ࡱ> BDA{` bjbjFF ;,,,'>$8,b .,22"TTT///-------$@/h1N-//-TT-mmmlTT-m-mm+h/-T& 1UF5p[,--0.k,11 /-1/-d/hm)T}L///--]///.b b b D b b b 4": UNIVERSITY-WIDE GRADUATE COMMITTEE Minutes September 21, 2004 PRESENT: Amadu Ayebo, Prashanth Bharadwaj, David Chambers, Trenton Ferro, Christopher Janicak, David LaPorte, James Lenze, David Myers, James Myers, Ramesh Soni, Michael T. Williamson EXCUSED: Parker Boerner, Susan Boser Karen Brown, Caroline Peterson, Soncerae Yeager, Nancy Yost Dr. LaPorte called the meeting to order at 3:21 p.m. On a Ferro/Lenze motion, the September 14, 2004 minutes were APPROVED as submitted. On a Ferro/Lenze motion the agenda was APPROVED with the following correction: EDEX 416/516; 417/517; 418/518; 419/519 were added to Business in Progress section A as item 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dr. LaPorte informed the committee that the Policy on Degree Eligibility of Ģtv Teaching Staff (a policy that prevented Ģtv faculty from receiving terminal degrees from Ģtv) must be rescinded in order to comply with the terms of a statewide grievance settlement. Ģtv Faculty may now receive terminal degrees from Ģtv. The committee APPROVED a Lenze/Ferro motion to present, for Senate action, a recommendation to the Senate to rescind the present Policy on Degree Eligibility of Ģtv Teaching Staff. Dr. Chambers had no announcements. Dr. David Myers had one item for distribution (LIBR 600). Dr. Soni informed the committee of ongoing discussions regarding the policy requiring graduate students to register for 9 credits of graduate courses in order to qualify for assistantships. Other discussion areas include TA complement and mentoring, the graduate teaching eligibility approval process, and Certificates of Recognition. SPECIAL AGENDA ITEMS: Response to Food and Nutrition. A tentative meeting date has been set for early October. Discussion of Integral University. The committee extensively discussed the material presented at the last meeting (Description of M.A. in Professional Growth in Integral Studies Program). Dr. LaPorte, Dr. Chambers, Dr. Soni, and Dr. Myers are scheduled to meet with the proposers this week. BUSINESS IN PROGRESS: A) PROGRAMS/CURRICULAR MATTERS MATH 610: Real Data Approach to Teaching Mathematics. (Bharadwaj, Lenze, Yost) There was no discussion. EDEX 416/516; 417/517; 418/518; 419/519. Education of Persons With Emotional or Behavioral Disorders; Education of Persons With Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities; Education of Persons With Physical or Multiple Disabilities; Education of Persons With Brain Injuries or Learning Disabilities. (Ferro, Boerner, Janicak) -- There was no discussion. MS in IT The revised proposal will be assigned to Subcommittee 4 (J. Myers, Boser, Ayebo). BUSINESS IN PROGRESS: B) POLICY ISSUES Continuous Registration for Masters Students There was no discussion. Certificate of Recognition Ad Hoc Committee assigned (Nagendra, Chambers, Yost). There was no discussion. Program and Course deactivation/reactivation Ad Hoc Committee assigned (Ayebo, Lenze, Yeager). There was no discussion. Revision of Academic Integrity Policy Ad Hoc Committee assigned (Williamson, Brown, LaPorte). There was no discussion. Cooperative Agreements Dr. Myers will produce a white paper on collaborative programs nation-wide. Handbook revisions There was no discussion. Grade Appeal Policy for Graduate Students There was no discussion. INACTIVE ITEMS: M.S. in Food and Nutrition, Program Revision see Special Agenda Items 1. Automated Curriculum Approval System (ACAPS) There was no discussion. Distance Education There was no discussion. BIOL 477/577 Neurobiology There was no discussion. Review/Revision of Policy on Degree Eligibility of Ģtv Teaching Staff (see LaPorte announcement). Memorandum of Understanding between Ģtv and East Stroudsburg There was no discussion. DISTRIBUTION: LIBR 600 (Bibliography of Music) was distributed and assigned to Subcommittee 3 (Brown, Williamson, Yeager, Peterson) NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business, nor did committee members see reason to consider that the definition of auspices had somehow migrated from omen to support, as if the very forces of nature had been harnessed by man. The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Dr. Michael T. Williamson, interim secretary     PAGE  PAGE 3 +7>?G * 2 h i l     ( G a  Z i q   ' XYZq oªƪh hD h.5h.h> hx<35>*hEh$FDhB*ph h5>*h& h&hx<3 hx<35h3hx<3h h>45 h5C#+>?\ ]  YZp `^``gdx<3 `^``gdx<3$a$ ^`gd6pq01  ijJK & F h^hgd,  & F h^hgdugd hD & Fgd hDh^hgdE & FgdEh^hgd hD & Fgd.01QR   hjIJz&'(@AB[0^z{|qmno|~STUVv|ط㟛h3 h$FDh3 h35 h$FD5 h.h hD hu5 hEhEh4h, huh5CJaJh h3hEh$FDhE hE5 h5 h.h.h hD<AB.0{|*+ & F hh^hgdE & F hh^hgdE & F h^hgd,  & F h^hgd, gd49noTU|}&`#$gdf*gd hD & F hh^h|}߼߸hthUCJaJh60JmHnHu hU0JjhU0JUhUjhUUhhf* hf*hf* hf*5&`#$h]h 9 0&P1h:p>4/ =!"#$8% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH Z@Z Heading 1$<@&5CJ KH OJQJ\^JaJ DA@D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List HH  Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ4 @4 Footer  !.)@. 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