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Williamson, Nancy Yost, Nashat Zuraikat Dr. Williamson called the meeting to order at 3:25 p.m. On a J. Myers/Boser motion, Dr. David LaPorte was nominated to serve as chair. LaPorte was elected by a unanimous vote. On an Ayebo/Yost motion the agenda was APPROVED as submitted. On a Lenze/Ayebo motion the April 19, 2005 minutes were APPROVED as submitted. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dr. LaPorte announced the charge of the committee as indicated in the Ä¢¹½tv Senate By-Laws. He explained to the committee that their primary role is to evaluate curriculum proposals, policies and procedures pertinent to graduate education. While it is the responsibility of all members to read all documents distributed at the meetings, the primary review of assigned committee work is the responsibility of the sub-committees. Also, Dr. LaPorte shared that in the past committee members have removed themselves from deliberations on proposals dealing with their respective departments. Dr. Williamson explained his role as the APSCUF appointed UWGC committee co-chair. He acts as the liaison between Ä¢¹½tv-APSCUF Executive Committee, Ä¢¹½tv-APSCUF Representative Council, and the University-Wide Graduate Committee. Dr. David Myers explained his role as Dean’s Associate. He assists departments with proposal development and serves as a liaison between the UWGC and departments. He stated that his position is a non-voting one. He also emphasized the importance of consulting the Graduate Curriculum Handbook when reviewing, reporting on, discussing curricular and policy issues. He distributed: Graduate Curriculum Handbook with the latest revisions Minor Course Revision, Course Renumbering from Political Science Department New Courses, Dual-Level in Geography & Regional Planning (GEOG 518 and GEOG 519) New Courses, Dual-Level in Biology (BIOL 505, BIOL 555, and BIOL 560) Master of Science in Sport Science Level II Degree Program Revision Special Education and Clinical Services Level III Minor Program Revision Counseling Level III Minor Program Revision Master of Education in Literacy and/or Reading Specialist program Level II Degree program Revision and Minor Course Revision Master of Science in Health Services Administration, New Program He also mentioned that there are two new programs that have processed the notification of intent to develop new major 1) M.S. Information Assurance and 2) M.S. Critical Asset Protection. Dr. Soni reported that graduate enrollment is at 2026, the highest ever in the history of Ä¢¹½tv. There are numerous cohorts starting in Monroeville and one in Bangalore India. He mentioned that the leadership at the Research Institute has changed. The former director has resigned and the new director is Mr. Mark Berezansky. He also brought up the problem about internal transfer credit policy; this was assigned to an ad hoc committee. NEW BUSINESS: BUSINESS IN PROGRESS: A) PROGRAMS/CURRICULAR MATTERS Minor Course Revision, Course Renumbering Political Science Department – distributed – 9/13/05 New Courses, Dual-Level in Geography & Regional Planning (GEOG 518 and GEOG 519) – distributed and assigned to subcommittee #1 (Boser, Ayebo, Zuraikat and Graduate Student) – 9/13/05 New Courses, Dual-Level in Biology (BIOL 505, BIOL 555 and BIOL 560) – distributed and assigned to subcommittee #4 (J. Myers, Boerner, Wibowo) – 9/13/05 Master of Science in Sport Science Level II Degree Program Revision – distributed and assigned to subcommittee #3 (Lenze, Piper and Graduate Student) – 9/13/05 Special Education and Clinical Services Level III Minor Program Revision – distributed and assigned to subcommittee #3 (Lenze, Piper and Graduate Student) – 9/13/05 Counseling Level III Minor Program Revision – distributed and assigned to subcommittee #1 (Boser, Ayebo, Zuraikat and Graduate Student) – 9/13/05 Master of Education in Literacy and/or Reading Specialist Program Level II Degree Program Revision and Minor Course Revision – distributed and assigned to subcommittee #4 (J. Myers, Boerner, Wibowo) – 9/13/05 Master of Science in Health Services Administration, New Program – distributed and assigned to subcommittee #2 (Brown, Yost, Ault and Graduate Student) – 9/13/05 BUSINESS IN PROGRESS: B) POLICY ISSUES Internal Transfer Policy – assigned to ad hoc committee (Soni, Piper, D. Myers) – 9/13/05 Cooperative Agreements - discussed 3/18/03; discussed 3/25/03; discussed 4/15/03; discussed – on hold – Dr. Chambers 9/16/03 (Chambers/Kostelnik/Bieger); no discussion 9/30/03; no discussion 10/14/03; no discussion 10/21/03; discussed – committee will work on adopting policy standards to be incorporated into the Graduate Committee Handbook 10/28/03; discussed 11/11/03; no discussion 11/18/03 or 11/25/03; discussed and committee will work on policy 1/20/04; will wait until Dr. Linzey’s return to continue options 2/10/04; no discussion 2/17/04, 2/24/04, 3/16/04, 3/23/04; no discussion, a meeting was scheduled on 4/14/04 to discussion future Cooperative Agreements – 4/13/04; no discussion – 12/14/04; no discussion - 1/18/05; no discussion – 1/25/05; no discussion – 2/8/05; no discussion – 2/15/05; no discussion – 2/22/05; no discussion – 3/15/05; no discussion – 3/22/05; there was a meeting with Mark S., Mark P., Dr. Chambers, Dr. David Myers, Dr. James Myers, Dr. Soni about gathering information to come up with a clarified policy – 4/5/05; no discussion – 4/12/05; no discussion – 4/19/05; assigned ad hoc committee (LaPorte, Williamson, D. Myers, Boser) – 9/13/05 Handbook Revisions; discussed 3/25/03; pending – Dr. Linzey 9/16/03; discussed and Drs. Ferro, Dandeneau and Williamson volunteered to assist, 9/30/03; discussed 10/14/03; discussed and subcommittee is waiting for suggestions 10/21/03; suggestions are to be sent to subcommittee; 10/28/03; only a few suggestions have been sent to the subcommittee 11/11/03; no discussion 11/18/03 or 11/25/03; Dr. Linzey has turned this over to Dr. Soni and he will oversee the change process by incorporating suggestions and sending committee members one chapter at a time for consideration 1/20/04; Dr. Soni is working on this item 2/10/04; no discussion 2/17/04, 2/24/04, 3/16/04, 3/23/04, 4/6/04, 4/13/04. Revision of 1st chapter distributed on 10/12/04; discussed 11/9/04. Chapter 4: Certificate of Recognition - discussed inadequacies of policies in place 11/11/03; no discussion 11/18/03 or 11/25/03; Drs. Linzey and Soni are working on a white paper 1/20/04; Dr Soni has a few more details to complete 2/10/04; no discussion 2/17/04; a handout of Graduate Certificate Programs was distributed 2/24/04; discussed and Dr. LaPorte sent an email to Chairs and Graduate Coordinators requesting their input concerning certificate programs-3/16/04; no discussion-3/23/04, 4/6/04, 4/13/04. Assigned to ad hoc committee 9/14/04 (Chambers, Bharadwaj, Yost, Myers); distributed 11/15/04; much discussion and some more revisions for Chapter 1 – 12/14/04; discussed and with a few minor changes on a Brown/Ferro motion (passed unanimously) Chapter 1 was APPROVED – 1/18/05; no discussion – 1/25/05; discussed the urgency to finish Chapter 4 will discuss next meeting – 2/8/05; lengthy discussion on Chapter 4 – 2/15/05; completed Chapter 4, after all revisions are made will examine at the March 15th meeting – 2/22/05; some discussion on Chapter 4, on a Bharadwaj/Ferro motion (1 opposed) this was APPROVED and will be sent to Senate – 3/15/05; no discussion – 3/22/05; no discussion – 4/5/05; no discussion – 4/12/05; no discussion – 4/19/05; chapter 3 and chapter 5 were sent to the committee via email attachment on 9/9/05; no discussion – 9/13/05 Revision of Academic Integrity Policy – discussed 10/14/03; Dr. Linzey is compiling information from other universities 10/21/03; no discussion 10/28/03; discussed responses from 6 institutions concerning plagiarism policies following graduation 11/11/03; no discussion 11/18/03; discussed and awaiting a report from Michele Schwietz after first of the year 11/25/03; Dr. Linzey is awaiting more information. A subcommittee of Dr. Williamson and Ms. Brown, Norris and Connery were appointed to write a policy on plagiarism discovered after graduation. The subcommittee will work with the Academic Committee on plagiarism issues 1/20/04; Dr. Williamson will work on report 2/10/04; no discussion 2/17/04; distributed draft of revisions to policy with discussion of more changes to be made; revised policy should be brought back to the committee for review before action is taken 2/24/04; distributed a revision to policy and will discuss at next meeting 3/16/04; no discussion 3/23/04, 4/6/04, 4/13/04. Re-assigned to ad hoc committee 9/14/04 (LaPorte, Williamson, Brown); no discussion - 12/14/04; no discussion – 1/18/05; no discussion – 1/25/05; no discussion – 2/8/05; no discussion – 2/15/05; no discussion – 2/22/05; no discussion 3/15/05; no discussion – 3/22/05; no discussion - 4/5/05; no discussion – 4/12/05; no discussion – 4/19/05: assigned to ad hoc committee (Ayebo, Williamson, LaPorte) – 9/13/05 Graduate Distance Education Review Form; Co-chairs will set up a meeting with Rob and John Henry about the Graduate Distance Education Review Form - 11/23/04; no discussion - 11/30/04; no discussion – 12/14/04; there has been and will be more discussions with John Henry about this form – 1/18/05; some discussion – 1/25/05; no discussion – 2/8/05; no discussion – 2/15/05; no discussion – 2/22/05; no discussion – 3/15/05; D. Chambers will modify the form and bring back to the committee; then take to APSCUF – 3/22/05; no discussion – 4/5/05; no discussion – 4/12/05; no discussion – 4/19/05; draft procedures to prepare an existing course for distance education format and draft revision of graduate distance education review form were sent to the committee via email attachment on 9/9/05; no discussion – 9/13/05 INACTIVE ITEMS: Syllabi of record moratorium; discussion of issue began 11/23/04 with a decision that more information is needed; no discussion - 12/14/04; some discussion – 1/18/05; no discussion – 1/25/05; no discussion – 2/8/05; no discussion – 2/15/05; no discussion – 2/22/05; no discussion – 3/15/05; assigned to ad hoc committee (Lenze, Boser) – 3/22/05; no discussion – 4/5/05; no discussion – 4/12/05; no discussion – 4/19/05; ad hoc committee dissolved – 9/13/05 Program and Course deactivation /reactivation - discussed briefly and Dr. LaPorte recommended that a policy on deactivation and reactivation should be defined in the Handbook revisions 2/17/04; no discussion 2/24/04; no discussion-3/16/04, 3/23/04, 4/6/04, 4/13/04. Assigned to ad hoc committee 9/14/04 (Lenze, Ayebo, Yeager); no discussion – 12/14/04; no discussion – 1/18/05; no discussion – 1/25/05; no discussion – 2/8/05; no discussion – 2/15/05; no discussion – 2/22/05; no discussion – 3/15/05; no discussion – 3/22/05; no discussion - 4/5/05; no discussion – 4/12/05; no discussion – 4/19/05; ad hoc committee dissolved – 9/13/05 The meeting was adjourned at 5:00pm     PAGE  PAGE 4 ,8?@HIVcrs€œ©µĀĆŠÜėģń   / 2 P Q R Y Õ Ö ę ē ī ļ ż      % ' , - 1 7 8 9 : > ? 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