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Chairs Report Dr. Beisel shared the Policies on Addressing Student Behavior and the report from the Presidents Commission on Reducing Substance Abuse with the University Senate. He sensed a positive response from members of the Senate. New Business Dr. Beisel introduced Dr. Valarie Trimarchi, Dean of Punxsutawney Regional Campus, who updated the committee on what is happening on the Punxsutawney Regional Campus. She described the Living/Learning Suites and the Learning Center. She invited everyone to visit the campus. Dr. Trimarchi said their academic goal is for the students to leave stronger than when they began and to be successful students. She explained the future of the new programs for Summer/January and the option for students to transfer to main campus in the spring if they maintain a 2.5 GPA. She mentioned the one concern she observes is the students integration to Indiana campus. She asked our committee for suggestions in ways to help. Dr. Trimarchi also is investigating the possibility of starting an intramural program at the Punxsutawney campus. Presently they just have a small fitness center, game room, and membership to a local fitness center. Dr. Trimarchi can be contacted at  HYPERLINK "mailto:vtrimarc@iup.edu" vtrimarc@iup.edu. Vice Presidents Report Dr. Rhonda Luckey reported the following: She is pleased that we celebrate the accomplishments of students and faculty on this campus and is also touched by the intensity of the Ģtv community when we lose a student such as Sara Khirkhah. Eight hundred people attended the Eric Schlosser presentation. April 11th is the Undergraduate Research Conference. April 25th is Chalk the Walk She summarized the STAMAT report and the status of the implementation of the suggestions. The university is exploring new software to update the web calendar. She suggested that we invite Donna Griffith, Dean of Graduate Studies to attend a meeting next semester. Senate Committee on Student Affairs Minutes Page 2 April 3, 2007 Mr. Appolonia reported on the marketing of our academic and social programs to heighten university awareness of upcoming events. He reminded everyone that Unity Day was March 31st, Diversity Day is April 17th, and Earthfest is April 18th. Student Government Report Mr. James Collins reported the following: The new SGA advisors are Kate Linder and Michael T. Williamson. SGA officer elections will be held next week. Dr. Ceril Wecht will be on campus on Thursday, April 5th from 6:00-7:15 in Eberly Auditorium. The meeting adjourned at 5:15p.m. Respectfully Submitted by, Sue Rieg, Committee Secretary ,349;iz     C S T ] ^ {   S T `    &    + 2 3 V h+z h?5>* hi>*hIahe hIa>* h"hi%\hi%\h"hss hg hT h-hvChf h]skhvChvChT h-hTh9h?5hiha-hI|e;$,:;T   '    gd9h^hgdi & F gdigdi & FgdIagdnpgd"$a$gdI|eP]PgdT$a$gdI|e_V f Z [ ./@Ydf'(.BK⾺ hQ(>*hQ(hQ(H*ha-hQ(hukhihiH*hW h6>*h6 hp^Ph?5hp^Phi0J>*B*phjhp^PhiU hp^Phijhp^PhiUhp^Phih+z6 /Y\M 4t & F ]gda- & F gdt@gdnpgdih^hgd+z & F gdnpgd6 & F gd?5  4st$&^_ hnpheh+zheha-hQ(hQ(H*ht@h9hQ(hIa hIa>*#$%&A_gdnph^hgdt@6&P1h:pa-/ =!"#$ %  DyK vtrimarc@iup.eduyK Hmailto:vtrimarc@iup.eduyX;H,]ą'c@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No List6U@6 i Hyperlink >*B*ph_ $$,:;T'/Y \  M 4 t  # $ % & A a 00000000000000 000 000 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 0 0 00000000a 00000 00 0 00V _  _ _ _ X3 3 33t 3L#3t 3p ==a IIa 9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsState9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceName8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity  ox~  '.X\fo{ AHgnx+17@,5:@   E I a #{a 3#'/ a a  q; {) hvkQW,LKvN. aT#bW".\(-cfdi$b%jPk~[Jb|hh^h`o(. 88^8`hH. 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