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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,H0  $<  { 0University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Title\ (0<|     LTEktCCONTENTSH0  $<  { 0University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Title(PXd p x    EktConteontentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents cE &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17763e@T)t@6&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes of November 10, 1998&lt;/p&gt; [@ bjbj44 +&ViVi   RTTTTTT$Rx  x    R R  |& 7^ NR0` $&&, xx   University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes November 10, 1998 Present: David Best, Carmy Carranza, Barbara Blackledge, Marilyn Howe, Jodell Kuzneski, Jim Myers, Daniel Pounds, Richard Roberts, Mary Sadler, Gail Sechrist, Mark Staszkiewicz, Kim Weiner, Gail Wilson. Excused: John Orife APPROVAL OF MINUTES The October 20 minutes were approved on a Blackledge/Sadler motion, with the following corrections: Kim Weiner was present at the meeting. Page, 2, Item E.5 should read "GE343" not "GS343." Two typos were noted: Under A. 1. Frank Calabrese (spelling correction) and B. 1.e. change to "Dr.," not "DR." CHAIR'S REPORT The chairs distributed a flyer advertising a "Dean's Certificate Program" in the College of Business and a copy of a memo from the graduate committee chairperson in response to this "Unapproved Curriculum Offering." Questionable items on the flyer were pointed out; the details of which the Provost plans to discuss with Dean Camp. We will receive a report of that discussion. The chairs reviewed the docket and the progress of outstanding proposals. All screening committees are waiting for responses from proposers. ITEMS FOR REVIEW/POSSIBLE ACTION: (for approval) A. Liberal Studies Report: 1. Synthesis: LS499, Fin de Siecle Vienna I, Dr. Janet Goebel and Mr. Ron Ali, was approved as an Honors section synthesis course. Note: This synthesis course needs to be approved by Honors College also and the UWUCC needs to receive that information of approval from the HC. B. Liberal Studies Report: 1. Program revision: BS in Communications Media Change in Liberal Studies requirements: The requested change is to remove the restriction regarding JN105 from the list of Liberal Studies electives. Request was approved by Liberal Studies Committee (10/20/98). The new proposal will read: "Liberal Studies electives: BE/CO/IM 101 (to be taken freshman year), no courses with CM prefix, not to include courses cross-listed with CM." Note: This will be held until approval of entire CM proposal. The Liberal Studies Report was unanimously approved on a Weiner/Sechrist motion. C. Honors College Report: The following course have been approved by the Committee for Honors College credit: a. LS499-Mass Media & American Society; Dr. Mary Beth Leidman. The Honors College Report was unanimously approved on a Blackledge/Sadler motion.  D. BS in Education, Chemistry, program revision (98-29). The following comments and questions were made concerning this proposal. Action will be postponed pending their clarification. The UWUCC recommends that the proposer omit the condition stated at the bottom of page 2 stating, "EX301 Education of Students with Disabilities in an Inclusive Secondary Setting is added to the Professional Education Sequence on a two-year provisional basis"-and the rationale that goes with it on page 3. The committee will not approve a proposal on a "provisional basis." The proposal is approved or not; any change will have to go through the process again as a program revision. Clarification from department as to the need for 4 hours of geo-science. Is this an NCATE requirement? Discussion about the increasing practice of identifying LS electives and "Required Electives" for whatever reason (in this case because of accreditation requirements). The practice is against the spirit of the Liberal Studies Program and is a problem for students changing majors, transferring in, or starting as undeclared majors. HP175 Prevention and Care of Injuries to the Physically Active, new course (98-22). The screening committee will report the following questions and concerns regarding this proposal prior to any UWUCC action: Need clarification on where this new course is to fit-professional requirement, controlled elective, free elective? If it is a controlled elective, then it is a program revision for the major and must be included in that list. Section B, Item B1: How many faculty hold the credentials that qualify them to teach this course? Section C, Item C3: What will not be taught if this course is taught each semester? Or is it an overload? Also, why would the department choose to offer the course every semester? Recommend a clarification of the "Examination" item on the syllabus (i.e., Are all exams except the final included in the 28 contact hours)? Correct the numbering of items in Section C and include Item C1. Note: A decision will be made at the November 17 meeting about convening on November 23. Adjournment: 4:10 Respectfully Submitted, Carmy Carranza /08EFKLMV   # . / 0 D E s t b c <[CDUVJKZ[\]¸±¸•h\'B*phjh\'h1B*Uphh\' h\'5\h\'h\'5\h\'h\'B*phh\'B*phh\'h\'B*phh\'5B*\phh\'h\'5B*\ph h\'h\':09LM  / 0 E s t cd^c`gd\'dgd\'gd\' $a$gd\' $da$gd\'$a$gd\'gd\' c VW[]d & Fgd\'c^c`gd\'$a$gd\'dgd\'d^`gd\'cd^c`gd\'gd\' cd^cgd\' d^gd\'Qh\'B*phh\'h\'>*B*phh\' h\'h\'h\'h\'B*phhPQ:]:gd\'gd\' & Fgd\'gd\' & F]gd\')0P:p\'/ =!"#$%  !"#$%  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-usOh+'0<X @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No List XOX Default1$7$8$H$!B*CJ_HaJmH phsH tH 2O2 CM1d B*ph0O0 CM7 B*ph2O2 CM2d B*ph2O2 CM3d B*ph2O2 CM4d B*ph&09LM/0EstcVW [ ]  d hPQ000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0 00 00 0  0  0  0  0 <;0 <;0 <;0 <;0 <;0 <;0 <;0 <;0   8@0(  B S  ?mmccarty?|抑R)dޭ۪&wl!l 8 ~FgN1Ur^8...ii^i`o(.^`o(. 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