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A. Format correction to example: УMathematics: 3sh; Liberal Studies Electives: 9sh; no courses with HIST prefix; Free Electives: enough credits beyond those listed above to total 120 credits.Ф A new sentence was added: УThe Liberal Studies # will be the minimum # based on that major rather than based on a range.Ф Co-ChairТs report Passed out of procedures, based on Geography tracks, for those departments that are changing only free electives. Discussion followed where it was agreed that: a) the top line showing total credits would need to be displayed; b) that the total number of liberal studies credits would need to be shown, demonstrating a minimum rather than a range; c) where specific Math courses were indicated as part of the Liberal Studies requirement, there would be no need to indicate the credits. There was much discussion about the language requirement and how that would be reflected. Liberal Studies Committee Report For Information: Ms. Stephanie Caulder, Music Department, one-time approval for Spring 2003 to teach MUHI 301 as writing intensive (presently a Type III course) CRIM 400 Theoretical Criminology approved as a type II department writing course For Action: ENGL 396 The Literature of Emerging Nations approved for LS Elective and Non-Western designation Approved revisions for the following LS Electives: PHIL 321 Symbolic Logic II (catalog description) PHIL 324 Ancient philosophy (title and catalog description) PHIL 325 Modern Philosophy (title and catalog description) PHIL 410 Contemporary Analytical Philosophy (catalog description) PHIL 420 Metaphysics (catalog description) PHIL 421 Theory of Knowledge (catalog description) NB. These revisions have already been approved by UWUCC. 02-34a LRNG 070 Reading Skills for College Study, course prefix change (was LRNC 070) 02-34b LRNG 075 Reading and Study Skills Applications, course prefix change (was LRNC) 02-34c LRNG 090 Introduction to College Math I, course prefix change (was LRNC) 02-34d LRNG 095 Introduction to College Math II, course prefix change (was LRNC) 02-34e LRNG 150 Introduction to Higher Education, course title, catalog description change & course prefix change (was LRNC 150 Educational Planning) 02-34f LRNG 160 Learning Strategies, catalog description change, course prefix change (was LRNC) 02-34g LRNG 170 Career Exploration, catalog description change, course prefix change (was LRNC) 02-34h LRNG 201 Vocabulary Expansion, catalog description change, course prefix change (was LRNC) These proposals are for information only. 02-35 FDED 102 American Education in Theory & Practice, remove from Teaching Education core program. Approved on a Hemby/ Diaz-Martin motion, Sechrist abstaining. Meeting adjourned at 4.30 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Christopher Orchard Secretary ; ` xФ  T[\] )┴·Ї·Ї·Ї·Ї·Ї·Ї· hS нCJ h╟ yCJ ;MNOuv√ ! 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