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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,d   I Minutes Title` (0<|     PXEktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId6CONTENTS I Minutes Title,PXd p x   $EktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId644 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents  E &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17675e@5t@@ef7&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes of September 26, 2000&lt;/p&gt; S bjbj "xxl,,,,,,,@ @22222222OQQQQQQ$ vu,22222u,,222",2,2O2O8 [,,C2& @J)@T.C 0+C@@,,,,Minutes University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, September 26, 2000 I. Meeting adjourned at 3:18 PM. Present: Blackledge, Cramer, Creany, Klingaman, Orchard, Peterson, Putirka, Sadler, Sechrist, Staszkiewicz, Stephenson, Weiner Absent: Excused: Tannous, Wibowo (left early) II. Minutes from September 19, 2000 meeting approved on Klingaman/Sadler motion with the following changes: III.A: change Kramer to Cramer III.B: change second sentence to read: Decided that one memo for each program with a signed cover sheet be submitted to UWUCC requesting change andetc. IV.A: Change HC to HNRC IV.B.3: Change LS to LBST III. Chairs Report: Senate agenda update for October meeting plus deadlines defined for Senate Agenda this year. Note change for LS Report from last meeting: Kanazawa approval to teach LBST 499 Biology and Society without Fall 2000 limitation. Docket update: Questions about status of proposals 12b and 17 Proposal 15 has been withdrawn Proposal 28 has gone back to department Meeting with APSCUF president and Nowell concerning curriculum committee status and reworking of Nowell proposal. Question of status of non-Senate members of UWUCC. Would they be ex-officio members of the Senate on this latest re-structuring plan. Special Ed Department notified Sechrist about problem with inaccurate pre-requisites in catalog. Told to provide course revision proposal requesting a changing of the pre-requisites officially in order to make the change in the catalog. Reminder from Marcia McCarty to get items for UWUCC agenda to her on disk prior to noon on the Thursday before the meeting. IV. Review of Draft of UWUCC Handbook Better organization ideas? Need to provide location of Honors College Courses (after Liberal Studies) What about process of approving Womens Studies, Pan-African Studies, Asian Studies to clarify process for any department creating a new interdisciplinary course? Course Prefix add/change process needs to be added to course name/number change. Specific Changes suggested: P. 7: Under Course Proposals: Course Name or Number Changes, need to include process for adding/changing Course Prefixes P. 7: Need to make change to note that there is a university-wide restriction of course numbers 483-489 for repeatable courses not just for College of Fine Arts P. 29: Change end of first sentence to: development; as such special topics cannot be a required course. Need to find out what is the Banner character limitation for course titles. Already requested from Registrar with no response. Staszkiewicz will follow up. Need to find out the status of Distance Education approval with Meet and Discuss. Staszkiewicz will follow up. Suggestion to have all curriculum proposals put on university network drive to facilitate revision and distribution process. Staszkiewicz will follow up. Time limitations or deadlines need to be defined for response from departments to UWUCC concerns. Six months as a rolling date from date of return to department suggested as a deadline to update UWUCC that department is still pursuing proposal. Wording in Handbook: Six months from the return date to the department, there must be an acknowledgement from that department that the proposal is still being pursued. V. Items for Review/Possible Action 00-19 SAFE 299 Experience in Cooperative Education, course revision & title change Addressed the concerns of the SC according to Klingaman Question about what is meant by departmental approval being necessary in prerequisites: Does this mean a single faculty member can approve, the chair approves, or a committee of the faculty approves? Need to add a sentence explaining approval process to C1 Justification. What is happening to Experience in Cooperative Education II? Do they need to do up a course deletion proposal? If so how, can you keep track of the two cooperative education experiences required at Ģtv? If there is still a second course, there is no need to eliminate I from the course title. If there is no second course, the Ģtv policy on cooperative education needs to be reviewed by the department. 00-30 SAFE 301 Health Hazard Identification, course revision Addressed concerns of SC according to Klingaman Suggested to change in Syllabus of Record: Section IV. Evaluation Methods: change end of sentence from member for example; to member. For example: Need to change the credit/lecture/lab hours order in Catalog Description to put the lab hours in the middle. Peterson/Weiner motion to approve passed. VI. Meeting adjourned at: 5:00 PM. Respectfully submitted by: Barb Blackledge Wy 6CJCJ5CJ ;WXy()Meu a  & F & F & F & F^$a$a b w  *@x"_( & F & F & F & F  & F  & F & F & F8^8 & F/ =!"#$%  !"#$  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-usOh+'0(@  i<@< NormalCJOJQJ_HmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph Font<C@< Body Text Indent ^@R@@ Body Text Indent 2 8^8";WXy()Meuabw * @ x "_(    0                   0 0          0 a  #\b * 33 ) Theater Department, IUP2C:\windows\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Document1.asdTheater Department, IUP A:\Minutes September 26 2000.docTheater Department, IUPBC:\windows\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Minutes September 26 2000.asdTheater Department, IUP A:\Minutes September 26 2000.docTheater Department, IUP A:\Minutes September 26 2000.docTheater Department, IUP A:\Minutes September 26 2000.docTechnology Office A:\Minutes September 26 2000.docTechnology Office3C:\My Documents\UWUCC\September 26 2000 Minutes.docmmccarty=O:\Grad - UWUCC\UWUCC\2000-2001\September 26 2000 Minutes.doc aw5b&6Ю)\;ЮoEЮ4=K,QЮI53azyueXl[!eЮ88^8`o(.^`o(.^`o(.^`o(.88^8`o(.^`o(.88^8`o(.88^8`o(.^`o(. aw54=K&6yue)\;[!eI53aoE,Q @\dP@UnknownG:Times New Roman5Symbol3& :Arial"qh4I4I!20I2MinutesTheater Department, IUPmmccarty