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Chair's Report: New members of UWUCC: Christopher Orchard, Anne Creaney Sadler moved from SC 3 to SC 2; Orchard assigned to SC 3 Senate Meeting (4/4) will start with business from March meeting not yet addressed, so curriculum action will begin with Business Tech program revision, ED242/342 and the Psychology items in addition to items on 4/4 agenda. Volunteer to go to APSCUF Executive Committee on 4/6 at 3:15 in Keith will be Peterson. Docket updates: None Items for Review/Possible Action: Liberal Studies Committee Report: No report. 99-27a-b: B.S. in Safety Sciences, program revision Free credit eliminated from revision listing, so credits for graduation are now 124-125. AD 231 will be taught for five-week periods for a total of 15 hours for each section of this 1 credit course with three sections being taught over a 15-week semester schedule. As a result, not all sections of this course will be able to use the regular exam period for the exam except for the third section in the third set of 5 weeks in a semester. Suggest to the department that they rework the rationale in a more positive light for Senate consumption. Pg. 1, 2: Eliminate “Safety” in Internship title listings Check & correct catalog title of course: SA 412 (p. 200 in ФЂЙНtv Catalog) on p. 1 & 2 Correct Program Comparison Table 1: eliminate free elective option in Internship parenthetical note in revised table. AD 231 response: Need grading scale Need to put catalog description re: credits and hours in correct format. Staszkiewicz/Sadler motion to approve with a & b addressed passed. Staszkiewicz/Putirka motion to pass 99-27 a program revision with provisions noted above passed. 99- 28 A.A. Degree in Business Specializing in Accounting, program revision Addressed concerns previously given to department Concerns raised about need to treat our ФЂЙНtv's A.A. degree students as those transferring from community colleges (Academic Transport agreement). Otherwise, we may lose them to another SSHE campus. Sechrist/Tannous motion to approve passed. 99-44a, b, & c: B.S. in Regional Planning, RP 353 Planning Design I, and RP 354 Planning Design II 99-44a: B.S. in Regional Planning Need to correct Free Electives credit total on p. 9 in old program listing. Question 54-60 credits listed in Liberal Studies requirements on p. 9: How can the range be different between four tracks? Suggest a 53-58 range for all four tracks with a corresponding change in free electives credit range to 24-29. Need to change Liberal Studies range on p. 8 as well to 53-58 with corresponding Free Electives credit range change to 24-29. 99-44b: RP353 Planning Design I Course Analysis questionnaire C1: suggest using same language as III-2 on p. 10 in 99-44a. Question on course objectives: Is it possible for students to be developing a familiarity at the beginning of the course evolving to “portfolio quality” by the end of the semester? Suggest higher level objectives for 300 level course. Change course catalog credit/hours to fit format. Strike reference to copy company in course packet 99-44c: RP454 Planning Design II Addressed sub-committee’s concerns Strike reference to copy company in course packet Meeting adjourned: 5:10 PM Respectfully submitted by Barb Blackledge DU]eОЦч!#[у< щ Šœбв§љ§љѓљѓљ§љ§љљ§љљ§љё5 56CJ5CJCJ+CD]Охцч#[”tЬсу2fП ˆ ќќќќїѓѓѓёїёшуооооёшййддд & F & F & F & F & F„„„а & F$+CD]Охцч#[”tЬсу2fП ˆ Т  Œ  А љ <  щ  с q “ ќі№ыхпйгЭЪФСЛЕЏЉЃš”Ž‡€}wqje(     '   '  '        &   &  &                                               &ˆ Т  Œ  А љ <  щ  с q “ п ЪHhУЏс4Wњњњњѕѕѕ№ыцццысмммсззззсв & F+ & F* & F) & F( & F' & F & F & F& & F“ п ЪHhУЏс4W‰ŠІЇЈТвћєэцскгЬХРЙЗБ    +  +  (   *   *   *  *  (   )   )  ) W‰ŠІЇЈТвњјяээээ & F„„ & F+Аа/ Ар=!А"А# $ %А [4@ёџ4Normal5CJOJQJmH <A@ђџЁ<Default Paragraph Font@C@ђ@Body Text Indent„а5CJDR@DBody Text Indent 2„ 5CJDS@DBody Text Indent 3„85CJв џџџџв ˆ Wв “ в жмофSZд ЖНЭехцаг$%д џџTheater Department, IUP>C:\windows\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Minutes March 28 2000.asdTheater Department, IUPA:\Minutes March 28 2000.docTheater Department, IUPA:\Minutes March 28 2000.docTheater Department, IUPA:\Minutes March 28 2000.docBarb Blackledge>C:\windows\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Minutes March 28 2000.asdBarb BlackledgeA:\Minutes March 28 2000.docBarb Blackledge/C:\My Documents\UWUCC\Minutes March 28 2000.docMarcia L. 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