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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dr. LaPorte announced that the usual suspects (Dave x3 and Ramesh) will meet with the Food and Nutrition department to discuss the presentation of the departments proposal. Dr. Chambers announced that the usual suspects met with the MS in IT proposers. The proposers will forward a revision in three weeks. In a separate and unrelated matter, concerns were raised in APSCUF Executive Committee about processes designed to treat individual needs of students being used to justify and legitimate blanket approval processes for large numbers of students. Dr. David Myers announced that the Committee would meet in the Monongahela Room on October 26. Revisions to Chapter One of the Graduate Curriculum Handbook were DISTRIBUTED. The committee thanks Dr. Myers for initiating and writing this first step in revision. M.S. in Applied Mathematics Level II Program Revision was DISTRIBUTED and assigned to sub-committee #3 (Brown, Williamson, Yeager, Peterson). Dr. Soni submitted his revision of the process for determining Graduate Faculty Eligibility to teach graduate courses. A Yost/Williamson motion to endorse the concept of changes to the Graduate Faculty Eligibility Application was PASSED. SPECIAL AGENDA ITEMS State System Notification of Intent The existing form has been significantly revised. After extensive discussion, the committee identified a number of concerns that will be passed on to the Ģtv-APSCUF President for consultation. Integral University. The proposers met with the committee. After an extensive discussion, the committee reiterated its position that programs cannot be considered for approval until they appear before the committee as proposals that conform to the standards set in the Graduate Curriculum Handbook. BUSINESS IN PROGRESS: A) PROGRAMS/CURRICULAR MATTERS MS in IT See Chambers announcements. BUSINESS IN PROGRESS: B) POLICY ISSUES Policy on Degree Eligibility of Ģtv Teaching Staff. The revision to Senate policy deleting the existing restrictions for Ģtv faculty will be on the Senate agenda as an item for Senate Approval. Continuous Registration for Masters Students There was no discussion. Certificate of Recognition Dr. Bharadwaj indicated that a subcommittee report would be distributed at the next meeting. Program and Course deactivation/reactivation Ad Hoc Committee assigned (Ayebo, Lenze, Yeager). There was no discussion. Revision of Academic Integrity Policy Ad Hoc Committee assigned (Williamson, Brown, LaPorte). There was no discussion. Cooperative Agreements Dr. Myers will produce a white paper on collaborative programs nation-wide. Handbook revisions See D. Myers announcements. Revisions to Chapter One distributed. Grade Appeal Policy for Graduate Students There was no discussion. INACTIVE ITEMS: M.S. in Food and Nutrition, Program Revision See LaPorte announcement. Automated Curriculum Approval System (ACAPS) There was no discussion. Distance Education There was no discussion. BIOL 477/577 Neurobiology There was no discussion. Review/Revision of Policy on Degree Eligibility of Ģtv Teaching Staff. Memorandum of Understanding between Ģtv and East Stroudsburg There was no discussion. NEW BUSINESS: None The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Dr. Michael T. Williamson, inauspicious interim secretary     PAGE  PAGE 2 +5<=E N O Z [ ^ ~ # + v     " 8 A V W Y ~ M O _ 񽹵ޱ޹޹⹩⹢h_q h5 hfhf hf5>*hfhf6hLSh&hf h5>*h+EB*phh+Eh+EB*ph h+E5>*h+EhU~h3 h&hh h+E5 h59#+<=N O   ! 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