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Present: Carranza, Creany, Echeverria, Goldberg, Klingaman, Mohamed, Numan, Orchard, Putirka, Sadler, Sechrist, Staszkiewicz, Stephenson Absent: Beasecker, Norris, Peterson II Minutes from September 18 meeting approved on a Sadler/Stephenson motion with the following changes: II.C. Change УandФ to Уan.Ф III.B. Change УSecondary Spanish EducationФ to УElementary Education with a Spanish concentration.Ф Delete the word УNoneФ before section IV. IV.C. Change СCourseФ to УCollegeФ and prefix УHSSФ to УHHSФ on both occasions. Change both occurrences of УChairФ to УCo-Chairs.Ф IV.D. Change УprerequisiteФ to УCourse.Ф III Co-ChairТs Report Further discussion of the HHS prefix. Decision taken to wait on approval of the HHS prefix. Discussed a meeting with Dr. Cashdollar who is assisting departments in setting up Honor tracks IV Items for Review/Possible Action Honors College Committee Report None Liberal Studies Report: For information: Dr. Anthony Joseph approved to teach LBST 499 Feeding the Hungry as requested by Dr. Van Dyke, the original proposer. UWUCC handbook There was considerable discussion about a number of items in the draft version of the handbook. Dialogue was focused on a) the Curriculum Proposal Cover Sheet (89) and the Sample Syllabus (91ff). Additions and corrections were noted in each case. Meeting adjourned at 5.00 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Christopher Orchard Secretary ┬║   ¤¤CJ;VW~+,ФХ▒?┬ыь`┴┬цч¤¤¤¤¤ўё¤¤¤уууу󤤤╒╒¤¤¤ & F ╞h╨Д╨^Д╨ & F ╞h╨Д╨^Д╨Д╨`Д╨Д╨^Д╨ ■ч  %;▒▓┴┬║ ╗ ╝ █ ▄ ў °   ёыыёщыщёщчщщщщщщщщщД╨^Д╨ & F ╞h╨Д╨^Д╨░╨/ ░р=!░"░#Ра$Ра%░■   ■    ■    !"#$%■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ■       └F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8Ї9▓q■  ц]╤О8└O╣8m0ША08А@HД░ DAV:getcontentlanguageen-us■ рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0▄Р<ШTд░Ш ─╨ i0@ё 0 Normal_HmH sH tH <A@Є б< Default Paragraph Font@C`Є@ Body Text Indent Д╨^Д╨CJ    ;VW~+,ФХ▒?┬ыь`┴┬цч  %;▒▓┴┬║╗╝█▄ў° Ш0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0АА ч   ЗПСЧЩгп╕├╚╙┌фью·}Ззп▓╖Wa№▓└33   Chris Orchard2C:\windows\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Document1.asd Chris Orchard$C:\My Documents\Minutes(Sept 25).doc Chris Orchard$C:\My Documents\Minutes(Sept 25).docmmccarty3O:\Grad - UWUCC\UWUCC\2001-2002\Minutes Sept 25.docЕO┼  !|NE░Dfж         л'`          x9a■┬У ╤╠p          L]Ot  ДhДШ■╞h^Дh`ДШ■o(.hДhДШ■╞h^Дh`ДШ■.РhД8ДШ■╞8^Д8`ДШ■.ТhДДL ╞^Д`ДL .РhД╪ ДШ■╞╪ ^Д╪ `ДШ■.РhДи ДШ■╞и ^Ди `ДШ■.ТhДxДL ╞x^Дx`ДL .РhДHДШ■╞H^ДH`ДШ■.РhДДШ■╞^Д`ДШ■.ТhДшДL ╞ш^Дш`ДL .ДhДШ■╞h^Дh`ДШ■o(.Д╨Д0¤╞╨^Д╨`Д0¤o(.ДhДШ■╞h^Дh`ДШ■o(.ДhДШ■╞h^Дh`ДШ■o(.x9aЕO┼L]Otл'`╤╠p!|NE                                      @А▓▓H_▓▓P@  Unknown            GРЗz А Times New Roman5РАSymbol3&Р Зz А Arial"qИЁ╨hA█YЖW█YЖM█YЖс ┴"Ёе└┤┤А20*┴2ГQЁ▀  Minutes Chris Orchardmmccarty