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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,`  +   Title\ (0<|     LTEktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabl`  +   Title(PXd p x    EktContentID64EktContentedEktShowEvents kE &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17771e@ t@t5&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes of January 19, 1999&lt;/p&gt;  + bjbj @*hh+@@ suuuuuuvJuuss; _0,;;$uu@ I: University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes January 19, 1999 Present: Barbara Blackledge, Jodell Kuzneski, Jim Myers, John Orife, Richard Roberts, Mary Sadler, Gail Sechrist, Mark Staszkiewicz, Kim Weiner, and Gail Wilson. Excused: Carmy Carranza, Marilyn Howe, Dan Pounds. Absent: David Best. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of December 18, 1998 were corrected as follows: On page 2 item 6: the phrase "even if by a slim margin" was dropped from the sentence. The corrected minutes were approved on a Kuzneski/Blackledge motion. CHAIR'S REPORT The entire docket was reviewed to determine the status of various proposals. Items 4a4d and 6 from Sociology were removed from the docket because of lack of response from the department. The chairs reported that they met with Jose Carranza (Chair Spanish Department) before the break to discuss his concerns with the Italian proposals. He contacted them during the break stating that he wanted to address his concerns to the full committee. They also received communications from Pat Heilman on behalf of APSCUF about who should sign off on Critical Language Proposals and the issue of a temporary faculty member teaching Italian. Other communications to the chairs were delayed so that Jose Carranza could be invited in. ITEMS FOR 'REVIEWIPOSSIBLE ACTION A. Visit from Jose Carranza He discussed some of the history of the Italian course offerings in the past year. One of his concerns is that the offering of Italian as FL 281 when it is currently in the catalog as a Critical Language. This issue is being grieved by APSCUF, but he believes that it will not likely be resolved for several years. His second concern is that resources are being put in an area where there is no demand. He said that the administration has claimed that their desire to offer Italian is because of an interest from people in the Music Department. Yet in the most recent class only one or two students were music majors. Most of the students are from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Dr. Carranza suggested that the Italian prefix may already exist on the master list as an inactive course. Later the Provost said that he would check into that assertion. When asked if he thought a "university" should offer a variety of languages, Carranza agreed, but not at a time when the administration is cutting back complement and when students have tried for years to schedule Spanish. His third concern is that no one in the French Department is qualified to teach Italian and that they should not then be bringing forth this proposal. B. Discussion on Issues Raised Before he left, Gail Wilson made sure that the committee was clear in understanding his three main points. After he left the co-chair read a memo from the Chair of the Geography and Regional Planning Department informing the Committee of Dean Carter's failure to honor commitments made in regards to faculty positions in the department's recent curriculum revision. The memo cautioned the committee about the validity of Dean Carter's signature. Discussion followed at this point and later on the specific and general issues raised by the memo. It was the consensus that the University Wide Curriculum Committee is in charge of curriculum revisions and not enforcement and that the issues raised needed to be taken to the Provost. Next followed discussion on each of the three points raised by Dr. Carranza. It was agreed that the FL issue needed to be resolved by the grievance process. It was judged that the enrollments for the course were sufficient for a first time offering, and that advertising could increase future enrollments. It was suggested that support from the Music Department before or during the Senate meeting would be useful. On the third point the Provost reiterated that the position will be authorized so that the French Department can search for a qualified tenure track candidate. Jodi Kuzneski reminded us that the proposers had introduced a list of universities where Italian is offered by the French Department. Jodi also reviewed the responses by Foster Jones to our earlier questions. C. IT 101, 102,201,202 new courses and CL 107, 157,207,257 course deletions (31a-31f) A motion was made by Jodi Kuzneski to approve the proposals. The motion was seconded and approved by a vote of 9-0 with 1 abstention. D. Liberal Studies Committee Report: (for approval) Program Revision: Approved the Liberal Studies Requirements for Associate Degree for COIS (98-18). The report was accepted on a Orife/Staszkiewicz Motion with all in favor. The cochairs shared a memo from the Provost on the approval process for Honors sections of LS 499 or any course. The Provost asked if it would be possible to use the following review process: "If an existing course is changed to become an honors course, then department approval should be sought as per current policy." "If an existing course does not change to become an honors course, the chair must be involved in the process to be sure resource issues are addressed." Jodi noted that the Honors approval process may need to be changed through time. Mary Sadler added that to her mind in the process of making a course an honors section you would need higher level objectives, thus the course itself would change. The committee concluded that the Honors College should use the current established approval process. If they believe the process needs to be revised, the Honor's College should submit a proposal for Committee consideration that would go to the Senate for action. The following courses have been approved by Liberal Studies and are pending approval by the UWUCC before advancing to the Senate: 1. IT 207 and IT 257 were approved as Liberal Studies Electives. 2. SC 210 3. MG348 4. Approved change in the Liberal Studies Math requirement for the Health and Physical Education and Sport degree programs. This change is from a choice of MA 101, 110 or MA 217 to specifying MA 217 for the LS Math requirement. 5. COIS Liberal Studies Courses for their Associate degree. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 Respectfully Submitted, Gail S. 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