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Appolonia informed the committee that the Signs and Posters Policy will be put on the back burner until next year. Chair Report Chairperson Hall mentioned that the Commission on Reducing Student Substance Abuse will be reconvened on May 1, 2006. Dr. Luckey explained that the recommendations from the commission subcommittees had been reduced to 93 recommendations in six broad categories. The commission as a whole would prioritize those recommendations. Dr. Hall recommended that the report be sent back to the entire Ģtv community for its input. Chairperson Hall thanked the members of the Student Affairs committee for their dedication and involvement. She thanked Dr. Luckey for providing refreshments and snacks for this meeting. She also praised Susan Patterson for her consistent behind-the-scenes logistical help. Vice Presidents Report Vice President Luckey informed the committee that the groundbreaking for Phase I of the Housing master plan would take place on May 11, 2006. Dr. Luckey informed the committee that there would be an open forum on April 19 at 8 pm in Eberly auditorium. The topic would be hate on campus. Members of the Student Affairs committee discussed approaches to dealing with hate on campus and approaches for making marginalized students on campus feel more comfortable. Dr. Luckey updated the committee on the Middles States Self Study Commission. Ģtv met or exceeded all 14 standards, but must have a strategic plan in place within two years. Student Government Association Gina Antonucci announced that Patrick Barnacle and Craig Faish were elected SGA president and vice president respectively. She also informed the committee that the readership survey ended in a tie vote (142 for vs. 142 against.) The issue will be taken back to the COOP board of Directors. Ms. Antonucci also informed the committee that the SGA will be doing the five-mile MS walk on April 23. New Business a) The committee brainstormed agenda items for 2006-2007. The following items were discussed: improving communication on campus: reaching and supporting alienated students. revisiting the sign and poster policy inviting the new director of Social equity and Civic Engagement talk to the committee The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 pm. Submitted by Christoph Maier, Committee Secretary #$,4:;< - / 2    ! ; < R S i k μܵܟ|u hh(hch@O>*hchc>*hch hC h<hC heh, h(h< h(hC h(h@Oh< h<hC h<hc h<h< h<h@Oh@O h@O5 hHs5 h<5h@Oh:5h@Oh@O5,$,;</ 0 m { 89QgdTh^hgd & F h0`0gd & F ^gd & F hh^hgdcgd<$a$gd@O  ! 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