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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,l(  +   For the Sept Title (0<|     EktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonoml(  +   For the Sept Title`PXd p x   XEktContentID64EktCyenabledEktShowEvents E &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17827e@`u@pGBߑQ&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes of November 25, 2003&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&#160;&lt;/p&gt; %`  bjbjٕ 10, , , , , , , @ dddd p,@ +,v+x+x+x+x+x+x+$#-h/l+, 222+, , +DDD2^, , v+D2v+DD)|, , N+T @td.v*v++0+*/|/$N+/, N+(ihDT% ++: +2222@ @ @ $ d@ @ @ d@ @ @ , , , , , ,   Minutes University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, November 25, 2003 16A Leonard Hall Call to Order: 3:25 PM Present: Carranza, Martin, Matsubara, Orife, Peterson, Sadler, Scandrett, Sechrist, Staszkiewicz, Soule Excused: Numan Absent: Hoffsommer II. Approval of Minutes from November 18 Curriculum Committee Meeting On an Orife/Soule motion, the minutes of November 25, 2003 were approved as submitted. Co-Chairs Report Sechrist indicated that the Registrar, Rich Distanislao, contacted her about the status of programs in pre-moratorium stage. Specifically, he asked about the Social Science Education/Sociology and Anthropology tracks. Sechrist indicated that this may take a meeting with the department chairs, Dean Butzow and the coordinator of Social Studies Education to resolve this issue. Sechrist and Sadler reported that they investigated the Roberts Rules of Order issues with regard to the report from the Liberal Studies Committee. At an earlier meeting there was discussion over whether action items or information items from the Liberal Studies Committee required approval by the UWUCC and/or the Senate. It was determined that the UWUCC simply has to accept the report of the Liberal Studies Committee. The UWUCC would then take Liberal Studies actions forward to the Senate for information or approval as appropriate. Honors College Committee No report V. Liberal Studies report For information: Approved Jennifer Gossett, Criminology, for Type I writing status For action: Approved SOC 269 Sociology of Deviance for Liberal Studies Elective category The Liberal Studies report was accepted on a Martin/Scandrett motion. VI. 03-26 COMM 405 Process of Digital Game Development, new course A question was asked whether this course was tied to the specific instructor; Sechrist will ask the department chairperson. The UWUCC recommended that the attendance policy be written to be more generic and that the catalog description be edited to begin with the word Examines. The course was given provisional approval on a Sadler/Peterson motion with one abstention. 03-27 BTST 105 Introduction to Business, course revision and number/catalog description change (was BTST 101) The UWUCC identified the following concerns: The course objectives are too detailed and appear to be daily lecture objectives rather than course objectives. The objectives need to be rewritten at a more global level. The number of lecture hours does not add to 42 and the final exam is given only a single hour rather than a two-hour block. It appears that the final exam was placed in the final hour of class time rather than being given a separate time slot during final exam week. The UWUCC questioned whether this course, an Introduction to Business, should not have a college-wide prefix. What will happen if another department in the College wanted to teach an Introduction to Business course? There are a few typographical errors in the course evaluation section and in the attendance policy section. Is the attendance policy stated correctly? Will attendance for this course be required for every instructor or will the instructor have the option to establish his/her own attendance policy. The UWUCC does not object to course-specific attendance policies, but it wants to be sure that the Department is aware of the implications of doing so. The UWUCC asked whether this course was open to only majors in the department, all College of Business majors, or all Ģtv students. No action was taken to approve this course pending receipt of answers to these questions. VIII. 03-21 a/b GEOG/RGPL 345 Biogeography for Environmental Managers, new courses While this was presented as two separate proposals, the courses are cross-listed and are identical with the exception of the department prefix. The UWUCC identified the following minor points to be corrected: The use of MIDTERM on the syllabus should be Mid Term Examination and should be indented to be consistent with the rest of that item. The first letter of each objective should be capitalized The Roman Numeral and Heading needs to be inserted for the Attendance Policy and the standard language regarding attendance should be used for this section The Syllabus needs to add item I, Final Examination The bibliography may need to be updated, the most recent reference appears to be 1999. On the first page, it should read: 0l (L) not 01 (one) for the credits Merge the two proposals by placing the RGPL version of the catalog description under the GEOG version and change the cover sheet and docket. The course was given provisional approval on a Martin/Orife motion with Sechrist abstaining. IX. ARHI 100 Arts of the 20th Century, course revision, prerequisite and catalog description change The UWUCC identified the following minor points to be corrected: The course outline needs to be checked to verify that there are 42 hours plus the final examination slot. The rationale for change needs to include a rationale for the pre-requisite change The word Sample should be removed from the heading for the bibliography There is a change from the current catalog regarding the workload for this course. The current catalog identifies this course as being taught in a lab format. The proposal indicates that this course is to be taught in lecture format. If there is a change here, it needs to be reflected in the rationale section and appropriate resource issues must be addressed. The course received provisional approval on a Martin/Scandrett motion with Matsubara abstaining. X. LIBR 251 Information Access in the Digital Age, new course Only two minor editorial corrections were noted. First, the first word in each course objective should be capitalized. Secondly, the course description appears to have utilized two different fonts and should be consistent with the rest of the proposal. The UWUCC commended the department for a well-written proposal. The course passed on a Martin/Scandrett motion. XI. Adjourned at 4:50 PM Respectfully submitted, Mark J. 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