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Myers distributed: Awarded Trenton Ferro a COR for outstanding work on the committee Course Renumbering Proposals MOU between Ģtv and Bangalore, India; request to eliminate the TOEFL scores required for thesis MBA students Change in Special Topics ACCT/FIN/IFMG/MGMT/MKTG/BTST/BLAW 581, request for change from 3 credits to variable credits: 1-3 credits MED in Exceptional Persons will be put on the fall agenda MS in Sports Science will be put on the fall agenda Dr. Soni announced that based on the recommendation of the subcommittee that was headed by Jim Lenze, the SGSR and the Office of the Registrar have a process in place for an effective and fair implementation of the continuous (dissertation) registration policy that was approved last year. NEW BUSINESS: MOU between Ģtv and Bangalore, India, on a Aeybo/Reyes motion (1 abstention) this was APPROVED Change in Special Topics ACCT/FIN/IFMG/MGMT/MKTG/BTST/BLAW 581, on a Chambers/Yost motion (1 abstention) this was APPROVED BUSINESS IN PROGRESS: A) PROGRAMS/CURRICULAR MATTERS Integral University; discussed - 9/14/04, 9/21/04 & 9/28/04; request for advance approval of the program under the Professional Growth degree was rejected; response sent to proposer. Met with proposer - 10/12/04; response sent - 10/13/04; meet with Dr. Staszkiewicz - 11/15/04; much discussion - 11/16/04; no response - 11/23/04; proposers are going forward with proposal, co-chairs to meet with proposers and will get back to the committee with the outcome - 11/30/04; co-chairs will get in touch with proposers about website 12/14/04; Chambers and Myers (D) to meet with Randy on Thursday, January 20, 2005, will report outcome at next meeting 1/18/05; Dr. Chambers and Dr. D. Myers met with Randy Martin and feel this was a very productive meeting 1/25/05; Randy Martin is moving forward with this 2/8/05; no discussion 2/15/05; no discussion 2/22/05; J. Myers and D. Myers met with Randy before Spring Break, they had planned to have something for the committee for this meeting, but their college committee meeting is 3/22/05; they plan to have everything ready for the next meetings being held in April 3/15/05; no discussion 3/22/05; assigned to subcommittee #2 (Ferro, Boerner, Janicak) 3/28/05; subcommittee to give report next meeting 4/5/05; subcommittee gave their report on the revisions; committee recommended that it go back to the proposer for more revisions and that the proposer be invited to the next meeting 4/12/05; on a Janicak/Bharadwaj motion, with one stipulation that the proposer prepare a report on the outcome of the program at the completion of the first cohort, this was APPROVED; there was a Ayebo/Lenze motion to report the outcome of the vote to the Senate, this motion did not pass 4/19/05 Master of Education/Elementary Education assigned to subcommittee #4 (Boser, Ayebo, Rodriguez) 1/25/05; subcommittee to meet this week 2/8/05; no discussion 2/15/05; will get report electronically and discuss at March 15th meeting 2/22/05; some discussion with concerns from the subcommittee, a letter will be sent to the proposer about these concerns 3/15/05; no discussion 3/22/05; revision distributed; subcommittee to give report next meeting 4/5/05; subcommittee gave their report on the revision; committee recommended to send back to proposer for more revisions 4/12/05; on a Lenze/Chambers motion; with one stipulation that the proposer, or proposing department, put forth a good faith effort to make minor revision to proposed course syllabi related to the implementation of technology standards in consultation with the Communication Media Department, this was unanimously APPROVED 4/19/05 Master of Education in Health and Physical Education distributed and assigned to subcommittee #4 (Boser, Ayebo, Rodriguez) 3/15/05; no discussion 3/22/05; no discussion; subcommittee to give report next week 4/5/05; subcommittee gave their report on the revisions; committee recommended to send back to proposer for more revisions 4/12/05; on a motion by the subcommittee this was unanimously APPROVED 4/19/05 PHD Program in Administration and Leadership Studies, Non-Profit and Public Sector, Department of Sociology, distributed and assigned to subcommittee #1 (Bharadwaj, Lenze, Yost) 4/5/05; subcommittee gave their report; committee recommended to send back to proposer for more revisions 4/12/05; on a motion by the subcommittee, with one stipulation that the proposer, or proposing department, make minor revisions to the course syllabi for ECON 720 and SOC 764, (1 abstention) this was APPROVED 4/19/05 BUSINESS IN PROGRESS: B) POLICY ISSUES Handbook Revisions; discussed 3/25/03; pending Dr. Linzey 9/16/03; discussed and Drs. Ferro, Dandeneau and Williamson volunteered to assist, 9/30/03; discussed 10/14/03; discussed and subcommittee is waiting for suggestions 10/21/03; suggestions are to be sent to subcommittee; 10/28/03; only a few suggestions have been sent to the subcommittee 11/11/03; no discussion 11/18/03 or 11/25/03; Dr. Linzey has turned this over to Dr. Soni and he will oversee the change process by incorporating suggestions and sending committee members one chapter at a time for consideration 1/20/04; Dr. Soni is working on this item 2/10/04; no discussion 2/17/04, 2/24/04, 3/16/04, 3/23/04, 4/6/04, 4/13/04. Revision of 1st chapter distributed on 10/12/04; discussed 11/9/04. Chapter 4: Certificate of Recognition - discussed inadequacies of policies in place 11/11/03; no discussion 11/18/03 or 11/25/03; Drs. Linzey and Soni are working on a white paper 1/20/04; Dr Soni has a few more details to complete 2/10/04; no discussion 2/17/04; a handout of Graduate Certificate Programs was distributed 2/24/04; discussed and Dr. LaPorte sent an email to Chairs and Graduate Coordinators requesting their input concerning certificate programs-3/16/04; no discussion-3/23/04, 4/6/04, 4/13/04. Assigned to ad hoc committee 9/14/04 (Chambers, Bharadwaj, Yost, Myers); distributed 11/15/04; much discussion and some more revisions for Chapter 1 12/14/04; discussed and with a few minor changes on a Brown/Ferro motion (passed unanimously) Chapter 1 was APPROVED 1/18/05; no discussion 1/25/05; discussed the urgency to finish Chapter 4 will discuss next meeting 2/8/05; lengthy discussion on Chapter 4 2/15/05; completed Chapter 4, after all revisions are made will examine at the March 15th meeting 2/22/05; some discussion on Chapter 4, on a Bharadwaj/Ferro motion (1 opposed) this was APPROVED and will be sent to Senate 3/15/05; no discussion 3/22/05; no discussion 4/5/05; no discussion 4/12/05; no discussion 4/19/05 Course re-numbering policy draft; discussed and assigned to subcommittee #4 (J Myers, Boser, Ayebo, Rodriguez) - 11/9/04; no discussion 12/14/04; subcommittee will report next meeting 1/18/05; much discussion on the rationale for renumbering, on a Ferro/Bharadwaj motion this portion of the policy was APPROVED (passed unanimously). The subcommittee will continue working on ways to implement this policy 1/25/05; no discussion 2/8/05; no discussion 2/15/05; no discussion 2/22/05; no discussion 3/15/05; lengthy discussion about implementation; Boser/Ferro motion to adopt the following for the implementation: the SGSR will make an announcement at the Graduate Coordinators and Doctoral Coordinators meetings that they are invited to make changes if they wish at the graduate level; doctoral are required to take part in it; there will be a signature sheet (reflecting all the required signatures as shown in Dr. Sonis handout) that must be signed by everyone; a cover sheet; a side by side comparison (course number and title); this was unanimously APPROVED. Chambers/Lenze motion on a recommendation of this committee that doctoral workload standards be applied to dual listed courses. If the course is listed 700/800, the doctoral workload standard should apply; this was APPROVED (1 abstention). 3/22/05; materials are to be distributed on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 to the chairs 4/5/05; no discussion 4/12/05; on a Chambers/Boerner motion, submitted course renumbering proposals were unanimously APPROVED 4/19/05 Syllabi of record moratorium; discussion of issue began 11/23/04 with a decision that more information is needed; no discussion - 12/14/04; some discussion 1/18/05; no discussion 1/25/05; no discussion 2/8/05; no discussion 2/15/05; no discussion 2/22/05; no discussion 3/15/05; assigned to ad hoc committee (Lenze, Boser) 3/22/05; no discussion 4/5/05; no discussion 4/12/05; no discussion 4/19/05 Continuous dissertation policy change; discussed and assigned to subcommittee #1 (Bharadwaj, Lenze, Yost) - 11/9/04; preliminary report 11/23/04; no discussion - 11/30/04; no discussion 12/14/04; no discussion 1/18/05; no discussion 1/25/05; no discussion 2/8/05; no discussion 2/15/05; no discussion 2/22/05; no discussion 3/15/05: no discussion 3/22/05; no discussion 4/5/05; no discussion 4/12/05; subcommittee reported that the policy will not be changed; the registration problem will be dealt with between the School of Graduate Studies and Research and the Registrars Office 4/19/05 Revision of Academic Integrity Policy discussed 10/14/03; Dr. Linzey is compiling information from other universities 10/21/03; no discussion 10/28/03; discussed responses from 6 institutions concerning plagiarism policies following graduation 11/11/03; no discussion 11/18/03; discussed and awaiting a report from Michele Schwietz after first of the year 11/25/03; Dr. Linzey is awaiting more information. A subcommittee of Dr. Williamson and Ms. Brown, Norris and Connery were appointed to write a policy on plagiarism discovered after graduation. The subcommittee will work with the Academic Committee on plagiarism issues 1/20/04; Dr. Williamson will work on report 2/10/04; no discussion 2/17/04; distributed draft of revisions to policy with discussion of more changes to be made; revised policy should be brought back to the committee for review before action is taken 2/24/04; distributed a revision to policy and will discuss at next meeting 3/16/04; no discussion 3/23/04, 4/6/04, 4/13/04. Re-assigned to ad hoc committee 9/14/04 (LaPorte, Williamson, Brown); no discussion - 12/14/04; no discussion 1/18/05; no discussion 1/25/05; no discussion 2/8/05; no discussion 2/15/05; no discussion 2/22/05; no discussion 3/15/05; no discussion 3/22/05; no discussion - 4/5/05; no discussion 4/12/05; no discussion 4/19/05 Program and Course deactivation /reactivation - discussed briefly and Dr. LaPorte recommended that a policy on deactivation and reactivation should be defined in the Handbook revisions 2/17/04; no discussion 2/24/04; no discussion-3/16/04, 3/23/04, 4/6/04, 4/13/04. Assigned to ad hoc committee 9/14/04 (Lenze, Ayebo, Yeager); no discussion 12/14/04; no discussion 1/18/05; no discussion 1/25/05; no discussion 2/8/05; no discussion 2/15/05; no discussion 2/22/05; no discussion 3/15/05; no discussion 3/22/05; no discussion - 4/5/05; no discussion 4/12/05; no discussion 4/19/05 Graduate Distance Education Review Form; Co-chairs will set up a meeting with Rob and John Henry about the Graduate Distance Education Review Form - 11/23/04; no discussion - 11/30/04; no discussion 12/14/04; there has been and will be more discussions with John Henry about this form 1/18/05; some discussion 1/25/05; no discussion 2/8/05; no discussion 2/15/05; no discussion 2/22/05; no discussion 3/15/05; D. Chambers will modify the form and bring back to the committee; then take to APSCUF 3/22/05; no discussion 4/5/05; no discussion 4/12/05; no discussion 4/19/05 INACTIVE ITEMS: Automated Curriculum Approval System (ACAPS) Review sent 09/27/02; rejoinder received 10/02/02; discussed 10/8/02; discussed 1/21/03; discussed 3/18/03 Systems is now available. UWG Committee members were urged to try the system then send suggestions and feedback to Dr. Chambers; discussed 3/25/03; discussed Dr. Kostelnik will follow-up 9/16/03; Program is ready for a demonstration 9/23/03; no discussion 9/30/03, 10/14/03, 10/21/03, 10/28/03, 11/11/03, 11/18/03, 11/25/03, 1/20/04, 2/10/04; 2/17/04,2/24/04, 3/16/04, 3/23/04, 4/6/04, 4/13/04; no discussion - 1/18/05; no discussion 1/25/05; no discussion 2/8/05; no discussion 2/15/05; no discussion 2/22/05; no discussion 3/15/05; no discussion 3/22/05; no discussion 4/5/05; no discussion 4/12/05; no discussion 4/19/05 2. Cooperative Agreements - discussed 3/18/03; discussed 3/25/03; discussed 4/15/03; discussed on hold Dr. Chambers 9/16/03 (Chambers/Kostelnik/Bieger); no discussion 9/30/03; no discussion 10/14/03; no discussion 10/21/03; discussed committee will work on adopting policy standards to be incorporated into the Graduate Committee Handbook 10/28/03; discussed 11/11/03; no discussion 11/18/03 or 11/25/03; discussed and committee will work on policy 1/20/04; will wait until Dr. Linzeys return to continue options 2/10/04; no discussion 2/17/04, 2/24/04, 3/16/04, 3/23/04; no discussion, a meeting was scheduled on 4/14/04 to discussion future Cooperative Agreements 4/13/04; no discussion 12/14/04; no discussion - 1/18/05; no discussion 1/25/05; no discussion 2/8/05; no discussion 2/15/05; no discussion 2/22/05; no discussion 3/15/05; no discussion 3/22/05; there was a meeting with Mark S., Mark P., Dr. Chambers, Dr. David Myers, Dr. James Myers, Dr. Soni about gathering information to come up with a clarified policy 4/5/05; no discussion 4/12/05; no discussion 4/19/05 The meeting was adjourned at 6:15pm     PAGE  PAGE 5 ,4;<DERegvw  , - 2 D N O P \ `   ܹĹܪܪhCfYhhcMhz4 h @5>*h5 hAhAhUhAhjh+""h6h| hOhh_h& xh @ h65 h @5 hO5>$,;<O P   & ' I J l m T  & Fgda+gdO `^``gd& x `^``gd6gd @$a$gd @ ^`gd @@@   % & + H I L k s t z  @ G   = D E F g h i v x IQRSĸĴĬ|w hw5 hh hi_3hVN hVNhi_3 hVN5hVNhi_3 hi_35 h*5hdhUhhjLh,h6h%6BhGhUhxhqG7h" hw5@BdefHJ\9:;VZ!b""ÿǿǠǿ󴯴h<h63 hg@H*hg@ h 5 h25 hw5h33333333444444555555555556646666666777ԸԸԴذ󴡱63r53ha!,b68XDZ/#?E7777777788888888889&99999+:1::::::;;+;-;4;;;;;;;;;<<<]<y<<<)=*=W=r=|=}=>>>>¾¾¾¾¾¾ºԧ죞죲 h@6h@ hY.hZ!h2 h<hG3hsh;hZ! h 5 hZ!5h h,_hbNh6uh~h]8hXSh#hoH/hz4h?hW<>?*?C?\?u??;@T@m@n@s@u@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@̧̱hI6g0JmHnHu hcM0JjhcM0JUhyNjhyNUhw hk 6h'O9h| hcMh'O9hWh@h,_hbNh6uh]8h2 hoH/h#h?hN)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@h]h&`#$9 0&P1h:px/ =!"#$% !@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH ZZ Heading 1$<@&5CJ KH OJQJ\^JaJ @@ Heading 2$$@&a$5\DA@D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List HH  Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ4 4 Footer  !.)@. 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