ࡱ> KMJ` bjbjss .0vvvvvvvRRRR,~+~^u+w+w+w+w+w+w+$t-h/+v+vv+vvu+u+(vvY* ;Rmy)u++0+)v0gv0,Y*Y*hv0v*LP6,)++F+n n vvvvvv Senate Committee on Student Affairs Minutes February 7, 2006 The following committee members were present: Robert Alman, Terry Appolonia, Ray Beisel, , Linda Hall, Rhonda Luckey , Christoph Maier, Kwasi Yirenko, Gina Antonucci (student) , Christopher Blose (new student member), Jason Bupp (student) , Matthew Getz(new student member), Vanessa Varacalli (student) The following committee members informed the Chair that they could not attend: Dennis Hullings, Christine Clewell, Deena Kelly, Guy Leveille, Mary MacLeod The following committee members were absent: Frank Condino, Braandon Marree (student), Lisa Haffely (student) The following guests were present: Mike Lemasters (director of housing and residence life), Kate Linder(director of the office of student conduct) The meeting was called to order by chair Hall at 3:35 pm. Chair Hall congratulated Rhonda Luckey for being named Vice President for Student Affairs at Ģtv. Luckey had been serving as interim vice president for student affairs. Old Business November 15 Minutes were approved (motion by Bupp and second by Alman). Appolonia reviewed the Signs and Posters Policy. He informed the committee that a 30 minute discussion of the policy at the last meeting of University Senate had taken place, but that no motion had been made. He presented the committee with an updated policy that incorporated changes suggested by members of the university senate. Those changes included using the word public in section A.1. and the inclusion of definitions in A.6. suggested by legal council, Todd Brownfield. A discussion about the policy ensued. The following additional changes will be made or referred to legal council: i) in A. 6. c) lowers or injures ( lowers and injures ii) use of words that are more accessible to students in the added legal definitions in A.6. Chair Report no report. Vice Presidents Report Luckey introduced Michael Lemasters, director of Housing and Residence life since October 2005. Luckey informed the committee that Scott Gibson has been appointed as the Director of health services at Ģtv. She also informed the committee that other searches were still underway. Luckey highlighted dates of some important upcoming events including i) some events for Black History month (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/news/releases/2005/1-27-black-history-month.htm" http://www.iup.edu/news/releases/2005/1-27-black-history-month.htm ) ii) a visit by external evaluators for Middle-States on March 20-22. (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/middle-states/" http://www.iup.edu/middle-states/ ) iii) Unity day on April 1 (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/international/Activities/unityday/index.shtm" http://www.iup.edu/international/Activities/unityday/index.shtm ) iv) undergraduate Scholars conference on April 4 (submission deadline 02/15) (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/undergradconf/" http://www.iup.edu/undergradconf/ ) Student Government Varacalli announced that the SGA will be sponsoring Speak Up Ģtv on March 6 at 7 pm in the Susquehanna Room. Dr. Atwater, Dr. Luckey, and Dr. Cheryl Samuels will be addressing students questions and concerns about the university. SGA is now a participant with The Adopt a Highway program. SGA is responsible for cleaning up a stretch of Rt. 119 towards Homer City. SGA will also be hosting several "speak up Ģtv" forums concerning issues such as landlord concerns, the student bill of rights, etc. SGA will also be involved in several community service activities such as Into the Streets, Bowl-4-Kids, and possibly, co-hosting a blood drive sometime this semester. Two new student members, Matthew Getz and Christopher Blose, introduced themselves. Antonucci announced that CAPP will be available to students on March 13. See  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/CAPP/" http://www.iup.edu/registrar/CAPP/ . New Business Student Behavior Regulations Policy Review Kate Linder reviewed suggested changes to the policy and the rationale for the changes. She explained that the changes were generated last summer by a diverse committee of students, faculty and staff. The committee suggested some minor editorial changes as well as the following changes of substance: i) In the third line of the fourth paragraph of section A.: change process. to process, in accordance with FERPA. ii) In part C. 5b, include bicycles and inline skates with skateboarding iii) In part C. 8a. include syringes The amended policy was unanimously approved (motion by Maier, second by Antonucci). Kate Linder encouraged members of the committee to join current members Maier and Yirenkyi on the RORB (Recognized Organization Review Board.) Housing Master Plan Lemasters and Luckey gave an overview of the plan. Phase I will consist of the construction of two residence halls on Grant Street (across from Sutton). Construction will begin in May 2006 and will be finished by the Fall 2007 semester. The residence halls will house 734 students. Middle States discussion postponed until next meeting. Hall announced to the committee that she will not be at the March 21 meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 5:03 pm. Submitted by Christoph Maier, Committee Secretary #$,<=m     0 = A H O R m & 9 z |   K     ļ hch; hchchch@O>*hchc>* h3rh3rhch3rOJQJh3rhQZhhehC h hC hC hC hc hC h@Oh@O h@O5 hHs5h@Oh:5h@Oh@O52$,=>n o { |   K L  L ;<Vn & F h0`0gd & F ^`gdc & F hh^hgdc$a$gd@O  5 D I L   /Ufq&:;<BHIJSTUVmnuRTUVžʹŲᲦᛦҮh`h0JjhUjhUh=.V hh h>* hh h>*hh>*h3r jhhhhhhQZh@Ohc hch@O6nyxyz>?@gdf+ & F ^gd%V & F hh^hgd%Vgdh^hgd & F h0`0gdh^hgd=.Vh^hgd "#$EFstdeq$%<>@*FGHa󳫧hQZhCJaJ hhhhssShh>*hhc>*jh=.VU h=.Vhj~h=.VUh`h=.V0Jjh=.VU h=.Vh=.Vh=.Vjh=.VU9EFwxy+MOPQstxzM\]KZ )<=>Ep˰✠hhchdhQZhMrh-h%Vh%Vh%V>*hU5hssS0JjhssSU hssShssSjhssSUhQZhssSCJaJhh3rhssShQZhCJaJh hh7h8hhC hhd@gdf+,1h/ =!"#$% DyK Chttp://www.iup.edu/news/releases/2005/1-27-black-history-month.htmyK http://www.iup.edu/news/releases/2005/1-27-black-history-month.htmDyK "http://www.iup.edu/middle-states/yK Dhttp://www.iup.edu/middle-states/uDyK @http://www.iup.edu/international/Activities/unityday/index.shtmyK http://www.iup.edu/international/Activities/unityday/index.shtmDyK "http://www.iup.edu/undergradconf/yK Dhttp://www.iup.edu/undergradconf/DyK #http://www.iup.edu/registrar/CAPP/yK Fhttp://www.iup.edu/registrar/CAPP/@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListB^B W Normal (Web)dd[$\$<U@< yl Hyperlink7>*S*Y(ph3NgN ylHTML TypewriterCJOJPJQJ^JaJ 0$,=>no  {|KLL;<Vn yxyz>?@0000000000000000 0 0 00 0 00000 000000000 0 0z 0z 0z00000000$,=>no  {|L;<Vn x00000000000000 0 0 00 0 00000 0000j00j00j00 n@ U # E s  d PsXXXXXc'd' (e'̣f' Զg'R: : @ ^^? 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