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Present: Bowers, Numan, Orchard, Peterson, Sadler, Sechrist, Sullivan, Villalobos Echeverria Excused: Carranza, Stephenson, Staszkiewicz Absent: Mohamed Minutes from March 19, 2002 meeting approved with the following changes: Under Co-ChairТs report: III.A. capitialize УPhysicalФ; III.B. Remove the word УtheФ from the speech marks and replace the phrase Уnumbers ofФ with Уnumbered.Ф IV.H. misspelling: replace УhourseФ with УcourseФ; IV.I. delete Уprovide attendance policyФ at the end of the sentence; IV.J. misspelling: change УlangaugeФ to Уlanguage.Ф III Co-ChairТs Report None IV Items for possible review/action Honors College Committee Report For information: HRNC 499 Social Darwinism, Dr. Stephen Sanderson, Sociology, approved for Honors credit HRNC 499 New Orleans, Dr. Lorraine Wilson, Music, approved for Honors credit. Liberal Studies Report  For Action: B.S. in Marketing. Approved Liberal Studies component of program revision B.S. in Education Ц Biology. Approved Liberal studies component of new program. 01-26 Psychology of Work. Tabled until next meeting. 01-18 BIOL 151 Human Physiology, course revision. Provisionally approved on a Klingaman/Numan motion with Peterson abstaining. The following recommendations were made: remove the colon in the title; correct the format for the credit hours sequence; remove two of the BIOL prefixes in the prerequisite line. It was suggested that the proposer offers certain sections of this course only to majors and certain sections only to non-majors. 01-40d HIST 204 United States History to 1877, new course and 01-40e HIST 205 United States History since 1877, new course. Both were provisionally approved with Sechrist abstaining on an Orchard/Peterson motion with the following recommendations: change credit hours sequence; prefix should read as Уhistory major, or history pre-law major, or social science education majors.Ф This change should also occur in Section A1; create a stem for the objectives; remove the word УbasicФ from objective #2; delete objective #4; explain what Уregular attendanceФ means; section A2 should also request a letter from the Economics department supporting the replacement of HIST 203 with HIST 204 and 205; B2 should read as requiring У Geography education majors to take HIST 203.Ф In a specific recommendation addressed to proposal HIST 205, it should be noted that their catalog description is a duplication of HIST 204 and should be changed to reflect its specific course content. 01-40f HIST 206 History of East Asia, number change (was HIST 335). Returned with the following recommendations: capitalize prefix; provide correct format for credit hours; create a stem for objectives; provide evaluation method grade that adds up to 100%; provide a bibliography; provide a grade scale 01-46 BIOL 455 Animal Behavior, new course. Tabled until next meeting. 01-48 NURS 143 Healthy People, new course. After a lengthy conversation with representatives from the Physical Education and Nursing Departments respectively, the proposal was returned with the following recommendations: a) provide specific information about the fitness component of the proposed course; b) indicate what distinguishes this course from other 143 offerings, specifically indicating the Nursing expertise; c) provide documentation from other universities in which Nursing departments teach such courses. The committee intends to review HPED 143 and FDNT 143 syllabi for comparison with this NURS 143 proposal. Meeting adjourned at 5.15 PM. Respectfully submitted by Christopher Orchard Secretary  HIST 206 History of East Asia, HIST 332 History of Early China, HIST 334 History of Modern China, HIST 337, History of Modern Japan, held for UWUCC approval of program revision (3/7/02) д╖┴с╓╫║U ^ 5ОПРСТMOP¤∙¤∙¤Ё¤ю¤¤ч¤¤ j0JU6Бj0JCJU>*CJCJ+CDlm╩ЎQRЄЮЯ╢╖╝╜туo···°°ЄЄЄЄ°э°шш°°°°°°°▀┘┘┘Дь^Дь & F ╞╨ & F & FД╨^Д╨$a$РO■■op╛┐╪┘хц01ВГ╣║s t EFuv╜╛1∙∙ўЄўшттттў▌ў╪╬╪─╪╬╪╬╪ Д╨Д^Д╨`Д ДД^Д`Д & F & FДа^Да ДД╨^Д`Д╨ & FДь^Дь1345STopДОПРNOPїєєєєєєєєєєёєє Д╨Д^Д╨`Д░╨/ ░р=!░"░#Ра$Ра%░■   ■    ■    !"#$■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ■       └F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8Ї9▓q■  ц]╤О8└O╣8m0ША08А@HД░ DAV:getcontentlanguageen-us■ рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0╚И(Р@ЬиД ╝╚ i0@ё 0 Normal_HmH sH tH <A@Є б< Default Paragraph Fontte@Єt HTML Preformatted7 ╞2Ф(╝ Pфx а4 ╚#\'Ё*Д.2м5@9tH u@C@ Body Text Indent Да^ДаCJ.@. 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