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Old Business The minutes of the April 3, 2007 minutes were approved with one correction. Ms. Donna Griffith, Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies, shared the STAMATS report as it related to our Graduate Program. Our current graduate student enrollment is 2,294 (16.3% of the total Ģtv enrollment); our university was recognized as having one of the best graduate recruitment programs; challenges included staffing and marketing. Recommendations and initiatives were shared. Dr. Beisel reported that there has not yet been an SGA organization formed at the Punxsutawney campus nor was there a student organization fair. Mr. Mike Carnovale attended our meeting to listen to conversation about the lack of extracurricular options at the Punxsutawney campus. He thought intramurals could possibly be started at minimal cost and explained that on main campus the program is basically student run. He plans to visit the Punxsutawney campus in the near future. Chairs Report Dr. Beisel asked the committee members be prepared to reflect on our accomplishments from last year at the next meeting. New Business Mr. Terry Appolonia and Ms. Betsy Sarneso shared longitudinal data regarding average grade point averages of Ģtvs fraternity and sorority organizations. They also shared a 1987 New Member Retention study by Dr. Steve Ender. The current guidelines are that the organizations must have a 2.0 GPA in order to recruit and students averages must be checked prior to receiving a bid to pledge. Mr. Pete Brooks asked what students are told about the use of cellular phones and dress for class. The committee discussed that most faculty address cell phone use in their syllabi. The question was posed if administration will support professors if they penalize students for using cell phones during class and if there should be a suggested dress for class. Senate Committee on Student Affairs September 16, 2007 Minutes Page 2 Dr. Yong Colen wanted to know why admission standards have been lowered for incoming students. The committee will discuss this at future meetings. Vice Presidents Report Dr. Rhonda Luckey sent her regrets for her absence and Mr. Appolonia reported the following: Current enrollment at Ģtv is 14,018 students. We have an increase in students of color; however, because we had a high proportion of graduating students in December, May, and August our continuing student population was lower than previous years. Ģtv Day is being initiated by undergraduate students. Programs and services from various departments will be represented. The change in the Homecoming Parade route is to make it more campus and community-based. The Oak Grove will be the gathering point. This year will be a pilot for the new route. Student Government Report Mr. Craig Faish reported that membership in SGA has doubled and the first meeting will be in two weeks. Ms. Kate Cook reported that the GSA has all of the Senate seats filled at this time. The meeting adjourned at 5:00p.m. Respectfully Submitted by, Sue Rieg, Committee Secretary ,89>@]}= I c w  M  w x y z x y S T 45COƿƿ h?5>*h hi>*hihhhIahe hIa>* h"hi%\hk%8 hk%8hdihdih-$ hk%8hk%8hF hk%8h9Ch9CB*phh"h9h?5hb|hI|eh87$,?@   y z T 45Dgdi & Fgd & FgdIagdnpgd"gd-$P]Pgd9C$a$gdI|e$a$gdI|edDQ {-.H & Fgdgdnp & F gdgd6h^hgdh^hgdFgdF & F gdgd9h^hgdi & F gdi34^PQ O`k+,-.GHLW#)+cd hnphehk%8heht@h"hIa hIa>* hQ(>* hhQ( h>*hi h6>*hFhh6h8hh9-()*+Fdgdnph^hgdt@21h:pk%8/ =!"#$% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No List6U@6 i Hyperlink >*B*phd$$,?@yzT45DQ   { -.H()*+Ff00000000000000000 0 0 000 000 0 00@0@00 0000 0 0 000 0 00000000,?@ f00 R0000000000000 00 00  <0 0 0 00d Dd d8@0(  B S  ?kkTkd$ k!k$h"k4\XX  fddf8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace 0 iuRWfLf33$z'T5D  .HL+FfRWfq; {) hvkQW,LKvN. aT#bW".\(-cfdi$b%jP*s?@CRoot Entry F$ CE1Table;WordDocument4$SummaryInformation(1DocumentSummaryInformation89CompObjqBagaaqy23kudbhchAaq5u2chNd8$ C$ CCONTENTS  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-us