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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,d   4 2 Minutes Titled (0<|     T\EktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId6CONTENTS 4 2 Minutes Title0PXd p x   (EktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId644 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents D &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17639e@Wt@ud:&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes of October 9, 2001&#160;&lt;/p&gt; [ bjbj "jj l       4vvvv 4S   $  )b            |    @qwR4Bv|  # 0S  44    Minutes University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, October 9, 2001 I Meeting called to order at 3.20 PM. Present: Carranza, Goldberg, Mohamed, Numan, Orchard, Putirka, Sechrist, Stephenson Excused: Echeverria, Sadler Absent: Creany, Klingaman, Norris, Staszkiewicz Minutes from September 25 meeting approved on a Peterson/Carranza motion. III Co-Chairs Report Reported a note of gratitude from Dr. Cashdollar concerning our work with the Honors College proposals Raised the issue of allowing conditional phrases in proposals, particularly as they related to resource issues. Received and distributed an email from Marcy Rearick that provided information about special topics courses that had exceeded the maximum number of times that they could be offered. Reported that the history department would be submitting proposals on the 400 level in special topics. IV Items for possible review/action Honors College Committee Report ENGL 310 Public Speaking has been approved for Honors credit B Liberal Studies Report: For information: Approved Type I Professor Commitment status for Dr. Jennifer Roberts, Criminology Dept (10-4-01) For action: Approved changes to Liberal Studies component for Bachelor of Arts General Track in Anthropology (hold for UWUCC approval of program revision) (10-4-01). Approved changes to Liberal Studies component of Bachelor of Arts -Applied Anthropology Track (hold for UWUCC approval of program revision) (10-4-01) 01-12b COSC 220 Applied Computer Programming, course revision. Provisionally approved with the following changes recommended: (1) correct the format for catalog description; (2) show hours for exams in the course outline. D. 01-12d. COSC 319 Software Engineering Concepts, course revision. Approved on a Carranza/Goldberg motion with the following recommended changes: (1) check format for lecture/lab/credit hours; delete W after course number; (2) check total number of hours in course outline and include location of exam hours; (3) clarify boundaries for grade scale. E. 01-12 B.A. Computer Science; B.S. Computer Science Applied Computer Science track; B.S. Computer Science Languages and System track; Minor, Computer Science, program revisions. On a Putirka/ Carranza motion, the catalog description was approved; on a Putirka/Goldberg motion, the B.A. Computer Science program was approved. The meeting was adjourned before further discussion could be completed on this proposal. There was considerable discussion about a number of items in the draft version of the handbook. Dialogue was focused on a) the Curriculum Proposal Cover Sheet (89) and the Sample Syllabus (91ff). Additions and corrections were noted in each case. Meeting adjourned at 5.00 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Christopher Orchard Secretary  Following a motion made by Carranza, it was agreed that action would be interpreted as an acceptance of the Liberal Studies report with the understanding that a running total of all changes that were to be held for UWUCC approval would be recorded as a footnote as this location in the minutes report. Bachelor of Arts General Track in Anthropology held for UWUCC approval of program revision) (10-4-01). Bachelor of Arts -Applied Anthropology Track- held for UWUCC approval of program revision) (10-4-01) S  j0JUj0JCJUCJ 5CJ\;TU}jkYxy,h^h & F & F & F`^$a$,          & F^FG & F / =!"#$%  !"#$  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-usOh+'0(@  i0@0 Normal_HmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph Font.@. Footnote Text8&@8 Footnote ReferenceH*    ";TU}jkYxy,      F G    00000       00@0@@ @ @  , X`    1 9  5@ ^c   z  33333333 Chris Orchard#C:\My Documents\Minutes (Oct 9).doc Chris Orchard8C:\windows\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Minutes (Oct 9).asd Chris Orchard8C:\windows\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Minutes (Oct 9).asdmmccarty1O:\Grad - UWUCC\UWUCC\2001-2002\Minutes Oct 9.docO -D moM '`  ` p hh^h`o(.hh^h`o(.hh^h`o(.hh^h`o(.0^`0o(.hh^h`o(.O'`p `moM-D   @ %  `@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial"qhJ[ZJ[Z "204 2Minutes Chris Orchardmmccarty