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BS Business Technology Support – which didn’t get to Senate floor in last meeting: Suggest making changes to proposal before 3/22 Senate deadline: non-business electives range of 2-5 to provide for a total degree requirements of 126 credits (instead of 126-129). Myers shared with chair of department this recommendation. Sadler/Weiner motion to re-visit this proposal passed. Would need to put this on agenda of 3/21 meeting in order to present at next Senate meeting. Items for Review/Possible Action: Liberal Studies Committee Report: For action: BI 117 Understanding HIV Biology and AIDS approved as a non-lab science (new course not yet approved by the UWUCC). Motion to approve passed. For information: Dr. Charles McCreary, French Department, approved for Type I (Professor Commitment) Writing Status (2-24-00) 99-5: BS in Management, Operations Management concentration, program revision and title change (was Industrial Management concentration) Deletion of IM 360 in last Senate meeting serves proposals 99-5 to 7. All three of these proposals are on hold until department responds to UWUCC and Screening Committee questions/concerns. Additional note concerning Tabular Summary of Changes: In underscored paragraph under “Free Electives” in New Program listing, how can EC 334 be considered a “non-business” course when it is in conflict with the business course listing on p. 47of the ФЂЙНtv Catalog? Is this a college-wide issue to address? 99-6: BS in Management, General Management concentration, program revision Ditto to 1 & 2 in item B above 99-7: BS in Management, Human Resources Management concentration, program revision Ditto on points 1 & 2 in B above 99-8: MG 438 Seminar in Operations Management, new course Clarification that MG 438 will not actually be replacing MG 428 except as a requirement in the Industrial Management concentration. Already has received writing-intensive approval from Liberal Studies. Suggest elimination of additional sentences in Course Objectives ii – iv as too specific an implementation of the objectives defined. Suggest re-wording of Course Objective v to only state: “will be able to present their findings and analysis in a professionally accepted written format.” Motion by Peterson/Miller to provisionally approve course passed with understanding that changes are made to objective. 99-11: BA in Spanish, program revision Department convinced that there will be no enrollment changes as a result of the new requirement to study abroad. They are firmly committed to cultural submersion as a major factor for graduation in this major. Motion to approve by Sadler/Peterson passed. 99-12: BA in Spanish for International Trade, program revision Same updates for this program revision as with 99-11. Motion to approve by Sadler/Miller passed. 99-31: GE 335 Geography of Energy, catalog description change Offered as a simple change by Screening Committee. Motion to approve by Miller/Weiner passed. Sechrist abstained. 99-32: GE 241 Physical Geography, course deletion Needs to be re-assigned to SC2 for review as it is part of the 99-39 proposal that is still on hold. Therefore, this proposal cannot be addressed today. 99-56a: BS Physical Education and Sport, program revision All proposals (99-56) are deleting HP 345 & HP 346 and adding HP 175 to all three programs. Motion to approve 99-56a-d on Sechrist/Howe passed. 99-56b: BS Physical Education and Sport, Sport Administration track, program revision Question of numbers of free electives in Sport Administration Track proposed listings. Suggest changing to 1-4 so that total degree requirement can now be 124 credits. Meeting adjourned: 5:05 PM Respectfully submitted by Barb Blackledge DU]eЛУбиу*:<žŠЋd Џ Ю 67§љ§љѓљѓљѓљ§љ§љ§љ§љ§љ§љ§ 56CJ5CJCJ+CD]Лбту)*<žВ‰ŠЌаkщr Й 2 d ќќќќїѓѓѓёїёшуооёшйддйЯЯЯ & F & F & F & F & F & F„„„а & F$+CD]Лбту)*<žВ‰ŠЌаkщr Й 2 d Џ Ю ! 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