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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,d   $ Minutes Title\ (0<|     LTEktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents CONTENTS $ Minutes Title(PXd p x    EktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64E &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17679e@=t@0Ьh6&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes of Octobeer 17, 2000&lt;/p&gt; S bjbj "xxlrrrrrrr<<<< Hhhhhhhhh.000000$e vTrhhhhhTrrhhihFrhrh.h.R Drr"h\ `9<&" 0&"rrrrMinutes Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, October 17, 2000 I. Meeting adjourned at 3:22 PM. Present: Blackledge, Cramer, Creany, Orchard, Peterson, Putirka, Sadler, Sechrist, Stephenson, Tannous, Wibowo Excused: Staszkiewicz, Weiner, Klingaman (Klingaman excused from 10/10/00 10/24/00) II. Minutes from October 10, 2000 meeting approved on Tannous/Peterson motion. III. Chairs Report: Memo received from Will Radell concerning the name of the committee. He challenges using present name in minutes of the committee. He notes that the name is officially the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee according to Senate records. Gary Buterbaugh contacted by chair and confirmed that the name University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee was determined by the Senate curriculum committees for use in the original Red Handbook (1990) to distinguish this committee from the other undergraduate curriculum committees in the university. Peterson/Tannous motion to request the formal changing of the name of this committee to the defacto name of the committee passed unanimously. APSCUF Executive Committee sent Undergraduate Distance Education Proposal back for further work on Review Form. 9/28/00 Draft Senate APSCUF Agreement on Curriculum: follow-up meeting with adhoc committee involving reps from Senate, APSCUF and both graduate and undergraduate curriculum chairs. Suggested that phrase prior to the final votes by the Committee be deleted in section 2 so that process wont be unnecessarily held up by this extra check with every proposal, no matter how small the requested change might be (such as a course prefix or number change). Special Topics courses being offered three times becoming an issue for APSCUF with Provost approval for courses being offered for a fourth or fifth time with no course proposal even offered to the curriculum committee yet. Senate President Nowell informed the Provost that no approval of Special Topics courses should be granted to any 281/481 course unless the course proposal was already out of the department level of approval. Registrar still requests an estimated date of approval from the UWUCC based on anticipated Trustees approval date at time of inclusion in Senate agenda for action. Reminder that 1/27/00 Rep Council voted that college curriculum committees be chaired by faculty. UWUCC should see a faculty signature on all college curriculum sign-offs on proposal cover sheets. Shellenbarger (from the Nursing and Allied Health Professionals Department) requesting direction on how to present a curriculum proposal involving RN students: is this a program revision or a new program? Recommended that this is a new program as the Ģtv catalog does not include this program as provided for review. Suggested wording for prefix changes to curriculum handbook: In cases where prefixes are changing for a number of courses at once, a complete catalog description in not necessary. Issue of course proposals for interdisciplinary studies: Put process in Handbook as Item IV,I: Interdisciplinary Programs (such as Women's Studies, Pan-African Studies, and Asian Studies) With the following text: Womens Studies, Pan-African Studies, and Asian Studies are all interdisciplinary minor programs at Ģtv, each of which has its own committee. Those committees introduce any changes to these programs, and they become the proposing department. The Womens Studies Office is in Gordon 110, while the Pan-African Studies and Asian Studies minors are under the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. (Contact the Deans Office for information.) III. Items for Review/Possible Action Honors College Committee: no report Liberal Studies Committee report for approval: MATH 216 Probability and Statistics for Natural Sciences -- prerequisite change to add MATH 123 to the current prerequisite MATH 121 approved. UWUCC accepted report. HIST 344 Industrializing America, course revision/title/description change (was the Age of Business in America, 1877-1917) (00-20); HIST 345 America in War and Depression, 1914-1945, course revision/title/description change (was the Age of Ragtime: American History, 1900-1929) (00-21); HIST 346 Recent United States History, course revision/description change (00-22) Some confusion about new prerequisites: what do they mean by sophomore standing? Needs to be clarified if a history major is taking this course. Where are tests to be located in the semester progression? Recommended the need to include publishers in biographical format on syllabus of record. Need to include publishers in listing of Section V: Required Textbooks, Supplemental Books and Readings. Sadler/Peterson motion to approve passed with provision that concerns above are addressed. LRNC 201 Vocabulary Expansion, new course (00-23) Stephenson: all concerns of SC addressed in present proposal Approved on Sadler/Putirka motion EDSP 477 Assessment of Student Learning: Design and Interpretation of Educational Measures, number & title change (Was EDSP 377 Educational Test and Measurements) (00-35) Needs Banner prefix on cover sheet. Proposal received by committee on Sadler/Creany motion. VI. Meeting adjourned at: 4:43 PM. Respectfully submitted by: Barb Blackledge EgoH6CJCJ5CJ +EFg,-|}D~ 0 !"#Im & F & F  & F^$a$mCHF29:]^y8^8 & F  & F & F & F & F/ =!"#$%  !"#$  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-usOh+'0(D  i<@< NormalCJOJQJ_HmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph Font<C@< Body Text Indent ^@R@ Body Text Indent 2 8^8DS@D Body Text Indent 3 8^8CJ"+EFg,-|}D~0 !"#ImCHF29:]^y00000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 mpv Theater Department, IUP@C:\windows\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Minutes October 17 2000.asdTheater Department, IUP@C:\windows\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Minutes October 17 2000.asdTheater Department, IUPA:\Minutes October 17 2000.docTheater Department, IUPA:\Minutes October 17 2000.docTechnology Office1C:\My Documents\UWUCC\October 17 2000 Minutes.doc Gail Sechrist+C:\windows\TEMP\October 17 2000 Minutes.doc Gail Sechrist2C:\My Documents\SENATE\October 17 2000 Minutes.doc Gail Sechrist2C:\My Documents\SENATE\October 17 2000 Minutes.doc Gail Sechrist2C:\My Documents\SENATE\October 17 2000 Minutes.docmmccarty;O:\Grad - UWUCC\UWUCC\2000-2001\October 17 2000 Minutes.doc;Ю*4ЮO$2Юaw5b&6Ю)\;ЮoEЮ4=K,QЮI53azyueXl[!eЮ]|mЮ4nЮtyvЮ:2JzЮ^`o(.^`o(.^`o(.88^8`o(.^`o(.^`o(.^`o(.88^8`o(.^`o(.88^8`o(.88^8`o(.^`o(.^`o(.^`o(.^`o(.^`o(.aw54=K&6yue)\;[!eI53aoE,Q]|mO$2*44n:2Jztyv;@̡d@@UnknownG:Times New Roman5Symbol3& :Arial"qhJJ$!2092MinutesTheater Department, IUPmmccarty