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Williamson, Soncerae Yeager, Nancy Yost EXCUSED: Ramesh Soni Dr. LaPorte called the meeting to order at 3:17 p.m. On a Chambers/Lenze motion, the agenda was APPROVED with the following additions: Two items under “Special Announcements” were added: Vice President for Research and Dean of Graduate Education Search Committee Provost On a Bharadwaj/Brown motion, the May 6, 2004; May 11, 2004 and May 18, 2004 minutes were APPROVED as submitted. On a Bharadwaj/Yost motion, the October 12, 2004 minutes were APPROVED with the following minor correction: a space was added to separate announcements. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dr. LaPorte informed the committee that a meeting with the Food and Nutrition Department was productive. Proposers will restructure the program and submit a proposal toward the end of November. The Provost has informed the committee that Management 481/581 has been offered as a Special Topics course three times. Dr. Bharadwaj indicated that the course has been withdrawn; therefore, the committee does not need to consider allowing a forth-time offering. Responses to the “State System of Higher Education Notification of Intent to Develop New Major; New Minor Program when no Major Exists; Or New Certificate Program When no Major Exists” form, better known as the State System Curriculum Approval Form, have been sent to Dr. John Henry Steelman, Ä¢¹½tv-APSCUF President (copy appended to minutes as Appendix A). The committee will present a revised version of this letter to all Senators for Information. Dr. Chambers had no announcements. Dr. David Myers had one item for distribution from the Student Affairs in Higher Education Department. This item was distributed to Sub-Committee #4 (J. Myers, Boser, Ayebo). . SPECIAL AGENDA ITEMS: Vice President for Research and Dean of Graduate Education Search Committee -- The committee met with a representative from the firm conducting the search. An engaging question and answer period resulted in the following main points: A successful candidate should be able to be vigorous and creative in advancing the interests of graduate education, particularly in regard to issues of quality in graduate student support (especially stipend increases), graduate faculty teaching, and graduate faculty research. A successful candidate should go far beyond merely balancing the twin responsibilities of research and education and should understand the complexities of graduate education at Ä¢¹½tv and the exciting opportunities for innovative research and teaching that our status as a Doctoral One Status Teaching University provide. Provost – the Provost was unable to attend today’s meeting. BUSINESS IN PROGRESS: A) PROGRAMS/CURRICULAR MATTERS M.S. in Applied Mathematics Level II Program Revision (MATH 545, MATH 546, MATH 547, MATH 625, MATH 640, MATH 641, MATH 643, MATH 647, MATH 665, MATH 667) – Sub-committee #3 (Brown, Williamson, Yeager, Peterson) presented a written report. Discussion ensued. On a Brown/Williamson motion, the proposal was APPROVED. A report will be sent to the proposer. BUSINESS IN PROGRESS: B) POLICY ISSUES Continuous Registration for Master’s Students – There was no discussion. Certificate of Recognition – Ad Hoc Committee assigned (Nagendra, Chambers, Yost). There was no discussion. Program and Course deactivation/reactivation – Ad Hoc Committee assigned (Ayebo, Lenze, Yeager). There was no discussion. Revision of Academic Integrity Policy – Ad Hoc Committee assigned (Williamson, Brown, LaPorte). There was no discussion. Cooperative Agreements – there was no discussion. Handbook revisions – The committee will discuss Dr. D. Myers’s revisions to Chapter One at the November 9, 2004 meeting. Grade Appeal Policy for Graduate Students – There was no discussion. INACTIVE ITEMS: M.S. in Food and Nutrition, Program Revision – there was no discussion. Automated Curriculum Approval System (ACAPS) – There was no discussion. Distance Education – There was no discussion. BIOL 477/577 Neurobiology – There was no discussion. Review/Revision of Policy on Degree Eligibility of Ä¢¹½tv Teaching Staff – there was no discussion. Memorandum of Understanding between Ä¢¹½tv and East Stroudsburg – There was no discussion. DISTRIBUTION: “Thesis OR Comprehensive Exam” proposal from Student Affairs in Higher Education was distributed and assigned to Sub-Committee #4 (J. Myers, Boser, Ayebo). NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business, nor did committee members see reason to consider that Dr. LaPorte might not be fit to preside over a reading of entrails, given his nickname. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Dr. Michael T. Williamson, interim secretary Appendix A Memorandum To: John Henry Steelman CC: Members of University Wide Graduate Committee (UWGC) Provost From: David J. LaPorte, Co-Chair UWGC Date:  DATE \* MERGEFORMAT 11/10/2004 Re: State System of Higher Education form On October 12, 2004 the UWGC met and discussed the new form promulgated by the state system with the unwieldy title of “State System of Higher Education Notification of Intent to Develop New Major; New Minor Program when no Major Exists; Or New Certificate Program When no Major Exists”. It is our understanding that this form will now substitute for procedures of developing an abstract, which are well spelled-out on pages 10-12 of the Graduate Curriculum Handbook. The UWGC has very serious concerns about this form and its intent. Rather than serving as a notification or informational tool, which is the function of the current abstract procedure, this instrument appears to be intended to serve as a preapproval device. The sentence “The following sections will be developed more fully after receiving approval to proceed” (page 2) state as much. The committee’s primary concern is that this form, and the procedures that it implies, goes to the heart of academic freedom. It places in the hands of an administrator the ability to dictate the academic course of our institution. It is our strong belief that the development of academic programs and curricular issues at the graduate level is fully in the domain of faculty. (Indeed, this certainly in keeping with the CBA.) While that may sound strident and a bit impudent, the fact remains that current procedures ensure that relevant fiscal and administrative realities are attended to at the very earliest stages of development. Such concerns continue throughout the approval process and, indeed, are a major focus of what the UWGC evaluates. However, unlike the proposed form, the academic integrity issues are also examined by those best able to do so: the departments, faculty and administration on this campus. There are excellent reasons why peer review serves as the cornerstone of the academic enterprise. We have great concern that this process could be entirely subverted if decision making is left to perhaps a single administrator in Harrisburg.   After discussing this form in our meeting the UWGC voted unanimously to condemn its use. We recommend that Ä¢¹½tv-APSCUF encourage State-APSCUF to file a Policy Grievance on this issue and to vehemently oppose implementation of this procedure at the university and state levels.     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