerical Methods (3) COSC 316 Host Computer Security 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 2cr 1cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3crControlled Electives: 6cr from the following: (2) COSC 250 Introduction to Numerical Methods COSC 304 Interactive Internet Programming with Java COSC 316 Host Computer Security COSC 320 Software Engineering Practice COSC 344 Productivity Tools and 4th Generation Languages COSC 345 Data Communications COSC/IFMG 354 Testing and Controlling LANs COSC 355 Computer Graphics COSC 356 Network Security COSC 360 IBM Job Control Language COSC 362 Unix Systems  3cr 3cr(3) 3cr(4) 3cr(5) 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 1cr 3crCOSC 320 Software Engineering Practice or COSC 493 Internship in Computer Science (4) COSC 355 Computer Graphics COSC 362 Unix Systems 3cr COSC 365 Web Architecture and Application Development or COSC 444 Productivity Tools and Fourth Generation Languages COSC 405 Artificial Intelligence COSC 410 Computer Architecture 3cr COSC 420 Modern Programming Languages or COSC 424 Compiler Construction COSC 481 Special Topics in Computer Science (as approved for majors )3cr 12cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 1-4crCOSC 415 Internet Architecture and Programming COSC 419 Software Development with Ada COSC 427 Introduction to Cryptography COSC 430 Introduction to Systems Programming COSC 450 Applied Numerical Methods COSC 451 Numerical Methods for Supercomputers COSC 481 Special Topics in Computer Science (as approved for majors) COSC 482 Independent Study COSC 493 Internship in Computer Science IFMG 455 Data Warehousing and Mining Other Requirements: Additional Writing: ENGL 322 Technical Writing Foreign Language Intermediate Level Additional Mathematics: A minor in mathematics including the following: MATH 123 Calculus I for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (MATH 121 and 122 may be substituted) 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 1-4cr 1-4cr 12cr(5)(6) 3cr 13-19 3cr 0-6cr 10cr  Other Requirements: ENGL 322 Technical Writing One science with lab in addition to the Liberal Studies requirement Mathematics: A minor in mathematics including the following: MATH 171 Introduction to Linear Algebra MATH 216 Probability and Statistics for Natural Sciences MATH 219 Discrete Mathematics MATH 225 Calculus III for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or MATH 250 Introduction to Numerical Methods (3) Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements:  19 3cr 4cr 12cr 8 120MATH 124 Calculus II for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics MATH 171 Introduction to Linear Algebra MATH 216 Probability and Statistics for Natural Sciences MATH 219 Discrete Mathematics Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements: 9-15 120(1)  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/math.shtm" \l "MATH 123 Calculus I for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics" MATH 125 and 126 can be substituted by  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/math.shtm" \l "MATH 121 Calculus I for Natural and Social Sciences" MATH 121 and  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/math.shtm" \l "MATH 122 Calculus II for Natural and Social Sciences" 122. (2)  MATH 125 and  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/math.shtm" \l "MATH 124 Calculus II for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics" 126 (taken as Liberal Studies requirements) are also counted towards the minor. (3)   COSC/MATH 250 may be counted as a Computer Science elective or as a part of the Mathematics minor, but not both. (4)  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/cosc.shtm" \l "COSC 493 Internship in Computer Science" COSC 493 may be selected in either the second semester of the junior year or the first semester of the senior year. If  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/cosc.shtm" \l "COSC 493 Internship in Computer Science" COSC 493 is selected and approved,  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/course/cosc.shtm" \l "COSC 380 Seminar on the Computer Profession" COSC 380 should be taken in the immediately preceding semester. Only 4cr can be counted towards major. Additional COSC 493 credits may be counted as free electives.  (1) MATH 123 can be substituted by taking both MATH 121 and 122. (2) Select at least 6cr from the list of controlled electives. Note: Only 4cr of COSC 493 may be counted toward these 6cr. (3) Credit for both COSC 304 and 344 may be counted toward the degree, but only one will be counted toward the major requirements. (4) COSC 316 cannot be counted for major credit if a student does an Information Assurance minor. (5) Credit for both COSC 320 and 493 may be counted toward the degree, but only one will be counted toward the major requirements. (6) COSC 493 may be selected in either the second semester of the junior year or the first semester of the senior year. If COSC 493 is selected and approved, COSC 380 may be taken in the immediately preceding semester. (7) In addition to MATH 171, 216 and 219, MATH 123-124 (taken as Liberal Studies requirement) are also counted towards the minor.  Rationale: a) COSC 220 Applied Computer Programming dropped because it is not required for ABET accreditation so it is being deleted. b) The core courses provide a base of fundamentals computer science materials as required for ABET accreditation. The required courses provide additional background essential for ABET accreditation. Some of the electives were dropped. The electives left are the ones which support the ABET requirements. c) Foreign language requirement will be satisfied by completing courses in multiple computer programming languages; through Java and C++, our students are getting a similar exposure to languages, albeit computer rather than natural languages. In past years, Departments of Geosciences and Biology have done the same. The additional requirement for this track for students to take COSC 460 will guarantee exposure to the theory of languages and some linguistic concepts. d) A two-semester sequence in a laboratory science, option one and the additional science course were adopted to meet the ABET accreditation for science requirement. e) MATH 123 and 124 are replaced by two new courses, MATH 125 and 126, respectively by the Department of Mathematics. Credit hours of both MATH 125 and 126 are 3 each. These changes were approved by the Senate. f) Liberal studies credit hours are reduced from 50 to 48 because of reduced credit hours of MATH 125 and 126. g) COSC 304, 360, 419, and 450 have been deleted from the department. h) COSC/IFMG 354, COSC 356, 427, 430, 451, 482, and IFMG 455 do not provide the type of breadth that ABET requires of computer science electives. Therefore, they have been removed to comply with ABET criteria. i) COSC 415 Internet Architecture and Programming has been revised, re-titled, and re-numbered as COSC 365 Web Architecture and Application Development. j) Students may choose either COSC 365 or COSC 444. These are somewhat similar in content but use different programming languages. To enhance the breadth that ABET looks for in the electives, we limit students to counting only one. k) Students may choose either COSC 320 or COSC 493. Both courses involve practical experiences in software engineering. To enhance the breadth that ABET looks for in the electives, we limit students to counting only one of the two. l) The footnote (4) in the current program was a mistake. It has been removed from the proposed program. m) Students may choose either COSC 420 or 424. Both courses involve the study of programming language structure and features. To enhance the breadth that ABET looks for in the electives, we limit students to counting only one of the two. Current Program: Bachelor of Arts – Computer ScienceProposed Program: Bachelor of Arts – Computer Science Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section 50 with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 123 (1) Liberal Studies Electives: 4cr, MATH 216 (1), no courses with COSC prefix Liberal Studies: As outlined in Liberal Studies section 48 with the following specifications: Mathematics: MATH 125 (1) Liberal Studies Electives: 3cr, MATH 216, no courses with COSC prefix.  Major: 36 Required Courses: Major: 37 Required Courses:COSC 105 Fundamentals of Computer Science COSC 110 Problem Solving and Structured Programming COSC 210 Object-Oriented and GUI Programming COSC 220 Applied Computer Programming COSC 300 Assembly Language Programming COSC 310 Data Structures and Algorithms COSC 341 Introduction to Database Management Systems COSC 380 Seminar on the Computer Profession COSC 480 Seminar on Technical Topics 3cr 3cr 3cr 4cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 1cr 1crCOSC 105 Fundamentals of Computer Science COSC 110 Problem Solving and Structured Programming COSC 210 Object-Oriented and GUI Programming COSC 220 Applied Computer Programming COSC 300 Computer Organization and Assembly Language COSC 310 Data Structures and Algorithms COSC 341 Introduction to Database Management Systems COSC 380 Seminar in Computing Profession and Ethics COSC 480 Seminar on Technical Topics 3cr 3cr 3cr 4cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 2cr 1crControlled Electives: 6cr from the following: (2) COSC 250 Introduction to Numerical Methods COSC 304 Interactive Internet Programming with Java COSC 316 Host Computer Security COSC 319 Software Engineering Concepts COSC 320 Software Engineering Practice COSC 344 Productivity Tools and Fourth Generation Languages COSC 345 Data Communications COSC/IFMG 354 Testing and Controlling LANs COSC 355 Computer Graphics COSC 356 Network Security COSC 360 IBM Job Control Language COSC 362 Unix Systems COSC 481 Special Topics in Computer Science (only sections approved for majors) COSC 482 Independent Study COSC 493 Internship in Computer Science IFMG 455 Data Warehousing and Mining  3cr 3cr 3cr(3) 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 1cr 3cr 1-4cr 1-4cr 12cr(4) 3crControlled Electives: 6cr from the following: (2) COSC/MATH 250 Introduction to Numerical Methods COSC 316 Host Computer Security COSC 319 Software Engineering Concepts COSC 320 Software Engineering Practice COSC 345 Computer Networks COSC/IFMG 354 Testing and Controlling LANs COSC 355 Computer Graphics COSC 356 Network Security COSC 362 Unix Systems COSC 365 Web Architecture and Application Development COSC 481 Special Topics in Computer Science (only sections approved for majors) COSC 482 Independent Study COSC 493 Internship in Computer Science IFMG 455 Data Warehousing and Mining  3cr 3cr(3) 3cr 3cr(4) 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 3cr 1-4cr 1-4cr 12cr(4) 3crUpperlevel Electives by Categories: Computer Architecture: COSC 410 Theory of Languages: COSC 419, 420, 424, 460 Systems Programming: COSC 430, 432 Numerical Methods: COSC 427, 450, 451 Artificial Intelligence: COSC 405 Data Base Management: COSC 4156cr(5)Upperlevel Electives by Categories: Artificial Intelligence: COSC 405 Computer Architecture: COSC 410 Data Base Management: COSC 444 Numerical Methods: COSC 427, 451 Systems Programming: COSC 430, 432 Theory of Languages: COSC 420, 424, 4606cr (5) Other Requirements: Additional Writing: ENGL 322 Technical Writing Foreign Language Intermediate Level Additional Mathematics: MATH 219 Discrete Mathematics Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements: 6-12 3cr 0-6cr 3cr (1) 22-28 120Other Requirements: Additional Writing: ENGL 322 Technical Writing Foreign Language Intermediate Level Additional Mathematics: MATH 219 Discrete Mathematics Free Electives: Total Degree Requirements: 6-12 3cr 0-6cr 3cr 23-29 120(1) MATH 123 can be substituted by taking both MATH 121 and 122. MATH 216 can be substituted by talking both MATH 214 and 417 or both MATH 217 and 417. (2) Select at least 6cr from the list of controlled electives. Note: Only 4cr of COSC 493 may be counted toward these 6cr. (3) COSC 316 cannot be counted for major credit if a student does an Information Assurance minor. (4) COSC 493 may be selected in either the second semester of the junior year or the first semester of the senior year. If COSC 493 is selected and approved, COSC 380 may be taken in the immediately preceding semester. (5) Select at least two additional courses, from at least two different categories, from the list of upper-level electives. (1) MATH 125 can be substituted by MATH 121. (2) Select at least 6cr from the list of controlled electives. (3) COSC 316 cannot be counted for major credit if a student does an Information Assurance minor. (4) Credit for both COSC 320 and 493 may be counted toward the degree, but only one will be counted toward the major requirements. Note: Only 4cr of COSC 493 can be counted toward these 6cr. Additional COSC 493 credits may be counted as free electives. COSC 493 may be selected in either the second semester of the junior year or the first semester of the senior year. If COSC 493 is selected and approved, COSC 380 may be taken in the immediately preceding semester. (5) Select at least two additional courses, from at least two different categories, from the list of upper-level electives.  Rationale: The BA is modified to reflect course deletions, re-numbering, and re-titling. Additional rational is provided in the individual proposals. a) MATH 123 is replaced by a new course, MATH 125 by the Department of Mathematics. The credit hours of MATH 125 are 3. These changes were approved by the Senate. b) The credit hours of MATH 216 are reduced from 4 to 3 by the Department of Mathematics and were approved by the Senate. c) Liberal studies credit hours are reduced from 50 to 48 because of reduced credit hours of MATH 125 and 216. d) MATH 217/417 or MATH 214/417 option is removed because computer science majors require only one course on probability and statistics; and MATH 216 Probability and Statistics for Natural Sciences, even after being reduced to three credits, still provides the statistics and approach we need. The content of MATH 216 is now closer to that of MATH 214 and 217; so we will leave it to the department chair’s discretion as to accepting MATH 214 or MATH 217 in lieu of MATH 216, rather than require an additional course MATH 417 to insure comparable coverage. e) COSC 365 is now controlled elective since it is no longer a 400 level course. f) COSC 444 is an upper level elective since it is now a 400 level course. g) COSC 360, 419 and 450 are courses that have not been taught in over 5 years. Content covered in these courses are no longer required by industry. These are being deleted from the curriculum and all programs that reference them. Current Catalog Description of Minor: Minor—Computer Science 15 Required Courses: COSC Electives (1, 2, 3) 15cr (1) This minor consists of 15cr of COSC electives. At least 9 of the 15cr must be COSC courses numbered higher than 200. (2) COSC 101 is an appropriate entry course for minors or for students who wish to take only one course. However, COSC 101 cannot be counted as part of a Computer Science minor by Management Information Systems majors. (3) See Computer Science minor advisor for suggestions. Proposed Catalog Description of Minor: Minor—Computer Science 18 Required Courses: At least one of the following courses: COSC 210 Object Oriented and GUI Programming 3cr COSC 220 Applied Computer Programming 4cr COSC 300 Computer Organization and Assembly Language 3cr And COSC electives (1, 2, 3) 15cr (1) At least six out of the elective 15cr must be of COSC courses numbered higher than 200. (2) COSC 101 is an appropriate entry course for minor. However, COSC 101 cannot be counted as part of a Computer Science minor by Management Information Systems majors. (3) See Computer Science minor advisor for suggestions. Rationale: The number of credits required to take a minor in Computer Science has been updated from15 to 18 credits and will conform to the PASSHE requirements for new minors. In addition, one of the three courses [COSC 210, 220, 300] is required in order to minimize overlaps between the minor in Computer Science and the minor in Information Assurance. n. Catalog Description Change for the Program Current Catalog Description: The programs in Computer Science at Ä¢¹½tv lead to the B.S. or B.A. degree and are designed primarily to prepare graduates for productive work in highly computer-dependent areas of business, government, and industry. In recent years, majors graduating from the program have attained their first jobs in business applications, programming and systems analysis, computer software development, scientific and applied mathematical programming, and other computer-related areas and have gone to graduate school.   In a rapidly developing field such as Computer Science, it is important that the graduate’s education be broad and fundamental so that new trends can more readily be followed. Our goal is to balance fundamentality and breadth with sufficient supervised practice so that our graduates are productive at the time they graduate but ready and willing to change with the field.   Most applied computer scientists work in cooperation with professionals trained in other areas and with managers. Hence, the ability to work and communicate with others of different educational backgrounds is an important characteristic. To that end, we encourage Computer Science majors to take a strong minor (or area concentration) in a second area of interest. Some students may wish to double major. Majors in other disciplines at Ä¢¹½tv are also welcome to take Computer Science courses for which they are qualified or a Computer Science minor.   Students majoring in Computer Science should set their goals beyond simple programming and should be preparing to: 1.     program well, both in design and implementation phases, and document what they have programmed 2.     analyze real-world problems in preparation for program design and implementation 3.     manage activities that are strongly computer dependent 4.     improve the tools that programmers and systems analysts use, i.e., to develop         a.  better software systems         b.  better graphical user interfaces         c.  better languages for communicating with computers         d.  better web-based interfaces and databases         e.  better methods for solving intractable problems 5.     teach about computers at college or high school level 6.     advance the fundamental theory of digital information processors 7.     increase awareness of information assurance education and issues Proposed Catalog Description: The programs in Computer Science at Ä¢¹½tv lead to the B.S. or B.A. degree and are designed primarily to prepare graduates for productive work in highly computer-dependent areas of business, government, and industry. In recent years, majors graduating from the program have attained their first jobs in business applications, programming and systems analysis, computer software development, scientific and applied mathematical programming, and other computer-related areas and have gone to graduate school.   In a rapidly developing field such as Computer Science, it is important that the graduate’s education be broad and fundamental so that new trends can more readily be followed. Our goal is to balance fundamentality and breadth with sufficient supervised practice so that our graduates are productive at the time they graduate but ready and willing to change with the field.   We encourage Computer Science majors to take a strong minor (or area concentration) in a second area of interest. Some students may wish to double major. Majors in other disciplines at Ä¢¹½tv are also welcome to take Computer Science courses for which they are qualified or to complete a Computer Science minor or Information Assurance Minor.   Students in a Computer Science track should set their goals beyond simple programming and should be preparing to: apply computer science knowledge to application areas from science and industry. apply appropriate data structures and algorithms to analyze and solve new problems. apply software engineering techniques to designing, implementing, documenting, testing and maintaining software systems. contribute to improving the design and implementation of databases. use more than one programming language and choose an appropriate one for the project. work with and communicate effectively with professionals in various fields. continue a life-long professional development in computing. act ethically and professionally. There are additional goals for students dependent on the track they choose. Bachelor of Arts–Computer Science A graduate of this track will be prepared to: apply knowledge of computing to an area not usually associated with computer science. be particularly effective in communicating with others of different cultural and educational background regarding computing issues. be employed in entry level positions in business. Bachelor of Science–Computer Science/Applied Computer Science Track A graduate of this track will be prepared to: develop Web-based applications and interfaces. work with all types of computer systems - legacy, current, and future. apply knowledge of computing to an area of secondary interest (dependent on the minor taken). work with a variety of software tools in designing and implementing computer-based systems. manage activities that are strongly computer-system dependent. be employed at entry level through project leader positions. Bachelor of Science–Computer Science/Languages and Systems Track A graduate of this track will be prepared to: improve: the software tools that programmers and analysts use. operating systems. Web-based applications and interfaces. networks and system security. develop: better languages for communicating with computers. software that takes computer organization into account. enter graduate studies. Bachelor of Science–Computer Science/Information Assurance Track A graduate of this track will be prepared to: work with business personnel to implement information security policy. work with law enforcement personnel at all levels to prevent information security violations and prosecute those who attack computer systems. manage security in network systems. increase the public's knowledge of information assurance issues. establish procedures that provide information assurance in computer systems for which s/he is responsible. contribute to improving secure data communications. strengthen the security of application programs. University-Wide Graduate Committee (Senators LaPorte and Williamson) FOR INFORMATION: The University-Wide Graduate Committee provided distance education approval for the following courses: MGMT 613: Organizational Analysis MGMT 637: Operations Management MGMT/MKTG 650: International Business MGMT 695: Business Policy CRIM 600: Criminological Theory CRIM 601: Proseminar CRIM 605: Research Methods CRIM 610: Legal Issues in Criminology CRIM 632: Organizational Dynamics within the Criminal Justice System CRIM 645: The Dynamics of Cybercrimes CRIM 718: Quantitative Strategies for Analysis in Criminology CRIM 730: Ethical and Philosophical Issues in Criminology CRIM 748: Criminal Violence: Theory, Research, and Issues CRIM 785: Seminar in Contemporary Juvenile Justice and Delinquency CRIM 791: Synthesis Project FOR ACTION: APPROVED 1. Department: Student Affairs in Higher Education Program: Master of Arts in Student Affairs in Higher Education New Course: SAHE 698 Internship Catalogue Start Date: Spring 2008 Catalog Description: SAHE 698 Internship 3cr. A supervised study and/or work experience of at least 150 hours with an institution of higher education or an appropriate professional association determined individually between the student and the supervising faculty member. Sites must be approved by the department. Prerequisite: Permission only. Rationale: One of the objectives for the SAHE program is that our graduates will show evidence of becoming reflective practitioners. A 150 contact hour internship, under supervision of a qualified professional who will encourage study in the particular aspects of the internship site, will assist the program to achieve this objective for our students. With the site and faculty supervisor engaging the student in reflective comparisons of practice and/or theory within the context of a new environment, student learning will be enhanced through application, comparison, and analysis. FOR ACTION: APPROVED 2. Department: Counseling Program: M.Ed. School Counseling Catalog Start Term: Spring 2008 Minor Program Revision: This minor revision reflects a removal of a program requirement. Current Requirements: New Requirements: Master of Education in School Counseling I. Core Courses COUN 615 Counseling Across the Lifespan 3 cr. COUN 617 Basic Counseling Skills 3 cr. COUN 618 Diversity Issues in Counseling 3 cr. COUN 621 Intro to Guidance Svc 3 cr. COUN 624 Educational Appraisal 3 cr. COUN 626 Career Education 3 cr. COUN 628 Mgt. of Guidance Svc. 3 cr. COUN 720 Ethical/Legal Iss. in Coun. 3 cr. COUN 755 Field Experience 3 cr. FDED 611 Historical Fndts of Educ 3 cr. or FDED 612 Philos. Fndts of Educ. 3 cr. or FDED 613 Social Fndts. of Educ. 3 cr. GSR 615 Elements of Research 3 cr. Electives 3 cr. Master of Education in School Counseling I. Core Courses COUN 615 Counseling Across the Lifespan 3 cr. COUN 617 Basic Counseling Skills 3 cr. COUN 618 Diversity Issues in Counseling 3 cr. COUN 621 Intro to Guidance Svc 3 cr. COUN 624 Educational Appraisal 3 cr. COUN 626 Career Education 3 cr. COUN 628 Mgt. of Guidance Svc. 3 cr. COUN 720 Ethical/Legal Iss. in Coun. 3 cr. COUN 755 Field Experience 3 cr. GSR 615 Elements of Research 3 cr. Electives 6 cr. Note: For the sake of comparison, the same course titles that appear in the current graduate catalog are used in the “new” description. New course titles were put forward through the curriculum process last year, and it is expected that these new course titles will appear in the next edition of the Graduate Catalog. The new course titles already appear in the on-line version of the Graduate Catalog.  Rationale for the changes: The Department of Counseling is seeking to remove FDED courses from degree requirements for students in the M.Ed School Counseling program. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) requirements for initial certification programs, students must receive instruction in foundations of education content. The Department of Counseling prepares students for initial certification through its M.Ed. in School Counseling program. During its recent intensive curricular review, the Department of Counseling has determined that its core curriculum satisfies this requirement via COUN 621 and COUN 628; therefore the department believes it would benefit students to eliminate the requirement of FDED courses and instead allow students the option of choosing another 3 credits in electives. Currently M.Ed. students in the Department of Counseling have only one elective. Students could continue to select FDED courses as an elective, or they could choose another elective relevant to the M.Ed. degree. FOR ACTION: APPROVED 3. Department: Criminology Program: Master of Arts in Criminology; Variability in Program Delivery Summary: Currently, the Department of Criminology offers two Master of Arts programs. One is offered as a full-time oriented program on the main Ä¢¹½tv campus, and the other is offered as a part-time cohort program at the Ä¢¹½tv Monroeville Center. The Master of Arts degree in Criminology prepares students for administrative and research positions in the criminal justice system and related fields. The program at the Monroeville Center is especially designed for professionals already working in the justice system, who wish to broaden their career opportunities. Both programs are 30 credit hours and have the same curriculum requirements. The department is now proposing variability in program delivery of the existing Master of Arts in Criminology, by offering all classes online through a distance education format. Justification: By offering our master’s courses online, we believe we will be able to meet the mission of the program and better serve the needs of our prospective students, especially those currently working in the criminal justice system and wishing to deepen their education and expand their career opportunities. Through the delivery of our courses online, the M.A. in Criminology can be completed on a part-time basis, in two years, without career interruption, and the new delivery format will eliminate geographic/travel obstacles for a new target population of students. The evidence strongly indicates that in the field of criminology and criminal justice, a master’s degree enhances career opportunities, and in some cases is required for promotion. Moreover, online education is growing at a rapid pace, and increased enrollments reflect both strong demand and growing acceptance of online programs within the discipline. For individuals who work varied schedules and different shifts, such as law enforcement officers and other criminal justice system personnel, online education is a viable option. In fact, for many of these working professionals, online programs are likely the only option for them to be able to pursue their graduate education. Another factor that prominently enters into the scenario is that many criminal justice personnel live in rural areas and do not have access to traditional programs. New Course: Catalog Description: CRIM 645 The Dynamics of Cybercrimes 3cr. An examination of the current and future issues in cybercrimes. Emphasis will be given to criminals and victims, law enforcement, state and federal laws, criminological theories, and the development of research topics in cybercrimes. Rationale: The Dynamics of Cybercrimes will be a graduate elective course in the criminology department. The course introduces students to various online criminal activities that are increasing in the U.S. and worldwide. The course also provides graduate students with information about investigating, researching, and developing policy in the area of online crimes. Course Revision: Course Renumbering Old Catalog Description: CRIM 848 Criminal Violence: Theory, Research, and Issues 3cr. An overview of general theories of violence and their applications to criminal violence. A variety of research and policy/programmatic issues will be explored, with attention given to issues relating to predicting dangerousness. New Catalog Description: CRIM 748/848 Criminal Violence: Theory, Research, and Issues 3cr. An overview of general theories of violence and their applications to criminal violence. A variety of research and policy/programmatic issues will be explored, with attention given to issues relating to predicting dangerousness. Rationale: The department has permitted on-campus M.A. students to take CRIM 848 as an elective, and in those cases, the course includes a mix of Ph.D. and M.A. students. We are now proposing an online delivery of our M.A. Program. We would like to be able to include the Criminal Violence course as a regular elective for the online students, as we believe it is very pertinent and useful for justice system professionals. Sections offered as part of the online curriculum would consist of master’s students only. Consequently, we are seeking permission to dual list the Criminal Violence-Theory, Research, & Issues course as CRIM 848 and CRIM 748. Noncredit Committee (Senator O’Neil) FOR INFORMATION: Non-Credit Committee Report On November 15, 2007 the Continuing Education committee visited Ä¢¹½tv Academy of Culinary Arts Baking and Pastry Arts Program. The Baking and Pastry Arts Program is open to students who have successfully completed the culinary arts curriculum at Ä¢¹½tv or have graduated from an accredited Baking and Pastry Arts Program. This program provides some of the most advanced pastry training available in the U.S. Class size limited to fifteen students allows personal instruction by American Culinary Federation Certified Pastry Chef instructors. The program entails two semesters at the Academy (fall and spring) and a final externship semester (summer) in the industry. Some of the classes the students take include: Quick and Laminated Dough Tarts, Pastries, & Cookies Petits four, Cakes & Meringues Custards and Frozen Desserts Candy Making and Chocolate Show Pieces Sugar Showpieces and Buffet Presentation The demand for the program quickly outgrew the original 15 seats and the Academy was able to fill an additional 15 seats in the program. The Continuing Education committee was able to observe this second class that runs from 3:00pm to 9:00 pm. Under the tutelage of Chef Battaglia the students presented their class project of gingerbread houses with a cookie display. Library and Educational Committee (Senator Jozefowicz) Next meeting is Tuesday, December 11 at 3:30pm in Stabley 101. Research Committee (Senator Sciulli) FOR INFORMATION: The committee met November 13, 2007 and awarded $12,393 in grants to the following individuals. Charlene Bebko Pearl Berman Parimal Bhagat Kimberly Burch Mary Graham and Kimberly Desmond Lorraine Guth Krys Kaniasty Jaeju Ko DeAnna Laverick Daniel Lee Jonathan Lewis Steve Loar Kelli Paquette Devki Talwar Next meeting is Tuesday, December 11 at 3:15pm in Stright Hall. University Development and Finance Committee (Senator Domaracki) FOR INFORMATION: Committee Reports Parking Committee – No report. A Parking Committee meeting is scheduled for 11/27/07 Budget Report Based on questions raised at the last Senate meeting regarding the FY08 E&G Budget, Mrs. Sink provided the committee with summary analysis information from the PASSHE's Common Cost Accounting Report (CCAR) and historical trends of the Ä¢¹½tv data related to PASSHE's System Accountability Measures. Discussion regarding the various definitions of "FTE" and general increases in other operating costs provided additional information for the Committee in understanding budget variables. The Committee suggests that any Senator with specific budget inquires send those inquiries in writing directly to the Committee so that the inquiries may be appropriately researched and addressed. Old Business Proposed Five Year Spending Plan - The committee reviewed the Proposed Five Year Spending Plan. The plan was unanimously approved. An attachment of the plan is provided for senate review and action. Wilson Hall Renovation – Furniture and equipment for Wilson Hall is scheduled to arrive by the end of December. All furniture and equipment will be in place for Wilson Hall to be open and operational for the start of classes in January. Steam Line Repair – The steam line repair project between Johnson and Weyandt Halls will be put out for bid and awarded in December. Construction is scheduled to begin in the spring semester and continue into the summer. The project will not impinge on pedestrian of vehicular traffic on Oakland Avenue. Residential Revival Phase I & II – Phase I punch list item corrections are nearing completion. Phase II is on schedule and there are no immanent issues of concern. Phase III planning continues with a final decision about moving forward with construction will be made at the Foundation Board’s meeting at the end of November. Washington Street Parking Lot – A contract for the demolition of the houses at 1024 and 1030 Washington Street has been awarded. The razing of these structures is to be completed by the end of December. A contract for the construction and paving of the Washington Street Lot will be awarded in the spring with construction scheduled fore the summer. Reverse 911 Update – Another e-mail has been sent to all employees and students to encourage individuals to register for the Reverse 911 System. To date 3,708 students and 527 employees have registered their cell phones on the system. The committee encourages all employees and students to register their cell phone numbers with the system so that they may receive up to the minute information in the event of a campus crisis or announcements regarding inclement weather or university closings. Chilled Water Extension Project to Stapleton/Stably Libraries – This past summer the Stapleton/Stabley Libraries experienced problems with existing chiller units. Plans are being developed to tie both library chiller systems in to the main Chiller Plant Project. Work on this project is scheduled to begin in the summer and continue into the fall semester. New Business Data on blocked email messages - At the October meeting of the committee questions were raised regarding the large volume of junk or spam e-mail received by faculty and staff and if data existed regarding the effectiveness of our filters/firewalls. At our recent meeting data on blocked and unblocked e-mails for the past three years were reported. The data reported were: 2004- 17 million blocked and 34 million not blocked, 2005 – 30.5 million blocked and 44.1 million not blocked and 2006 – 45.7 million blocked and 64.1 million not blocked. Inclement Weather Policy - A hard copy of the university Inclement Weather Policy can be obtained at the following website.  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/humanresources/policies/inclement%20weather%policy%20and%20procedures.pdf" http://www.iup.edu/humanresources/policies/inclement%20weather%policy%20and%20procedures.pdf Respectfully Submitted Joseph Domaracki 11/30/07 FOR ACTION: APPROVED New Project Requests Proposed Proposed Five-Year Priority Spending Plan The following is the proposed five-year priority order of Capital Projects: Proposed 2008-2009None Proposed 2009-2010None Proposed 2010-2011Renovation by Replacement of Keith Hall Proposed 2011-2012Renovation by Replacement of Leonard Hall Proposed 2012-2013Renovation by Replacement Weyandt/Walsh  Student Affairs Committee (Senator Beisel) Dr. Beisel reported that the Office of Civic Engagement and Community Service has support available for faculty interested in civic engagement initiatives. Please contact Caleb Finegan for information. The Vice President for Student Affairs, Rhonda Luckey, has many grants available for the spring 2008 to support alcohol and substance abuse curricular infusion. The Dean of Students, Terry Appolonia, is heading a crisis assessment and response team which meets bi-weekly. If there is a concern about a student or other issue, please contact Terry Appolonia. Academic Committee (Senators Dugan and Novels) FOR ACTION: APPROVED The Senate Academic Committee requests approval of the following retirees for submission to the Council of Trustees for granting of Emeritus status. Allan Andrew Gary Bird Chef Timothy Brown Gerald Buriok Victor Drescher Judith Duffy Mohamed Ghobashy Jerry Gebhard Kenneth Hershman Foster Jones Ronald Lunardini Barbara Marquette Gordon Thornton Frank Viggiano Awards Committee (Senators Hernandez and Ritchey) Next meeting will be next semester. Please remember the deadline for Senate Awards is December 14; please send the requests to Dr. Hernandez. SENATE REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS University Planning Council (Senator Wright) Dr. Broad reported that our representative to the UPC, Tressa Wright, was unable to attend the meeting on Monday, but I was there. After another briefing on the performance indicators, and mention of the Liberal Studies process, we were given an overview of the NSSE and the… (va-va-va-voom?) … VSA that Dr. Kilmarx talked about earlier. Presidential Athletic Advisory Committee (Senator Domaracki) No report. Academic Computing Policy Advisory Committee (Senator Chiarulli) FOR INFORMATION: ACPAC has created the following Action Teams to explore or review various technology issues. Anyone with comments or questions about these items should contact the Team convener. Wednesday, 5 Dec 07 at 3:30 in Oak Room A. Collaboration/Expertise Team, Nancy Yost, Convener.  Exploring creation of list of faculty members with technology expertise. Emerging Technologies Team, Lloyd Onyett, Convener.  Reviewing emerging technologies such as blogging, Second Life, video streaming, etc. Office/Vista Team, Joann Janosko, Convener.  Preparing a recommendation for implementation of Office 2007 and/or Vista. Survey Team, Dennis Giever, Convener.  Analyzing technology survey administered to faculty. On-line Learning Team, Dolores Brzycki, Convener.  Evaluating a replacement for WebCT.  Currently a pilot of Sakai is underway.  Additional faculty members are welcome to join this team. PDS Team,  Lloyd Onyett, Convener.  Reviewing the functions of the Project Directory Service. Digital Repository Team, Ken Sherwood, Convener.  Exploring the development of an institutional digital repository. Next meeting is Wednesday, December 5 at 3:30pm. NEW BUSINESS none ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:38 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Tressa Wright, Secretary     Page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 32 Minutes, University Senate, 12/04/07, page  PAGE 32 of  NUMPAGES 32 page  PAGE 32 of  NUMPAGES 32 %&'(012789:GLWX`abhj—™›„«¹ Ę Ģ Õ Ö öäÓĖĘĮĘĖ¼Ėµ­Ø­£Ÿ›Ÿ”­µŸµ†µzqh\Qh¾Ihł~dCJaJh¾Ih¾I5CJaJh¾I5CJaJh–F5CJaJh½šhł~d5CJaJ h½šhg?Ņ h½šhĀ~? h>>hh>>hh~eh–F h†!Ļ\ h~e\h½šhł~d\ h½šhł~d h|cU5 h~e5 h–F5h½šhł~d5 jh½šhł~dUmHnHu#jh½šhł~d5UmHnHuh½šhł~d5:%(9:;ø¹Ö × õ ö „ … Ī Ļ é ź ż ž X Y j ÷÷÷÷ėęęęįęęŲęęęįÓÓÓĪĪÉÓgd½šgd z³gdŖ4Ų„h^„hgdł~dgdł~dgdł~d $„h^„ha$gdł~d$a$gdł~d8ŽŁŽżżÖ × ō õ ö     ' / 0 : ‚ š ¢ £ ¤ Ŗ ¹ Į Ä Å Ģ Ķ Ī Ļ č é ź ü üõńõķõńéåįõ×ŅĖĒĄĖ¹Ė²ĄØĖŅĖ”Ą–‡xm^h=\Øhł~dB*CJaJphĢ’h½šhŖ4ŲCJaJh=\ØhŖ4ŲB* CJaJph€h=\Øhł~dB* CJaJph€h½šhł~dCJaJ hÆG¹hg;<hÆG¹hł~d5>* hÆG¹h>>h hÆG¹h~e hÆG¹hł~dh’M hÆG¹h z³ h z³5h½šhł~d5>*h†!Ļh>>hh z³hł~dh–F h½šhł~dhTm ü ż ž W X Y i j k    S £ ķ ī !‘¾æ•–Æ°hij…†„;<óļėäŻĪóŹĘæ»ĪóŹæ³æÆæÆæÆæÆæÆæ¤Ī˜ė䑄|nid h z³\ 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