ࡱ> CEB{` bjbjFF 50,,'@@@@@@@d8.J, ",,"+++++++$N-h/N+@  +@@+""" <@@+" +""VQ*@@@+v YGI!p* ++0",*x0!0++0@)+x"Q ++"",       T4"@@@@@@ UNIVERSITY-WIDE GRADUATE COMMITTEE Minutes September 28, 2004 PRESENT: Amadu Ayebo, Prashanth Bharadwaj, Parker Boerner, Susan Boser Karen Brown, David Chambers, Trenton Ferro, Christopher Janicak, David LaPorte, James Lenze, David Myers, James Myers, Caroline Peterson, Ramesh Soni, Michael T. Williamson, Soncerae Yeager, Nancy Yost Dr. LaPorte called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m. The agenda was APPROVED with the following revision: LIBR 600 added to Business in Progress/Programs and Curricular Matters as Item 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dr. LaPorte announced that the MS in IT Proposal will be placed on the agenda soon. Dr. Chambers had no announcements. Dr. David Myers announced that the Committee would meet in the Monongahela Room on October 26. There is no meeting on October 19. Dr. Soni announced that the committee has been asked to examine the Transfer Credits policy (2004-05 Graduate Catalogue 22-23). Assigned to Ferro, Boerner, and Boser. SPECIAL AGENDA ITEMS 1. Integral Studies/Integral University Dr. LaPorte, Dr. Chambers, Dr. Soni and Dr. D. Myers discussed their meeting with the proposers. They indicated that the proposers had requested advance approval for a program. Memorandum from the proposers was distributed. Letters of support were distributed. After extensive discussion the committee PASSED (14-1) the following J. Myers/Lenze motion: The University Wide Graduate Curriculum Committee votes NOT TO APPROVE the request for approval for the M.A. in Professional Growth in Integral Studies because the proposal fails to meet the standards for Professional Growth programs as articulated in the 2004-05 Graduate Handbook (page 78). Please see Appendix A for the relevant Catalog description. The committee also indicated that the proposers had not yet submitted a program proposal and that approval of a program that had yet to be proposed was not possible. BUSINESS IN PROGRESS: A) PROGRAMS/CURRICULAR MATTERS MS in IT The department has indicated that it is working on revisions to its proposal. MATH 610: Real Data Approach to Teaching Mathematics. (Bharadwaj, Lenze, Yost). Subcommittee reported. Discussed. APPROVED. A report will be sent to proposer. LIBR 600: Bibliography of Music: (Brown, Williamson, Yeager, Peterson). Subcommittee reported. Discussed. The course was APPROVED on a Williamson/Yeager motion. EDEX 416/516; 417/517; 418/518; 419/519 (Education of Persons With Emotional or Behavioral Disorders; Education of Persons With Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities; Education of Persons With Physical or Multiple Disabilities; Education of Persons With Brain Injuries or Learning Disabilities). (Ferro, Boerner, Janicak). There was no discussion. Subcommittee will report during next meeting. BUSINESS IN PROGRESS: B) POLICY ISSUES Continuous Registration for Masters Students There was no discussion. Certificate of Recognition Ad Hoc Committee assigned (Nagendra, Chambers, Yost). There was no discussion. Program and Course deactivation/reactivation Ad Hoc Committee assigned (Ayebo, Lenze, Yeager). There was no discussion. Revision of Academic Integrity Policy Ad Hoc Committee assigned (Williamson, Brown, LaPorte). There was no discussion. Cooperative Agreements Dr. Myers will produce a white paper on collaborative programs nation-wide. Handbook revisions There was no discussion. Grade Appeal Policy for Graduate Students There was no discussion. INACTIVE ITEMS: M.S. in Food and Nutrition, Program Revision There was no discussion. Automated Curriculum Approval System (ACAPS) There was no discussion. Distance Education There was no discussion. BIOL 477/577 Neurobiology There was no discussion. Review/Revision of Policy on Degree Eligibility of Ģtv Teaching Staff. Memorandum of Understanding between Ģtv and East Stroudsburg There was no discussion. NEW BUSINESS: The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Dr. Michael T. Williamson, inauspicious interim secretary Appendix A: Graduate Catalog description of Professional Growth Program. The School of Graduate Studies and Research Professional Growth The Professional Growth program leading to an M.A., M.S., or M.Ed. is a highly restricted and specially structured course of studies determined by the student and his/her advisory committee. The program may not duplicate or even resemble an existing graduate degree program at Ģtv. For each degree area, the total credit-hour requirement is the same: 30 credit hours. Students electing to pursue an M.Ed. degree in Professional Growth should receive additional advice from the College of Education and Educational Technology. The requirements for all M.Ed. degrees have a certain core that must be fulfilled. A four-semester-hour committee thesis is required, as well as GSR 615, Elements of Research. An administrative member from the School of Graduate Studies and Research is a mandatory thesis committee member, in addition to at least two members of the faculty from related academic disciplines. For further information, write to the Advisor, Professional Growth Degree Program, The School of Graduate Studies and Research, 210 South Tenth Street, Ģtv, Indiana, PA 15705.     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