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III Co-ChairТs Report A. Report on Senate action Reminder that members should ensure that courses should be assigned to correct department/college. Gave the example of an English faculty member proposing a Pan-African course to be added to its minor. It should be listed under the College of Humanities and Social Sciences rather than the English department. IV Items for Review/Possible Action Honors College Committee Report No Report Liberal Studies Committee Report For action: HIST 206 History of East Asia approved for non-Western and Liberal Studies Elective Categories HIST 332 History of Early China approved for the Liberal Studies Elective category HIST 334 History of Modern China approved for Liberal Studies Elective and Non-Western Culture categories HIST 337 History of Modern Japan approved for Liberal Studies Elective and Non-Western Culture categories BIOL 113 Genetics in Modern Society approved for Non-Lab Science category LAS 480 Latin American Studies Seminar approved for Liberal Studies Elective category and Non-Western Culture category For information: SAFE 493 Internship approved as a Type II department writing-intensive course 01-38a SAFE 420 Law & Ethics in the Safety Profession, new course. Recommendations: a) there should not be an У&Ф in title; b) correct the sequence of lecture/credit/lab hours; c) start the course description with verb only: i.e. Уdesigned to provide.Ф Provisional approval on a Mohamed/Staszkiewicz motion. 01-38c SAFE 443 Construction Safety, new course. Recommendations: a) start course description with verb; b) note: as this course will be offered as a distance education course, proposer should provide a module and a distance education cover sheet signed by department. Provisionally approved on a Sadler/ Peterson motion. 01-40l HIST 204 International Relations, course deletion and 01-41f HIST 323 Modern France, course deletion. Deleting old numbers. Approved on a Villalobos Echeverria/Stephenson motion 01-26 PSYC 421 Psychology of Work, course revision. Recommendations: a) review the proposed catalog description that differs from the proposed course description; b) make significant changes to the language contained in the course description and course objectives. Returned. 01-65 CRIM 210 Criminal Law, distance education. Approved on a Sadler/Staszkiewicz motion. 01-66 CRIM 481 Terrorism, distance education. Recommendations: a) there should be a prerequisite, department consent, or permission of instructor; b) the syllabus should be more explicit for students; c) there should be a clear demonstration of how the delivery of this course will occur. Should Wilber and his techniques be mentioned in the course description when he is just one of ten topics mentioned in the course objectives. Returned. Meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Christopher Orchard Secretary  A. Bachelor of Arts Ц General Track in Anthropology Ц held for UWUCC approval of program revision (10/4/01) Bachelor of Arts Ц Applied Anthropology Track Ц held for UWUCC approval of program revision (10/4/01) ANTH 430: Anthropology of Food Ц held for UWUCC approval of program revision (2/5/02) qrшщ°° j0JU;JKuv rsУФлм╟■ %&F···°Є°ьц°Є°╪°Є°╥╪°°Є°─ & F ╞h╨Д╨^Д╨Дh`Дh & F ╞h╨Д╨^Д╨Д╨`Д╨Д╨^Д╨ ╞h$a$ш■■FPQsА▀2Ь P ╟ ╚ ┘ ┌ ( ) ] ^ в г \ ] qr∙єу∙є∙∙∙с∙∙є∙∙∙є╙╤╙є╙є╙є & F ╞h╨Д╨^Д╨ & F ╞ h╨8Д╨^Д╨Дh^ДhД╨^Д╨r╬╧ИЙКкл┼╞█хцчшV╝ёыёщщщщщщщщщщщчттщщ & FДh^Дh & F ╞h╨Д╨^Д╨░╨/ ░р=!░"░#Ра$Ра%░■   ■    ■    !"#$%■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ■       └F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8Ї9▓q■  ц]╤О8└O╣8m0ША08А@HД░ DAV:getcontentlanguageen-us■ рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0▄Р<ШTд░Ш ─╨ i0@ё 0 Normal_HmH sH tH <A@Є б< Default Paragraph Font.@Є. 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