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III.B. УmarineФ should be capitalised; III.C. Уcommunication mediaФ should be capitalized; III.E УPunsutawneyФ replaces misspelling. Footnote 1.C should be cut. IV. M. Course should read as COMM 445, not COMM 145. III Co-ChairТs Report EckТs reply: did consult with Butler/Winstead concerning Marine Science Consortium. Reminder that there should be a curriculum change in catalog descriptions for those programs that mention the Consortium to indicate that they are no longer members of the Consortium Discussion concerning whether the Biology department wants their cell and molecular track proposal to be a track within the B.S. program or a degree. Issue also focused on its impact on the Physics department. Reminder about upcoming elections for serving on the committee. Next UWUCC meeting scheduled for 3/12. IV Items for Review/Possible Action Honors College Committee Report No Report Liberal Studies Committee Report For information: Approved LBST 499 Advocacy or Prejudice? Disabilities in Film and Media, Dr. Joe Nolan 01-54 XXXX 483 Honors Thesis, new course. Dr. Cashdollar attended to discuss this proposal and ask for an agreement in principle to this generic thesis proposal that will be sent onto Senate with the understanding that departments will submit specific proposals later. It was observed that the Theatre department already has a 483 course; it was suggested that an УHФ designation may help to distinguish the two numbers. Proposal was put on hold for further discussion although the principles of the proposal were provisionally approved on a Klingaman/Stephenson motion, Sechrist abstaining. 01-28a B.A. in Anthropology, General Track, course revision. Provisionally approved on a Sadler/Staszkiewicz motion with following recommendations: why is MATH 217 required when it is actually specified as the course to be taken as the Mathematics requirement for Liberal studies?; need to include an old catalog description; clean up various format issues. 01-28b B.A. in Anthropology, Applied Anthropology Track, course revision. Provisionally approved on a Klingaman/Numan motion with the following observations: should MATH 217 be designated as УrequiredФ here also?; clean up format issues; given so many electives, it was suggested that a footnote might be added reminding students that high level electives must be taken as a percentage of the degree. 01-28d ANTH 430 Anthropology of Food, new course. With following observations: a prerequisite line is not needed; clean up format issues, old catalog description is needed; in the course objectives section, #4 should change УToФ to УTheФ, and produce alternative verbs to Уto gain.Ф Approved on a Sadler/Staszkiewicz motion. 01-44 Minor in Mathematics, program revision. Approval on a Peterson/Mohamed motion. Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Christopher Orchard Secretary  A. Bachelor of Arts Ц General Track in Anthropology Ц held for UWUCC approval of program revision (10/4/01) Bachelor of Arts Ц Applied Anthropology Track Ц held for UWUCC approval of program revision (10/4/01) ANTH 430: Anthropology of Food Ц held for UWUCC approval of program revision (2/5/02) Z [ <°° j0JU;MNwx╓  {|й1NДЕЫЬёй···°°°Єь°ц°╪╪╥╪╪°°°─╢  ╞8Д╨ДШ■^Д╨`ДШ■ & F ╞h8Д╨^Д╨Д8^Д8 & F ╞h8Д╨^Д╨ ╞Д╨`Д╨Д╨^Д╨$a$;■■йк}~чшщ  . 9 : \ m ─ ┼ Ё   } ёуёусссс╙═╟╙╜╜╟пе╟п Д8Д^Д8`Д & F ╞h╨Д╨^Д╨ ╞8Д8^Д8Дh^Дh ╞8 & F ╞h8Д╨^Д╨ & F ╞h8Д╨^Д╨ ╞8Д╨ДШ■^Д╨`ДШ■} ~ WXп▒▓│╙╘юя~ф:;<∙ы∙ы∙ыщщщщщщщщщщщчттщщ & F & F ╞h╨Д╨^Д╨Дh^Дh░╨/ ░р=!░"░#Ра$Ра%░■   ■    ■    !"#$%■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ■       └F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8Ї9▓q■  ц]╤О8└O╣8m0ША08А@HД░ DAV:getcontentlanguageen-us■ рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0▄Р<ШTд░Ш ─╨ i0@ё 0 Normal_HmH sH tH <A@Є б< Default Paragraph Font.@Є. 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