ࡱ> 463#` ~bjbj\.\. 4 >D>D~ | | | |  2 MOOOOOO$ hh"s% % % s ? ? ? %   M? % M? ? y| p`YF| M0" @"$"\ > ,?  $> ss)  % % % % | |  Senate Committee of Student Affairs Minutes December 12, 2006 The following committee members were present: Gina Antonucci (student), Terry Appolonia, Shree Shyla Aradhya (student), Ray Beisel, Tracey Cekada, Jamie Coccarelli (student), James Collins (student), Jonathon Frank (student) Linda Hall, Dennis Hulings, Rhonda Luckey, Sue Rieg, Heide Witthoeft, Kwasi Yirenkyi. The following committee members were excused: Frank (Pete) Brooks, Yong S. Colen, Reena Dube, Lisa Haffely (student), Deena Kelly, Heather Powers, Vanessa Varacalli (student), Heide Witthoeft. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Beisel at 3:30 p.m. New Business Chairperson Beisel introduced Mr. Mark Anthony from Career Services/Office of Service Learning. Mr. Anthony shared the volunteer opportunities that are available to our students, specifically the Kids Read Program and Into the Streets. He informed the committee that 7% of the work study money goes to the Serve Study Work Program and that $1250.00 in scholarship money is available to students who volunteer for 450 hours. There are 30 available scholarships. Mr. Anthony mentioned that several classes on campus incorporate volunteer hours into their curriculum and discussed the importance of the reflective piece of the assignments. He and others in his office are exploring the Public Scholarship program that is implemented at Penn State University. Old Business The minutes of the November 14th meeting were approved. Chairperson Beisel invited Dr. Valerie Trimarchi to address our committee and she is planning to come to a later meeting. Chairs Report Dr. Beisel invited committee members to reflect on the past years work. Some of the accomplishments included the Application and Interpretation of Policy, Bloodborne Pathogens, and Revisions to the Judicial Policy Student Behavior Regulations. Student Government Report Ms. Jamie Coccarelli reported the following: Speak Up Ģtv was held on November 20th. The topic was housing. The forum was not as well attended as SGA had hoped. The SGA constitution bi-laws concerning committee membership will be reviewed All State Schools are considering a Community Service Day Senate Committee on Student Affairs-Minutes Page 2 Vice Presidents Report Dr. Luckey announced the following: Good luck with finals. As a result of Residential Revival, there will be two new buildings open for Fall 2007. There are 734 facilities available and 350+ have already been contracted. Dr. Luckey recommended that we invite the co-chairs of the Learning/Living Concept Team, Jacqueline Beck and Jack Makara, to speak to our committee. We have contracted with Higher Education Consultants STAMATS to address Integrated Marketing and Enrollment. The Student Affairs Committee will receive the report for recruitment and retention. There will be a Spring Success Fair that will include a scholarship for tuition. Committee Member Heidi Witthoeft suggested that we have someone from the counseling department address our committee. Chairperson Beisel will follow up with that recommendation. The meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by, Sue Rieg, Committee Secretary ,7?m ! 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